The strongest player in history

Chapter 2727 Fierce battle against the Night King

The Frost Dragon is extremely difficult to deal with, its power of ice is terrifying.Moreover, it is extremely powerful, and its dragon scales are hard.When necessary, it can also create a layer of frost armor on the body, which is simply impenetrable.

However, it was such a ferocious giant dragon, but Chen Yang found its weakness, and almost completely killed the frost giant dragon in just one face-to-face encounter.

Seeing this, the Night King couldn't help being furious.

If Chen Yang wanted to fly up, if he could give Chen Yang a chance, he would just smash the air with his palm and smash Chen Yang's flying dragon into pieces.

At this time, Chen Yang was in the air, which was very unfavorable to him.

Below him is the abyss.

Chen Yang simply stopped fighting with the Night King, and fell down the abyss. When he fell to a place of about 30 meters, he sacrificed the flying dragon again and stood firmly.

"Roar!" The Night King roared.It was an instinctive reaction for him not to let Chen Yang go up just now, but now he couldn't help but want to kill Chen Yang again.Seeing him jumping up, he also jumped into the abyss.

At the same time he jumped in, a dark dragon appeared below.

He stood on the body of the dark dragon, pinched the magic seal in his hand, and immediately, Chen Yang's flying dragon was corroded by the spirit of death.

Chen Yang sneered, and immediately mobilized the dark energy of the undead.

As a result, a dragon of darkness also formed under him.

The two stood facing each other again, the Night King didn't have any extra nonsense, he had a solemn appearance, and he was running an unparalleled dark dragon energy.

That dark abyss is like a dark ocean.

At this time, under the control of the Night King, nine evil dragons suddenly appeared around the dark abyss!

These nine evil dragons surrounded Chen Yang and bit them instantly.

Chen Yang immediately sacrificed the seven-colored dragon, and the seven-colored dragon fought with nine evil dragons.

But in this place, the many advantages of the colorful dragon could not be displayed, so soon, the colorful dragon was defeated by the evil dragon.Afterwards, the nine evil dragons came to bite Chen Yang again...

Chen Yang noticed that the energy in the bodies of the nine evil dragons was endless, and the dark abyss was their nutrient.

Fighting here is like fighting in the cave of a master of the cave fairyland.

In the midst of the crisis, Chen Yang suddenly made a bold move.He closed his eyes and concentrated!

At that moment, the nine evil dragons in his mind were nine ferocious auras of darkness and death...

Then, he circulated the air of dark necromancy to protect his whole body.

The dark necromantic energy was transported by him with the power of Tai Chi, and it was constantly transported, forming a dark Tai Chi vortex in an instant.

The nine-headed dragon charged fiercely, but it couldn't get close to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's strength was rapidly depleting. Although he temporarily resisted the attack of the nine evil dragons, it would undoubtedly be a dead end if he continued like this.

"How can we break the situation?"

Chen Yang was dissatisfied. Could it be that his so much experience and wisdom are completely useless today?

"Tai Chi, take advantage of the trend! Understand the essence of the spirit of the dead, and transform into the spirit of the dead! Floods are terrible, but what if I also become water?"

Chen Yang was forced out of his quick wits, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Following his body shape, he controlled the attack of the nine-headed dragon with great strength, and then took advantage of the trend...

It also means four or two to pull a thousand catties!

The nine-headed dragons all rushed towards the Night King.

The Night King just sneered, and pushed again.The nine-headed dragon immediately turned around and wound around Chen Yang again.Chen Yang got a momentary gap, and immediately ran towards the depths of the dark abyss. At the same time, he emptied his body and mind, completely matching his breathing with the spirit of the dead.

He is proficient in the mysteries of the universe, and he also uses the mysteries of the universe to understand the breath of necromancy.

Soon, his frequency was the same as that of the Necromancer's Qi.

Ye Wang suddenly lost track of Chen Yang.

Although Chen Yang still has other dragon energy in his body, they have been hidden by him with the spirit of death.

Even the Night King couldn't find Chen Yang's trace due to the air of death all over the sky.

Even the Night King wouldn't know how to hide this way.

Chen Yang once used the mysteries of the universe to hide in space with soul crystals. It was an extremely mysterious method of hiding, and many experts were helpless.Night King was far behind those masters that Chen Yang had encountered, so Night King couldn't find Chen Yang at this time.

The Night King searched everywhere, but there was no trace of Chen Yang.

The Night King was not in a hurry, he just sneered and said, "You can hide if you want. Anyway, it's your sister who can't hold on. If you don't come out, then this king will leave."

After he finished speaking, he flew over the dark abyss.

However, just when the Night King was about to leave the dark abyss, a dragon suddenly attacked and killed him in the sky above him.

"Overestimate your own strength!" The Night King was on high alert, and chopped the dragon into pieces with just one palm.

At the same time, the Night King sensed where Chen Yang was, right behind him.He turned sharply and grabbed Chen Yang's throat with the force of death.

But this choke made the Night King feel bad.

Because he knew that what he was strangling was an illusory dark creature.Chen Yang used the power of the dark necromancer to form a fake Chen Yang.

Who says it has to be a dragon?

The Night King's first strike was a miss.

The second hit, another hit was empty!

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly put a palm on Ye Wang's waist silently, and at the same time, the thunder dragon energy in his body was completely released.

The Night King's body shook violently. At this moment, his soul trembled, and the power in his body was disordered and boundless.

In a rage, he slapped Chen Yang fiercely and killed him.

This palm came so fast!

Chen Yang had been prepared for a long time and retreated quickly, but he retreated a little too late.He also took a palm...

This palm made Chen Yang's throat sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

He felt as if his internal organs had been displaced.

Meanwhile, the Night King simply fled the scene.

Obviously, the Night King was injured a lot.Chen Yang wanted to chase after him, but he could not catch up with the Night King because there were stars flying around in front of him.

Chen Yang tried his best to drive the dark dragon to fly away from the dark abyss and onto the dangerous peak.

Chen Yang wounded the Night King all by tricks.

His first and second blows made a lot of momentum, and the third blow was like bullying a blind man... If it was a heavy attack, even a blind master could respond in time.

But Chen Yang was like the kind who tiptoed and stabbed a blind man with a dagger, and the blind man was naturally caught off guard.

After Chen Yang landed, he gasped heavily.

No matter what, this trip was not in vain. After all, he killed the Frost Dragon and seriously injured the Night King again.

After the Night King was injured, Hei Yi Suzhen would feel much better.

Chen Yang quickly returned with his injuries and joined the crowd.

After he joined the crowd, he immediately asked Hei Yi Suzhen, "How do you feel?"

Everyone looked at Chen Yang with concern, and they all saw that Chen Yang was injured.

Hei Yi Suzhen frowned slightly, and said, "How are you?"

Chen Yang immediately smiled heartily, and said: "I'm fine, I killed the Frost Dragon, and the Night King was seriously injured by me. It's just that I was also injured a little bit, so I can just rest for a while. How do you Sample?"

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