The strongest player in history

Chapter 2712 Thunder Vortex

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he shot directly.He didn't bother to pay attention to the rest of the people... He was only expressing his own ideas right now.

Among the six Western masters, there is also a woman.The woman is a white man with blue eyes and blond hair, only 24 or [-] years old, holding a triangular sword in her hand.

She cultivated the Qi of the Heavenly Dragon, and she was also at the ninth level of the Divine Dragon.

But right now, this woman seems to have consumed too much dragon energy, and it is difficult to continue.

These six Western masters faced more than [-] undead monsters, and each of them would be besieged by five undead monsters. Life was indeed worse than death.In the blink of an eye, another Western expert was killed.

The woman was broken through by several undead monsters, and she was about to die under the hands of the undead monsters.

At this moment, Chen Yang flashed in front of the woman.

Xiaoyao Wang and others were about to leave, but when they saw Chen Yang making a move, they couldn't help but stop and looked at Chen Yang.

Ye Chaoning took a deep breath and followed Chen Yang's footsteps.

Chen Yang stopped in front of the white woman, and immediately, two undead monsters attacked fiercely in front of him.They are extremely powerful, and the four claws slashed fiercely like a sky-splitting sword.

The claw wind is fierce!

Chen Yang directly displayed the aura of the ice dragon, and an ice wall quickly appeared in front of him.

This is Chen Yang wanting to measure how strong the Necromancer is.

First measure their strength, and then study the hardness of their skin.


The ice wall in front of Chen Yang was hit by a monster, and cracks appeared instantly.Their attack speed was extremely fast, and they continued to attack and kill.The ice wall shattered directly!

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning.

"What a powerful force. Although they don't have much intelligence, they are too fast, too powerful, and too numerous, so they are extremely difficult to deal with."

Chen Yang knew it well.

There were several undead monsters around, violently tearing and beheading.Chen Yang condensed the essence of the fire dragon in his hands.The essence of the fire dragon formed a fire dragon sword.

"Go!" Chen Yang concentrated, and for a moment, his surroundings seemed to become a sea of ​​fire dragons.

That Fire Dragon Excalibur kills with lightning!

The temperature of the Fire Dragon Excalibur is extremely high, once it gets on the heads of those monsters, it burns their heads into ashes.

The monster's head was originally extremely strong, but it was unable to resist the power of this flame spirit.

Everyone was under siege, suffering unspeakably.

But as soon as Chen Yang's Excalibur came out, the Fire Dragon Excalibur seemed to have eyes, and it was like a missile that automatically tracked heat conductors. In the blink of an eye, the heads of all the undead monsters were burned to ashes by the Fire Dragon Excalibur.

This shot was done in one go.

Chen Yang opened his mouth again, and inhaled the Fire Dragon Excalibur into his belly.

Although those undead monsters lost their heads, their bodies did not fall down immediately.It's just that their attacks had no target, and after struggling a few more times, they all fell to the ground and twitched.

Those Western masters, Xiaoyao Wang and others were stunned again.

Never expected Chen Yang to be so vigorous.

"Thank you!" The Caucasian woman narrowly escaped death, and then realized it, and quickly thanked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter."

Ye Chaoning also came to Chen Yang's side, she was completely convinced by Chen Yang.

Western masters suffered heavy losses, and there was sadness in their eyes.Even so, the leader brought everyone over to express his thanks.

As for Xiaoyao Wang and the others recovered from the shock, Xiaoyao Wang turned around and left without saying a word.

The rest of the people hesitated for a moment, then followed the pace of King Xiaoyao.

Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning saw them leave from the corner of their eyes, and Chen Yang didn't bother to say anything.He knew that even though he was brave and unparalleled just now, Xiaoyao Wang and the others felt ashamed to some extent.

It doesn't matter, I'm not very familiar with it!

Chen Yang became acquainted with those western masters, and there was no problem at all in communicating in English.

Among these Western masters, the leader is called Charles.These people belong to the Auspicious Kingdom, and Char is a folk master. This time he led the team here for the spirit of Shenlong.The white woman's name is Lauders.

Regarding the Shenlong Spirit, everyone seems to not know too many specific things.They all came here following what others said.

But maybe the other party knows it, but they don't want to say it.

Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning didn't care about this.

After that, the group continued on.

The further you go, the more humans you will meet along the way.Western, Eastern...

Some people are willing to be together, and some people are not willing to be together.

Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning are indifferent.

After a while, suddenly, the roar sounded again.It's a roar from the east...

Very familiar, the previous Necromancer made this sound.

At the same time, human screams were mixed in.

Charle and the others immediately showed fear in their eyes.When they first set off to the Arctic Ocean, they were full of confidence.The dozen or so of them are all masters of the ninth rank of Shenlong.In the secular world, they are all first-class masters.Char and the others even felt that they could break their wrists with the Dark King.

However, all their courage was lost when they faced those undead monsters.

"We still don't want to go, the most important thing is to find the dragon spirit." Char said first.

The rest are of the same opinion.In this case, everyone seems to be willing to choose wise and safe.

Of course, it is also not capable enough.

Chen Yang felt that if he was not capable enough, he probably wouldn't want to meddle in such nosy matters.

"I want to take a look." Chen Yang glanced at Charle and the others, smiled slightly, and said.

Lauders was quite interesting, she immediately said: "Mr. Chen, I will go with you."

Chen Yang originally wanted to say no, but on second thought, he was unwilling to refuse such a precious kindness.He nodded immediately and said, "Let's go!"

Nachar and the others immediately hesitated.They felt that it was safe to be with Chen Yang, but they were not safe in the past.

Chen Yang ignored them, and quickly led Ye Chaoning and Lauders towards the east.

Nachar and the others gritted their teeth, and finally followed.

When Chen Yang and others came to a street to the east, they saw dense and terrifying scenes.About two or three hundred undead monsters appeared and were attacking and besieging humans.

Dozens of humans have died in the field.

There are still more than [-] human beings who are still fighting. Looking at it like this, they will soon be submerged in the sea of ​​undead monsters.

You know, the humans who come here are all elites.

This time, it can be regarded as a tragic loss for the entire human world.

At a glance, Chen Yang saw Xiaoyao Wang, Hu Changyun, Guan Jun, Miao Renhong, and Yu Luocha among them.

The Xiaoyao King is very fierce. He directly rides a flying dragon in the sky, and kills those undead monsters with the aura of a fire dragon.He was quite interesting, and he didn't leave those companions alone.

Yu Luosha cultivated the energy of the ice dragon, and she couldn't fly at all, so she was in a panic at the moment.That necromancer was too strong, and her ice dragon spirit had a hard time dealing with it.

Chen Yang felt that there was a dark power in these undead monsters.

It is quite difficult to deal with it with dark dragon energy.

He was still thinking about how to save him, but a group of undead monsters had already noticed the existence of Chen Yang.As a result, a dense group of undead monsters charged forward.Their speed is as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, they have a stench and a terrifying death breath...

Ye Chaoning and Lauders couldn't help but turn pale.

In front of so many undead monsters, they seemed to be defenseless.

Chen Yang stood in front of them.

Char and the others at the back originally wanted to help depending on the situation, but when they saw this situation, they immediately turned around and fled quickly.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and suddenly, he activated Thunder Dragon Qi!

The lightning particles surged wildly, and in an instant, a lightning vortex formed in front of him.

In that vortex, thunder and lightning flashed a terrifying blue light...

Those undead monsters rushed into the lightning vortex, and were instantly blown into ashes...

Enter one, die one.Get a pair, die a pair!

Those undead monsters were not afraid of death. In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang killed fifty or sixty undead monsters with the lightning vortex.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chaoning and Landais couldn't help being dumbfounded.Do you think Chen Yang is still human?

The Xiaoyao Wang and the others hadn't seen Chen Yang clearly, they only saw the lightning vortex appearing, killing this terrifying undead monster was as simple as killing a chicken.

Chen Yang's side gradually attracted more and more necromancers, and the necromancers charged wildly, and Chen Yang pushed forward layer by layer.Along the way, the undead monsters were wiped out, the faster they came, the faster they died.

Not even a dead body!

When he was approaching everyone, Chen Yang stopped the lightning power.

Because the power of thunder and lightning is too terrifying, they might kill them all.Chen Yang took a deep breath, and once again unleashed the Fire Dragon Sword!

Precision strike!

The Fire Dragon Excalibur shot at it with lightning, and immediately, a large number of necromancers died again.

After that, Chen Yang brought Lauderouse, and Ye Chaoning finally joined the crowd.

When Yu Luocha and the others saw Chen Yang approaching, it was as if they had seen a great savior.After Chen Yang joined the crowd, he quickly sacrificed the flying dragon.Everyone boarded the flying dragon directly, and the flying dragon flew up into the sky.

There are fifty or sixty undead monsters roaring and charging below!

Chen Yang's eyes were cold, attracting the thunder dragon energy to gather, and then, a gigantic thunder dragon appeared and charged downward.


After the dazzling white lightning below flickered, none of the undead monsters on the scene could stand up, and they all turned into ashes...

After that, Chen Yang brought everyone to the ground.

At this time, Chen Yang was still blushing and out of breath.

When everyone looked at Chen Yang again, it was as if they were gods.

When Yu Luocha remembered that she had offended Chen Yang before, she was really ashamed at the moment.

When King Xiaoyao looked at Chen Yang, he was also in awe.

Everyone narrowly escaped death, so they came to thank Chen Yang one after another, saying that in the future, as long as Chen Yang is useful, they will only rely on sending Yunyun.

Chen Yang took it seriously and didn't take it seriously.

After solving these undead monsters, although everyone regained their lives, the morale of the army has been slackened.It's just that when I arrived at this ghost place, I couldn't leave it if I wanted to.

There was only one way to go.

However, some of them were injured, and everyone's vitality was also greatly damaged.So someone suggested to find a place to rest first.

Chen Yang didn't want to rest, but he knew that he was now the backbone of these people.If you don't stay, then everyone will not dare to stay.

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