The strongest player in history

Chapter 2700 Killing a Genius

Musashi Ichiro's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said, "Really?"

Chen Yang smiled faintly, and said, "I traveled across the ocean and risked my life to come here, not to brag to you."

Musashi Ichiro fell into deep thought, and after a long while, he said: "I still don't understand, how did you break in here? You know, our gymnasium is extremely well guarded, and there is my master's aura, the dojo exists. No Maybe you have the ability to hide it from my master's eyes."

Chen Yang said: "Forget it, when Miyamoto Xuan went to kill me, he said a lot. Today, I will also clarify some doubts for you. Your gymnasium is indeed tightly guarded, but your gymnasium is hidden in the woods Among them. I came here through the woods, and at the same time as I came, I..."

While he was speaking, with the flick of his fingers, he shot out the dark dragon energy!

The dark dragon energy circled between his fingers, as if he had life.

"Dark Dragon Qi? You still know Dark Dragon Qi? Didn't it mean that what you know is Heavenly Dragon Qi?" Musashi Ichiro was shocked again.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I have solved your doubts for you."

Musashi Ichiro suddenly realized at this time.The person in front of him was walking in the dark, hiding in the woods, and using the dark dragon energy.Unless the King of Darkness came, it would be possible to discover his existence.

Musashi Ichiro took a deep breath and said, "You are really amazing!"

Chen Yang said: "I came here with sincerity, and please don't play any tricks with me. If you want me to die, you only need to yell. But that will cost your sister's life... Believe me, Even if the King of Darkness stands here today, he cannot save your sister."

When Chen Yang came, he deliberately investigated the relationship between Musashi Ichiro and Musashi Sakura.Knowing that the two brothers and sisters depend on each other for life, their relationship is very deep.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Yang dared to take risks.

"Sister Sakura!" Chen Yang suddenly smiled at Musashi Sakura again, and said, "Don't do anything stupid, I promise you will die here before you say anything. I'm a gentleman Before, your people ran to assassinate me. They killed all the servants in my house and those who protected me. Today, I didn’t kill an archipelago, which is my greatest kindness. You Do not betray my kindness."

Musashi Sakura's tender body trembled slightly, and tears glistened in her eyes.

After all, she is only 15 years old, how can she not be afraid at this time?

"Don't be afraid, with my brother here, nothing will happen." Musashi Ichiro comforted Musashi Sakura.Then, he said to Chen Yang: "Let's go, I'll drive you out. Let's find a secluded place and fight for life or death!"

Chen Yang got up and walked over.Musashi Ichiro was about to take Musashi Sakura out, at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly said: "Wait!"

The expressions of Musashi Ichiro and Musashi Sakura suddenly changed.Musashi Ichiro said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "Don't be nervous, I just want to remind you that you haven't brought your weapon yet. It would be unfair for you to fight me empty-handed!"

"You..." Musashi Ichiro was indeed too nervous about his sister, that's why he forgot to get his portable sword, the Chiyan Sword.

"Are you really so confident?" Musashi Ichiro clenched his fists.

Chen Yang shrugged and said, "I kindly remind you, it's like I have some kind of conspiracy by you."

As soon as Musashi Ichiro caught it in the air, he used the spirit of the flying dragon and grabbed the Chiyan sword in his hand.He was very sure that the Chiyan Sword hadn't been tampered with.

No one is capable of tampering with his sword without him noticing.

A group of people went out quickly and got into Musashi Ichiro's special car.After that, Ichiro Musashi will drive.

Chen Yang and Musashi Sakura sat in the back.He is very gentleman, he didn't do anything wrong with Musashi Sakura during the whole process, just like a modest gentleman.

Musashi Ichiro holds a very important position in the Lun Gym. If he wants to go out at night, no one will intervene or stop him.

Very smoothly, they left the gymnasium.

Ichiro Musashi drove to the top of the mountain on the other side.Here are mountains surrounded by the sea, and the sea breeze blows at night, filling the air with a salty and humid smell.

On the other side of the mountain, there are some couples enjoying the sea view and night view.They chose a secluded clearing.

"Sakura, don't run, if you run, your body will explode!" Chen Yang told Musashi Sakura patiently before starting the battle.His tone of voice was that of a gentle lover.Such a gentle tone made Sakura Musashi shudder.

Afterwards, Chen Yang ignored Musashi Sakura.

There was a distance of three meters between him and Ichiro Musashi, and the two stood facing each other.

Musashi Ichiro has already drawn his sword.

"Roar!" At that moment, Musashi Ichiro felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, his eyes were bloodshot.

As soon as the Scarlet Flame Sword came out, the air was filled with the fiery meaning of a raging flame.Under the moonlight, the sword's edge flashed a fierce and murderous aura.

Follow the movement of the sword tip, like a spirit snake.

The dragon is raging!

The aura of the fire dragon instantly formed a huge fire dragon!

The fire dragon roared like a suppressed dragon breaking through the seal,

Musashi Ichiro has his own calculations, whether he wins or loses, he has to make a move.

As soon as the fire dragon comes out, it will immediately alarm the people around.The news will soon spread to the Gym...

Chen Yang also knew what Musashi Ichiro was planning, so he didn't bother to care about it.

The fire dragon roared, and in an instant, the surrounding flames were tumbling, as if it was about to roast people.

In a blink of an eye, the fire dragon has already attacked and killed.

In an instant, Chen Yang fell into a sea of ​​flames.He didn't talk much, and opened his mouth to spit out billowing dragon energy...

The Qiankun Shenlong burst out!

Immediately, the Qiankun Shenlong and the fire dragon with golden dragon scales were entangled together.The fire dragon burned the Qiankun Shenlong, and the Qiankun Shenlong tore the fire dragon with its claws. The two sides fought together, and the flames shot up to the sky!

The Qiankun Shenlong suddenly opened its mouth, and it actually spit out a mouthful of Thunder Dragon Qi!


The fire dragon trembled, Qiankun Shenlong opened its mouth and swallowed the fire dragon's head, and then tore the fire dragon with its claws, the fire dragon was torn into pieces.

"Break!" Musashi Ichiro is a famous master, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he cut out a fire dragon sword!

This mighty sword light slays Xiang Qiankun Shenlong with lightning.

Chen Yang was like holding the sky in his hands. He clenched his fist and released it. With a swing of the giant tail of the Qiankun Shenlong, he smashed the Huolong Shenjian into pieces.

"Go!" Chen Yang shouted again.

The dragon energy in his body surged furiously, forming a close connection with the Qiankun Shenlong.The Qiankun Shenlong rushed away with lightning, and Musashi Ichiro responded calmly!

This time, his sword light flickered, and he killed two fire dragons.

Two huge fire dragons roared in the air again and again, charging towards the Qiankun Shenlong together.

"Break!" Musashi Ichiro roared again, and the long sword in his hand suddenly shot out, condensing infinite dragon energy in the air!The dragon air forms a fire dragon, and the red flame sword is wrapped in the middle of the fire dragon!

In an instant, all three dragons were summoned.

These three dragons smashed Chen Yang's Qiankun dragon into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, three divine dragons roared and charged towards Chen Yang.

The giant dragon rolled and roared, tearing apart all beings in the world!

This is the battle of dragons.

Chen Yang fell into the sea of ​​flames and sword light.At this moment, the sky was covered with thunder clouds, followed by a thunder dragon.The thunder dragon came down with a lightning strike, and in the blink of an eye, it beheaded the three flame dragons to pieces.

Thunder Dragon Qi is an extremely domineering and mysterious Dragon Qi.

Under the hands of the thunder dragon, the flame dragon can only tremble.

In the scene, the air of the fire dragon was rolling, and the heat wave was rolling in the air.But Chen Yang was not damaged at all, his eyes burst out with a cold light, and the thunder dragon hovered low in the sky. With his gesture, the thunder dragon turned into thunder and lightning and killed Musashi Ichiro.

Ichiro Musashi was taken aback.

Just now he has experienced the power of this mysterious thunder dragon.

It was the first time he faced such a weird dragon aura.

A strong sense of crisis spread all over his body.While Musashi Ichiro retreated violently, he hit three fire dragons again in a row.

The three huge fire dragons roared again and entangled with the thunder dragon.

Then, it all disappeared.

Chen Yang's figure flickered, and he quickly swept towards Musashi Ichiro.The aura of the flying dragon formed under his feet, and he almost seemed to fly.Musashi Ichiro simply condensed the aura of a flying dragon, and the whole person rode a flying dragon and flew towards the sky.

"Death!" Chen Yang can't fly very far now, and he can't catch up with him, but he doesn't intend to.At that moment, he aroused Thunder Dragon Qi again.

The thunder dragon appeared, Chen Yang let out a roar, and the dragon turned into lightning and beheaded Musashi Ichiro.

Musashi Ichiro's speed can be compared with the speed of Lightning!

Others are in the air, most of the power is controlling the flying dragon aura, how can they resist the thunder dragon aura at this moment.At the critical moment, Musashi Ichiro barely controlled the fire dragon to resist, but he couldn't resist.In the next second, the thunder dragon hit his flying dragon.The flying dragon shattered in an instant, Musashi Ichiro lost his center of gravity, and fell downwards.

He was already at an altitude of 20 meters, and it was not good to fall down at this time.

Of course, if no one attacked below, he would be fine.After all, dragon energy is powerful!

However, Chen Yang is still standing below.

Musashi Ichiro's pupils contracted, and fear flashed...

Chen Yang's eyes were full of indifference, and at that moment, he once again shot out a thunder dragon aura.

The Thunder Dragon Qi shot directly through Musashi Ichiro's chest like the light of a sword.

In the next second, Musashi Ichiro lost all energy, and finally fell heavily on the ground, but his seven orifices were bleeding, he didn't even have time to groan, and then... died!

"Brother!" Musashi Sakura yelled mournfully in the island language, and she threw herself on Musashi Ichiro's body, feeling pain.

Chen Yang didn't have any pity in his heart, and then he turned and left.

When Musashi Ichiro's body was carried in front of the master Takeda Kikaze, Takeda Kikaze's body couldn't help but tremble.

His heart was bleeding.

This is the disciple he has cultivated for many years!This is his proudest disciple!

just died...

At the same time, Xiao YeLang also knew the news of Musashi Ichiro's death.

And, the Gufa family also knew about it.

All of a sudden, the martial arts world was shaken.

The news spread like the plague...

"It is said that the disciples of the Lun Taoist Hall and the Gufa family went out to kill the genius Chen Jun of the Hua Kingdom... As a result, not only did Chen Jun not die, but he killed the person who was going to assassinate him. Moreover, he went to the island country and killed Lun Jun. Musashi Ichiro, the most proud disciple of Takeda Kokaze at the Gymnasium!"

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