The strongest player in history

Chapter 2698 Retaliation Plan

Ye Chaoning said: "For now, the most promising new star in the Lun Gym is called Ichiro Musashi!"

"Oh?" Chen Yang became interested and said, "Go on."

Ye Chaoning said: "Musashi Ichiro is 19 years old this year, and he has been inhaling spiritual energy since he was six years old. At the age of 15, he was already at the ninth rank of Shenlong. It is said that now, he can summon three Shenlongs. What he cultivates is the energy of fire dragons!"

Chen Yang said: "It's really not bad!"

Ye Chaoning said: "Ichiro Musashi entered the country very quickly, and he is also a direct disciple of Takeda Kikaze, the master of the Lun Gym. Takeda Kikaze is the number one expert in the island country. He can summon eight dragons, which is extremely terrifying."

"That's not your master's opponent!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

Ye Chaoning rolled his eyes and said, "There is only one opponent of my master in the world today, and that is... the King of Darkness."

Chen Yang said: "In the future there will be one more, and that is me."

"Why are you so stingy!" Ye Chaoning said a little angrily.She paused, and then said: "You don't know how much my master cares about you. He has done a lot for you behind the scenes."

"Ahem!" Chen Yang said, "I'm not stingy, and I don't want to be your master's enemy. But I think there will be a chance in the future, and I still have to work hard with him."

Ye Chaoning said, "Okay, whatever you want. You will cry when the time comes."

Chen Yang laughed.Ye Chaoning continued: "Takeda Kokaze trained Musashi Ichiro as his successor. It is worth mentioning that Miyamoto Gen is also Takeda Kokaze's disciple."

"It seems that Takeda Mufeng is also full of peaches and plums!" Chen Yang chuckled.

Ye Chaoning said: "The Lun Dao Hall represents the government of the island country."

Chen Yang said: "Okay. So, according to the current intelligence, the most promising new star among the island countries is Ichiro Musashi, right?"

Ye Chaoning said: "Yes, if Musashi Ichiro continues to develop, he may surpass his master Takeda Kifeng in the future."

"So, the target is him?" Chen Yang said.

Ye Chaoning said: "Well! But I'm a little worried, are you sure you can defeat him? His power is far above Xuanyang. Moreover, he majored in Fire Dragon Qi, and also practiced Flying Dragon Qi. Once he loses , if you want to escape, it will be difficult to catch up."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you give me the detailed information, and you can arrange the rest at ease!"

Ye Chaoning said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang said, "Let's talk about the Gufa family."

Ye Chaoning said: "For the Gufa family, Dao Sen Gufa, the third generation grandson of their family, is the best. The head of the Gufa family is [-] years old this year, and his name is Longruo Gufa! Longruo's cultivation is not up to me. under Master."

"Didn't you say that the only opponent of your master is the Dark King?" Chen Yang said immediately.

Ye Chaoning was speechless, and said, "You bastard, my master can't beat the Dark King. With them, the outcome is still unknown. So, do you understand?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Okay, I understand."

"Dawson is 28 years old this year, and he has already been able to summon five divine dragons. He is practicing the aura of the heavenly dragon and the aura of the dark dragon. His dark aura is extremely terrifying!" Ye Chaoning said, "I think you can give up on him. You can't be his opponent for the time being."

Chen Yang said: "Well, just give me the information, I will do what I can!"

Ye Chaoning said: "I see that you are not planning to give up."

Chen Yang said: "This is the opponent you found for me!"

Ye Chaoning said: "Actually, it's also our fault that we were late in attacking. The opponent has already grown up. Therefore, if you want to fight back now, it will be very difficult."

Chen Yang said, "Then why didn't you fight back before?"

Ye Chaoning fell silent.She later said: "The Gufa family must retaliate. If you don't mess with them, they will bite like mad dogs. In fact, three years ago, there were twins in our country. They are very good. They are very intelligent, and they can communicate with each other and share luck. .Once they are able to summon the Shenlong, they will probably become existences that transcend everything. However, the Gufa family still took action and killed them. We have already guarded against the twins, but in the end, they were still They see opportunities."

"How did you kill it?" Chen Yang asked.

Ye Chaoning said: "The parents of the twins were hypnotized, and then when the twins went back to visit relatives, they put poison in the food. The poison was colorless and tasteless, and they died on the spot. Later, the parents of the twins were also distraught and committed suicide."

Chen Yang said: "Then, how can you be sure that it was the Gufa family who made the move?"

Ye Chaoning said: "Many clues have been investigated, but we have no evidence. But we are sure that they did it. In the international arena, they have killed countless geniuses with this kind of tactic."

Chen Yang said, "Then, you didn't fight back?"

Ye Chaoning said: "How to fight back? The Gufa family is so powerful and their security is tight. We don't have such a master to break in. Even if my master rips his face, he can't break into the Gufa family!"

Chen Yang said: "This is wrong, nothing is difficult in the world if there is a heart."

Ye Chaoning said: "Besides, it's not that no one has dealt with the Gufa family. Anyway, those who went there have all died without a trace."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, let me ask you another question. What is Dawson's status in the family? Is he favored?"

Ye Chaoning said, "Of course I'm favored. The Musashi Ichiro and Dawson I'm talking about are both appointed as future successors."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, then I will kill them."

Ye Chaoning said: "Dawson, you really don't want to do anything. Dawson is not only good at himself, but the attendants around him are all first-class masters."

Chen Yang said: "I won't say more about these nonsense. I will wait for the opportunity!"

He paused, and then said: "You tell me first, how to find Musashi Ichiro."

Ye Chaoning said: "Ichiro Musashi is in the island country, which is close to the capital of the island country. It is the location of the head of the Lun Gym. I... there are also many experts there. You really don't have a chance."

Chen Yang said: "Oh, can you stop saying these depressing words? I've never seen such spineless people like you."

Ye Chaoning said, "I..."

She paused and said, "We will send some experts to go with you."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "No need!"

Ye Chaoning said: "With you alone, how can it be done?"

Chen Yang said: "There are many people, and the goal is big."

Ye Chaoning said, "This..."

Chen Yang said: "When I do things, my plan changes at any time. You tell me first, how did you let me sneak into Pingzhi secretly?"

Ye Chaoning said: "We have our own people in Pingzhi, and they have already hidden as civilians. They have normal citizenship status and are very concealed. We can help you smuggle there, and then meet them. Change to the identity over there, just like the palace. The way Benxuan came here is the same, God doesn’t know it, ghosts don’t know it.”

Chen Yang said: "But is it possible that they have already discovered your hidden personnel, but did not expose them? Since they can come here in this way, it is not surprising that we can use the same method."

Ye Chaoning was slightly taken aback.

Chen Yang said: "Actually, we have never fought back. Perhaps this time, none of them would have thought that we would fight back."

Ye Chaoning said, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yang said: "Someone will travel to the island country every year, right? I want to join the tour group. You can give me a normal identity and a normal certificate. Then, I have to change my appearance and go in like this."

"This might be a way! But how do we retreat?" Ye Chaoning asked.

Chen Yang said: "Then I have to think about it."

He then said: "You guys discuss it carefully first, and I will leave in a month. During this month, I will practice hard."

Ye Chaoning said, "Okay!"

Days, day by day...

Located on the other side of the ocean, in an island country, in Pingzhi City!

Pingzhi City is like spring all year round, making it a very livable city.It is not as prosperous as the imperial capital of the island country, and the housing prices are not so high.

It is now the end of September, at ten o'clock in the evening, in a forest near the sea, there is a large gymnasium!

Above the gate of the gymnasium, there is a plaque, which is called the gymnasium!

The inside of the gymnasium is brightly lit.

In a room in the Lun Dao Hall, the owner of the hall, Takeda Mufengxian, is more than seventy years old, but he still looks very energetic.

Takeda Mufeng was wearing a white kimono, in front of him was a wooden coffee table, and an old man was kneeling on the opposite side.

This old man is a high-ranking government official called Xiaoyelang!

Xiao Yelang said in a deep voice: "Master Mufeng, according to the accurate information, Xuan Yang, the Ice Dragon Venerable, and his apprentice Gong Benxuan have already encountered an accident."

Takeda Mufeng's face was cold, and he said: "I have already had a hunch. Isn't the plan so strict that there is no possibility of failure?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Xiao Yelang said, "We don't know yet, which link is wrong. It seems that we still underestimated Huaguo."

Takeda Mufeng said: "Where is that person? Chen Jun, is he still alive?"

Xiao Yelang said: "He's still alive, and he's doing well."

Takeda Kikaze fell silent.

Xiao Yelang also fell silent.

After a long while, Takeda Mufeng said: "You guys, do you have any plans?"

Xiao Yelang said: "Now, Chen Jun has gone to the capital. As long as he is in the capital, we have no chance."

Takeda Mufeng said: "If you are facing a big enemy, you don't have to. Every country will have geniuses, and there will be endless geniuses!"

"But this one is too weird and monstrous." Xiao Yelang said.

Takeda Mufeng said: "For the rest, we will not stand out in the gym. If the Gufa family wants to deal with it, let them figure out their own way. People, they are the ones to kill. In the end, they have nothing to lose. "

Xiao Yelang said: "On this point, master, don't worry, we have rejected the Gufa family's request again. They should figure out a way by themselves."

Takeda Kikaze nodded.

Then he thought of something, and suddenly said: "Mr. Ono, do you think Hua Guo may retaliate?"

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