The strongest player in history

Chapter 2689 Dragon Spirit

Yan Jiuzhong disagreed with Chen Yang going back to Xiangyang City now, because he felt that Chen Yang's seventh-level power of Shenlong was not enough to protect himself.In Kyoto, because of the strong guards and intelligence network in Kyoto.The enemy basically has no chance to take advantage of it.But if he left the capital, Chen Yang would be in danger.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said on the phone: "Teacher, don't worry. I never fight uncertain battles. If I am not sure, I will not leave the capital. Since I dare to leave, I have the ability to protect myself!"

Yan Jiuzhong blew his beard and stared at his eyes, and said, "With the power of the seventh level of Shenlong, you can protect yourself!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Teacher, trust me."

"You must go back? Or, the old man will accompany you!" Yan Jiuzhong said afterwards.

Chen Yang quickly refused, saying, "Teacher, you really don't need to bother." He felt that if he brought Yan Jiuzhong back, Chen Leyi must also feel awkward.

"Teacher, that's what I said." Chen Yang then forcibly hung up the phone, not giving Yan Jiuzhong a chance to raise other opinions.

After that, Chen Yang tidied up a little, and then bought a train ticket back to Xiangyang City.

In fact, flying is much faster.But when Chen Yang was in the Great Thousand World, he had a habit of not liking flying.

Later, he was able to move mountains and seas, so naturally he didn't need to fly.When you don't have the ability to fly, flying in an airplane is always very insecure.

Chen Yang immediately packed his bags and headed to the train station.

Ye Chaoning has been monitoring Chen Yang, what Chen Yang said on the phone with Yan Jiuzhong, Ye Chaoning knows everything clearly.

Ye Chaoning also knew everything about Chen Yang buying train tickets on his mobile phone.

Ye Chaoning immediately reported the matter to his master Su Luomo.

Su Luomo frowned. He felt that this kid, Chen Jun, still didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.How can I leave Kyoto at this time?

Did he think that the strength of his seventh-level Shenlong was very powerful?Is that enough to protect yourself?

It's so naive!

Coincidentally, at this time, Yan Jiuzhong also called Su Luomo.It was also about Chen Yang.

During Chen Yang's six months of meditation, in fact, the military, high-level officials, Su Luomo, Yan Jiuchong, and Chen Tiannan all ventilated frequently.

Including Yan Jiuzhong asking Chen Yang what he thinks of the word "family and country", which is also a question for high-level officials to examine Chen Yang.

In this era, martial arts is the most important thing!

Therefore, talents like Chen Yang must be strictly controlled and mastered.

Su Luomo told Yan Jiuzhong that he would ask Ye Chaoning to protect Chen Yang.

"Is Chaoning alone enough?" Yan Jiuzhong was worried.

Su Luomo said: "Chao Ning has reached the ninth rank of Shenlong in the last month! I gave her the Ice Soul Sword, so she should be able to handle it. Moreover, Chen Jun is not weak in fighting power. In addition, we all The intelligence is still paying attention, so there should be no trouble."

Only then did Yan Jiuzhong feel relieved.He paused, and then asked, "How is his sister now?"

Su Luomo smiled slightly, and said: "I have already walked up to the ninth level of the dragon, Jingyao, this child, is almost the same as Ye Feng's cultivation progress. Moreover, she has also developed a new kind of dragon spirit. A kind of dragon spirit that we have never seen before. Dragon Qi that I have never heard before!"

Yan Jiuzhong said: "Oh, really? I remembered that Xiaojun told me before that he had already sensed the dark dragon energy and the bright dragon energy. Besides, he also felt another dragon energy!"

Su Luomo was taken aback.

He stood up and said to Yan Jiuzhong on the other end of the phone, "Don't tell me, he felt it too..."

"Thunder Dragon Qi!" Yan Jiuzhong said.

Su Luomo trembled and said, "How... how is that possible! Ye Feng can only feel the light dragon energy, while Jing Yao can feel the thunder dragon energy and the dark dragon energy. But, I let Jing Yao practice the dark dragon energy. This kid Chen Jun actually felt all the dragon energy? Could it be that he is the most talented one? I really lost my sight!"

Yan Jiuzhong laughed loudly and said, "You've missed your point a long time ago. I have great confidence in Xiaojun, so we must attach great importance to his safety!"

Su Luomo said: "Of course!"

Yan Jiuzhong said: "Okay, okay!" After he finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone.But immediately, he seemed to remember something, and asked, "I heard something recently."

Su Luomo smiled and said, "You mean, about the dragon spirit?"

Yan Jiuzhong said: "That's right, this story has been passed on miraculously. If it's true, once the Shenlong spirit really falls into the hands of Western countries, we will become very passive!"

Su Luomo said: "I'm planning to go to the Arctic Ocean to have a look."

Yan Jiuzhong said, "Are you going alone?"

Su Luomo said: "Now Shenlong Division has Feng'er, and there is also an excellent child like Jingyao here. I can feel relieved when I go, even if it's a trick, it doesn't matter!"

Yan Jiuzhong said: "How can this be done, you are the God of Dinghai in our Hua Kingdom!"

Su Luomo smiled slightly and said: "A generation of new people replaces the old ones. Seeing the appearance of children like Jingyao, Chen Jun, and Feng'er, I knew that our Huaguo would have successors. The matter of the Dragon Spirit is imminent." Yes. I have to go there, and besides, Lao Yan, don’t you still have you? Don’t worry, I, Lao Su, will not die so easily.”

Yan Jiuzhong said: "How about I go with you!"

Su Luomo said: "That can't be done. If the two of us go together, it will be really bad. Don't worry, don't worry!"

Yan Jiuzhong seemed a little worried, he said: "You should still bring some disciples there, right?"

"I will choose, but Feng'er and Jingyao won't take them. I'm afraid I'll hurt them!" Su Luomo said.

Yan Jiuzhong said: "Be careful!"

Su Luomo smiled and said, "I will!"

At noon, Chen Yang got on the bullet train.

In this weather, the scorching sun is scorching, as if it wants to roast people.

There were a lot of people in the bullet train, and Chen Yang walked forward among the crowd, and then came to his seat.

After taking his seat, Chen Yang began to close his eyes and meditate.

Everything around him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

The train started soon.

Chen Yang had a dream, and the sunshine in the dream was as bright as ever.He dreamed that he was going to school, and Linger was sitting next to him.It seems that he and Linger are not together yet, and Linger is taking class notes seriously.He could clearly hear the teacher on stage explaining some formulas.

This dream is so beautiful.

When Chen Yang woke up, he saw that the scenery outside was rapidly receding.Only then did he realize that he was on a train...

He looked around, and many of the people around him were already asleep.

He looked at himself again, and many scenes appeared in his mind.

These scenes are intertwined, Binhai, Su Qing, Tianzhou, Balongxing, and many memories in the parallel world, the night of climbing Mount Tai, the youthful feelings together...

"Where am I? What is a dream and what is reality? Maybe, it is a dream now, and I just fell asleep in class..."

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