Ye Chaoning then said solemnly: "In other words, Uncle Yan can't protect you. You can only be safest if you enter our Shenlong Division. Besides, your sister is also in the Shenlong Division, so you have no reason not to join. It's just a moment of enthusiasm. It would be unwise to bring death upon oneself."

Chen Yang smiled lightly, and said, "If I were a calm person, I would not be able to get to where I am today. Three months ago, your master Su Luomo Master Su met me, but he rejected me. So, today It is impossible for me to go to Shenlong Division again. I know that the threshold of Shenlong Division is very high, and it is an honor to be able to enter. But I, Chen Jun, do not come and go when called. "

"It's stupid of you to do this!" Ye Chaoning said directly.

Chen Yang said, "Really?"

Ye Chaoning said, "Young man, I advise you not to be too crazy."

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "Not crazy, are you still a young man?" He paused, and said, "What's more, I'm about to learn from the headmaster immediately. Since you called the headmaster uncle, you're so blatant to dig He's in the corner, it's not very good."

Ye Chaoning frowned and said, "So, you don't think about it?"

"I don't think about it." Chen Yang directly refused.

Of course he also knows that it is best to go directly to Shenlong Division with his head down and be with Heiyi Suzhen.All troubles are gone.

But people fight for one breath, and Buddhas fight for one stick of incense.

Chen Yang's temper is sometimes very stubborn.Words that are spoken are water that has been poured out, and there is absolutely no reason to take them back.

Ye Chaoning was silent for a while, then she said, "Okay, I hope you won't regret it in the future!"

She left another business card afterwards, saying: "Before you become a teacher, it is still useful to make this call. Once you have completed your apprenticeship, you will have no room to turn back!"

After she finished speaking, she walked outside.As soon as he arrived at the door, Chen Yang picked up the business card, threw it over without looking at it, and said, "I once told your master that he didn't accept me that day, and then he knelt down and begged me. And I won't look at Shenlongsi too much. What I, Chen Jun, say, I spit and nail, and I will never take it back!"

Ye Chaoning took the business card, she stood there for a while, and then left without looking back.

Inside the Shenlong Division, in a study room, Su Luomo was practicing kung fu cross-legged.

When Ye Chaoning came, she shouted respectfully: "Master!"

Su Luomo opened her eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "He refused?"

Ye Chaoning was immediately annoyed, and said: "He is simply arrogant, he doesn't know what is good or bad! One day, he will taste the bitter fruit himself!"

Su Luomo said with a faint smile: "This is something that the teacher expected. He is so public, and he meant to demonstrate to me."

Ye Chaoning said: "He is nothing special, our Shenlong Division may not be without him!"

Su Luomo said: "Shenlong Division will not be able to do anything without him. But with him, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings. It's also strange that I was a teacher, but I was mistaken at the beginning. How could he be humiliated with such a heart. No wonder at the beginning , he will put down harsh words in front of his teacher."

He then changed the subject and said, "His talent is not inferior to that of your brother and Jingyao. It is not safe and secret enough to let him practice outside. Being a teacher is for the sake of the country, not for the sake of Shenlongsi." .Shen Nongsi has reached the point where he is today, and he already has nothing to ask for as a teacher."

Ye Chaoning said: "This person is self-willed. If anything happens to him in the future, he will be to blame for it."

Su Luomo smiled and said, "Okay, Chao Ning, don't be angry. Since he insists on not coming to Shennongsi, we naturally can't force others. You should always keep an eye on his movements secretly, and report to your teacher immediately if there is any trouble. Report. Before he really grows up, we must ensure his safety!"

"He hates you to the core, and you still help him like this?" Ye Chaoning became angrier as he thought about it.

"Being a teacher is not to help him!" Su Luomo said: "It is for our Huaguo. Now that our country is surrounded by foreign enemies, it is not easy to produce such a genius in the country. We must not let him wither halfway, understand?"

"He doesn't understand your painstaking efforts at all!" Ye Chaoning said.

Su Luomo waved her hand and said, "These are not important anymore."

The next day, Chen Yang officially became a teacher of Yan Jiuzhong.

The only closed disciple of Yan Jiuzhong who is known to the outside world!

In fact, Chen Yang did not give Yan Jiu the gift of master and apprentice.Chen Yang regarded Yan Jiuzhong as a teacher, not a master.

Yan Jiuzhong understood Chen Yang's purpose, but he was willing to be used by Chen Yang.

These predecessors of the older generation have a love for their homeland that young people can't imagine.Yan Jiuzhong thinks that Chen Yang is a talent, and he is willing to teach some things by precept and deed, so as to inspire Chen Yang's love for the country, and he will also serve his family and country in the future to resist foreign invaders!

It is worth mentioning that Yan Jiuzhong never married, nor did he have any children.

This new year, Chen Yang will spend it with Yan Jiuzhong.

Yan Jiuchong usually lives in the military academy, but this time, he took Chen Yang to live in a building in a business district.This place is the secret residence provided by the government to Yan Jiuzhong. Yan Jiuzhong will choose this place when he is in retreat.

Yan Jiuzhong said to Chen Yang: "Every year during Chinese New Year, many students will visit me. It is a good network, but I think you probably don't care about these networks. So, you can practice with peace of mind. !"

Chen Yang is grateful!

The place where I live is the eighth floor, three bedrooms and two living rooms!The sound insulation inside is very good. Even in the downtown area, after the doors and windows are closed indoors, and the fresh air circulation system is activated, it is like being in a paradise.

Yan Jiuzhong just stayed in the room and couldn't come out.

Chen Yang was so happy and quiet that he didn't come out of the room either.

As for the daily diet, Yan Jiuzhong made it for Chen Yang himself.This kindness made Chen Yang feel a little embarrassed.

Sometimes, Chen Yang wanted to cook, but Yan Jiuzhong refused.

On New Year's Eve, Chen Yang called Chen Leyi and talked for a long time.

Although Chen Leyi missed Chen Yang, there was nothing she could do.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang and Yan Jiuzhong had a group reunion. The two drank a lot of wine and chatted a lot.Chen Yang still restrained himself and did not tell his origin.

He is an emotional person, and once he recognizes a person's character, he is willing to treat him wholeheartedly.

So, hiding Yan Jiuzhong's words made him feel a little guilty.

He thought that if one day he had enough strength, he would definitely explain everything to the principal.

The celestial world is in trouble!

No matter where, as long as you are in the world of mortals, chaos will never disappear.

But Chen Yang seemed to be isolated from the world in this downtown area.

What he has to do every day is penance and meditation.

In ten days, Chen Yang cultivated the Qi of Heavenly Dragon to the fifth level of Shenlong!

At the same time, Chen Yang did another amazing thing.

He suddenly wanted to try, fire dragon spirit.

He inhaled the energy of the fire dragon into his body...

The fire dragon's aura and the heavenly dragon's aura in the body are immediately mutually exclusive...

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