The strongest player in history

Chapter 2673: A 1-Year Covenant

Chen Yang wanted to hide, but he didn't.The reaction speed of this body can't keep up with his head's thinking at all.

Suddenly, half of Chen Yang's cheeks became red and swollen.He is so speechless!

He hadn't had such a slap in the face for many years.But the one who beat him was still Chen Tiannan, he couldn't even get angry when he was angry.

After Chen Tiannan beat Chen Yang, he cursed at the same time: "Little bastard, I should beat you to death!" Then he immediately stepped forward to apologize to Su Luomo, he bowed deeply, and said: "Master, my nephew, don't you?" Knowing that the sky is high and the earth is thick, this is my crime. Please read it for the sake of his young age, master, and don't be as knowledgeable as him!"

Su Luomo did stop in her tracks.

After a while, he turned around and looked straight at Chen Yang with his eyes like a falcon.

The look in his eyes is truly frightening.

No number of powerful masters could withstand his coercion.

Chen Yang also felt the pressure immediately, but he didn't turn his eyes away, just staring at Su Lumo.

At this time, how could he bow his head.

Su Luomo was slightly surprised, but he didn't think much about it, he just said lightly: "Little guy, do you know that in this world, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like this since I became famous. According to my old temper, You should be a dead person at this moment. However, today I see your sister's face, I don't care about you. But if you dare to be presumptuous again, don't blame me for being ruthless to you. "

In his words, there is an indescribable killing spirit.

This murderous aura makes people shudder!

"Of course I believe in the majesty of the master!" Chen Yang touched his swollen cheek, and then he said, "However, I implore you, master, to put down your anger first."

"Xiao Jun..." Chen Tiannan didn't know what nonsense Chen Yang was going to say again.

Chen Yang ignored Chen Tiannan, his eyes were firm and cold, and he said word by word: "It doesn't matter if I'm crazy or arrogant. Master only needs to give me one year. After one year, I'll be the dragon again." Secretary, ask the master for advice!"

"Even with your sister's talent, you don't dare to say such crazy words!" Su Luomo said coldly after being slightly startled.

Chen Yang said: "Does the master dare to give me this year?"

Su Luomo sneered, and said: "I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, let alone a year, what can you do if I give you 100 years?" After he finished speaking, he turned and left directly.

"Xiaojun, you are too unruly." Chen Tiannan immediately reprimanded Chen Yang.He really hates iron but not steel!

This little nephew seemed to be the most honest.Why are you so arrogant and ignorant now.

"I think I should send you home and let you stay here, something will happen sooner or later!" Chen Tiannan said afterwards.

Chen Yang didn't care in his heart, he held his breath in his heart now.He decided to speed up his practice after the leg healed.

Now, the whole qi and blood are not smooth, which is really not conducive to cultivation!

However, Chen Yang didn't dare to talk to Chen Tiannan like that, he lowered his head and didn't say anything.

Chen Tiannan saw that Chen Yang was quite honest in front of him, and saw that half of his cheeks were red and swollen, the anger in his heart subsided a lot.After thinking about it, he said comfortingly: "I know that you are young and energetic, and you are not happy to be looked down upon. But, if you don't strengthen yourself, nothing will stop, and it is useless to just be brave. Especially in front of the master, being brave is only a good idea. It will make you look childish, understand?"

Chen Yang said, "Well, I understand."

Chen Tiannan said softly again: "Did it hurt you just now?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "A little bit, but I know, uncle, you are afraid that the master will punish me."

"You said that you...are not stupid, why do you still want to offend the master like this? What kind of crazy talk are you talking about asking for advice after a year!" Chen Tiannan said.

Chen Yang chuckled, and said nothing more.

Chen Tiannan and the guard Xiao Zhang took Chen Yang away from Shenlongsi's villa immediately.

He also has no face to stay here any longer.

Going out against the wind and snow, the guard Xiao Zhang found a taxi.After getting into the taxi, Chen Tiannan contacted his comrades here.The comrade-in-arms was not in the capital, but he quickly found someone to arrange a hotel for Chen Tiannan.And come and pick it up in person.

Comrades are like a net, like Chen Tiannan, wherever they go, they will be unimpeded.

Soon, the three of them lived in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel.

It was warm in that suite.

Chen Tiannan contacted Mr. Huang again...

Mr. Huang said that the Weilong Military Academy had made an agreement, and he just needed to send him there directly.

Chen Tiannan was very happy after hearing this.

"Uncle, at least wait until my leg is healed before going." Chen Yang didn't want to go.

Now that he looks like a waste wood, he is discriminated against wherever he goes.

Chen Tiannan said: "We should wait for your legs to heal before going, but we didn't think about it so much at the time. Mr. Huang has settled down there. If we don't go, there will be ideas. After we go, we can talk about it." Okay, okay?"

"I want to go home." Chen Yang said.

Chen Tiannan was speechless, and said: "You were so ambitious just now, what did you say that you will ask the master for advice in a year. Why are you cowardly now? Go home, can you learn the skills when you go home? Do you know that the Weilong Military Academy is a national No matter how many people want to enter a first-class military academy, there are requirements for entering the Weilong Military Academy. You must have cultivated the Qing Linggong to the fourth level. You should be smiling... the inside The resources are unmatched by other military academies. You may not know that your uncle and I graduated from Weilong Military Academy back then."

What else can Chen Yang say now?

The next morning, Chen Tiannan and Xiao Zhang accompanied Chen Yang to Weilong Military Academy.

The Weilong Military Academy is located in the suburbs, and the teaching building has 29 floors.The whole school is grand and spectacular...

There are various facilities inside, and the greenery is excellent, and there is a beautiful large lake!

But now, covered with ice and snow, the entire Weilong Military Academy is even more beautiful.There are still many students skating on the lake!

In a luxurious and spacious office in an office building.

The logistics director received Chen Tiannan and his party.

The logistics director is a woman in her 30s, and she still looks very beautiful.Although it's winter, she still wears a dark blue professional suit.It looks clean and capable.

Her name is Li Yuqin!

Li Yuqin was kind and polite to Chen Tiannan.She is also a person of cultivation, the ninth level of Qing Linggong!

As a logistics director, this level of cultivation is not low.

The teachers in Weilong Military Academy are all from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The principal of Weilong Military Academy is Yan Jiuzhong, who is also a peerless master of the ninth rank of Shenlong.However, Yan Jiuzhong was no match for Master Shenlong.

There are still many doorways above the ninth level of Shenlong.

After reaching the ninth level, it is more than the number of summoned dragons.

"Mr. Chen, we have received instructions from above. Little Chen Jun will enter our military academy as a special recruit. I will properly arrange his accommodation and all other issues. Please rest assured." Li Yuqin said to Chen Tiannan.

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