The strongest player in history

Chapter 2670 Dragon Division

Chen Yang didn't feel very happy!

The gap is huge, and he could hear clearly the movement within ten thousand miles before.Now that the other party has come to the door, he can distinguish a few people.

Hei Yi Suzhen was very calm.

There were three people who came in.

The first of them is Chen Tiannan, and there is also an old man, a Taoist.

The old man is Chen Tiannan's old leader, Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang was wearing a military uniform, and there was an indescribable majesty in his thick eyebrows.Just one look at him can make ordinary people tremble with fear, almost peeing their pants.This Huang Lao is not simple. He has made countless military exploits back then, and his cultivation base is also terrifying!

His cultivation has reached the seventh rank of Shenlong!

As for the Taoist, the Taoist was wearing a Taoist robe and looked to be in his forties.This Taoist is not simple, but an expert around Mr. Huang. His cultivation base is even more terrifying, reaching the eighth rank of Shenlong!

This Taoist, layman's name is Guo Qichao.Dao name Qingfeng!

Taoist Qingfeng!

In front of these two masters, Chen Tiannan seemed cautious.After entering, the three of them looked at Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen.

"Old Chief, Master Qingfeng, these are my nephew and niece." Chen Tiannan first introduced Chen Yang, and said, "His name is Chen Jun, and her name is Chen Jingyao!"

Afterwards, he said to Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen: "Jingyao, Xiaojun, come and meet the Taoist chief and the old chief!"

Chen Yang got up on crutches, and said, "Chen Jun, the junior, I have met the old chief and the Taoist leader!"

Hei Yi Suzhen glanced lightly, then looked away, but she didn't salute.

Chen Tiannan was suddenly embarrassed. When he wanted to say something, Huang Lao smiled slightly and said, "Tiannan, it's okay."

Daoist Qingfeng also smiled and said, "Girl doll, can I see your hands?"

Although Chen Yang saluted with difficulty, Elder Huang and Daoist Qingfeng were all focused on Heiyi Suzhen.This made Chen Yang a little upset, but he couldn't say much, so he sat down.

Hei Yi Suzhen actually didn't want to talk to her, but since she came here, she couldn't be too indifferent, so she nodded immediately.

She held out her hand.

Taoist Master Qingfeng stepped forward, put two fingers on Heiyi Suzhen's pulse.

The spiritual energy of Daoist Qingfeng penetrated into Heiyi Suzhen's body quickly, and he immediately felt that there was already spiritual energy gathering inside Heiyi Suzhen's body, and there seemed to be a black hole deep inside the gathered spiritual energy. It gave Daoist Qingfeng a feeling of boundlessness.

Daoist Qingfeng suddenly lost color!

He could feel the presence of electric current in the aura.

"What?" Elder Huang frowned slightly and asked Daoist Qingfeng.

Daoist Qingfeng withdrew his hands, and said to Huang Lao: "You can try it."

Huang Lao immediately reached out to feel Hei Yi Suzhen's pulse.

After a while, Huang Lao's expression also changed.

"We need to discuss it carefully." Huang Lao said afterwards, and he said to Chen Tiannan: "Tiannan, you have made great achievements this time. I thank you on behalf of the country. After that, your military achievements will be indispensable. But now, I You need to discuss it with Taoist Master Qingfeng first."

The two of them left the bungalow after speaking.

"Ahem!" Chen Yang was embarrassed, I'm also a character, okay?

"Hey, we are so confused, we forgot about this little brother!" Elder Huang then glanced at Chen Yang and said with a smile.He then said: "Little brother, let me check your pulse."

Chen Yang was speechless, and said, "I haven't practiced formally yet, and I haven't taken the Spirit Consciousness Pill. I don't have anything."

Chen Tiannan immediately said: "My nephew, although he doesn't have spiritual power yet, his fighting skills are better than mine. Given time, he will become a great weapon!"

"Oh, that would be great." Huang Lao said, "Let's train it!" He paused, and went out with Daoist Qingfeng first.

Chen Tiannan was also helpless.

He wanted to comfort Chen Yang, but Chen Yang touched his nose, feeling unhappy.He has always been a genius-level existence, and he is not popular today.

All this is not because he is mediocre, but because the light of Hei Yi Su Zhen is too dazzling!

Of course, Chen Yang would not be jealous of Hei Yi Suzhen.

"Grandma, I'm going to blind your titanium alloy eyes after I recover." Chen Yang secretly said.

Elder Huang and Daoist Qingfeng were discussing outside.

Huang Lao said, "Master Taoist, what do you think?"

"I've never seen it before!" Daoist Qingfeng exclaimed, "This girl's body has unlimited potential. From the point of view of the poor, we can't train her."

"What do you mean?" Huang Lao said.

Daoist Qingfeng said: "Such seedlings, poor Taoists, have to be sent to the Shenlong Division in Kyoto, where Master Shenlong will personally train them."

"Master Shenlong?" Huang Lao was slightly startled.

Shenlong Division is the country's sharp weapon!

It is the most mysterious existence!

Master Shenlong is the No. 1 existence of martial arts in Huaguo today, and that is an absolute myth.

"If Master Shenlong sees this girl, he will be very happy. I can assure you!" Daoist Qingfeng said.

Huang Lao said, "Okay, I'll report it now."

Daoist Qingfeng said: "En!" He paused, and said: "However, looking at that male doll, I have no aura in his body. His body is also very weak, and there is nothing special about him except for his eyes. What should I do?"

Huang Lao said: "This doll was recommended by Tian Nan. Hey, we can understand that Tian Nan wants to make his own child successful. For the sake of his recommendation of this female doll, we cannot refuse this male doll." Outside the door. Going to Shenlong Division, I’m afraid it’s not enough. In my opinion, let him go to the Weilong Military Academy in Kyoto. If he can stand out, he can go to the International Military Academy in the future. If not, there is nothing we can do, yes no?"

"Good is good!" Daoist Qingfeng said: "But Weilong Military Academy is the best military academy in our country, and military students in military academies in various places have to practice hard before they can reach the standards of Weilong Military Academy. He has no aura , Sending it in like this, I'm afraid it's too conspicuous."

Huang Lao said: "It's a bit difficult, but didn't Tian Nan say that? He has special fighting skills! At that time, let's be a special recommended student! Seeing that Tian Nan recommended such an excellent female doll, we still have to Give some encouragement."

Daoist Qingfeng laughed, and said, "Anyway, this is not something that poor Taoists need to worry about."

Afterwards, Mr. Huang reported to his superiors.

Then, Shenlong Division in Kyoto called back, asking Mr. Huang and the others to send Chen Jingyao to Shenlong Division immediately.If they pass the test, they will be included in the Shenlong Division.

Shenlong Division is the place where Huaguo martial arts masters dream of.

Once you enter the Shenlong Division, it is a supreme honor.

Elder Huang told Chen Tiannan again, Chen Tiannan was also quite shocked, and after the shock, he was ecstatic.He knew that Heiyi Suzhen was definitely not simple, but he didn't expect that she was so good that even Shenlong Sidu would offer an olive branch.

However, Chen Tiannan immediately came to his senses and asked Huang Lao: "Then where is my little nephew, Chen Jun?"

Mr. Huang immediately said meaningfully: "Tiannan, you know what the Shenlong Division is. You can't enter that place by virtue of relationships. If you don't have the ability, even the king of heaven and I can't get into Shenlong Division. Tell me, little Jun is 15 years old and has no spiritual power, can he enter Shenlong Division?"

Chen Tiannan said: "Old chief, you may really only notice this kid Jingyao. But Xiaojun, his fighting skills are really not simple. He has also been trained. If he is trained, I believe he will achieve great success in the future." Under Jingyao!"

Huang Lao said: "Tiannan, I believe in your vision and judgment. But nothing can be done overnight. I have already planned to recommend Xiaojun to the Weilong Military Academy. He has laid the foundation there and is good enough. In the future Going to the International Military Academy is not a problem. If you are more outstanding, you can also enter Shenlong Division. But in this situation, I will directly recommend it to Shenlong Division. I admit that I don’t have the courage. Let me ask you, do you have the courage?”

Chen Tiannan smiled wryly, and said: "I really didn't expect that Jingyao could go to the Shenlong Division. I originally planned that they would enter the Weilong Military Academy together, which was the best plan."

"That's right, it means Jingyao is a surprise!" Huang Lao said.

Chen Tiannan said: "But I'm worried, they don't want to separate!"

Huang Lao said: "This is not a problem. Everyone has their own way and future. If Xiaojun is sensible enough, he should know to support his sister. You have to do this ideological work! And, hurry up. Some. Because later, we will use a special plane to send Jingyao directly to Shenlong Division."

Chen Tiannan said: "Okay!"

So, next, in the bungalow, Chen Tiannan told Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen about the matter.

"I won't go!" Heiyi Suzhen refused directly after hearing this. "Xiaojun and I want to be together, if we want to separate, we won't go anywhere!"

Her attitude was firm.

It's nothing else, Hei Yi Suzhen looked at Chen Yang's current situation, she still wanted to protect Chen Yang, so, how could she be separated from Chen Yang.She has no interest in the god dragon division of Lao Shizi.

Chen Tiannan smiled wryly: "Jingyao, did you reject it too quickly? Do you know where Shenlong Division is?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. What does it have to do with me? Shenlongsi wants to accept, so let the two of us be together, otherwise, we won't talk about it!" Heiyi Suzhen said coldly.

Chen Tiannan was very embarrassed, and said: "Jingyao, that's not the case. In Shenlong Division, conditions are not negotiated."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Then don't talk about it! If it really doesn't work, Xiaojun and I will go home. No one needs to make things difficult!"

Chen Tiannan said: "This..." He turned to Chen Yang and said, "Xiaojun, what's your opinion? You can go to Weilong Military Academy."

Chen Yang felt very embarrassed.

Naturally, he didn't want to separate, but the ball mentioned him, if he insisted on not separating, wouldn't it appear that he was too unstructured and petty?

Chen Yang coughed dryly, and said, "Well, uncle, can't I go to that Shenlong Division? Look down on people? I have trouble with my legs and feet now. When my legs and feet get better, I still can't look down on Shenlong Division?"

"You, you all don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!" Chen Tiannan smiled wryly.

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