The strongest player in history

Chapter 2668 Dark Holy See

At this moment, the chopsticks in Chen Yang's hand seemed to have been dropped!But this was an illusion, Chen Yang didn't let go at all, his hand flew upwards with the chopsticks, then his wrist circled like a flying eagle, turned directly, and then stabbed Chen Tiannan's wrist from below.The changes are mysterious and natural!

Chen Tiannan was taken aback!

Chen Yang's changes were so subtle, he was sweating profusely at this moment.

Chen Tiannan didn't have time to think about it, he immediately stopped like Chen Yang, and quickly stopped, like a snake returning to its cave.But Chen Yang had already stuck to Chen Tiannan's chopsticks in advance, and then took advantage of the momentum to shake him down.

Chen Tiannan's hands tightened suddenly, his strength surpassed a hundred catties in an instant, and he finally held the chopsticks firmly.

Only then did Chen Yang stop, and he looked at Chen Tiannan with a smile.

At this moment, the victory and defeat have been divided.

Chen Tiannan was surprised and looked at Chen Yang in shock.

"This... Brat, have you learned martial arts before?" Chen Tiannan was speechless.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "I have always been interested and studied it. But I haven't formally studied it, so I want to transfer to martial arts now."

"Good material, genius, genius!" Chen Tiannan greatly admired him, his face flushed, and he said, "It's a pity not to transfer to martial arts, but I must transfer to martial arts. Brat, this matter is decided by uncle. Le Yi, Xiao Jun is a good guy! Do you know? Just now, I lost, lost. My skills are not as good as his!"

Chen Leyi was stunned, she didn't see the duel just now clearly, she said: "Isn't there a winner yet?"

Chen Tiannan said: "I lost. If I didn't violate the rules, he would pick up the chopsticks. I must take away such good materials. I won't transfer to any martial arts. Xiaojun, come with me to the army."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect the span to be so large.

"Joining the army is also good, and there will be more resources!" Chen Yang secretly said: "At that time, I will be able to quickly strengthen my body. Only when my body is strong can I find the point to go out. And, very likely, the point to go out is not on me , it's on Bai Suzhen's body."

"How is it?" Chen Tiannan then said: "Xiaojun, would you like to go to the army with uncle?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Ah, it depends on what the second sister and the eldest sister want!"

Chen Tiannan said: "You are a man, they want to see what you want, not what you want to see them."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "No, I have to listen to the second sister and the eldest sister."

In fact, Chen Yang mainly wanted to hear Hei Yi Suzhen's meaning.

"Leyi, the country is short of talents right now." Chen Tiannan immediately said to Chen Leyi: "You can't hold back the country!"

Chen Leyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Uncle, did you make a mistake, Xiaojun has never had any special talents! Why did he suddenly become a genius?"

"Absolutely a genius!" Chen Tiannan said, "We used to really underestimate Xiaojun."

Chen Leyi sighed, and said: "I really don't understand, Xiaojun, I found out that my sister hasn't really understood you for so many years. You can make your own decision on this matter."

Chen Leyi still felt very warm when Chen Yang said that he wanted to protect her and the second sister.She is young and naturally enlightened.She has always been worried about Chen Yang's future. Now that he has this talent, of course she will not forcefully stop him.

Chen Yang looked at Hei Yi Suzhen.

"Second sister, what do you mean?" Chen Yang asked.

Hei Yi Suzhen was silent for a while, and then said to Chen Tiannan: "I also want to come along, wherever Xiaojun goes, I will go there."

Chen Tiannan felt embarrassed immediately, and said, "This is not easy!"

Chen Yang immediately said: "The second sister is stronger than me, she has already inhaled the spirit energy without taking the spirit consciousness pill!"

Chen Tiannan was shocked and said, "Really?"

"If you don't believe me, check the qi in her body!" Chen Yang said firmly.

Chen Tiannan immediately said to Hei Yi Suzhen: "Jing Yao, hold out your hand."

Hei Yi Suzhen stretched out her hand.

Chen Tiannan stretched out two fingers to rest on Hei Yi Suzhen's pulse, and then, his divine dragon aura penetrated into Hei Yi Suzhen's body.

He immediately felt the existence of aura in Heiyi Suzhen's body, and he also felt that this aura is continuous and has great plasticity!

Chen Tiannan quickly withdrew his hand, asked Hei Yi Suzhen in surprise, and said, "You really didn't take the Spiritual Consciousness Pill?"

Hei Yi Suzhen shook her head and said, "No!"

"How is this possible?" Chen Tiannan murmured.

Chen Leyi was at a loss.

She obviously couldn't react to the changes in her younger siblings.

She didn't understand why many things seemed to have changed after a car accident.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Chen Leyi couldn't stand the atmosphere, so she couldn't help asking Chen Tiannan.

Chen Tiannan looked at Chen Leyi, and said: "Le Yi, Xiao Jun competed with me just now, and the skills he showed, even an old hand like me, failed. If he cultivated it, his cultivation base reached a certain height, with his skills, In the future, his achievements will be far above mine. As for Jingyao..."

Speaking of this, Chen Tiannan took a deep breath and said: "According to our official top-secret information, there are no more than ten people who can inhale spiritual energy without taking the spiritual consciousness pill. Do you know who these ten people are?"

"Who?" Chen Leyi would understand this, so she asked immediately.

Chen Tiannan said: "The first one is the late Master Mo Yun!"

"Master Mo Yun? 80 years ago, the No. 1 Master Mo Yun?" Chen Leyi turned pale.

Chen Tiannan said: "When Master Mo Yun was at his peak, he was able to summon a sixth- and ninth-order dragon, which can be said to be invincible in the world."

"Didn't it mean that at most two were summoned?" Chen Leyi said.

"That's a public statement!" Chen Tiannan said. "Unfortunately, Master Mo Yun was besieged and killed by the Dark Vatican and died tragically. The second one is His Majesty the Pope of the Dark Vatican who is still alive, Douglas, who is known as the Dark King!"

"I don't know the Dark Lord!" Chen Leyi said.

Chen Tiannan said: "In your world, of course you can't get in touch with the Dark King. The Dark King is the No.1 in the world today. It is said that he can summon nine ninth-level dragons, but no one has seen it before. The Dark King's status is so high that all countries When the head of state sees him, he must make an appointment in advance, and he must be treated with courtesy."

"In short, Le Yi, let me tell you that in history, as long as there are records of those who have spiritual energy without taking the spiritual consciousness pill, their cultivation is extraordinary." Chen Tiannan said: "Right now, I have to bring Jingyao and Xiaojun are going to the army. There is no need to doubt Xiaojun's talent. As for Jingyao, once it is confirmed that she has not taken the Spiritual Consciousness Pill, then she will become the top secret of the state!"

Chen Tiannan looked very excited, and said: "Le Yi, I didn't understand that you adopted these two children before. I only understand now that your vision is unique! Today, the entire international situation is much more serious than you imagined. Developed countries such as island countries and Li countries are paying more and more attention to the cultivation of martial arts masters. Talents in their countries emerge in endlessly. On the other hand, in our country, the talent has really withered recently. If things go on like this, we will be in a very disadvantageous state. We all It was signed at the Federation International Conference, all of which are not allowed to use super weapons. So now, martial arts masters are very important to the country. If they send a few masters to disrupt our order, and our masters cannot subdue them, that is Annihilation!"

Chen Leyi didn't know what to say at this time, she actually knew what vision she had!

"Xiaojun, Jingyao!" Chen Leyi looked at Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen seriously, and said, "Are you willing to go to the army with your uncle to accept the test?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Huaguo is our home. If we have the ability, we are willing to protect our homeland. We also hope that we can bring glory to you, sister!"

Chen Leyi was reluctant and sad, and said: "I don't ask you to bring me any glory, I just hope that you can be safe."

The matter of going to the army is settled like this.

Chen Tiannan originally planned to come back for a few days of vacation, and also to visit some old comrades in arms.But because of this matter, he plans to return to the army tomorrow morning.

After eating, Chen Leyi began to pack Chen Jun's clothes.When she was packing her clothes, her eyes were flushed, obviously she was very reluctant.

Chen Yang watched from the side, feeling a little unbearable in his heart.This woman has a very kind heart.He couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he and Bai Suzhen came here.Otherwise, how sad she would be if she suddenly lost her brother and sister!

"If you don't get used to it, come back." Chen Leyi said this to Chen Yang repeatedly, and then complained to Chen Yang, saying: "I really don't understand, stay at home well, you have to learn some martial arts. Dance with knives and guns, how many Not safe. The hearts of the two of you are made of steel. I have always been reluctant to part with you, but you are reluctant to part with me."

Chen Yang shouted softly: "Sister!" Chen Leyi said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yang pushed the wheelchair and came to Chen Leyi. He held her hands and stared at Chen Leyi... After that, he smiled slightly and said, "Sister, don't worry, we will take care of ourselves."

Chen Leyi's face flushed slightly, and she quickly withdrew her hands.

I just feel that the younger brother now seems to have a masculinity invisibly!

When they looked at each other just now, she actually felt a little flustered.

Chen Yang didn't pay attention to this.

The same skin, but different souls will have different charms.

The old Chen Jun was lackluster.

But now, after Chen Yang has possessed himself, he has an indescribable charm in every gesture.

Chen Leyi then went to help Hei Yi Suzhen pack her luggage.

After everything was settled, Hei Yi Suzhen came to see Chen Yang again.

"I'm not in a hurry to leave this world." Taking advantage of Chen Leyi's absence, Chen Yang quickly explained to Hei Yi Suzhen: "I want to take care of our bodies first and restore some strength. If the border relationship is good, we can also know more secrets. After we determine the way to leave and how to return to the correct time point. At that time, you can stay as long as you want. Anyway, as long as you don’t delay things Son, I'd love to."

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled faintly and said, "I didn't say much, are you guilty?"

Chen Yang laughed.

To be honest, although everything seemed to be under control, he still couldn't help feeling a little anxious after a long time.

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