The strongest player in history

Chapter 2665 Dragon Level 9

Chen Yang gradually learned about such things as spiritual knowledge pills. There are many grades of spiritual knowledge pills.There are low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, extreme-grade and god-grade!As the name suggests, the better the spiritual knowledge pill, the purer the spiritual energy absorbed, and the higher the achievement may be at that time.

If you take the Divine Consciousness Pill, at the first level of Qinglinggong, it may be because your spiritual energy is pure enough, the power may be better than that of the second and third levels.

Reiki in the body is equivalent to internal strength, internal strength!

Will increase strength and speed.At the same time, there are also many skills, such as piercing strength, drilling strength, three-inch strength, fighting cattle across mountains, etc., which are all compulsory homework.There is a lot of knowledge here...

Different from the Great Thousand World, the Great Thousand World can also be cultivated into a master.But the Qi in the Great Thousand World cannot compare with the Qi here.The aura here is in the body, and the power is great.Practicing martial arts in the great world, it is not easy to practice real kung fu.It is very difficult to learn how to blow the hairs, seal the vitality, learn the method of washing the marrow, understand the dark energy, etc., and so on.

Especially a closed vitality, fried fine hair.This alone has stumped too many people.

Of course, it is not easy to inhale spiritual energy with the spiritual knowledge pill.

However, this success rate is still much easier than closing Yuan Qi in the Great Thousand World.The big reason is also because the aura in this world is very abundant.

Practicing Qingling Kungfu will increase the strength.

When reaching the ninth level of Qing Ling Gong, the strength can reach 20 jin.Just like a cannonball in the shape of a human, it strides more than [-] meters in one step, and its body is like lightning, flying flowers and picking leaves, killing people invisible.

As for practicing Shenlong Qigong, that's not to mention.Shenlong Qigong is almost equivalent to the existence of magic.

A ninth-level master of Shenlong Qigong, he can fly for more than a hundred miles by riding a Shenlong!

The roar of the dragon can kill all creatures within a radius of 300 meters.The power of that sound wave is terrifying to the extreme.

In this celestial world, there are many masters who have cultivated to the ninth level of Shenlong.According to the rumors, there are three in Liguo, and one in Huaguo.There are also island countries, and there are two island countries.

Rumor has it that there are even masters who surpass the ninth rank of Shenlong. That kind of master can summon two Shenlongs.

It is said that at the highest level one can summon nine divine dragons, but so far, only two divine dragons have been summoned at most in the celestial world.The master who summoned the two dragons is called Lanxius!It's a white man from country Y.He has been gone for more than fifty years.

The information that Chen Yang knew was all official information.He knew that there must be many hidden masters, and those who have cultivated to the ninth level of Shenlong are definitely more than that.

This is a turbulent world.

Chen Yang also understands why the rules of the world are like this, because there are no three thousand worlds in this world.If everyone has mastered the magic power of the churning stars, this world may be shattered by the masters.

"Wait!" Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, and he immediately asked Suzhen in black who was reading a book beside him.

Hei Yi Suzhen has been working hard because she promised Chen Leyi that she will go to class in three days.

"What?" Hei Yi Suzhen raised her head and glanced at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "You said that this world cannot have mana, right?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang said: "It seems that when you came in, you used mana to help me get on Chen Jun's body. Also, Lei Yuan is also mana, right?"

Hei Yi Suzhen was slightly taken aback.

She also fell into thought afterward.

After a while, she said: "I'm not too clear about it, but what you said really reminded me. Logically speaking, we couldn't come in. We couldn't get in before because the rules of the world restricted us. But Later, why did you come in so easily?"

Chen Yang said: "Could it be because, after your dark element and arc element merged, you also became a part of the rules?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "It's very possible, but right now, I really can't use mana anymore. Well, to be precise, I can't generate new mana. The mental power of the brain domain is the same as that of ordinary people."

Chen Yang said: "It's really not clear, we know too little about this world. We need to strengthen our understanding!"

Hei Yi Suzhen nodded and said, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Yes!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang looked at Suzhen in black in front of him again.He smiled and said, "Have you ever looked in the mirror?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "I've done it!"

The black-clothed Suzhen in front of her is a full-fledged girl.She was wearing a white T-shirt, a denim jacket, a ponytail, and jeans.She's really girly... and she's an absolute beauty.

"I really didn't expect that the person in front of me is you, very interesting!" Chen Yang sighed sincerely.

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "I think you should look in the mirror more."

Chen Yang said: "Oh, yes. I haven't looked at myself seriously yet."

Hei Yi Suzhen pushed Chen Yang to the vanity mirror.

Chen Yang carefully looked at himself in the mirror.

The boy in the mirror... was pale, with yellow hair, and looked like he was malnourished.His body is thin and thin, about 1.7 meters eight.

It looks like the kind of soft bones that are easy to bully.

Chen Yang felt that the only change he brought to Chen Jun after wearing this body was that his eyes became brighter.

Not handsome, but not ugly, very ordinary person.

Throw it in the crowd, and it will never be found out at a glance.

"Yeah!" After seeing it, Chen Yang touched his nose, nodded, and said, "Not bad! Actually, I wasn't handsome before, mainly because I have a good temperament."

Hei Yi Suzhen laughed, but didn't say much.

She didn't pay attention to this kind of external skin.

"I'm going, my stomach hurts!" At this moment, Hei Yi Suzhen frowned suddenly.

Hei Yi Suzhen turned around and left quickly.

Chen Yang wondered, why did he suddenly have a stomachache?

Then he changed his mind and suddenly understood something.

I'm going, shouldn't I come to my aunt?

He thought it was funny, Hei Yi Suzhen was probably unfamiliar with this kind of experience.

When you are an ordinary person, you will naturally have ordinary people's troubles.

Chen Yang was not dissatisfied with his current body.His only dissatisfaction is that the recovery from the injury is too slow.In the past, he was ten thousand miles away in an instant.Now I can't even stand up, it really annoys me more and more.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang decided to add his own therapy.

Half an hour later, Hei Yi Suzhen came to see Chen Yang.Her complexion is not very good!

Chen Yang asked: "Uh, is there someone here?"

Hei Yi Suzhen blushed and said, "Get lost!"

Chen Yang knew he had guessed right, and he said afterwards: "My recovery from this injury is too slow, I have to find a way."

"What do you want to do?" Hei Yi Suzhen asked.

Chen Yang said: "I'll prescribe some medicinal materials for you, and you can buy them for me."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Okay, tell me."

Chen Yang immediately wrote the names of many medicinal materials on the phone, and then sent them to Hei Yi Suzhen.Hei Yi Suzhen went to work.

Chen Yang took another deep breath immediately, he closed his eyes and opened them suddenly, immediately, all the hairs stood on end.

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