The strongest player in history

Chapter 2644 Excited Bai Suzhen

Chen Yang thought, what if he ran to Tyrannosaurus, but Bai Suzhen and Master Luo didn't go.At that time, it was really embarrassing.

I finally escaped with Meng Qingchen and escaped from death, so going back to die like this would be a big joke in the world.

Without thinking too much, Chen Yang first decided to make noise outside.

This dark tide is very powerful, but the premise is that you will fall into it after entering it.Chen Yang cast his supernatural power outside, and the black hole spar turned into a black hole mahamudra in his hands!

Afterwards, Chen Yang howled repeatedly.The sound wave turned into infinite power and smashed into the black tide. At the same time, the big handprint of the black hole set off a huge wave in the dark tide!

This dark tide is wider and boundless than the sea, but Chen Yang's power can shatter the planet, so there is still a lot of movement in the dark tide.

However, Chen Yang immediately noticed something was wrong.The dark tide is not as simple as it seems on the surface. In essence, it is not sea water... The dark elements inside are endless, infinitely deep, abyss, and vast, just like the entire universe.Therefore, Chen Yang's roar and huge waves are actually only in the shallow layer.This kind of disturbance seems to have the momentum of shattering the planet, but in fact, it is like ants tickling an elephant.

"This is a headache." Chen Yang thought to himself.

"How can we be sure that Bai Suzhen is inside? Maybe, Master Luo has been here for so long, and he has already fallen into it." Chen Yang began to feel that Master Luo might have left with Bai Suzhen.But at this moment, after he understood the dark tide, he felt that it was very possible that Master Luo was trapped in it.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and then he entered the dark tide.

His figure was like electricity, and he was instantly submerged in the dark tide.At that moment, Chen Yang seemed to have entered the eternal night.

This was Chen Yang's first time entering the Dark Tides.

Before his eyes, there was darkness.The impenetrable darkness...

He turned back again, and there was also darkness behind him.Moreover, the way to come can no longer be seen.

The moment you enter, it's like entering another world.And after that, the way in has been closed.

Chen Yang was taken aback, and what was even more frightening was that, after that, endless dark elements rushed towards him and began to devour him.

It's like ink is going to stain a white thing black.In the depths of the dark element, a vortex like a black hole exists, pulling and compressing, trying to tear Chen Yang's body into pieces, and then swallow it into the darkness, and finally, make Chen Yang also become a dark element.

Chen Yang wasn't afraid. If he wanted to leave, there was naturally a way.

At this time, the space-time channel will not work either!

But Chen Yang has a great fate.

"Bai Suzhen!" Chen Yang roared, and the sound waves shook.

"Are you here, are you going to kill me?"

Chen Yang roared a few times, and then he began to feel the dark elements soaking into his bones.

If this continues, his whole person will really become a dark element.When the time comes, he will be torn apart and finally reduced to a dark element.As for the eternal spar, the time spar and the origin copper coin will not be affected.Chen Yang was originally entangled with the eternal spar, almost becoming one.But not really one, in this extreme case, the eternal spar is real gold, real gold withstood the fire.But Chen Yang couldn't bear it.

Therefore, the final result would be that Chen Yang would become a dark element.And the eternal spar will restore the free body.

Of course, Chen Yang would not allow this to happen, he decided that if he couldn't do it, he would just leave.Then go to the Big Dipper alone to find the parent body of the arc element.

Chen Yang persisted for a while, deeply feeling that he couldn't stay in this place any longer.So he began to use his mana, and when he was about to cast the Great Fate, suddenly, the darkness in front of him receded like a tide.Originally, Chen Yang could see clearly even in absolute darkness.But among the dark elements, it is like a blind man.But at this time, the dark elements in front of him were divided into two sides, and a path was made in the middle.

Although it was dark everywhere, Chen Yang could see clearly that there was a road to the sky in front of him.

This sky-reaching avenue is directly derived inward!

Chen Yang was overjoyed, and he knew in his heart that he must have successfully alarmed Bai Suzhen.He didn't have time to think about it, and with a flash of his figure, he immediately entered Tongtian Avenue and flashed inside.

All the way along the Tongtian Avenue, Chen Yang flew for more than [-] miles before reaching the core area.

I saw a black throne in front of me!

The throne looked familiar to Chen Yang, and then Chen Yang was startled!

Isn't that Di Shengtian's Nine Dragons Chariot?

Chen Yang turned pale with horror, and said to himself, "Why did Di Shengtian come here?"

His heart was full of ghosts, and he wanted to escape immediately.At this moment, with the Origin Copper Coin in hand, and the Great Fate Technique ready to be launched, it is really like facing an enemy!

"Chen Yang, where are you doing?" Just then, a familiar and pleasant voice came.

Chen Yang saw that on the Nine Dragons Chariot, the darkness faded, but a woman appeared.

It was Suzhen in black!

Hei Yi Suzhen was wearing a long black dress and her hair was rolled up. She was still so cold, elegant and unremarkable, just like an incomparably beautiful black lotus.

"Damn it!" Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turned out to be you!"

"Nonsense!" Hei Yi Suzhen rolled her eyes and said, "It's not me, do you think it's someone else? What are you thinking? Didn't you just shout that I'm going to kill you, old man?"

Chen Yang suddenly remembered when he lost his composure before, and shouted Bai Suzhen, are you trying to kill Lao Tzu?

At this time, he felt completely relaxed, and said with a smile: "You should show up earlier, this is not fun at all, you know?"

Hei Yi Suzhen also smiled.She is actually a person who is emotionally indifferent, or even lacks emotion.But when she treats Chen Yang, she always shows a particularly soft side.She may not like Ling'er that much, but because of Chen Yang's presence, she has a special preference for women like Ling'er and Huo Hongjin.

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled and said, "I showed up earlier? I didn't know you would come." She paused and said, "By the way, I didn't tell you before, you don't need to come to me. This time you came suddenly What are you looking for me for? Could it be that the earth is in trouble again?"

After she spoke, her complexion changed.

Chen Yang said: "There are indeed major events about to happen on Earth."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Oh, what's the matter?"

Chen Yang said: "Yuanjue Fashen is about to die."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "I know that."

Chen Yang said: "So, there is a new plan for the Empire Tianzhou. The Fashen sensed that the masters with the power of the world will come. The earth is already at stake..."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Since this is the case, there is no need to delay, then let's leave immediately."

Chen Yang said: "Wait, I'm not here to call you back to Earth."

"Ah?" Hei Yi Suzhen said, "What is that for?"

Chen Yang said, "Dharma God has other arrangements."

"What arrangement?" Hei Yi Suzhen asked.

Chen Yang said: "We are going to find the arc element matrix!"

He then revealed the plan of Fashen.

"What kind of plane!" Heiyi Suzhen's face suddenly became very ugly, and she said: "Grandma, I followed their wishes and came here to practice. After a lot of hard work, I finally managed to control the Dark Lord. The power of the world. Grandma is a ball, and I haven’t thought about it yet. He is telling me now that he wants me to destroy the power of the world? Is there a mistake!” With the times, so this excitement, I spoke a relatively modern language.

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Oh, the overall situation is the most important, the overall situation is the most important. Can you stop the imperial skyboat by yourself?"

"The earth is gone, I can still go elsewhere." Hei Yi Suzhen said unhappily.She was not a particularly patriotic woman. "But if the power of the world is gone, it will really be gone."

Chen Yang didn't care much, and said, "Anyway, I don't have the power of the world, and everyone has it. That's good. It's fairer to fight!"

"Fair ass!" Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The power of the world comes from our hard work and narrow escape. Take it away if you say it, and you still say it's fair! Give the money of the rich to the poor, and the poor will be ashamed." I think it's fair, but what about the rich? That money didn't just fall from the sky!"

Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said, "Okay, okay, it's not fair!" He paused, and said seriously, "But it's different now, lips are dead and teeth are cold."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The lips will die, but the teeth may not necessarily be cold." She then smiled and said: "Okay, I won't joke with you. Although I don't have the kind of great sacrifice and enlightenment that Yuanjue has, but big right and wrong are in front of me. , and know how to choose. In this case, let's go."

Chen Yang said: "Wait!"

"What's the matter?" Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Chen Yang thought of something, and said, "I have a friend who came to see you, do you have any impression?"

"What friend?" Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Chen Yang secretly said: "Hasn't the Taoist priest been here?"

Heiyi Suzhen then turned weird again, and said, "A Taoist priest?"

Chen Yang was overjoyed, and said: "Yes, yes, yes!" He immediately changed his face and said, "Don't tell me, you killed him?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Uh, almost, almost. There should be salvation!" She grabbed it casually.

A black handprint flickered with an electric arc, and then probed into the depths of the darkness.

Afterwards, Hei Yi Suzhen arrested a person and came out.

Chen Yang took a closer look, and that person was... Master Luo!

At this time, Master Luo's whole body was pitch black, darker than a black man... he was almost invisible.

There is no breath!

Chen Yang turned pale in shock, and said, "Is the Taoist priest dead?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Not dead yet." After she finished speaking, she waved her hand.

Immediately, a bolt of lightning flashed out.

There were countless arc-shaped currents in the electric light, and these currents rushed into the body of Channel Chief Luo.

Chen Yang saw the electric current rushing inside the Taoist priest's body, followed, and soon, all the dark elements retreated.

Master Luo's body returned to its original state.However, his eyes were still closed tightly, and he did not breathe.

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