The strongest player in history

Chapter 2634 Father and Son

Chen Yang felt even more sad when he heard it.

For the rest of the time, Chen Nianci didn't talk much to Chen Yang.Chen Yang flattered him several times, but the little guy didn't pay much attention to Chen Yang.Shen Mo Nong lost his temper and said: "I said Chen Nianci, you are enough! Dad has worked very hard outside, and you have to know how to stop everything! Bao'er is not like you."

Qin Baoer immediately said from the side: "That's right, Chen Nianci, you are so hypocritical!"

Chen Nianci pouted and said, "I didn't! But I don't want to talk, can't I, hum!" Chen Yang laughed, hugged his son, and said, "Actually, it's all Dad's fault. The most sensible child."

"What's wrong with that? My mother told me that a man's ambition is in the world. She doesn't like a man who stays at home all day and doesn't go out. My father doesn't like to go out every time. My mother always uses bang, Hey, my useless father!" Qin Bao'er frowned.She looked like a little adult, and her words were full of dislike for her father.This made Chen Yang and Shen Murong laugh dumbfounded.

Among these children, Qin Baoer is the most lively, she is simply a living treasure.

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile: "Bao'er often has golden sentences. Last time she refused to go to bed at night. Yadan lied to her that mother is afraid of going to bed alone at night. Can you go to sleep with mother? Guess what? What did the little guy say?" Chen Yang said, "I can't guess."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Bao'er said, if you are afraid, go to your husband to sleep with you. Why are you looking for me?"

Chen Yang laughed out loud after hearing this.

On the way back, it was Chen Yang who was driving.

After picking up Xuanyuan Yadan, they went out to eat together.Later, Fu Qingzhu and Xiaoai also rushed over.Xiao Ai went to university in Yenching, after all, she was admitted to Yenching University based on her own grades.Xiao Ai came here on leave. She heard from Fu Qingzhu that Chen Yang would come back soon.

Everyone eats together in a nice restaurant.

I didn't eat any delicacies from mountains and seas, but in a more elegant box.

Xiao Ai is only a freshman, and she has become more and more beautiful.

"Godfather!" After seeing Chen Yang, Xiao Ai called out sweetly.The little girl was wearing a light blue woolen coat. She was tall and fair-skinned, and she naturally exuded an intellectual and elegant temperament.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Xiao Ai has really grown up, even in Yanda, I think she is a proper school beauty!"

Fu Qingzhu smiled kindly like an old father, and said proudly: "Of course!"

Xiao Ai's face flushed slightly.Qin Baoer and Mo Yu immediately stuck to Xiao Ai.

Qin Bao'er is a living treasure, so it goes without saying that he likes Xiao Ai.Even the colder Mo Yu, she also likes Xiao Ai very much.In fact, Xiao Ai took good care of Mo Yu, and she felt sorry for the child's life experience...

After playing with the two little guys for a while, Xiao Ai noticed Nian Ci who was sullen beside him.

"Nianci, what's the matter?" Xiaoai immediately came to Chen Nianci's side.

Qin Baoer said: "This guy is angry with Uncle San."

Xiao Ai asked strangely: "Angry with godfather? Godfather finally came back, why are you angry?"

"I don't know, maybe it's hypocritical." Qin Baoer said.

"You talk too much!" At this moment, Chen Nianci lost face and yelled at Qin Bao'er.

Qin Baoer was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect the always good-tempered brother Nianci to be so fierce to her.Immediately, the little guy's eyes were red, and then, tears fell down.

Xuanyuan Yadan stayed aside for a while, and immediately came to coax Qin Baoer.

"Be good, Bao'er, Bao'er..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Chen Yang's complexion also changed. He lowered his face and said, "Nianci, who told you to yell at my sister like this? Apologize to my sister immediately!"

Chen Yang has never criticized Chen Nianci so seriously, this is the first time.

"Why should I apologize? I won't!" Chen Nianci turned his head stubbornly.

"It's okay, Chen Yang, it's just children playing around, don't talk about Nianci." Xuanyuan Yadan said hastily.

Chen Nianci wanted to say something more, but suddenly, his eye sockets were also red, and tears gathered in his eye sockets.But the child just didn't cry, and forcibly endured it.

"Chen Nianci, you go out and stand still, I won't ask you to come in, you are not allowed to come in!" Shen Mo Nong also reprimanded.

Without saying a word, Chen Nianci opened the door and went out, and then stood by the wall outside the door.

It was originally a happy family dinner, but this time it became awkward.Xiao Ai came to Qin Baoer first.Qin Baoer was still sobbing and crying, feeling extremely wronged.

Bao'er saw Xiao Ai, and then threw herself into Xiao Ai's arms.

Mo Yu went outside without saying a word, and accompanied Chen Nianci.

In the room, Shen Mo Nong smiled wryly, and said, "This child is probably spoiled by me."

"Don't talk about Nian Ci like that." Xuanyuan Yadan said, "Nian Ci has been the most well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. This time, there must be some reason. Besides, Nian Ci was already at odds today, and Bao'er was always making fun of him. He also wants to save face now."

Chen Yang sighed, and said, "I have to talk to Nian Chi first, please wait for me."

Everyone expressed their understanding.

Shen Monong said, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "No need."

Shen Monong said, "Okay!"

Mo Yu was standing next to Chen Nianci, and now Chen Nianci was angry and ignored everyone.

After Chen Yang came out, he said to Mo Yu, "Mo Yu, you go in first."

Mo Yu looked up at Chen Yang, and she said softly, "Godfather, don't hit brother Nianci, okay?"

"Of course not!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

Only then did Mo Yu go in with confidence.

Chen Yang came in front of Chen Nianci, squatted down, then held Chen Nianci's hands, and said softly: "No matter what, you shouldn't yell at Sister Baoer like that, you know?"

Chen Nianci lowered his head and said softly, "I know."

"Then let's apologize to Sister Bao'er later, shall we?" Chen Yang said.

Chen Nianci nodded. Although his eyes were red, he never cried.

"Okay, let's go, let's chat with Dad for a while." Chen Yang instantly blinded the surrounding cameras, and the next moment, he brought Chen Nianci to the North Sea with a great teleportation technique.

The weather in Beihai was very warm. Although it was six o'clock in the evening, it was still sunny.

The setting sun is so beautiful in the sky, it makes the whole sea look so beautiful.

Chen Nianci was stunned by the star shifting in front of him.

He saw himself standing in the void like this, and ten meters below his feet was a calm sea.He felt that there was nothing under his feet, but he seemed to be standing on a stream of air.

Chen Nianci is not ignorant of supernatural powers.After all, back then, his grandfather Chen Tianya was in his eyebrows.But Chen Nianci's understanding of supernatural powers is limited to this.

He sometimes asked his mother, Shen Mo Nong, but Shen Mo Nong didn't explain it to him.

But right now, all of this is too shocking and unbelievable.

"Dad, we... this..." Chen Nianci felt that everything in front of him subverted all his cognition.What he learned in school was materialism, a systematic science.But in front of him, he couldn't understand and accept it.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then turned the black hole spar into a big ship.

The big black ship was sailing on the sea, and Chen Yang took Chen Nianci to the deck of the big ship.

"Father can explain all this to you!" Chen Yang said first.Then, he said, "Don't worry, just ask the same questions."

"Is this... a spell from a mythological TV series?" Chen Nianci asked Chen Yang anxiously, blushing.

Chen Yang said: "That's right, it's also magic!"

Chen Nianci hurriedly asked again: "Father, are you a god?"

"Come on, sit!" Chen Yang led Chen Nianci to sit down, then he smiled and said, "Dad knows magic, but Dad is not a god. Moreover, Dad's spells are much more powerful than those mythological TV dramas you watch. Most of the spells in TV dramas are capable of turning clouds and rain. Sun Wukong is only one hundred and eight thousand miles in a somersault. But your father and I can run 30 miles in one somersault. However, my father will not change 72. But you Dad and I, there is no problem in destroying a death star in the universe with a snap of our fingers."

"Ah..." Chen Nianci was dumbfounded, and then he said with a wry smile, "Father, are you bragging to me?"

The little guy had completely forgotten to be angry.

He was shocked by everything in front of him.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "When did Dad brag with you kid?"

Chen Nianci said: "But I can't believe it. Is this magic? Is it an illusion?"

Chen Yang said: "Neither. All of this is true. Look..." After he finished speaking, he pointed to the front.

Suddenly, waves surged in the sea ahead.

Then, the earth was turned upside down, and in the sea water, countless huge waves gushed out, and finally ten sea dragons formed!

Each sea dragon is huge and as long as a kilometer.These sea dragons all flew towards Chen Nianci...

Chen Nianci's face turned pale immediately, and she threw herself into Chen Yang's arms: "Dad, Dad..."

"Don't be afraid!" Chen Yang patted the little guy on the back and said, "Look, those sea dragons are controlled by dad's magic."

Only then did Chen Nianci pluck up the courage to look over, and saw the ten sea dragons obediently, very tamely staying in the air, not moving forward.

"Go!" Chen Yang withdrew his mana.

Immediately, the ten sea dragons lost their cohesion and turned into sea water in an instant, all of which fell into the sea.The sea was suddenly rough, but it quickly returned to calm.

"This is not an illusion, silly boy!" Seeing his son still not believing it, Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled and patted his head and said.

Chen Nianci was silent for a long time, and then said: "Father, why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"

Chen Yang sighed, and said: "It's not because of you brat, you have grown up. I hope you understand that Dad loves you very much. It's not that Dad doesn't want to stay with you at home, but that Dad has a lot of things to do. It's not because To make money, but live."

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