The strongest player in history

Chapter 2629 The Green Hat

Chen Yang said: "Isn't he afraid of you, Nirvana again?"

Meng Qingchen said: "He has reached the Nirvana state, and he can only be Nirvana once. How is it possible that I can get Nirvana a second time with some superficial knowledge? Besides, strictly speaking, mine does not belong to the real Nirvana."

"Get out immediately!" Di Shengtian roared outside.The emotion contained in that roar really has the meaning of his wife being greened by someone.

Meng Qingchen, on the other hand, was worried, and said: "This is not going to be easy. You and I are by no means his opponent. The only thing that is better now is that all his subordinates have left. Those subordinates dare not go to the Emperor Shengtian, I am afraid that Di Shengtian will hold grudges. Because Di Shengtian was seriously injured at the time, anyone who goes to him will probably regard him as an enemy."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's different now. I'm here!"

"You...fate?" Meng Qingchen immediately came to her senses.

Chen Yang said: "That's right!"

"But that will consume your lifespan!" Meng Qingchen said.Chen Yang said: "What's the loss of life, it's at this juncture."

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay, if that's the case, then let's go meet Emperor Shengtian." While she was talking, she had already tidied her clothes and hair.

Chen Yang chuckled, but came over to mess up Meng Qingchen's hair.

"What are you doing?" Meng Qingchen was puzzled.Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "I want to get angry with this old dog." After he finished speaking, he immediately groped for Meng Qingchen's sensitive parts.Meng Qingchen immediately blushed and her heart beat... She hurriedly opened Chen Yang's hand.

So at this time, Chen Yang instantly removed the black hole spar.

Di Shengtian was standing opposite. He didn't forcefully blast the black hole spar just now because he didn't want to see that horrible scene.

However, at this time, Di Shengtian finally saw clearly.

He saw Chen Yang hugging Meng Qingchen's waist, Meng Qingchen's hair was disheveled, and her face was flushed with a trace of spring tide.It's clear that he just did something fornicating...

"You..." Di Sheng was in extreme weather, his eyes were filled with murderous aura, and the chill made people shudder.

Chen Yang kissed Meng Qingchen's fragrant lips again, then laughed at Di Shengtian, and said, "Di Laogou, you are really boring. I know that I am having a good time with Qingchen now, and I am so happy. You To spoil the fun by coming at this time really spoils my interest!"

"Chen Yang..." The anger in Di Shengtian's eyes almost burst out.But he quickly suppressed this emotion again.He gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and said: "Chen Yang, you are always so stupid. At the beginning, you saved me stupidly. Later, I gave you a way to survive, but you didn't go. Now, you don't have any cards. You Dare to continue to provoke and anger me. Today, RB will torture you forever and ever. And Meng Qingchen, you lowly servant girl. No matter what, you and I have already had a big wedding ceremony, no matter you Admit it or not, you are already the wife of this seat. How dare you have sex with Chen Yang, a bastard. This seat will take you back, and this seat will make you suffer all kinds of abuse, but I will never let you Death. You two dogs and men, your fate will be endless regret and misery."

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "Di Shengtian, you probably don't know that there is a saying on our earth that says that if you want to destroy a person, you must first make him crazy. You are too crazy now. So, you are not far from the day of your perdition. At least before you come, you should think about why Qingchen didn't die. What power saved her? Your fate has already embarked on a road. It's a pity that you didn't cherish it. I have reminded you countless times, I want you not to mess with me. But if you don’t listen, I can assure you now that after a while, I will come to Tyrannosaurus Planet and kill you.”

"Haha!" Di Shengtian said: "It's still a while? Look at how little confidence you have in saying this. Do you really think that you still have the life to leave the palm of this seat?"

Chen Yang sighed, and said: "After talking for a long time, it turned out that you didn't listen to a word. It seems that you are not interested in Qingchen's power of resurrection."

"I don't care what kind of power it is, you can't escape my way of killing with your words today." Di Shengtian said sharply.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, we have nothing to say, you can do it."

Di Shengtian snorted coldly, and then a cold light bloomed in his eyes.Go ahead, make a quick move!

The Nine Dragons Chariot appeared directly, and then the golden light covered the dead star for thousands of miles, and then, the golden light turned into golden scales all over the sky.Those golden scales quickly gathered, from a radius of thousands of miles to a radius of ten miles!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen wanted to escape, but they had no chance at all!

Furthermore, even if he could rush out of the golden scale armor, Chen Yang would not rush.Because it is meaningless to rush out, Di Shengtian is driving the Nine Dragons Chariot, and can catch up at any time.

The golden scales are like a giant curtain, covering the sky above and the land world below.

Meng Qingchen sacrificed the staff of Xiandu, and as soon as she moved her mind, she circulated her mana to activate the staff of Xiandu.Immediately, the crimson law of Xiandu descended, making the surroundings filled with clouds and mist.

In the law of the fairy capital, millions of gods will come!

Meng Qingchen wielded the boundless mana and power with all her strength, and the law of the Xiandu staff became stronger.Majestic, magnificent, boundless!

That is the legendary fairy kingdom!

Afterwards, the phantom of the fairy capital also descended!

Xiandu is like a mirage in it...

The fairy city is mighty, and after that, Meng Qingchen also unleashed the purple dragon!

Her hair turned into a dragon, and the dragon coiled around Xiandu, and then suppressed the top of the emperor Shengtian's head.

Millions of gods absorbed the laws of Xiandu, and rushed towards Emperor Shengtian together.The battlefield is torn apart, the sky and the earth are vast, the sun and the moon are dark...

Meng Qingchen didn't dare to keep her hand this time, and immediately left with all her strength.

Facing Meng Qingchen's violent storm, Di Shengtian's face remained calm, and he said in a cold voice: "The faint light dares to shine in front of me."

Following that, Di Shengtian also made a move.

He just grabbed it with his big hand, which was filled with golden light, and with a single grab, he grabbed the Immortal Capital Phantom and the purple dragon in his hand.Xiandu Xuying and the purple dragon originally had infinity, but they shrank immediately after he grabbed them.

Afterwards, Emperor Sheng Tianxiu Pao swung violently again!With a bang, the golden light turned into countless golden dragons, numbering in the millions, strangling together with the millions of gods.The golden dragon turned into a golden torrent, instantly strangling countless gods...

In the blink of an eye, the winner has been decided!

How can an ordinary fourth-level master of the God of Creation King Realm compete with Di Shengtian?

Suddenly, Meng Qingchen couldn't hold on any longer. She felt that every inch of Di Shengtian's strength contained the weight of countless planets blended together. It was not real weight, but the terrifying law from Di Shengtian .

The realm gap between them is really too big.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Meng Qingchen's magic weapon is, how profound his understanding of magic and Taoism is.But she is still far inferior to Di Shengtian after all!

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