The strongest player in history

Chapter 2627 Destiny Seed

Meng Qingchen's words reverberated in Chen Yang's mind, every word pierced his heart, and would never leave.Chen Yang wanted to cry, he is not an iron man!There will be times when he is vulnerable, and there will be times when he can't bear it.

If Meng Qingchen says she has no regrets, it means she is satisfied.Perhaps, Chen Yang would subtly let himself go in his heart.The root of the most painful thing is that the reason why Meng Qingchen got to where he is today is all caused by him, Chen Yang!

"What can I do? Just like the dead Fei Rong, Luo Ning, what have they got so far?"

"I'm sorry!" Chen Yang desperately used his mind and mana to wrap Meng Qingchen's soul consciousness that was about to dissipate.Behind Meng Qingchen is an infinite black hole vortex, which is assimilating her body and devouring everything about her.

She will disappear from this world from now on.

But in Chen Yang's mind, there were Meng Qingchen's weeping words. "I don't want to die!"

"Let go, Chen Yang, it's useless." Meng Qingchen saw Chen Yang's pain, no matter how unwilling she was, no matter how reluctant she was, nothing she could do at this moment would help.

People die and cannot be resurrected after all.

Chen Yang's pain and nostalgia can no longer move Meng Qingchen.She was already on the brink of pain and collapse!

It was true that he wanted to die at the beginning, and it was true that he burned the source of life without hesitation to save Chen Yang before!

And at this moment, at the last moment of that death, regret is also true!

This is not a promise, but the most authentic human nature!

"Don't, don't, don't!" Chen Yang begged at first, but then his eyes burst into bloodshot tears, and he roared loudly.In his life, he gained a lot, but also lost a lot.He desperately wanted to catch the dream light dust that was about to dissipate in front of him.

He just refused to let go, and gradually, the black hole vortex behind Meng Qingchen finally pulled Chen Yang's consciousness and mana into it.

"Huh?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Meng Qingchen was also taken aback at this time.

Neither of them quite understood what was going on in front of them.

"Let go!" Meng Qingchen said immediately.

"Never!" Chen Yang smiled miserably, and said, "You love me once, and I don't care where this force will take me. But I will never let go!"

Meng Qingchen said: "This should belong to the power of the universe. There is birth and death in the universe. Birth and death are the laws of the universe. After people die, after the death of creatures, after the death of planets, they will be decomposed and finally swallowed by black holes. Even The entire universe is in the process of being devoured, just like a person is born and walks towards death."

"Let go!" Meng Qingchen was shocked when she said this.

This is definitely the first time that a person is merged with the consciousness and power of another person before death.Thus, the power of the living is retaining the law of the dissipating of the dead.But how can Chen Yang, a human being, fight against the law of terror in the entire universe?

"If you don't have the power to resist the laws of the universe, Chen Yang, if you don't let go, you will die here." Meng Qingchen said immediately.She was in great pain, from the torment of her heart, so she had no strength at all to break free from Chen Yang's entanglement.

"I'll accompany you, you said, we're going to die together!" Chen Yang's voice was extremely firm.

Meng Qingchen said: "That's meaningless, Chen Yang, if we all turn into dust and become part of the universe. What's the point? I can't get it back, but you can go back. Let go, you Isn't it the wife who loves you the most, child? Forget about me."

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment. At this moment, he did think of his son, daughter, Mo Nong, Ling'er, and Qiao Ning.If they had gone this time, how sad they would be!

But soon, he looked at Meng Qingchen again.

"I can't bear them, and I can't just let you go!" Chen Yang's gaze was extremely firm.

The terrifying black hole power continued to devour it. Chen Yang felt that this kind of black hole power was completely different from his black hole spar.Chen Yang felt a wave of terror, and the majestic death energy began to invade his mana.He saw that Meng Qingchen had been completely submerged in the black hole, and her last brainwaves were all trapped in the dark quagmire.

But Chen Yang never let go.Then, the dead air began to attack him gradually.

This dead air was icy cold, and quickly invaded Chen Yang's internal organs.Under such a deadly attack, Chen Yang felt that the eternal spar could not resist.Eternal spar is something produced in the universe, but right now, Chen Yang is contending with the entire universe.

In fact, it can't be considered a contest!It's just a process of being swallowed.


Chen Yang's whole body was in extreme pain, the pain was indescribable, his organs began to fail, his body began to wither, and all vitality was withering.

Suddenly, in the extreme pain, Chen Yang felt that his body was extremely heavy, but suddenly his body lightened.

It's a feeling of being out of body!

It was the first time Chen Yang really experienced this feeling. In the past, at most, he separated his soul.The primordial spirit is the embodiment of mana, after all, it does not belong to the real soul.

But does the soul exist?

The soul is a thing formed by many brain waves and brain consciousness.

Chen Yang seemed to have fallen into another world, and his world turned black.At the same time, he could still see the bodies belonging to him and Meng Qingchen inside the black hole spar.

Chen Yang's consciousness has always been entwined with Meng Qingchen's brainwaves.Meng Qingchen no longer has any consciousness...

Chen Yang suddenly felt the existence of the entire universe, as if he had become a microorganism in the ocean.Moreover, the boundless law of the universe, the black hole vortex is devouring his consciousness.

Chen Yang felt very sleepy, he wanted to sleep.

The torrent of Wanchuan washes away an ant. Is there any possibility for this ant to resist?

Obviously not.

But at this moment, Chen Yang was about to sink into the sea of ​​misery.He felt something suddenly caught in the palm of his hand!

That thing is a seed!

This kind of seed is not the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley.

It's... the seed of the Great Fate in the Three Thousand Ways.

"The Great Fate Seed has disappeared for a long time, and I can no longer feel its existence. Why did it suddenly appear in my hand at this moment. No, it's not my hand, it's all my brain waves."

"I understand. Everyone has a destiny. Fate is something that is integrated into the soul and brain waves. This kind of seed has been integrated into my body's fate, but right now, the body's fate is about to dissipate, and it is like a sinking ship in the bottom of the sea. Something, the sea water dissipates, and it emerges."

Chen Yang suddenly realized at this moment.

It was like sinking into a sea of ​​bitterness, and it seemed that he was about to run out of money, but at this moment, Chen Yang took Meng Qingchen to grab a lifebuoy.

"Roar!" Chen Yang roared angrily. He saw hope, and his willpower suddenly rose desperately.

Then, Chen Yang actually pulled Meng Qingchen away from the terrifying black hole vortex.

Chen Yang felt his physical existence again.

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