Qin Dong immediately said: "Hallmaster, you have always planned everything, Chen Yang, my son, intending to fight against you is simply asking for death!" He cleverly only scolded Chen Yang, but did not mention Meng Qingchen.This is his cleverness, because no matter what, Meng Qingchen is now Di Shengtian's wife.Although Di Shengtian's teeth are itching with hatred now, who knows what he thinks deep down in his heart?

Di Shengtian sneered, but then asked: "Do you know why I am following them right now?"

Qin Dong pondered for a moment, and said: "They escaped in Dongxiang, could it be that you, the Hall Master, have already left the breath seeds on Dongxiang?"

Di Shengtian said: "Not only on Dongxiang, but also on that little Wuyou, I also left aura seeds. But right now, the aura seeds on Dongxiang's body have also been tempered. But that Wuyou They have no way to refine the breath seeds on their bodies. Moreover, if this seat guesses correctly, they have already separated from Dongxiang and Wuyou for safety."

Qin Dong said: "This..."

He followed up and said, "Since the breath has been refined, the subordinates are dull, so they really can't guess, what kind of supernatural powers do you have now, Hall Master, before you can continue to track them down."

Di Shengtian said: "With the shadow of Nirvana!"

"Nirvana Shadow?" Qin Dong was even more puzzled.Di Shengtian said: "This is a very mysterious thing, similar to intuition. Because the Nirvana breath of this seat has stayed in their bodies for enough time, there will be a shadow breath that does not exist. Although this breath It does not exist, but it can be felt by my intuition. No matter how long it takes, I can find them. Unless their cultivation can reach this level of this seat."

"So that's how it is! The master's supernatural powers, I admire, admire!" Qin Dong was secretly startled, his back felt cold, but he quickly complimented him.Obviously, Di Shengtian deliberately revealed these things to Qin Dong and the others, letting them know how terrifying it is to betray him, Di Shengtian.

In the void of the universe, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were already moving very fast.Chen Yang was flying the whole time, while Meng Qingchen was stepping up to recuperate.But the lack of the source of life is not so easy to make up for.Even if Chen Yang and her yin and yang double rest, it doesn't have much effect.There must be a corresponding psychic liquid... Chen Yang tried the ordinary psychic liquid from the Xuanhuang God Valley seed to Meng Qingchen, but it didn't work.

Chen Yang comforted Meng Qingchen not to be discouraged, the world is so big, there must be a way to repair the missing source of life.

Meng Qingchen smiled and said: "I am not discouraged, but you are the one who is discouraged. I was already prepared to die, and now I can live one more day, that is all picked up."

Chen Yang held Meng Qingchen's hand and said, "I will never let anything happen to you!"

Meng Qingchen was extremely satisfied.

At this moment, she didn't want to say anything more.Every minute and every second of the rest of my life is so beautiful and precious.It seemed that there was nothing else in the world worth her worrying about.

Chen Yang didn't know much about the origin of life, and he couldn't empathize with it.It seems that it doesn't have much effect on Meng Qingchen's magic power.But Chen Yang had seen the appearance of Lan Ziyi when he damaged the source of life, he was almost very old and could not move.It is simply that any medicine stone is ineffective...

That was a scary thing.

Meng Qingchen didn't show anything, but Chen Yang knew that this was definitely a hidden danger.Therefore, sometimes when Meng Qingchen wanted to fly instead of Chen Yang, Chen Yang firmly refused.

"I just want to go back to Earth with you?" During the flight, Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang were both inside the black hole spar, Meng Qingchen asked Chen Yang.Chen Yang said: "Of course, is there any doubt?"

"Hey, it seems that I haven't promised you yet, shall I go to the earth with you?" Meng Qingchen said with some dissatisfaction.

Chen Yang said: "Ah? We both slept, you are already my woman, Chen Yang. Women don't follow men, what do you want?"

Meng Qingchen rolled her eyes and said: "What is sleep? I'm asleep. Why does it sound so unpleasant to me? In my world, you don't sleep with me, only I sleep with you. I slept with you, it was you Will you follow me?"

Chen Yang laughed loudly and said, "Although you are the queen, the queen must be under me and cannot ride on top of me. So, you have to follow me."

"Why?" Meng Qingchen spat.

Chen Yang said: "Just because you don't agree to me, I can execute you on the spot right now."

"I won't agree." Meng Qingchen said.

"Okay!" Chen Yang immediately found a Death Star nearby and stayed there.Then he pressed Meng Qingchen under his body and did something.

Meng Qingchen's struggle was very slight, after a while, she stopped struggling at all, and instead started to kiss back.

Enthusiasm is like fire, turning clouds and rain.

When the two were happiest, Chen Yang asked Meng Qingchen, "Who is in charge of our family?"

Meng Qingchen was still stubborn, and said: "I'm in charge!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang said.

In the end, Meng Qingchen still didn't hold back Chen Yang, begged for mercy repeatedly under Chen Yang's tricks, and took the initiative to say that it was Chen Yang who made the decision.Chen Yang just gave up.

I don't know how long it took before the fierce wave passed.

Finally, the two hugged each other.

"I suspect that you did it on purpose." Chen Yang said suddenly.

"Get out!" Meng Qingchen kicked Chen Yang.

Joy is always short-lived, here is still too close to Tyrannosaurus, too far from the earth.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen soon continued on their way.

At such a moment, Chen Yang misses the earth very much.

At such a critical moment, he thought of the distant place, and he completely forgot that he had many enemies on earth.He only thought that he had many friends on earth.

During warm times, people are annoyed by enemies.

When it's cold, people always think of those who can bring them warmth.

However, just when Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were full of longing and thinking about returning to the earth, a crisis came quietly.

At that moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were flying rapidly, but a huge sense of crisis suddenly rose in their hearts.

"Oops, it's Di Shengtian who came after me." Chen Yang turned pale.

Meng Qingchen also turned pale, and said: "He is really haunted!"

"I'm fucking damned!" Chen Yang couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped himself directly, saying, "Why should I save him? It would be great if he was taken away by the Heavenly Demon Patriarch. Now that he hurts himself, why don't he die?" I'm going to kill you!"

"Stop talking about that, Chen Yang!" Meng Qingchen held Chen Yang's hand tightly, she suddenly smiled slightly, and said, "If we are together, we are not afraid of anything. If we die, we die together. I don't regret it, I don't regret it Met you!" Chen Yang was shocked, and then hugged Meng Qingchen tightly.

"Obviously we have already tempered all the breath, why can he still catch up?" Chen Yang couldn't figure it out, he said, "What's wrong?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Right now I can't figure out this problem either."

Chen Yang said: "Escape, there is no escape. It is best to find a black hole, a black hole that makes Emperor Shengtian fear. In this way, we have a chance."

Meng Qingchen said: "Ordinary black holes can't deal with Di Shengtian. It takes a lot of luck to find the kind of black hole you mentioned."

"I, Chen Yang, have always been lucky, so I don't believe I can't find it!" Chen Yang drove the black hole spar and searched everywhere.

Although his speed is fast, the pursuit from behind is even faster.

It seemed that Chen Yang's luck had finally run out.During the pursuit of Di Shengtian and the others, Chen Yang never found a large black hole, nor did he find a wormhole.Not even a small black hole has been found...

So, at that moment, the golden light suddenly flourished in the rear.

The crisis is coming!

In an instant, the golden light enveloped the void for thousands of miles, and finally formed a golden armor!

At that moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were directly covered by the golden armor.

Chen Yang immediately said to Meng Qingchen: "Qingchen, I will open the space-time channel for you later, and you run away immediately."

Meng Qingchen suddenly changed color, and said: "We agreed to die together." Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "But I can't die. If you survive, go to the earth to find Bai Suzhen to save me. Remember, go to Tianzhou to find Bai Suzhen first." Xuan Zhenghao!"

Meng Qingchen said: "No! Don't think that you can't die. Di Shengtian can temper your body fragments with the black flame net fire. The eternal spar can indeed be immortal. But you will be destroyed. He has long wanted to take You are the eternal spar."

Chen Yang was startled, but soon, he still said: "You just listen to me!"

"I can't hear it!" Meng Qingchen said.The moment the two argued, the Emperor Shengtian had arrived in the Nine Dragons Chariot.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen immediately got out of the black hole spar and faced Di Shengtian.

That Emperor Shengtian sat on the Nine Dragons treasure chariot, and Nine Dragons had skyrocketed.And Qin Dong and others immediately formed an encirclement circle, enclosing Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen in the middle.

Di Shengtian was dressed in a golden robe and his face was icy cold.

"Chen Yang thief, you can't think of it!" Ban Juesheng sneered first, and said: "Unexpectedly, you still can't escape the palm of our hall master. Right now, the hall master has arrived. If you are sensible, please kneel down immediately Beg for mercy. Maybe the Hall Master is kind enough to let you die quickly!"

But Chen Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Bajuesheng, he stared at Emperor Shengtian.

Di Shengtian looked at Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen also looked at Di Shengtian.

Di Shengtian finally spoke, and he said lightly: "Meng Qingchen, do you still remember what I said back then? I said that if you dare to betray me, I will make it impossible for you to live or die. It seems , You have a bad memory, you really forgot."

Meng Qingchen sneered, and said: "Di Shengtian, you are too happy. Do you really think that the spell has no effect?" Di Shengtian said: "It is effective and invalid, I know it well. You I can’t lie to this seat.”

Chen Yang's face was solemn, and he conveyed Meng Qingchen with his thoughts, and said, "Qingchen, just pretend that I am begging you, when I open the space-time channel for you, you must leave immediately."

Meng Qingchen shook her head, but said it directly.She faced the crowd and said, "Chen Yang, it's useless. Even if I escaped from your space-time channel, if you are gone, they can still chase me. He will let me go. So, the only way is to kill Di Shengtian."

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