The strongest player in history

Chapter 2616 You and me, see you again

Chen Yang then said: "I fought against Di Shengtian this time, and I suddenly understood some gaps between me and him." Meng Qingchen said: "Really? I'm also curious about those gaps."

Chen Yang said: "I don't know how to describe it specifically, but in the middle, how should I put it? It's like a college student...well, I communicate with you in the languages ​​of our world, do you understand?"

Meng Qingchen said: "I have studied your language, and I know a little about your humanities. I know what a college student is."

Chen Yang said: "That's good. If I were a college student, then Di Shengtian would be a professor, the kind of professor who is extremely professional, worthy of the name, and experienced in many battles. His understanding of the laws and the mystery he mastered, I can't imagine it. I usually devour energy to completely purify it. But he can re-nirvana after my purification. Moreover, he can also hide the black flame and pure fire in it. If this is compared to The degree of sophistication of the operation is simply unimaginable. I just didn’t expect that in the energy nirvana, he contained the Black Flame Purifying Fire, and he swallowed it directly, and then the Purifying Fire burned, and I reached this point.”

It was a bit difficult for Meng Qingchen to understand many of Chen Yang's earth terminology, but she quickly understood it thoroughly.She said: "The science of cultivating the Tao is the most difficult science. The further you go, the closer the connection with the universe. In every move, the mind must be one with the breath of the universe. This is too difficult. Although you are now The strength is strong enough, but when it comes to realm, it is indeed too far behind Di Shengtian. But I believe that with your intelligence and luck, your future achievements will definitely not be inferior to his. "

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I also believe that we will all surpass Di Shengtian in the future!"

Meng Qingchen also smiled, and then stopped talking.

Dongxiang traveled all the way in the hyperspace, and in the blink of an eye, a day passed.This place is already quite far away from Planet Tyrannosaurus.

Meng Qingchen stopped Dongxiang, and then she jumped off Dongxiang.

Surrounded by an empty universe, this starry sky is extremely dark, free from the shroud of luminous stars.

Meng Qingchen cast her mana and stood in the void.In this void, there is no gravity, and people are floating.To stand firm and unhindered, you really have to use magic power.

"Dongxiang, you go back." Meng Qingchen said.

Dongxiang looked at Meng Qingchen, and then at Chen Yang.She didn't speak, then turned around and ran away.

"Actually, you saved the lives of Dongxiang's mother and daughter." Seeing this, Meng Qingchen said with a faint smile.

"It's the two of us, and I can't take it down alone." Chen Yang said.

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay, let's not argue about this. I just want to say, even if we saved Dongxiang's life, so what?"

Chen Yang said: "I didn't think about what would happen. If you do something, but think about their gratitude and reward. It's better not to do it, because most of the time, you will be very disappointed."

"Luo Tong treats you well, he must not be disappointed." Meng Qingchen said.

Chen Yang laughed, and said: "Actually, I can see the human nature of ordinary people and the human nature of cultivators very clearly. Human nature is the most complicated, disappointing and chilling thing. Be free and easy, and you will be happy if you don't think too much about it." .”

"Yeah!" Meng Qingchen sighed, and she said: "I knew this a long time ago, so I can be ruthless to anyone. Including you... If Di Shengtian wants to threaten me with your life, I will definitely not agree. Because I know that only my own life is the most precious."

"That's how it should be!" Chen Yang smiled, he didn't care about it.

"Okay, I'll take you here." Meng Qingchen said afterward.

Some reluctance welled up in Chen Yang's heart, and he couldn't help asking: "What are your plans, do you want to go back to Danube? Or, I can accompany you to Danube first."

Meng Qingchen shook her head and said: "No, there are no people or things I miss in Danube."

"Then you..." Chen Yang said.

Meng Qingchen said: "From now on, I will wander the universe and wander the world. Wherever I go, I know the location of the earth. Maybe one day, I will find you."

Chen Yang said: "Well, since that's the case, then I respect your idea."

"Then we... goodbye!" Meng Qingchen said with a slight smile.

"Okay, goodbye!" Chen Yang felt a touch of sadness and melancholy in his heart.He knew that if he strongly invited Meng Qingchen to go to the earth with him, she would definitely agree.If he went to hold her hand, she might not shake it off.

But, he can't.

"Wait a minute!" Just as Chen Yang was about to turn around, Meng Qingchen suddenly shouted.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, his heart skipped a beat at this moment.

Then, a gust of fragrant wind came.

The surrounding space has been sealed...

Then, moist and soft lips sealed Chen Yang's lips.

Chen Yang was shocked, he opened his eyes, and saw Meng Qingchen closed her eyes tightly, her face was flushed.

Chen Yang is obviously not an idiot.

He has always rejected Meng Qingchen, but at this moment he doesn't have the courage to push her away.

So, after a while, he began to kiss Meng Qingchen back.

Relatively speaking, Meng Qingchen's kiss was jerky and clumsy.And Chen Yang was very familiar with it. He opened her teeth and penetrated into her mouth.

Lips and tongues intertwined, full of affection!

This long kiss has been brewing for too long, like extremely mellow red wine, it is so lingering and memorable.

After a long, long time, the lips parted...

When Chen Yang wanted to say something, Meng Qingchen had turned around and said, "Goodbye!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang only saw a beautiful figure rushing away, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yang froze on the spot, he wanted to ignore everything and invite Meng Qingchen to the earth.He thought, don't think about so many right and wrong, but he didn't expect that Meng Qingchen left just like that.

As a result, the courage accumulated at this moment disappeared with the wind.

Chen Yang looked at the direction where Meng Qingchen disappeared for a long time, and then he turned around and embarked on the journey.

Meng Qingchen ran away, and at that moment, her tears had already burst.

In this deserted place, she didn't want to suppress her tears anymore.

Soon, a bolt of lightning galloped from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Meng Qingchen.

At this moment, Meng Qingchen held back her tears and quickly regained her composure.Meng Qingchen didn't know what Chen Yang wanted to say at that time, maybe he would invite her to the earth.But she didn't dare to listen to him, she was afraid that if Chen Yang really said it, she would not be willing to refuse.

She was also afraid that he still said goodbye.

"Let's go!" Meng Qingchen rode on Dongxiang's back.

Dong Xiang nodded, and then galloped towards the Tyrannosaurus planet.

"Maybe, Chen Yang can help you remove the mark? Even if you can't, why didn't you tell him anything? You have done so much, but he doesn't know anything about it." Dong Xiang said suddenly.

Although she is a beast, she has experienced the vicissitudes of the world, and she doesn't know everything.

Meng Qingchen said lightly: "One thing about Di Shengtian's Nirvana imprint is very strange, that is, you think it has been eliminated, but in fact it is not. You can be reborn in Nirvana at any time! The imprint on Chen Yang's body has not been removed, it's just that he thought it was removed. gone."

She paused and said, "What am I talking to him? Tell him the truth? Does it make sense?"

Dong Xiang said: "At least let him know what you paid for him."

Meng Qingchen said: "Even if I die, he will only be sad for a few days. After many years, when I think about it, maybe there will be a little melancholy. Besides, what else is there? Just like we saved you, But if we die, will you be sad for a long time? Besides, sad or not, it has no meaning to the dead. "

Dong Xiang fell silent.

After a long while, she said: "I also occasionally think of Ye Wang, and I used to dream about him often. But after a long time, the years have passed for a long time, and I seldom even dream about it. Dead people, It's really not worth it. Because living creatures are too forgetful."

"It's not considered forgetful. If you think about a dead person every day, what's the point?" Meng Qingchen said.

Dong Xiang said: "You see all this too thoroughly, and you live too soberly. But I didn't expect that a sober person like you would pay so much for one person."

Dongxiang didn't know exactly what Meng Qingchen paid, but she got some instructions from Di Shengtian.That is to bring Meng Qingchen back... Wuyou is still in the Temple of the Gods, so Dongxiang will definitely listen to Di Shengtian.

Meng Qingchen's current thinking is to buy more time for Chen Yang.

Right now, even if Meng Qingchen doesn't care about his own life, Di Shengtian can still rely on the Nine Dragons Chariot to chase and kill Chen Yang.

In a few days, you can catch up.

One day later, Meng Qingchen and Dongxiang returned to the planet Balong.

When Di Feiyan saw Dong Xiang and Meng Qingchen come back, she was extremely surprised.Dongxiang came back, she was not surprised.But why did Meng Qingchen come back?

After Meng Qingchen came back, she went into the gorgeous palace and saw no outsiders.Even when Di Feiyan came, she refused to see him.

Di Feiyan asked Dong Xiang, but Dong Xiang didn't say anything.

This is why Di Feiyan is unhappy, but he doesn't know who to talk to.

"Qingchen!" At night, Di Feiyan forced his way into the Huahua Palace, determined to see Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen also couldn't stop Di Feiyan, so in Meng Qingchen's room, the two women finally met.

Di Feiyan was not stupid either, she asked Meng Qingchen: "What happened? I thought you were weird since before Chen Yang left. Now, Qingchen, can you tell me the truth? Why did you Will you come back again? Is my father threatening you?"

"Yes!" Meng Qingchen looked at Di Feiyan, his eyes turned blood red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's a threat, so what? What can you do for me? Can you make your father change his mind? You can't. Feiyan , you can’t change anything, you know? In fact, you, any of us are just pawns in your father’s heart.”

Di Feiyan's delicate body trembled.

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