The strongest player in history

Chapter 2610 3 Days 3 Nights

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen couldn't help being moved when they heard the words, which also made Chen Yang feel relieved, because he felt that everything he had done was not in vain.

At least, Di Feiyan appreciated it.

So from now on, Di Feiyan lived in Huahua Palace.

After Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen left, Chen Yang's Huaqing Palace became quiet.He also couldn't figure out what Di Shengtian was thinking, so he only hoped that Di Shengtian could think about it and let him go.

Otherwise, if it is really going to go on, it is still unknown who will win the game in the end.

Chen Yang knew that he didn't look like Di Shengtian's opponent, but his luck had always followed him.If he really wants to get to that point, Di Shengtian may not be pretty.

Afterwards, Chen Yang thought of something, he turned around and went to the Huahua Palace again, and borrowed Dongxiang.

Dongxiang is actually the most trusting and affectionate to Chen Yang. In Huaqing Palace, Chen Yang asked Dongxiang how to achieve Dongxiang's speed.

But Dongxiang couldn't answer.

Therefore, Chen Yang unfolded the mystery of the space of the black hole spar, and then let Dongxiang gallop in it, but did not break through the space barrier.Because Dongxiang is very sensitive to space barriers, it is easy to rush out.

Dongxiang agreed to Chen Yang, and after that, Chen Yang rode on Dongxiang's back.Dong Xiang exerted his strength, and his whole body was full of electricity, like a ball of lightning, he sprinted wildly in the dark and boundless space.

Chen Yang felt the speed of Dongxiang, felt the violent feeling of thunder and lightning, and felt the changes of protons and molecules in the surrounding space.

Chen Yang didn't intend to take Dongxiang and Wuyou away, and besides, he couldn't take them away either.

Therefore, he wanted to learn the mysterious technique. During this period of time, he was also comprehending the knowledge left by Monk Linghui.Among them are some theories about mystical movement and space speed.

Chen Yang is speeding up his thinking about these things.

However, it is not so easy to break through this problem.

Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen were not idle at the moment, they chatted about gossiping.In Meng Qingchen's room, the space array has been set up, and outsiders can't even try to spy on one or two of them.

Di Feiyan said: "Qingchen, I never dared to ask you. There seems to be something wrong between you and Chen Yang?"

Meng Qingchen didn't shy away from it, and said: "It's not a problem, I have my heart for him. But he refused..."

"Refused?" Di Feiyan was surprised.She then smiled bitterly and said, "If I were a man, I would never be able to refuse you. What does he think?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Actually, it's not a rejection to be precise. I probably understand him. He has too many responsibilities in his heart. He has his beloved wife and children on Earth, so he won't go Consider and accept other women. Although, I said I don't have to care, but he cares about these."

Di Feiyan couldn't help but said: "He is really a rare and strange man in the world. The world's ascetics, who is not casual, but he is the only one...?"

Meng Qingchen didn't answer.

Di Feiyan couldn't help but said again: "So, are you going to leave it like this?"

Meng Qingchen said lightly, "Otherwise, what else can I do? Do I still have to be stubborn and pester me?"

"That's true!" Di Feiyan said.She went on to say: "Cultivators, pay attention to being free and easy, with a clear mind. But it seems that neither you, nor me, nor Chen Yang are considered free and easy. My father is the real cultivator!"

Meng Qingchen smiled and said: "You finally have a clearer understanding of your father."

Di Feiyan smiled wryly again.

The next morning, Di Shengtian met with Chen Yang.

After receiving the summons, Chen Yang immediately went to the main hall of descending gods.

At this time, the interior of the main hall of descending gods is grand, luxurious, bright, and has a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

On the Nine Dragons Chariot, Di Shengtian was dressed in a purple gold robe, his face was cold, and he was not angry.

Chen Yang came to Di Shengtian, knelt down on one knee, and said, "See the Palace Master!"

"Get up!" Di Shengtian said lightly.

Chen Yang stood up and said, "Thank you, Palace Master!"

Di Shengtian cut to the chase and said, "I heard you want to leave?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, Palace Master!"

Di Shengtian said: "Do you think you can just leave like this?"

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, and he said, "It seems that I can't!"

Di Shengtian said, "Really? Why don't you think it can't?"

Chen Yang said: "Before I saved the Palace Master, it was because of a kindness. Later, you let the channel leader Luo go away, and the kindness has disappeared. Therefore, I still have the matter of planning to kill Emperor Huaixiu. This is hatred."

"It's good that you understand!" Di Shengtian said.

Chen Yang said: "However, I don't know. The Hall Master relied on my help to survive, and he has made a breakthrough to reach the current state. Is this a favor, and can he save my life for me?" Woolen cloth?"

Di Shengtian said: "You have already paid back your kindness for saving me. As for what happens afterward, it should not be confused. Could it be that in the future, no matter what breakthroughs and achievements I have, will you be credited for it?"

Chen Yang said: "That's true!"

Di Shengtian said: "Besides, I am trapped in the hands of the Patriarch Tianmo because of you. There are also two elders and Mo Da who died in vain. This old account has not been settled with you yet."

Chen Yang said: "The subordinate didn't invite the hall master to go, that's the hall master's choice, it can't be counted on the subordinate's head."

He paused, straightened up, and said: "Okay, Palace Master, since we have talked today, there is no need to hide it. To be honest, you really can't kill me. And, even if you If you can kill me, I advise you not to do it. Because I have many friends, and now Master Luo has returned to Earth. If I die, I can assure you [-]%, you will die, you will die Miserable. This is by no means a threat, but a statement of fact. One of my best friends, you probably don't know very well."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I can introduce her to you. Her name is Bai Suzhen. You know, the Patriarch Tianmo was defeated by Yuanshi Tianzun. What's more coincident is that my friend Bai Suzhen, she and Empress Nuwa has a deep relationship. Empress Nuwa was a saint above Yuanshi Tianzun. Later, the rules of the earth changed and saints were no longer tolerated. Therefore, Empress left behind a primordial spirit to reincarnate, so she became my friend now , Bai Suzhen. She was born with a spirit body. Later, when her body was destroyed, she relied on a ray of soul. With my help, she gradually became stronger and survived the nine-fold thunder disaster. Now, she has gone to the depths of the universe to control the darkness The power of the dark world of the devil. If she controls the power of the world, it is easy to kill you. Even if she does not control it, with her cultivation base, she can kill you."

Di Shengtian's expression suddenly became ugly, and he said, "Are you threatening me?"

Chen Yang said: "I said before, this is not a threat, but a statement of facts. There is actually no deep hatred between us. Now, I just want to leave. I hope you can let me go." .”

Di Shengtian said: "In my life, what I hate the most is being threatened by others."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "That is to say, no matter what I say, you are determined to kill me? If I don't say anything, you want to kill me. If I say it, you want to kill me even more, right?"

Di Shengtian said: "I said that I hate threats the most. You have threatened me more than once, twice. I really want to see what kind of supernatural powers your friend has if he kills you." .”

Chen Yang said: "Okay, since this is the case, then I have nothing to say. Hall Master, let's do it! Although you are invincible, I will not catch you today."

Di Shengtian was not ready to do anything, but said: "I want you to understand one thing, whether to kill or not to kill. It is all in my mind, and will not change because of those shitty friends you mentioned. This seat has dominated the Tyrannosaurus Dragon for thousands of years, if because of a few words from you, or an illusory friend, you change your mind and become afraid. That would be truly ridiculous!"

"I didn't say I want you to be afraid, Hall Master, but to make you weigh it. Of course I know, Hall Master, you won't be afraid! With your current cultivation and status, what are you afraid of? But, is it worth it?" Chen Yang said.

"Whether it's worth it or not, you don't count!" Di Shengtian said.

He then said: "Huaixiu's death, this is a matter of face. If you are willing to kneel on the altar for three days and three nights from tomorrow morning, for people to watch. Let's forget about this matter. My Majesty I will let you"

"Impossible!" Chen Yang directly rejected Di Shengtian's request.

A chill flashed in Di Shengtian's eyes, and he said, "What did you say?"

Chen Yang said loudly: "Impossible! I usually kneel down to you, out of a rule, etiquette. There is no intention of humiliation... because everyone does it. But you deliberately want to humiliate me and make me Kneel down, it's impossible."

A chill broke out between the teeth of Di Shengtian, and he said, "Do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Chen Yang said, "If you kill me, I won't kneel down."

He once knelt down to Shi Yonglong... After that humiliation, he swore that he would not be humiliated again.

Although later, it was not absolutely done.

But right now, if he was asked to kneel for three days and three nights, in front of all the disciples of the God Advent Temple...he would never agree.

Besides, Chen Yang knew it very well.

It's not that he has no way out, because now, the situation is different.Master Luo has already left, and he is immortal again.In the worst case, they will be killed and sealed separately.As soon as Heiyi Suzhen came, he might still be alive.

Therefore, kneel in public, never do it!

"Okay, okay, okay!" Di Shengtian stared at Chen Yang, and after a while, he said three good words in succession. "I want to see how strong you are!"

At this moment, Di Shengtian made a direct move.

His eyes glowed coldly.

On the Nine Dragons Chariot, the Nine Dragons suddenly surged up, and then, the sky filled with golden light turned into golden scales.In the blink of an eye, the golden scales enveloped the space.

Chen Yang immediately saw that his surroundings were surrounded by golden scales, and he was enclosed in the golden scales.

Di Shengtian's movements didn't look fast, but at that moment, time was viscous and space changed strangely.When Chen Yang wanted to move, he already felt that his actions were involuntarily slow.When he came back to his senses, Di Shengtian suddenly grabbed him.The Nine Dragons Chariot suddenly changed, swallowing the entire golden scale armor into the Nine Dragons belly...

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