The strongest player in history

Chapter 2603 Yingzhen Appears

Di Shengtian's voice was strong and powerful, and he continued: "Because we are all practitioners, we all know what it means to die. We don't care about loyalty, we only surrender to the strong, because this is a practitioner. , the iron-blood law of the monastic world!"

Di Shengtian then said: "So, here today, you are loyal to me. This is the correct choice that every ascetic will choose. And no one is qualified to laugh at you, because no matter who it is, stand on your side. In this position, everyone will make the same choice! From now on, you will be officially members of my God Advent Temple. If someone surpasses this seat in the future, and you want to seek refuge, this seat will also respectfully send you forward Go. Because, this is the law, this is because my skills are not as good as others."

"I will swear allegiance to the Palace Master to the death!" All the masters of the Ghost King Sect immediately burst into tears of gratitude and swore the oath again.

It has to be said that what Di Shengtian said gave these masters a lot of face.

No matter how bad their hearts are, it is always disgraceful to come to abandon the old master and take refuge in the new master.But Di Shengtian dispelled all their worries.Moreover, it also spoke from everyone's heart.

At this juncture, who has the right to look down on whom?Would you be able to fight to the death if you were the masters of the God's Advent Temple?Besides, even Yingzhen ran away, so they came to work hard?Isn't that a fool?

Are there fools in the monastic world?of course not!Because a fool cannot cultivate the Dao.

There are only selfishness and cruelty in the monastic world, live on!

In fact, even in nature, creatures do the same in order to survive.

Chen Yang saw that Di Shengtian was so immortal that he didn't kill, and his heart didn't relax.He understood that Di Shengtian was just pretending.

It means, everyone can rest assured to follow this seat.It seems that this seat can let go of the past for ordinary peers, let alone you.

Besides, Ban Juesheng is just an executor!

The real culprit was Chen Yang!

And win really!

Di Shengtian will never let Yingzhen go, and for the same reason, he won't let himself go either.Chen Yang knew this very well.

When Di Feiyan saw that Di Shengtian had forgiven Ban Juesheng, she was stunned for a moment, and then resentment flashed in her eyes.But right now, in front of so many people, she dared not say anything.She knows this rule.

Also at this time, another person came out from the Tianzong of the ghost king's sect.It was Luo Tong who came, and Luo Tong came on the clouds, and soon came to Di Shengtian and others.

"Poverty Luo Tong, I am willing to serve the Palace Master from now on!" Luo Tong also chose to compromise at this moment, and knelt down on both knees.

"Luo Tong?" Di Shengtian looked at Luo Tong, he looked at Luo Tong for a moment, and said: "I have heard about you, and you have a god tiger. You have a tiger, you are quite capable!"

Luo Tong immediately said: "The lord of the palace is overwhelmed. Compared with the lord, the poor man's ability is not as good as it should be."

These words made Di Shengtian very comfortable and comfortable.

He nodded and said: "Very good, the Taoist priest can come to my side, and this seat welcomes me very much."

Chen Yang looked at Channel Leader Luo. He was already worried about Luo Tong's safety.Right now, Taoist leader Luo didn't refuse to be pedantic, but surrendered directly.He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Di Shengtian said again: "Prince Daoist, please stand up, and besides, let me have a look at your divine tiger."

Luo Tong was slightly taken aback, he stood up and said, "Yes!"

Afterwards, Luo Tong released Shenhu.

That divine tiger is really majestic, standing in the void, sweeping around, it has the majesty of the king of beasts.However, when Shenhu's eyes fell on Di Shengtian, he immediately lowered his gaze.

This is not a kind of flattery, but a kind of law!

It is the natural law of the weak in front of the strong!

It is the intelligent human being, and it is the same when meeting the strong.

At this moment, Di Shengtian suddenly sneered.

His sneer made everyone present tremble with fear, the current Emperor Shengtian is too majestic.

Di Shengtian sneered at first, then suddenly flicked his fingers.

A sword light cut out instantly!

This sword light was aimed at the Shenhu. Master Luo couldn't help but lose face when he saw this, and he shot immediately without thinking too much.Luo Tong turned around and appeared directly in front of Shenhu.Then, with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he killed the sword light that shot towards Di Shengtian!


At that moment, the long sword in Master Luo's hand was the Dao Ling Sword.

This Dao Ling sword is the portable sword of Zhang Daoling, the celestial master, and it is extremely powerful.But at this moment, Master Luo only felt that the opponent's sword light possessed endless power.That power is like a ferocious wild beast, devouring everything and attacking and killing everything.

Luo Tong summoned all his mana and tried his best to resolve it.But soon, the sword light seemed to be exhausted, and suddenly, like a dead tree in spring, it suddenly became stronger again.


Luo Tong couldn't catch it, and the Dao Ling sword flew out of his hand.

At this moment, Di Shengtian suddenly waved his sleeve.

Luo Tong immediately felt a huge force coming towards him. This kind of huge force was very strange, as if he suddenly felt that he was small.

Luo Tong didn't have time to think too much, he was already knocked out, and then flipped over in the air.

Luo Tong turned around, and then he flew in front of the Shenhu. At this time, his face was pale, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Di Shengtian's eyes were cold.

Everyone was horrified.

Everyone at the scene knew Luo Tong's ability.But Di Shengtian just flicked his hand casually like this, and with a wave of his big hand, he injured Luo Tong.

Everyone felt terrified here, this ability of the seventh level of God King Realm is so powerful and terrifying!

"Luo Tong, are you convicted?" Di Shengtian said coldly.

Luo Tong smiled miserably, and he stopped making excuses.He already knew that Yingzhen's hiding place was not hidden from Di Shengtian after all.

"The palace master will kill you, so let's do whatever you want!" Luo Tong said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang's heart sank.

He also seemed to understand something at this moment.

Not only did he understand, but all the masters on the scene understood.

Luo Tong then said: "Master, this beast has been with me for many years, but it is a good beast. It is innocent, and you can keep it as a good magic weapon. Please also..."

"Okay!" Di Shengtian agreed to Luo Tong.

But at this moment, with a bang, the divine tiger burst open...

At this moment, Luo Tong couldn't help but his eyes were blood red when he saw this, and his canthus were about to split.

"Ah Bai!" Luo Tong hissed.

In the scene, there was already one more person, this person was dressed in a black robe, solemn and majestic, it was Yingzhen, the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect.

Ying Zhen originally hid in Shenhu's body space, but when he came out, he exploded Shenhu directly.

At this moment, Luo Tong felt extremely remorseful, and felt that it was ridiculous and pathetic that he would actually show his loyalty in order to win such a person.It was because of his own stupidity that he not only killed himself, but also killed Shenhu.

"Yingzhen, you are finally willing to get out." Di Shengtian looked at Yingzhen with a sneer and said.

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