The strongest player in history

Chapter 2599 Alertness

Chen Yang instantly understood in his heart that Di Shengtian's promise to betroth Feiyan to him was also a temptation.Test whether Chen Yang really wants to leave.

Chen Yang immediately said: "Master, absolutely not."

Di Shengtian smiled slightly and said, "Don't you think Feiyan is not good enough for you?"

Chen Yang said: "That's not what it means. Miss Feiyan is a man of gold, and besides, she doesn't have that kind of relationship with me. And more importantly, I have my own wife and children on earth, and I am very happy." I love my wife and children. When I came here, I was hunted down here by Elder Tan and his group. Now everything has been resolved, and my wife and children are still worried. So, I want to go back as soon as possible."

Di Shengtian smiled, and then he said: "You saved me, how can I not repay you. How about this, let's not talk about other things. Tomorrow, we will kill Yingzhen together, and then we will talk about you Things to go, okay?"

Chen Yang said: "Sha Yingzhen, I don't need me anymore. I..."

"Let's make it so!" Di Shengtian insisted.

Chen Yang had no choice but to say, "Okay, listen to the palace master's orders."

Afterwards, Chen Yang resigned.

The moment he left Emperor Shengtian's bedroom, Chen Yang felt uneasy.He always felt that Di Shengtian's mind was not that simple.

Chen Yang was worried, but he didn't know how to tell others about this worry.I don't even know who to tell.

Di Shengtian met Meng Qingchen again after meeting Chen Yang.

Also in the bedroom.

As soon as Meng Qingchen came in, he also saw that Di Shengtian's cultivation base had soared.At this moment, Meng Qingchen couldn't help lowering her head.

She knew that the cultivation gap between her and Di Shengtian was getting wider and wider.

It also shows that from now on, she will become more and more unfree.

The stronger Di Shengtian is, the less chips Meng Qingchen will have.

"See the Palace Master!" Meng Qingchen knelt on one knee.

Di Shengtian glanced at Meng Qingchen faintly, and he saw the same shock and awe in the eyes of Di Feiyan, Chen Yang, and Meng Qingchen today.This made him extremely happy, this is the real strength!Let these rebellious people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts!

It's no big deal to scare a pack of wild dogs!

But if a group of lions, tigers, and ferocious wolves are scared, then it is the king of all beasts!

Di Shengtian then said: "Get up and sit down!"

Meng Qingchen said: "Thank you, Palace Master!" Then he got up and sat down.

Di Shengtian said: "This seat intends to attack the Ghost King Sect tomorrow. You, Feiyan, Chen Yang will go with this seat. The other masters will also go together!"

Meng Qingchen was slightly startled when she heard the words, but soon she reacted, and said: "Winning the real villain, taking advantage of others' danger, deserves ten thousand deaths. The palace master is now a master, and if he wants to kill Yingzhen, It's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand. Tomorrow, it will be the time for Yingzhen to die!"

Di Shengtian immediately felt extremely happy, he smiled, and said: "Yingzhen, you really deserve to die! Ming RB will let him see what kind of gap exists between him and this seat!"

He paused, and then said: "Chen Yang told me today that he wants to leave, do you know about this?"

Meng Qingchen's tender body shook slightly, and she immediately said: "He just said something."

Di Shengtian said, "What about you?"

"Me?" Meng Qingchen said: "Of course I will stay in the Temple of Advent, and advance and retreat together with the eldest lady!"

Di Shengtian smiled faintly, and said, "That's good. I originally thought...I thought you and Chen Yang had a deep relationship, and you would go with him."

Meng Qingchen suddenly felt terrified.

She is also an old world, and was once the overlord.At this moment, the chilling meaning in Di Shengtian's words could not be heard there.

She heard that Di Shengtian seemed to want to deal with Chen Yang.

Meng Qingchen didn't hesitate for a moment, she said: "The relationship between me and Chen Yang is just a pure cooperative relationship. There are not too many entanglements and entanglements. If I really want to care about it, it should be hatred. Back then, I was in Danube. when……"

Meng Qingchen told Di Shengtian all the things about Danube in detail.

Meng Qingchen gave a brief and clear description, but Di Shengtian could hear it clearly. "It turns out that there is still such a grievance between you."

Di Shengtian smiled and said: "I really didn't imagine this."

He then asked: "Does Feiyan know about this?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Missy knows about it, and she mediates from it. We reached an agreement, and during the cooperation period, we will not mention the past. Chen Yang also saved me once later, the past grievances, forget it."

Di Shengtian nodded, and said: "Forget it, forget it. A cultivator should be more open-minded!"

They didn't continue to chat with each other.

After that, Di Shengtian let Meng Qingchen leave.

Meng Qingchen saluted respectfully, and then took leave.

After leaving Di Shengtian's bedroom, Meng Qingchen returned to Huahua Palace.

She didn't go to see Chen Yang.

Because, at this time, it is really not suitable to meet Chen Yang.

In this descending temple, Di Shengtian can see everything.

If I said earlier that I had grievances with Chen Yang, but now I noticed some clues and went to see Chen Yang when I came back, wouldn't that be contradictory?

Meng Qingchen has been waiting.

At night, Di Feiyan took the initiative to meet Meng Qingchen.

In Meng Qingchen's room, the two set up a magic circle again!

Even Di Shengtian couldn't see the information in it.

"Feiyan!" Meng Qingchen yelled solemnly, and she stood in front of Di Feiyan.

"So serious?" Di Feiyan looked a little surprised, and said, "My father said about attacking the Ghost King Sect tomorrow? Are you worried? Don't worry, with my father's current cultivation, the Ghost King Sect will be taken down. No surprises."

"It's not about this!" Meng Qingchen said immediately.

"That's it?" Di Feiyan was puzzled.

Meng Qingchen said: "Before that, I have to ask you something solemnly."

Di Feiyan immediately said, "Ask."

Meng Qingchen said: "I know, your brother is dead, and you have resentment towards Chen Yang. In fact, it's not enough to blame him for this matter. You also have to blame me and yourself."

Di Feiyan shook her head and said, "No, I'm not blaming you. I'm really blaming myself!"

Meng Qingchen said: "There is nothing to complain about. If you are the one who died now, Di Huaixiu will be very happy."

Di Feiyan said, "I know, but I'm not him."

"It's not easy to be alive. Because of Chen Yang, you are still alive. Otherwise, you wouldn't even have a chance to be troubled." Meng Qingchen said.

Di Feiyan said: "I understand what you mean. But what do you want to ask me?"

Meng Qingchen said: "I want to ask you, do you want Chen Yang to die?"

Di Feiyan stood up immediately as if being pricked by a needle, and said with a change of color, "Of course I don't want it. How could I want Chen Yang to die."

Meng Qingchen said: "I just hope that you have a clear understanding of some situations. First, without Chen Yang, you would have died in the first place. Second, it was not because of you, he didn't need to come to the Temple of Advent. He came, It's friendship at the risk of life. Third..."

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