"Because he deserves to die!" Meng Qingchen didn't wait for Yingzhen to finish speaking, and said directly: "A guy like Yinghong dares to covet me. Is he worthy?"

"What's so unworthy of my son?" Yingzhen was furious, and said, "Meng Qingchen, it's your blessing that my son thinks highly of you. Now, you actually collaborated with others to kill him. Then, today, I will renew my son's respect for you." Choose a marriage. I will find a human animal to marry you, and let you serve that animal every day. This will be your destination."

"Haha..." Meng Qingchen laughed sharply and said, "Yingzhen, you deserve to die!"

"Damn me? Do you have the ability?" Ying Zhen sneered.

"Perhaps..." Chen Yang opened his mouth, and said, "Let's stop talking nonsense, you can do it!"

Qin Dong immediately reported to Yingzhen and said: "Sect Master, Chen Yang has a lot of strange things about him, and his subordinates have told you about it before. But he has a big problem, that is, his attack power is not strong. You can send someone to entangle him That is, the subordinates think that Taoist Master Luo is very suitable. It is not too late to capture him after we capture the other two."

Ying Zhen said indifferently: "Does it need to be so troublesome to deal with the three of them?"

Qin Dong blushed suddenly.

There was a gleam in Ying Zhen's eyes.All of a sudden, his body's aura and mana merged with the divine turtle Tianzhou.The head of the divine turtle Tianzhou suddenly opened his eyes, then opened his mouth and exhaled a black evil breath.

The black evil spirit instantly spread like a plague, covering the entire surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

In an instant, the surrounding sky was filled with ghosts, like a hell world descending.

This is simply more terrifying than the hell world.

This ghost image is entangled like a thick thin thread, and it is like a swamp everywhere. Moreover, there seem to be countless ghost monkeys pulling people down in the swamp.

Winning truth is the cultivation base of the sixth level of the Good Fortune King Realm!

Possess the wisdom of Prajna beyond the power of all phenomena!

That ghost also possesses infinite prajna wisdom!This kind of wisdom cannot be deciphered by Chen Yang's magic power.

So in an instant, Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen fell into this swamp.Not only could they not help Chen Yang, but they had to use their power to dissolve the Prajna wisdom in the ghost shadow.

Di Feiyan was better, but Meng Qingchen was more difficult to deal with.

At the same time, Yingzhen attacked Chen Yang.

Ying Zhen is not unintelligent, he has heard Qin Dong tell a lot of secrets about Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang was the murderer who killed Yinghong.

What's more, Ying Zhen also wanted to see what was so special about Chen Yang.

Yingzhen's ghostly big handprint quickly enveloped Chen Yang...

In an instant, wisdom ghosts from all directions came towards Chen Yang like thousands of sharp swords.At the same time, the sharp sword seems to be full of elasticity and toughness, and it can change in a thousand ways.

Chen Yang didn't say anything... Facing a big owl of this level.Chen Yang, apart from putting out the effort to suppress the bottom of the box, where else is he qualified to keep his hand?

To make a move, you must use cards like two kings and four twos.

Chen Yang's black hole vortex appeared, and the great devouring technique and the power of the Xuanhuang God Valley seeds were fully displayed.

He swallowed countless ghosts in an instant, and even the wisdom of Prajna was swallowed by him.

This is not the first time Chen Yang has devoured this kind of prajna wisdom.The innocence of the gods back then was also at the sixth level of the realm of creation.

In an instant, Ying Zhen felt that his power was being absorbed by the opponent.

Ying really couldn't help being shocked, this kid is really weird!

Win real power, Hunyuan, majestic, terrifying!

Chen Yang didn't absorb much, and already felt that his body was about to be unable to bear it.

Of course, this is much stronger than when facing God without sin.Chen Yang focused his attention, comprehending the Prajna power rushing in like a mountain torrent.

Then, he suddenly raised his hand!

This wave of the hand did not cut out a sword!

Instead, the time spar condensed in his palm.

The copper coin of origin quickly absorbed the violent time power. Inside the time spar, the long river of time was originally gurgling, but at this time it was surging.

"Go!" Chen Yang suddenly shouted.

With that raised hand, the origin copper coin raised a yellow light, and then shot at Yingzhen's eyebrows with lightning.

Ying Zhen was slightly taken aback.

There was a sudden shock in his heart, and a sense of crisis rushed out.

Yingzhen stared at the yellow light that came from the beheading in the instant of thousands of lightning.At the same time, he formed a seal in his hand.In front of his eyes, there were infinite ghosts that turned into a ghost sword.This divine sword slashed towards Huang Guang!

Under this cut, it was Yingzhen who concentrated his energy and sent it out.The power of prajna wisdom is contained in it... This sword is called Arrow's sword!

It is one of the real lore to win.Beheading an expert below the fourth level of the Fortune God King Realm, no accident, the opponent will directly splatter the blood on the spot.

Even in the face of Di Shengtian, this sword should be treated seriously by such a big owl as Di Shengtian.

Arrow's sword, seemingly ordinary, is extremely extraordinary.

When the sword light of Arrow's sword flashes, it is like a microcosm of thousands of worlds. There are thousands of profound meanings but only one profound meaning!

However, soon, something unexpected happened.

The origin copper coin and Arrow's sword were beheaded together... Obviously they had been beheaded together... However, the origin copper coin shuttled away from the sword of Arrow's sword.

That situation was extremely weird.

It's like being in the same place, but in a different time and space.You passed here yesterday, and I pass here today.If they are at the same time, they will collide.But time and space are different, but they go in parallel!

At this moment, Yingzhen's eyes changed drastically!

"It's such a powerful time mana that it has completely concealed my Prajna wisdom." Ying Zhen was surprised.His figure changed rapidly, and the wisdom of Prajna revolved around him. In an instant, Yingzhen finally caught the change of the power of time and space.

But, after all, it was still a moment late!

The original copper coin cut a clearly visible bloodstain on Yingzhen's cheek!

In the next second, the origin copper coin traveled through time and space again, and appeared directly in Chen Yang's hands.

Ying Zhen was actually injured in the instant fight with Chen Yang.

Although the injury was traumatic, it was not serious.

But everyone saw it, and Ying was really hurt.

How can this be?

Ying really forgot how many years he hadn't shed blood.

He didn't repair the injury immediately, but reached out and wiped it on his cheek.He looked at the blood on his fingers with complicated eyes.

All the people present were pale!

They looked at Chen Yang as if they had seen a ghost.How many terrifying secrets does this young man who is only at the second level of God of Creation King Realm still have?

This is a simple move, but it can even hurt the suzerain?

Then, if you end up on your own, can you stop his combined efforts?

"Sovereign?" Qin Dong shouted worriedly.

Ying really waved his hand, he was thoughtful.

At this time, Di Feiyan and Dongxiang had already used the power of thunder and lightning to kill the entanglement of Prajna wisdom.Meng Qingchen also operated the fairy staff, and successfully escaped from the entanglement of prajna wisdom.

The three of Chen Yang faced Ying Zhen again.

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "I thought that the famous Ghost King Sect Master Win is really a hero. It turns out, it's nothing more than that!"

Ying Zhen didn't need to be annoyed, he stared at Chen Yang suddenly and said, "It's my power that helped you unleash such powerful space-time mana? If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to hurt me."

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "Whatever you say, everyone present, if you don't make a move, I will kill whoever I want. If you make a move, I will kill you!"

Then, he shot directly.

This time, Chen Yang aimed directly at Monk Kuzhu!

Monk Bitter Bamboo is at the fourth level of God of Creation Realm.

Yellow light flashes!

In the time spar, the long river of time is choppy!

The original copper coin shot at the Kuzhu monk with lightning.With the power of Chen Yang's blow, he circulated his whole body's mana without reservation.

He can take up to three shots!

After three times, you will be exhausted!

This blow took too much effort.Time is long, how can it be so easy to mobilize.

Everyone looked at the original copper coin and shot at the Kuzhu monk.

It's fast, but not outrageously fast.

All of them present felt that each of them could withstand this copper coin.

But, at this time, who dares to underestimate it?

Yingzhen's expression changed, and he shot quickly. His figure flashed, but he stopped in front of the Kuzhu monk.Then, with a big hand, he suddenly grabbed the original copper coin.

His grasp contains the power of space, the power of time, and the power of prajna wisdom...

The law of time changes in his hands, and the space quickly condenses and condenses!

However, even though Ying Zhen has already exerted all his skills in this way.

The original copper coin still passed through Yingzhen's body...

There is no loss in winning.

The original copper coins traveled from different time and space.Yingzhen also failed to resist the space-time power of the original copper coin and change the space-time law of the original copper coin.

Monk Kuzhu felt all sorts of dangers, at this moment, he roared...

When the copper coin of origin was close to the center of his eyebrows, time and space finally returned to the normal track, thus shooting at the center of his eyebrows.

Monk Kuzhu was shocked, he retreated in lightning, but it was too late.Before he could unleash his many magic powers, the origin copper coin pierced his eyebrows in an instant, and then, the brain of the bitter bamboo monk was strangled by the power of time and space...

Then, the origin copper coin travels through time and space again, and mysteriously returns to Chen Yang's hands.

Monk Kuzhu opened his eyes wide, and he didn't seem to be injured at all.But soon, he began to bleed from his seven orifices, and finally, he collapsed and fell towards the depths of the universe.

Everyone was shocked!

Including Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan.

Qin Dong quickly made a move and grabbed the corpse of Monk Kuzhu.

Monk Kuzhu's whole body was limp, and he couldn't die anymore.

A master who had cultivated at the fourth level of the Good Fortune God King Realm was instantly killed by Chen Yang.

Moreover, the suzerain Yingzhen, with the cultivation base of the sixth level of the God of Creation King Realm, personally resisted it but failed to block it...

It's horrible, and it's horrible.

In an instant, everyone is in danger!

Chen Yang smiled slightly, holding the mysterious origin copper coin in his hand.Then, he looked at Yingzhen, and said lightly: "Yingzhen, tell me, who should I kill next?"

With Chen Yang's attack at this moment, he could have killed Qianlong scholar with low cultivation level, and killed the elite.

However, if you don't kill the master of the fourth level of the God of Good Fortune, how can you frighten everyone present?

Ying Zhen's face was covered with a layer of frost, and he didn't say a word at this moment.

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