The strongest player in history

Chapter 2588 Sharp turn down

Di Huaixiu felt that the chariot was taken away, and was immediately distraught.

"Hahaha!" Ying Zhen took the Tiangang chariot into the core area of ​​the Shengui Tianzhou.

Got a chariot, and at this time, winning is really a big decision.

He looked at Hunyuan Jindou in front of him and just snorted coldly.

With a flash of his figure, Yingzhen came out of the Shengui Tianzhou and stood on the head of the Shengui Tianzhou.

"Break it for me!" Yingzhen grabbed it with his big hand, and the whole body of Shengui Tianzhou flashed with lightning.A lot of berserk mana, Elder Ghost Shadow, Elder Ghost Witch fully channeled their mana.

Yingzhen's power is so powerful that it can wipe out the world.

He condensed a black ghost sword with both hands!

The sword light spun like lightning, and directly slashed towards Hunyuan Jindou in a spiral.

To win is to forcibly break the Hunyuan Jindou!

The Hunyuan Jindou vibrated continuously, and was killed with the great power of the idol.But winning the real ghost sword is not affected at all.


Soon, a crack appeared on Hunyuan Jindou's Jin body, and then, the crack expanded and spread to all directions.


The Hunyuan Golden Dou exploded, and countless Chaos Qi drifted out.

Old Tan's face was pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Di Huaixiu and the others also spurted blood wildly.Their injuries are getting worse...

If there is no special ability, in fact, even a master at the fourth level of the Good Fortune God King Realm is vulnerable to Ying Zhen.

What's more, today Yingzhen took the Shengui Tianzhou and the two elders together.

The juniors like Di Huaixiu had no power to resist.

At this time, Di Huaixiu finally felt the fear of death, and he, Tan Lao and others tried their best to stand still in the void with mana.Di Huaixiu said painfully to Ying Zhen: "Senior Ying Zhen, our God's Advent Palace and the Ghost King Sect have never interfered with each other. Today, why did the senior want to kill the junior? Could it be that he wanted to cause disputes between the two parties?"

Yingzhen's eyes turned cold. He glanced at Di Huaixiu, snorted coldly, and said, "Di Huaixiu, my son is dead. He must be very lonely. You should go and accompany him too. .”

"Brother Yinghong's death has nothing to do with this junior!" Di Huaixiu immediately argued.

"My lord knows everything that happened that day!" Ying Zhen said coldly, "You can't get away with it. Your sister and the others can't get away with it either. My lord accepts you first, and then I go to them to settle the score."

"Sovereign!" At this moment, the soul chariot shuttled over.

The soul chariot stood still, and Qin Dong received the soul chariot.

Afterwards, Ban Juesheng, Qin Dong, Bloody Hand Demon, Bitter Bamboo Monk, Qianlong Scholar, Killing Master, including the injured Yuan Ping all flashed.They surrounded Di Huaixiu and the others, it was an airtight place.

Road Master Luo rode on the back of his divine tiger, and followed him to Yingzhen's side.

Elder Ghost Shadow and Elder Ghost Witch also appeared next to Ying Zhen.

All the elites of the Ghost King Sect appeared here.

Qin Dong and others meet Ying Zhen together.

Ying Zhen glanced at everyone, then sneered, and said, "It seems that Di Shengtian hasn't come over yet!"

Qin Dong said: "Right now, even if Emperor Shengtian comes over, he is powerless to recover."

Yingzhen said: "The Tiangang chariot has already belonged to me." He paused and said: "Now, the most important thing is to kill Di Feiyan and the others and capture the Lightning Beast. After that, The Temple of Advent will be nothing to fear!"

Qin Dong said: "It's just that the suzerain, Chen Yang and others have lost track."

Ying Zhen waved his hand and said, "I have a way to find them." His eyes fell on Di Huaixiu and the others.

Di Huaixiu and the others suddenly turned pale.

Di Huaixiu really wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy, but she couldn't save face.

Ban Juesheng immediately asked Yingzhen: "Sovereign, how should we deal with these people?"

Ying Zhen said: "From your point of view, how should we deal with it?"

Ban Juesheng said: "They are all people with advanced cultivation bases. If we use Yuanshen Bomb to control them, it will also add some strength to our Ghost King Zongping."

Yingzhen said: "The Yuanshen bomb is not omnipotent. Didn't Qin Dong also hit the Yuanshen bomb? Is he now under the control of Meng Qingchen? Di Shengtian must have special means in his hands! These people, From the looks of this seat, there is no need to stay."

"Yes!" Ban Juesheng said immediately.

"Kill all of them?" Ban Juesheng asked again.

Yingzhen glanced at it, and finally said: "Except for that woman stay, the rest, kill!"

There was a coldness in his eyes.

Ban Juesheng and Qin Dong shot at the same time.

Before Di Huaixiu begged for mercy, Ban Juesheng had already grabbed Di Huaixiu's head with one claw, and with just one pinch, the head exploded.

In Di Huaixiu's body, mana surged wildly, and blood burst out.

The essence of the whole body exploded.

Afterwards, Elder Tan was beheaded by Qin Dong.

The real person in the cemetery was caught by the ghost elder, shrunk it down, and then bit it into his mouth a few times, and finally, the ghost elder... ate him alive.

What a miserable death!

As for Elder Guiwu, he quickly grabbed all the body fragments of Emperor Huaixiu and even Elder Tan, and then sucked them into his body.

Elder Ghost Witch and Elder Ghost Shadow practiced the ghostly evil skills of ghosts and monsters, so they were not afraid of absorbing fragments and suffering some karma.

At this moment, the last living Qingxuan, although she is at the fourth level of the God of Creation King Realm.But at this moment, she was trembling...

This scene was too cruel.

She had seen cruelty, but it had not been there before.

Ying Zhen looked at Qing Xuan, and he said lightly: "Kneel down!"

Qingxuan looked at Yingzhen.

She didn't want to kneel down, even though, that white terror frightened her heart so much.

Her tender body continued to tremble.

"This seat counts from one to three, if you don't kneel down, you will die!" Ying Zhen was straightforward. "one two three……"

Win really quickly counted to three.

But Qingxuan didn't kneel down. At that last moment, Qingxuan used his remaining skills to explode his soul.At that moment, she regarded death as home!

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Ying Zhen snorted coldly.

Elder Ghost Shadow and Elder Ghost Witch shot at the same time, tearing Qingxuan's body apart instantly.The primordial spirit turned into countless fragments in order to blew itself up in time.Afterwards, these fragments were absorbed by Elder Ghost Shadow and Elder Ghost Witch at the same time.

"Next, go all out to hunt down Di Feiyan and the other three!" Ying Zhen gave the order without any nostalgia.

Ban Juesheng said: "Sovereign, how to chase after him?"

"All of them enter the Shengui Tianzhou, and I will chase after them!" Yingzhen said.

Afterwards, everyone entered the Shengui Tianzhou.

Among the tortoise boats, Ying Zhen quickly chased them out.

"Sovereign, have you found them?" Qin Dong was puzzled.

Ying Zhen said in a deep voice: "Meng Qingchen planted the primordial bomb in your brain, this primordial spirit can make her sense you. This seat can also sense them through the breath of this primordial bomb. That Liuli Dongtian is connected with my heart, at this moment, even if she detonates your primordial spirit bomb, this seat can use this remaining breath to chase and kill them."

"Hmph!" Afterwards, Ying Zhen sneered again, and said, "They are heading towards the Tyrannosaurus planet and want to return to the Temple of Advent."

"Speed ​​up!" Ying Zhen asked everyone to pour mana into him, and then he quickly urged the Shengui Tianzhou.

In an instant, the divine turtle Tianzhou was extremely excited, lightning and thunder flickered, and he directly entered the hyperspace.

Chen Yang was riding back to Balongxing on Dongxiang. Before, they hid in the dark and witnessed the death of Di Huaixiu and others.Chen Yang didn't particularly want to kill Di Huaixiu, after all, he had to take care of Di Feiyan's feelings.But in that case, it is impossible for him to rescue him.

If he was injured in order to save Emperor Huaixiu, his life might be in danger.What he did was not ridiculous.

Although Dongxiang's speed is extremely fast!

But the speed of the Turtle Tianzhou is even faster.

This time, the distance between Shengui Tianzhou and Dongxiang is getting closer and closer.Seeing that if it continues like this, it will be overtaken by the turtle Tianzhou.

Right now it's like a car race on earth!

The first thing to compare is the quality of the car and the degree of modification.

If they are all evenly matched, then the ability of the racer will be tested.

It is obvious that Ying Zhen's cultivation level is far above Chen Yang's and others.What's more, Yingzhen can absorb everyone's mana to activate the turtle Tianzhou.

And Dongxiang relies entirely on her own energy.Chen Yang also had no way to provide Dongxiang with a more powerful thunderbolt.

However, Chen Yang can't... Di Feiyan can actually.

The situation has reached a critical point.

Chen Yang quickly communicated with Di Feiyan inside the black hole spar with his mind.

However, Di Feiyan was still immersed in great sadness. "Feiyan, I want you to cooperate with Dongxiang now, otherwise, we're going to have a lot of hatred today."

Although Di Feiyan was sad, he would not delay the important event.Hearing this, he quickly got out of the black hole spar and rode on Dongxiang's back.Chen Yang immediately got into the black hole spar.

Di Feiyan quickly circulated the power of the Electric Mother's Heart Sutra, and her whole body flickered with lightning, merging with Dong Xiang as one.Dongxiang immediately uttered an excited cry, and followed, the speed increased again, and he rushed forward with lightning.

Chen Yang came to Meng Qingchen's side.

Meng Qingchen was thinking. As soon as Chen Yang came, Meng Qingchen asked: "Why can Yingzhen catch up with us accurately?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Could it be the soul bomb?"

Meng Qingchen suddenly realized, and she couldn't help saying angrily: "Damn it!" Then, she detonated the soul bomb.

But all this is of no avail.

Of course Meng Qingchen also knew this, she felt the pursuers behind her, and said in a deep voice: "If this continues, I will still be overtaken."

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I'll stop them. I'll buy time for you and Feiyan. As long as you return to the Temple of Advent, everything will be fine."

"How long can you stop it?" Meng Qingchen said: "Now there are so many masters around Yingzhen, plus Yingzhen and his turtle Tianzhou. I'm afraid you can't stop it even for a moment, so don't make unnecessary sacrifices." .”

"No!" Chen Yang said, "Besides, I can't die."

"No!" Meng Qingchen said: "If you fall into Yingzhen's hands, even if you have an immortal body, you won't have a chance to stand up again."

Chen Yang couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said, "I really didn't expect that Di Shengtian didn't come."

Meng Qingchen said: "Di Shengtian has been paying attention, but he didn't show up, it's so strange."

Chen Yang said: "Now that Di Huaixiu is dead, if he really exists, it is impossible not to appear."

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