Chen Yang said: "But what can be used as a treasure? I haven't found this place. It's best to use enough bait so that they can't crack it in a short time."

Meng Qingchen said: "I have already thought about this place. It is the ruins of the former Xiandu. I will build a fake chariot in the past two days. Then I will go there to arrange the formation. The three of us will work together This fake chariot is banned. Even if they hold the fake chariot in their hands, they will not be able to crack it in a short time."

Chen Yang said: "I'm afraid that the temporary formation is not easy to get away with it."

Meng Qingchen said: "Not counting as a temporary arrangement, there is a dilapidated formation at the bottom of the ruins of Xiandu. It is the treasure place of Xiandu, but the treasure inside has already been emptied!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang said: "This is great, everything is really ready."

So, the plan moved quickly.

Both Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are vigorous and resolute, and they are quick to do what they say.First of all, Meng Qingchen used all his strength to build a fake chariot with Diamond Meteorite and Star Meteorite.

Then, Dong Xiang accidentally broke into the main hall of the descending god.Di Feiyan hurriedly went to capture Dong Xiang back...

As a result, rumors spread in the Temple of Advent in an instant.

It was Master Qingchen and Master Chen Yang who caught a legendary living lightning beast and came back.Its speed is faster than that of a chariot.

Various versions spread rapidly.

The legend of the living lightning beast was also released by Chen Yang.

For a while, various legends were circulating in the God Advent Temple, including Kong Lingzi and an unfinished super chariot.

This matter spread so quickly that even the Palace Master Di Shengtian couldn't sit still.He summoned Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen, and Di Feiyan to meet in the main palace of the main hall.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were blunt and told Di Shengtian that they had indeed obtained the Living Lightning Beast.Including Wuyou also said it.

Dongxiang's mother and daughter came out together to meet Emperor Shengtian.

This is a treasure!

But, it was Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan.Even Di Shengtian is not qualified to say why he wants to leave.

"Not bad, not bad!" Di Shengtian couldn't help admiring after seeing Dong Xiang's mother and daughter.He is a generation of big owls, a person at the level of a god.At this time, there was no greedy look, but instead, he showed the style of a king.

"How did you distribute the lightning beast?" Di Shengtian asked again.

Meng Qingchen said: "For the time being, if we act together, the three of us can take Dongxiang together. During the battle, the eldest lady will cooperate with Dongxiang. In the future, when Wuyou grows up, Dongxiang will take orders from me and Chen Yang."

She said so.

Chen Yang said in his heart: "I have promised Dongxiang that they will not separate their mother and daughter. When I return to Earth in the future, Dongxiang will leave it to you."

This can be regarded as a little compensation for Meng Qingchen.

Di Shengtian said: "So that's the case." He paused, and then asked in a deep voice: "Then... the matter of Kong Lingzi's super chariot, is it really true?"

The three of Chen Yang had already thought up their words.

"We don't know how it got out, but we don't know about the super chariot." Di Feiyan said.

"Really don't know?" Di Shengtian was suspicious.

Di Feiyan said with certainty: "I really don't know."

Di Shengtian was still dubious, but he didn't ask any more questions.After that, he asked Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen to leave first.Dongxiang's mother and daughter were also brought into the black hole spar by Chen Yang.After Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen left, Di Shengtian asked Di Feiyan again: "Feiyan, we should be honest between father and daughter, right?"

Di Feiyan calmly faced Di Shengtian's eyes and said, "Of course!"

Di Shengtian said: "This Lightning Beast can be kept secret, but you want to make the whole hall up and down. There is even news about the super chariot. My father wants to know, what exactly do you want?" do what?"

Di Feiyan couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Father, do you really think that we spread these secrets?"

Di Shengtian said: "Father is not stupid, don't tell father. Dongxiang ran out suddenly that day, is it because Dongxiang lost control?"

Di Feiyan fell silent.

She can completely say that Dongxiang is really out of control.

But she is not good at lying, not to mention, it is her father who is asking questions.

She didn't speak, Di Shengtian seemed to understand something.

"It seems that your target is your elder brother." Di Shengtian said directly.

Di Feiyan's delicate body trembled slightly.

Di Shengtian said lightly: "You never lie. This is all Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's idea, right?"

Di Feiyan took a deep breath, she looked up at Di Shengtian, and said, "Yes, father, I won't lie. But elder brother is different, he can be a good person with a smile on his face, someone who colluded with the ghost king sect behind his back. Last time , If I hadn’t been lucky enough to have Chen Yang’s help, I would have died at the hands of my elder brother! I don’t want to talk about these things, because it’s useless. Even if you believed it, you wouldn’t do anything to your elder brother, would you? ? Well, I can only do something in my own way."

"Is the super chariot fake?" Di Shengtian said lightly.

Di Feiyan said: "If you think it's fake, it's fake. My daughter is going to resign..."

"He really colluded with Ghost King Zong to kill you?" Di Shengtian said in a deep voice.

Di Feiyan said: "Don't worry, he can kill me. But I won't kill him!"

Di Shengtian fell into deep thought.

He is obviously not a kind father. On many issues, he considers the word interests.

After that, Di Feiyan left.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen walked out of the main hall of Jiangshen. On the way back to Huaqing Palace and Huahua Palace, Meng Qingchen didn't speak.The two walked side by side, the road seemed very long, but also very short.

Each other, has been relatively silent.

"After this matter is done, if we can successfully kill Elder Tan, the cemetery, and those who seriously damaged Emperor Huaixiu, then I will leave and return to Earth." Chen Yang said suddenly.

Meng Qingchen looked indifferent after hearing this, and said: "I hope you can achieve what you want."

Chen Yang said: "When the time comes, I will leave Dongxiang to you. After all, I promised Dongxiang not to separate their mother and daughter."

Meng Qingchen was silent for a moment, then said: "I respect your wishes."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, he didn't know what to say afterwards.

Soon, each of them arrived home, and each of them stopped talking and returned to their respective palaces.

Di Feiyan immediately came to talk to Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang again.So they got together again.

Di Feiyan told the truth about the conversation with Di Shengtian.

Her answer was instructed by Chen Yang.Because Di Feiyan can't lie at all, letting Di Feiyan reveal his true feelings is far more perfect for dealing with Di Shengtian than lying.And afterwards, he was not afraid that Emperor Shengtian would settle accounts after autumn.

And soon, Di Shengtian summoned Meng Qingchen alone.

In the main hall of descending the gods, Di Shengtian said directly: "Feiyan has already confessed to me that all super chariots are fake. Your purpose is to deal with Huaixiu, right?"

Meng Qingchen responded indifferently, and she said: "I don't know what a super tank is. If I knew, I would definitely go to get it immediately. We never said that there is a super tank. If there is one, we know it. It's already in our hands."

Di Shengtian stared at Meng Qingchen.

He was a little depressed.

He thinks it should be fake, and all signs show that it is fake.However, the more false it is, the more obvious it is, the more he suspects that it is true in the middle.

This is the paranoia of a boss like him.

Di Shengtian followed up and said: "The Temple of the Gods of Advent has the rules of the Temple of the Gods of Advent, no infighting is allowed. I hope that you will not act recklessly. Otherwise, I will have to bear the pain to give up love."

Meng Qingchen said: "Don't worry, the lord, we understand the rules of Jiangshen Temple very well. Sincerely, don't dare to violate the iron rules!"

Di Shengtian said: "That's good!" He paused, and then said: "Qingchen, do you know that this seat has always been very optimistic about you."

Meng Qingchen said: "Thank you, Palace Master, for your love!"

Di Shengtian waved his hand and said, "Don't say that, you are also a person. By the way, who does Dongxiang belong to? Will it be so unclear from now on?"

Meng Qingchen was slightly taken aback.

Di Shengtian followed up and said: "This Dongxiang can catch and subdue it. From my point of view, most of the credit should belong to you. I think it's very good that Feiyan raised Wuyou. You took Dongxiang with you." .As for Chen Yang, Chen Yang's son has too much hatred."

He is intentionally trying to win over Meng Qingchen.As long as Meng Qingchen agrees, he will stand by Meng Qingchen's side and help Meng Qingchen completely control Dongxiang in his hands.

This is a great temptation.

If Di Shengtian forcibly grabs the Lightning Beast, then no one will agree.It will also appear that he, the palace master, has no structure.But if he was the referee and let Meng Qingchen take control of Dongxiang, it would be easy.

Meng Qingchen's mind did not waver at all.

Facing the olive branch thrown by Di Shengtian, she appeared very calm.She said in a deep voice: "Hallmaster's kindness, Qingchen accepts it. However, Dongxiang has Dongxiang's ideas. We are friends with Dongxiang, and there is no way to grab her control."

Disappointment flashed in Di Shengtian's eyes.However, that is also fleeting.He then smiled and said: "Well, if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

Meng Qingchen said: "Yes, Palace Master!" After she finished speaking, she said: "If Palace Master has no other orders, Qingchen will leave."

Di Shengtian stood up and said, "I will see you off."

Meng Qingchen was slightly startled, and said: "How can this happen!" Di Shengtian smiled lightly, and said: "This seat is about to go out for a walk, just drop by!"

In this way, Meng Qingchen couldn't say anything more.

Di Shengtian sent Meng Qingchen out of the main hall of descending gods, and along the way, Di Shengtian was also very personable.

However, word spread immediately.

In this God Advent Temple, although discipline is strict, rumors spread quickly.

Di Shengtian sent Meng Qingchen in person, which can be regarded as the biggest event in Jiangshen Temple.

Because in the past, the Palace Master has always been high above the others, without any pretense.

Then there were rumors that the Palace Master and Meng Qingchen had a mutual affection, and there would be good stories to come out in the near future and so on.

It would not be difficult for Di Shengtian to stop this kind of gossip.

But surprisingly, Di Shengtian didn't forbid it.

Meng Qingchen pretended not to hear this, let alone explain to anyone in a few words.This kind of thing will only get darker and darker.

However, Meng Qingchen truthfully told Chen Yang about the conversation between Di Shengtian and her.

Including the matter of helping her take away Dongxiang's control.

Chen Yang smiled after hearing this, and said, "It seems that our palace master can't sit still."

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