The strongest player in history

Chapter 2580 Copper Coin Secret

There are legends of Xiandu in the planet Tyrannosaurus.

The white-haired and blue-faced god is from Xiandu.Meng Qingchen also saw the records about Xiandu in the Shanhai Pavilion in the Temple of God.

There have been several masters in Xiandu.

The white-haired and blue-faced god is also considered top-level among them.Every person who has come out of the immortal is at the level of the god of good fortune.

However, for nearly a thousand years, people from Xiandu have never appeared on the Tyrant Dragon planet.So people gradually forgot about Xiandu.

Meng Qingchen learned about the history of Xiandu in the Xiandu Staff.

Xiandu was created by a generation of immortal king Bai Tianchou, and the staff of Xiandu was originally a magic weapon of Bai Tianchou.The shock of the entire Xiandu, the power is in the Xiandu staff.

Those with white hair and blue faces are regarded as house slaves who are worried during the day.

Later, when Bai Tianchou was practicing in the universe, he was killed by the ancestor of Tianmo.In the fairy capital, there was chaos.The white-haired and blue-faced god seized the staff of Xiandu, and the real Xiandu was also destroyed.

Some of the rest of the slaves were killed by the white-haired and blue-faced gods.Some changed their names and surnames in the secular world, and there was no trace of them.Some died in the secular world.

These histories are all hidden.There is no record in Shanhai Pavilion.

"Xiandu? Worrying during the day? It seems that it is also a generation of outstanding people. Otherwise, how could it cultivate so many outstanding domestic slaves. Moreover, it is also a testament to its strength that it is qualified to be killed by the ancestor of the demon." Meng Qingchen secretly said.

She quietly comprehended the Xiandu Staff, and felt more and more extraordinary the Xiandu Staff.

Even the white-haired and blue-faced god is also a generation of outstanding people.It's a pity that he met such a freak as Chen Yang, otherwise, Meng Qingchen knew that by himself alone, he would not be a match for the white-haired and blue-faced god at all.

Meng Qingchen also felt the millions of gods in the staff of Xiandu!

The power of those gods themselves is not strong, the change from ghosts to gods is just from pure yin to pure yang.The power has indeed become much stronger, but it is not really a god.

But to really grasp these gods, it is also a considerable power.

Meng Qingchen knew in her heart that with the Xiandu staff, her strength had been greatly enhanced.

The staff of Xiandu was originally unable to trap the soul chariot.Meng Qingchen found some similarities in it, using her own blue ocean, purple dragon to cooperate with Xiandu phantom, and finally made the red mist in Xiandu law more lingering.

Of course, the Xiandu Law cannot immediately control the chariot.

Instead, after weakening the chariot's strength, find an opportunity. Once it is completely trapped, the opponent's chariot will be useless.

Meng Qingchen took a deep breath, and with a flash of her figure, she went directly into the staff of Xiandu.She wants to use her power to completely control millions of gods and use them for her own use.

In the room of Huaqing Palace, Chen Yang's power began to seep into the origin copper coin.

That small copper coin does not have any patterns or traces on it.

Falling in the world, it is also inconspicuous.

However, this copper coin can be safe and sound under the attack of the Xuanhuang God Valley seed and the Great Devouring Technique.

This is really a miracle.

You know, Chen Yang's Great Devouring Technique, the Xuanhuang God Valley Seed, has become so overbearing that it is invincible.

Mana probed into the origin copper coin, but still nothing was found.

It seems that the original copper coin is really just an ordinary copper coin.

Chen Yang's mana was condensed, he pinched the origin copper coin in his palm, and the terrifying and powerful mana squeezed towards the copper coin.This kind of power, not to mention a copper coin, even the hardest diamond meteorite will be annihilated into ashes in an instant.

But that's it, there is nothing wrong with this copper coin.

It was safe and sound, as if it had not suffered any force.

Chen Yang was not discouraged either.

The black hole spar enveloped the room, and Chen Yang opened up a dark space in it.Then throw the origin copper coin into the dark space.Then, with a thought, Chen Yang introduced the sun god fire, and the thunder and lightning power entered the dark space to refine the origin copper coins.

In the dark space, fierce fire flourished.

Chen Yang even used the Light Thunder God scissors, but all attacks were of no avail.

The original copper coin was quietly in place, despite being tempered, but it was safe and sound.

"Is all evil invincible? And no magic power? If you are used to attack and kill the enemy, as long as you are not devoured like me, you are basically useless!" Chen Yang secretly said. "How can there be such a strange thing like you? What should I use you for? As a decoration?"

Obviously, Chen Yang would not use the original copper coins as decorations.

"It can't accommodate mana, so many laws can't be added to it." Chen Yang thought to himself.

"Maybe, as soon as I threw it out, I was captured by the enemy. It's really tasteless, it's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to throw it away."

Chen Yang was helpless, but at the same time upset.Originally, I also planned to go to the Emperor Huaixiu and those people to kill Tanlao and the real person in the cemetery.But now that he is like Meng Qingchen, he really doesn't know what this woman thinks.

Chen Yang then took out the time spar.

The origin copper coin and the time spar were in Chen Yang's hands at the same time.

Chen Yang took over the dark space.

The copper coin of origin and the time spar were sacrificed in the air by Chen Yang's mana.The time spar has always been in a quiet state, and the origin copper coin is like a dead dog.

But at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly realized something was wrong.

To be precise, it is a slight change.

The Copper Coin of Origin seems to be absorbing... the power of time.

No mana is tolerated.

However, it is absorbing the power of time.

At that time, the spar is a vast ocean of time.Possesses endless power of time...but Chen Yang couldn't use the time spar.

Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

He grabbed the origin copper coin in his hand, and immediately, he felt the power of time flowing around the origin copper coin.

At this moment, Chen Yang seemed to understand something.

The origin of copper coins is a very pure thing.Don't know where it came from or where it went.But it seems to represent a kind of origin and eternity.

Origin, the beginning of all things!

Everything is immortal, but I am immortal.

Therefore, it can instead run the power of the time spar.

Chen Yang was suddenly able to mobilize the power of the time spar through the origin copper coin.What a surprise!

At this time, the power of time is like gurgling water, surrounding the origin copper coin, tempering the origin copper coin.

Chen Yang's mana was also integrated into it, stimulating the power of time.

In an instant, the mana, the copper coins of origin, and the power of time surround each other.

With a flash of inspiration in Chen Yang's heart, he bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood onto the origin copper coin.After that drop of blood dripped onto the origin copper coin, the origin copper coin unexpectedly absorbed it instantly.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly had a feeling of heart-to-heart connection with the origin copper coin.He seems to have seen the vicissitudes of life and the changes of the universe.Moreover, there are many fleeting images in my mind, and time flies by.That copper coin raced quickly in Chen Yang's mind, as if leading Chen Yang to appreciate the long river of time.


That's it!

Finally, Chen Yang finally saw the place where the original copper coin was produced.The original copper coin was produced in the center of the largest black hole in the universe.

When Chen Yang saw the black hole, he felt frightened.He saw that the entire universe is in a process of collapse!

It's like people are living above the vortex, and all things, objects, and planets are migrating towards the big black hole of the universe.

As time goes by, everything will be swallowed by the cosmic black hole.

That was a cosmic black hole that Chen Yang had never seen before.

Chen Yang was overwhelmed with horror, his heart beating with fear.At this time, his understanding of black holes has gained another level.Those black holes in the past were nothing more than small troubles.

"The black hole passes, time passes, and everything is passing. Human life is passing too! Everything will pass! It turns out that there is no eternity at all." Chen Yang suddenly realized at this moment.

Human life, body and universe coincide.Even the passage of lifespan coincides with the passage of life in the universe.

Chen Yang's comprehension of the laws of the universe has deepened to another level.

Then, Chen Yang saw the birth of the original copper coin.

This original copper coin was originally forged by time and the power of black holes in the passage of time.It actually represents the origin of the universe.

"No wonder, my Xuanhuang God Valley seed can't do anything about it. After the Xuanhuang God Valley seed is fused with the eternal spar, it has risen several grades. But compared with this origin copper coin, it is still far from qualified!"

Chen Yang felt that he and the origin copper coin seemed to be integrated into one.

After a long time, Chen Yang slowly calmed down.

The origin copper coin represents the origin, but the power of the origin is in the maelstrom of the universe, and no one can control it.

Chen Yang received the origin copper coin.

He knew that he had another killer weapon.At that time, the spar was extremely powerful, but he couldn't use it indiscriminately.Moreover, he cannot use the time spar to reverse time and space, reverse yin and yang.

Reversing time and space requires mobilizing the river of time.

In today's universe, no one has this ability.

Even the rebirth of the universe emperor does not have this ability.

This kind of reversal of time and space is not an ordinary technique.Once reversed, it will mess up the time and space of the entire universe.At that time, it will completely accelerate the collapse of the universe.It is equivalent to disrupting the order of the entire universe, which is very terrifying.

However, no one has this ability.

Chen Yang didn't even dare to think about it.Moreover, even if he had the ability, he would not do it.

After all this, Chen Yang thought he had gained nothing.But I didn't expect that my harvest would be so great.It was really fate, it was such a coincidence that Meng Qingchen returned the time spar at this time.

Otherwise, Chen Yang would never have discovered the secret of the origin of copper coins.

This night, Chen Yang was somewhat satisfied.But then thinking of Meng Qingchen, he began to toss and turn again.The most embarrassing thing he felt was that he didn't know how to face Meng Qingchen.

The next day, early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

The golden sun shines.

Chen Yang got up and came to the courtyard.

Everything seems to be as usual.

However, Chen Yang knew that everything was different again.He was embarrassed to find Meng Qingchen...

There was no movement from Meng Qingchen.If it was in the past, Meng Qingchen would have already come here.

Chen Yang thought about it, and decided to care about Shang Lianxin's children.

In this place, Chen Yang already had the intention to quit.He felt that he should leave, but he had a lot of thoughts, and it was too meaningless to leave at this time.Di Feiyan, Meng Qingchen may not be able to handle it!In case Meng Qingchen chooses to leave directly, then Di Feiyan...

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