Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen sat on Dongxiang's back together, Meng Qingchen sat in front, and Chen Yang was next to Meng Qingchen.Getting along like this is ambiguous and intimate.

Chen Yang didn't want to, but Meng Qingchen sat up first, and said directly to Chen Yang, come on!Therefore, Chen Yang couldn't say anything.

Chen Yang felt that it was wrong in his heart, but his body was absolutely honest.He had to admit that Meng Qingchen's charm was always pulling his heartstrings.He felt that this was wrong, because he would return to Earth soon.Such feelings should not be allowed to develop, and should not gallop in his and her hearts.

In this way, after all, it is also a kind of harm to Meng Qingchen!

Chen Yang had no face to bring Meng Qingchen back to Earth.

Back then, he went with Linger to conquer Meng Qingchen, and he already had Linger, Mo Nong, and Qiao Ning.His child is eight years old, so how can he be as ridiculous as before?

Dongxiang carried Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen on her back, and she just said to sit down.

Afterwards, the electric nucleus in Dong Xiang's body activated, and the electric light filled her whole body.This kind of electricity is mainly in her body, so it can't do any harm to Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang.

For a beast like Dongxiang, it is really not something that ordinary people or ordinary masters can play with.If a master below the virtual fairyland sits on Dong Xiang, he will be instantly turned into ashes by electricity.

It is the master below the level of creation who sits on Dongxiang. At that time, it seems to be fighting against Dongxiang all the time, which consumes a lot of mana.

The electrical energy in Dongxiang's body was too terrifying.

The moment Dongxiang flew out, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen felt the things around them begin to change.They feel the space around them crumbling.

It's a very strange feeling.

At the same time, two electric cables grew from Dong Xiang's body.Meng Qingchen grabbed the cable to maintain his balance.Otherwise, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen might be thrown away with such extreme speed.

Chen Yang couldn't help but hugged Meng Qingchen's soft waist tightly.

They are not yet familiar with this situation, and they dare not use mana indiscriminately, for fear of destroying the wonderful space around them.

For a long time, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen didn't know the chariot and Dongxiang's speed.They all thought that although their strength was not unparalleled in the world, their speed had already reached the extreme.

But it now appears that they were wrong.

In such a fast shuttle, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen had to use their mana to resist the tearing damage from the outside world.

But these are not problems.

Chen Yang was still intoxicated by Meng Qingchen's tenderness, but when Dong Xiang officially started to speed up, he began to think about what was going on.

He remembered that Master Luo said about shrinking the ground into an inch.

There is no way to pave the way, and there is no disadvantage!

But Dongxiang's current shuttle is different, as if breaking all the space.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen used their mana to shuttle, they were both looking for space, shuttle space!

"Collapse the space with electricity?" Chen Yang didn't quite understand.

He has been looking for the reason for this, but he can't figure it out.

In the end, he had to give up.

Dongxiang's speed was so fast that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen found it unbelievable.Originally, they knew Dongxiang would be fast.But now they really realized the speed of Dongxiang!

Not long after, the two and Dongxiang returned to the planet Tyrannosaurus.Chen Yang let Dongxiang enter the black hole spar, and Dongxiang will become the trump card.Definitely won't show up casually!

Chen Yangxian and Meng Qingchen returned to Jinpeng Country, and he directly took Shang Lianxin'er and returned the other three boys.After explaining for a while, he and Meng Qingchen went back to the Temple of Adoration.

Going out this time can be regarded as the completion of merit and virtue, and the pot is full.

After going back, the first thing Meng Qingchen called Shan Lingyue.Let Shan Lingyue take the children Shang Lianxin'er to go through some formalities, and formally follow Shan Lingyue to learn the art of cultivation.

Let Shan Lingyue do all of this.

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen sent a message to Di Feiyan.

In Meng Qingchen's gorgeous palace, Chen Yang cast a black hole spar to cover the entire gorgeous palace.No one from the outside can visit the situation inside.

When Di Feiyan heard that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen had returned, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Di Feiyan quickly came to the gorgeous palace.

In Meng Qingchen's room, Di Feiyan met Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.

The maidservants outside were also shielded by Chen Yang with the mysterious space.

"You said before that you would go there on the same day and return the next day. This trip lasted for several days, which really made me a little worried." Di Feiyan said with a smile: "Now that you have returned safely, I am relieved."

She then said: "You are so mysterious, what happened?"

Meng Qingchen smiled slightly and said, "It's a good thing, a great thing!"

Di Feiyan smiled and said, "That's great, what a great event?" At this moment, she was also full of anticipation.

Chen Yang immediately moved Dongxiang and Wuyou out of the black hole spar.

Riding on Dongxiang's body without worry, she looked around curiously, still with some timidity.

When Di Feiyan saw Dong Xiang's mother and daughter, she was stunned for a moment, unable to react. "this is……"

She didn't quite understand what that meant.I don't even understand what Dongxiang's mother and daughter mean.

"They are living lightning beasts, and their speed is faster than chariots!" Meng Qingchen said.She paused, then said to Dongxiang: "Dongxiang, this is the eldest lady we mentioned to you."

Dong Xiang had been observing Di Feiyan, and upon hearing this, he said, "Dong Xiang has met the eldest lady!"

Di Feiyan was a kind person, and she was not arrogant. She quickly smiled and said, "Dongxiang, it's great that you can come to our place."

"Speaking of which, this operation is also quite twists and turns." Chen Yang also said: "This is Dongxiang's daughter, named Wuyou. We plan to let Wuyou follow you, and you will take care of Wuyou in the future."

"Ah?" Di Feiyan said: "Follow me? This is your credit, how can I snatch it. No way!"

Chen Yang said: "Feiyan, don't refuse. This is the result of discussions between me, Qingchen and Dongxiang. The wonderful thing is that Dongxiang and Wuyou are all in control of electricity. And you practice the Dianmu Heart Sutra, You two are a perfect match. You lost the Thunder Shenzhou, and you need Wuyou very much!"

"But, I..." Di Feiyan felt that she was too embarrassed to take such a big gift.It's not a matter of one person having one head.

Meng Qingchen saw Di Feiyan's concerns, and said, "It's good that Chen Yang and I ride Dongxiang together for the time being!"

Di Feiyan always felt bad, but Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen persisted.In the end, Di Feiyan accepted such a great gift as Wuyou.

What is even more gratifying is that Wuyou is quite close to Di Feiyan.This is not surprising, Di Feiyan practiced the Lightning Mother Heart Sutra, and his whole body has the power of thunder and lightning.This will really make Wuyou like it.

Dong Xiang was also slightly relieved to see her daughter getting close to Di Feiyan very quickly.

After that, Chen Yang also told Meng Qingchen about a series of recent events.

When Chen Yang mentioned that Meng Qingchen had planted a Yuanshen bomb in Qin Dong's brain, Di Feiyan was overjoyed.She said happily: "This is great news!"

Chen Yang then said: "The Temple of Advent has its rules and regulations. Dong Qin can do many things that are difficult for us to do. This is indeed a good thing!"

Di Feiyan looked at Chen Yang and said, "You mean, he can kill people from the Temple of Adventist God?"

Chen Yang said bluntly, "That's right, you can help us deal with your elder brother."

Di Feiyan said: "But, everyone is from the Temple of God. Killing each other is depleting our own strength."

Meng Qingchen immediately felt a little dissatisfied, and said, "Feiyan, I have no objection to the deep love between you and Di Huaixiu brother and sister. But have you forgotten that it is not your subordinates that Di Huaixiu wants to kill with the hands of the ghost Wang Zong, but You yourself. Are you stretching your neck if you want us now, waiting for Di Huaixiu to come up with all kinds of tricks to kill us? Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about those of us who follow you, Isn't it? What are we here for?"

Di Feiyan was suddenly speechless.

It is true that when she knew that Di Huaixiu wanted to kill her, she was very sad, even angry, desperate, and wanted revenge.

But as time went by, her hatred gradually disappeared a lot.She is full of affection for the Temple of Advent.

In fact, from the very beginning, there was a fight between her and Di Huaixiu.She was fighting with Di Huaixiu with a huge advantage.And Di Huaixiu was smiling on the surface, but in fact he was secretly hiding a dagger, ready to give Di Feiyan a fatal blow at the right time.

Chen Yang also sighed. Obviously, he also thought that Di Feiyan's ideas were extremely immature.

"I..." Di Feiyan said, "I'm sorry, I have a problem."

Chen Yang said: "I hope I can help you create a stable situation, and then I will leave. After all, there are still many things waiting for me on the earth. Let alone Emperor Huaixiu, that old Tan, the real person in the cemetery, we It must be killed."

Di Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.Those people also killed her best friend Tan Hongxiu, and killed Yinglao and those people.She has no opinion at all about killing Elder Tan and the Daoist Mausoleum.

"So, specifically, what are you going to do?" Di Feiyan asked afterward.

Chen Yang said: "Well, I'm still thinking about it. Right now, we have Dongxiang's help, and our chances of winning are much greater. However, although Qin Dong is behind, Qingchen and I are not very sure about Qin Dong. Therefore, At any time, we must be prepared for the possibility that Qin Dong will turn against the water. How to implement it depends on the specific situation."

Di Feiyan said in surprise: "Qingchen's Yuanshen bomb, can Qin Dong still break it?"

Meng Qingchen said: "There is no absolute in everything, isn't it? I control Chen Yang, isn't it also a dull loss?"

Di Feiyan said: "That's true!"

Chen Yang and the others talked, and Dong Xiang listened from the side without expressing any opinions.

In the end, Di Feiyan wanted to leave.Chen Yang said: "Dongxiang, you and Feiyan go there together. We will call you when we have something to do."

When Dong Xiang heard the words, joy flashed in his eyes.She said softly, "Thank you!"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for, what's wrong with being polite."

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