The strongest player in history

Chapter 2575 Control Qin Dong

"I'll let you see if I can destroy the Soul Chariot..." Qin Dong said suddenly.Then, he just had a thought, and immediately, the magic mist of the soul chariot turned into a black magic flame.The magic flame galloped fiercely, and the inside of the soul chariot quickly made a humming sound...

A breath of destruction soared into the sky!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were taken aback, and at this moment they were sure that the soul chariot was indeed in line with Qin Dong.

"As long as you let me go, I will give you this little beast." Qin Dong said in a deep voice.

When Qin Dong was talking, his eyes were fixed on Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.

He knew that he absolutely could not give up the soul chariot.Giving up the chariot is equivalent to giving up all the glory and status.

Moreover, Meng Qingchen and the others can chase him down at any time.

Although Qin Dong didn't want to die, he knew in his heart that the only chance to survive today was to talk with the belief that he must die.

"My child..." Dongxiang had come to her senses at this time, and she came in front of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.Then, she raised her head, her eyes were full of pleading, and she said, "Please, save my child."

Seeing this, Qin Dong felt more hopeful in his heart, and immediately cast a spell.The little Lightning Beast immediately cried loudly.

When the little guy cried, Dongxiang was even more heartbroken.

"You... Please..." Dong Xiang rubbed his head against Chen Yang's leg.She also knew that between Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen, Chen Yang was definitely the kinder one.

"This matter is not calculated like this!" Meng Qingchen also knew that Chen Yang was soft-hearted, so she spoke first without waiting for Chen Yang to speak.

Meng Qingchen looked at Qin Dong, and said: "Qin Dong, I know what you are thinking. You are actually more afraid of death than anyone else, but you know, apart from showing that you are not afraid of death, the rest of the way is Dead end!"

Qin Dong's eyes froze, and he said: "Meng Qingchen, what's the matter? Since you have said it so clearly, I don't need to say anything more. Who is not afraid of death? But I am also very concerned about how to choose. clear!"

"Just let you go, and let you go with the soul chariot. This is impossible!" Meng Qingchen said: "There is no slight possibility. You can't do it if you burn jade and stone. You will only be broken... ...And Chen Yang and I are destined to be unscathed. Big deal, Dong Xiang and the little guy, we don't want it anymore."

"Are you willing?" Qin Dong sneered and said, "Meng Qingchen, when you say these words, do you believe it yourself?"

"Haha!" Meng Qingchen laughed and said, "I'm afraid you don't know me too well. Do you want to bet?"

"What on earth do you want?" Qin Dong growled with fear in his heart.

Chen Yang didn't speak at the side, and he was not a good man or a believer.

Chen Yang also believed in Meng Qingchen, so he left everything to Meng Qingchen to handle.Dong Xiang stayed aside, wanting to cry but not crying.

Meng Qingchen said: "Let me explain to you clearly, either, we are friends. Or, you die! Otherwise, I will not feel at ease!"

"Friend?" Qin Dong was taken aback for a moment.

Meng Qingchen said lightly: "That's right! Since I can enter the Temple of Advent from the Ghost King Sect, why can't you? We can also help you get rid of the Ghost King Sect aura on your body."

"This..." Qin Dong immediately said: "I, can you force me to be a friend? Do you want to control my brain? It's impossible! Ying Zhen didn't even control my brain."

"Ying really wants to manage the entire Ghost King Sect. It is impossible to control the people below by controlling the brain. However, it is precisely because of this that I have betrayed me today." Meng Qingchen said lightly: "You think about it yourself." Think about it, I control your brain. Then, you are with your soul chariot. In the future, you still have infinite possibilities. But if you don’t allow today, I’m sorry. You will lose the future, lose the future !"

Chen Yang was at the side, his heart beating faster.

It's not that he has never thought of this, but he thinks it's impossible!

I have to say, Meng Qingchen dared to think and do more than herself!

If you really subdue Qin Dong under his command, it would be like a tiger with wings added!

"I, I can't!" Qin Dong's face was extremely painful, he was in a difficult situation, and it was difficult to make a choice.

"Could it be that there is no second way to go?" Qin Dong asked painfully.

"Before, Chen Yang gave you a smooth road to the sky. But you didn't choose... Now, you are very lucky to survive. Think about what will happen to Yinghong. You should know that we killed people , will not be soft."

"Okay, I agree!" Qin Dong gritted his teeth suddenly and said.

So he agreed.

At this moment, both Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were a little surprised.

Afterwards, Qin Dong opened his brain to Meng Qingchen.Meng Qingchen was suspicious, but still planted a Yuanshen bomb in Qin Dong's brain.

After that, Qin Dong also released the little lightning beast.

Chen Yang took the little Lightning Beast, and quickly handed it to Dong Xiang.Dong Xiang wept with joy, grabbed the little guy with his mouth, then took it aside, stuck out his tongue to lick the little guy, and gave the little guy the greatest comfort.

"Next step, what do you want me to do, tell me!" Qin Dong said very bachelor.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen glanced at each other, and they felt that something was not right and something was wrong.But I can't tell you the specifics.

Meng Qingchen waved his hand and said, "Go back to Ghost King Sect first, and I will tell you what I need you to do when the time is right."

Qin Dong nodded and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen accepted the law of Xiandu.All the laws of Xiandu have also returned to the staff of Xiandu.

Qin Dong looked at Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang, and said, "Then... I'm leaving?"

Meng Qingchen suddenly smiled and said: "Qin Dong, I still know a little about you. Tell me, I will detonate the Yuanshen bomb now. Is it me who is quicker, or you who are quicker to blow up the soul chariot?"

Qin Dong couldn't help being shocked, and said: "Miss Meng, what do you mean? I have already obeyed your orders and become your prisoner."

"You must have a solution!" Meng Qingchen said: "In my opinion, it's best for me to kill you!"

"Really not!" Qin Dong said with a pale face, "I swear to God, I have no way to crack it. The reason why I agreed is because your words woke me up."

"Oh, what did I say?" Meng Qingchen asked.

Qin Dong said: "You said, if I agree, there are still infinite possibilities. But if I don't agree today, there will be no possibility, no future. This is my best choice at present, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Meng Qingchen felt a little more at ease.

"Let's go!" Meng Qingchen finally waved again.

"As long as you tell me, I can do whatever you want!" Qin Dong said sincerely.

"Let's go, let's go!" Meng Qingchen said.

Only then did Qin Dong cup his fists to say goodbye, then turned around and got on the soul chariot.After that, the soul chariot turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky like lightning.

"You said, is it the best choice to simply blow him up?" Meng Qingchen asked Chen Yang.She paused, and then said: "My feeling now is the same as when you put the Yuanshen bomb in your brain back then, it's not reliable at all!"

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