The strongest player in history

Chapter 2571 Youngest Son

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't find Chen Yang's whereabouts either.However, Xuan Zhenghao has made new discoveries recently.That is Cheng Junyun, Dong Wuwu, Huo Song and those guys have returned to the earth, back to the world of Yuqing.Xuan Zhenghao immediately took people to Yuqing World.

How dare those people from Dong Wu Wu Wu offend Xuan Zheng Hao!

Power has ebbed and flowed.

They can no longer be arrogant.

So Xuan Zhenghao told Fu Qingzhu about Chen Yang's situation.I can't tell the specifics, because I met the enemy there, Tan Lao, Chen Yang, their life and death are unpredictable.

But Xuan Zhenghao felt that Chen Yang was probably fine.

Fu Qingzhu was worried, and said: "If nothing happens, I should be back in half a year!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There should be some delay, he is immortal now, who can kill him?"

Fu Qingzhu thought the same to himself, so he was relieved.

Fu Qingzhu returned to the Yanjing Villa in the Great Thousand World, and also told Shen Mo Nong about the situation.Shen Mo Nong gradually felt relieved, all he had to do was wait for Chen Yang's return.

Fu Qingzhu didn't plan to go out to look for the Star Stone before Chen Yang came back.

He knew that protecting Yanjing's tranquility was more important than anything else.If something happened to Yanjing, Chen Yang would be the first to feel sorry for him.

Moreover, his own daughter, Xiao Ai, is also here.

Compared with the temporary peace of the earth, and the Tyrannosaurus planet far outside the solar system, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are not peaceful here.

It's getting dark!

Chen Yang found the trace of the Living Lightning Beast through the cyan magnetite. What Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen didn't expect was that the Living Lightning Beast didn't run away, but was in the depths of the sea.

It's at the bottom of the island.

It means that the living lightning beast went out for a stroll, and then returned to the old place.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen quietly dived into the bottom of the sea.Both Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were hidden in the black hole spar, and the particularity of the black hole spar could hide their breath.

The black hole spar turned into a ray of black light, and flashed across the deep sea.

Not long after, I saw that there was also a cave ten thousand meters under the sea!

There are also cliffs and jagged peaks on the bottom of the sea, which is a wonderful and strange scene.

The cave is also filled with sea water.Here, there are very few sea creatures.Basically, marine life that can dive to the bottom of the sea is extremely rare.

Chen Yang turned the black hole spar into a black light, which is very difficult to detect.

It is already difficult to detect with the naked eye, just like microorganisms.

This was Chen Yang's change after he reached the second peak of the Creation Realm. In the past, the black hole spar could be turned into tiny needles and entered into his ears.

The magical function of this black hole spar is even more wonderful than the golden cudgel in myths and legends.And after Chen Yang reached the second level of the realm of creation, his use of space became even more superb.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen drove the black light into the abyss cave under the sea.

Inside that cave, it was surrounded by deep sea water at the moment. Although the sea pressure was terrifying, it was nothing to those with supernatural powers.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen hid very deeply. They saw that the cave was very big, but it was also very simple.There is a purple stone plate in the central area!

At this time, the Living Lightning Beast was on the purple stone plate.

She curled up on it, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.

No one knew why she fell asleep in this place after doing so many things.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen didn't disturb the Living Lightning Beast either.Both Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen knew in their hearts that the only chance to catch the Living Lightning Beast was to wait for the Living Lightning Beast to give birth.As long as she gives birth, she must be weak.When she becomes weak, that's Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's chance.

In the depths of the sea, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen waited for the living lightning beast for a day and a night.

All day and night, everything was extremely peaceful!

But after a day and a night, the breath of the living lightning beast began to rush.

The aura of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen was covered by the black hole spar, and the living lightning beast didn't notice anything wrong.

At this moment, the living lightning beast's body glowed brightly.

Thunder and lightning began to move in her body. At that moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen saw that the internal organs of the living lightning beast seemed to become transparent.The blood flow in the blood vessels is also clearly visible.At the same time, they also saw the fetus in the body of the lightning beast.

The fetus is a little Lightning Beast, which already has all the conditions and is just waiting to be born.

Then, the thunder and lightning began to be strong!

In the brain area of ​​the living lightning beast, the electric nucleus began to fluctuate...

At that moment, the sky thunder set off the ground fire!

Her body mana began to be disordered, and everything seemed out of control.

The electric nucleus sent out ten thick and unparalleled electric pillars, the electric pillars were like mad pythons, and they were like dragons scurrying around the sky.The cave was instantly blasted by thunder and lightning, and it was blown to pieces.

Deep in the bottom of the sea, the water surged wildly, killing it upwards, and finally formed a violent tsunami!

It's like a volcanic eruption!

Then, the thunderclouds over the sea became dense, and infinite thunder and lightning fell!

This is the lightning effect!

The dense thunder and lightning beads collided and killed them, blasting towards the bottom of the sea.

This is a strange and treacherous scene, but also an incomparably spectacular scene!

In the ocean, countless sea creatures were directly smashed to pieces by the thunder and lightning.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a living being.

And all of this is because the living lightning beast is going to give birth to a young child.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were also struck by lightning, but the black hole spar had long been used to lightning, so it was safe.

They saw that the living Lightning Beast seemed to be in the center of a lightning nuclear reactor, and all the lightning gathered on her.

After a while, the Living Lightning Beast finally gave birth successfully.The little Lightning Beast, curled up, was only the size of a fist.

At the same time, the endless thunder and lightning also killed the little lightning beast, and the whole body of the little lightning beast was shining.

The slightest bit of lightning could kill a blue whale.But many thunderbolts killed the little lightning beast, but the little lightning beast was like a spring breeze.

The little Lightning Beast still had its eyes closed, and its body began to grow under the shower of lightning.

After a while, the little lightning beast opened its eyes and stood up.The little Lightning Beast was about the size of a puppy. It barked crisply and loudly, rubbing its head against its mother's belly.

Then, the luminosity on the living lightning beast began to weaken, and finally, her whole body returned to normal.

All the thunder and lightning disappeared.

The ocean world above is still tumbling with tsunamis, but the source has gradually calmed down.

The Living Lightning Beast was extremely weak, and she crawled on the purple stone plate, motionless.

So at this time, it became the best chance for Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen to make a move.

Before they could make a move, the changes had already begun... I saw the red light flickering in the field, and then, the law of Xiandu came!

The red law of the fairy capital shrouded a radius of hundreds of miles, and then, the white-haired and blue-faced god appeared in front of the mother and child of the living lightning beast!

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