The strongest player in history

Chapter 2568 Tricks and the Old Man

Chen Yang also felt that the matter of reproducing lightning beasts could not be done in one day.After thinking for a while, he turned back to the Golden Capital of Jinpeng Kingdom.Chen Yang did not officially enter Jindu, but sent a message to Shang Lianxingsheng and Jin Shengyuan in the sky above Jindu.

"This seat and Master Qingchen will go all out to hunt down the divine beast, and it may take a few days. Shanglian is prosperous, and you are waiting patiently in the palace with a few children!" Chen Yang said.

Na Shanglian Xingsheng hastily responded after hearing the words.Jin Shengyuan also thanked Chen Yang in a hurry.

Regardless of whether Jin Shengyuan believed Chen Yang's words or not, the threat in the supreme god's well had been removed, which was already a good ending for him.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen went after the living lightning leopard with all their strength.

In a blink of an eye, it was night.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen came to the middle of the sea.This sea is the largest sea on the Tyrannosaurus planet, and its area is much larger than the land of the Tyrannosaurus planet.

At night, the sea was filled with fog, and I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hand.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen sensed that the Living Lightning Beast was on an island in front of them.

"The mist here seems to be gathered by magic circles." Meng Qingchen said in the void.

Chen Yang said: "The fog gathers and covers thousands of miles. If you didn't have the breath of the lightning beast, we wouldn't even be able to find this island!"

"That's right, you can't even shoot with your divine sense." Meng Qingchen said.She paused, and then said: "Tell me, this living lightning beast escaped here so accurately and settled down, did she have any preparations here?"

Chen Yang said: "That's not clear. If we rush after her now, she will still run away. But we have to wait for her to give birth? She doesn't know how many years she has been pregnant. If we have to wait for a long time, we can't wait .This is a big problem!"

Meng Qingchen said: "Who says it's not."

Chen Yang said: "This thing is too fast. It is also very difficult to sneak attack her."

Meng Qingchen said: "After discussing it like this, it seems that we have nothing to do."

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "The solution was not conceived out of thin air. We don't know what's going on on this island. If we rashly shoot with divine sense, if we startled some existences that shouldn't be alarmed, we'd be trying to scare the snake away."

Meng Qingchen said: "I have a way to hide the consciousness in some animals and investigate it quietly."

Chen Yang said: "Well, you do this first!"

Meng Qingchen did so immediately.

Her consciousness invaded quietly, and soon hid in some small animals.These small animals are running around on the island.At the same time, Meng Qingchen also got some messages from the little animals, which were simple messages.

The information about the island on the small animals is basically desolate and nothing, and has no intelligence value.

Those small animals quickly approached the place where the lightning beast lived, and finally came to a mountain peak.There is a cave hidden in that mountain peak, and there is an enchantment around the cave.

The enchantment keeps all small animals out.

Meng Qingchen immediately said to Chen Yang: "There is an enchantment, and this enchantment does not seem to be temporarily arranged. Moreover, there is also a cave. This is either the lair of the living lightning beast, or her friend. Maybe, She's here for help."

Chen Yang said: "The Living Lightning Beast has been in that well for about two thousand years. What kind of friend will be here all the time?"

Meng Qingchen said: "It's indeed a bit weird. Now, let's find a way to prevent the Lightning Beast from living and break through the barrier quietly."

Chen Yang said: "I used to have a way."

He had the black yellow liquid before, so he could really be ignorant and unaware.

Now, there is no more Xuanhuang liquid in the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds.

Meng Qingchen said: "That is to say, there is no way now?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "That's right!"

"It's like you didn't say it!" Meng Qingchen gave Chen Yang a blank look.

Chen Yang laughed dryly.

Right here, Meng Qingchen's expression changed. "Oops!"

"What?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

Meng Qingchen said: "The Breathing Lightning Beast seems to be tempering itself with lightning, and my breath is about to be tempered by it."

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said, "How could this be?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Her lightning itself is the energy to refine any impurities! I don't know if she found something wrong, or she is just playing with electricity!"

Chen Yang said: "This is not possible, we have to find a way to stick something on her that can't be tempered by lightning."

Meng Qingchen said dejectedly: "Okay, it's over. I can't feel her existence anymore!"

This really made things worse.

If the trace of the Living Lightning Beast is lost now, it will be difficult to have a chance in the future.

"No, let's do it first!" Meng Qingchen said: "Dye her with my blue breath again, and she must not let her go first. Think about the next method slowly!"

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

So at this moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen simultaneously enveloped the black hole space and the blue ocean over the entire island.

Up and down, including the bottom of the sea, are covered!

As long as the living lightning beast leaves, it will be contaminated with blue breath.

With this envelopment, the secret pursuit of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen was completely exposed.

Chen Yang first used great mana to forcibly tear apart the barrier outside the cave.

So at this moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen figured out the situation in the cave.That cave is a blessed place.At this time, the Living Lightning Beast was lying on a stone bed, moaning in pain, rolling back and forth, as if... it was giving birth.

In front of the Living Lightning Beast, stood an old man with black robe and silver hair.

The old man in black robe and silver hair was casting a spell to imprison the Living Lightning Beast, but the sudden intrusion of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen surprised him.

The old man's face changed drastically, and then a serious look flashed in his eyes: "Where is the evil thief, how dare you trespass into the cave of this deity!"

The old man shot with his divine sense and his voice was sharp.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen immediately understood that it wasn't that the Living Lightning Beast had discovered something was wrong, but that she was giving birth and the electricity in her body began to go out of order.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are relieved...

The two of them dodged at the same time, came directly to the cave, and appeared in front of the old man.

"No!" At this moment, Chen Yang felt alert deep in his heart. "Qingchen, I don't think so."

"What?" Meng Qingchen said.

The communication between the two is lightning fast.

Chen Yang said: "This living lightning beast has been hiding for 2000 years. As the saying goes, people's minds change. She is also very delicate. How could she come to this old guy directly? Even if the old guy is her friend, she will not be afraid when she gives birth. Is the old guy bad for her? If it were you, what would you do?"

"I will first find a place to get through the difficult period. Then I will plan other things!" Meng Qingchen said.

Chen Yang said: "This living lightning beast must have discovered your tracking of her, and it's time to give birth. So, you want to divert the trouble!"

"It's very possible!" Meng Qingchen said.

"Once... we do it, she will run away!" Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat again, and he said, "No, childbirth is also an illusion. It must be that once she escapes, she will alarm this old guy. So, she deliberately pretended To give birth, let the old man think that the opportunity has come. Then he will deal with us wholeheartedly. She will leave when our fight is in full swing."

Meng Qingchen said: "Damn, why do you think so much with your head?"

She really didn't think that deeply. At such a critical moment, how could she think so much!

But, Chen Yang, a freak, is more calm when it is critical.This is Chen Yang's way of winning for many years.

Chen Yang said: "Regardless of whether my guess is true or not, we pretended to be entangled by the old man. At the same time, I want to take advantage of the Lightning Beast's inattention and leave her with traces that she can't erase."

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay!"

The discussion between the two was instantaneous, and at the same time, their eyes fell on the old man.

The old man immediately discovered that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were not good friends.

"Who are you...? Get back quickly, and I can let the past go!" The old man wished he could push Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen away immediately.

"Retire your old mother!" Chen Yang yelled, and said, "Get out immediately, or you will be wiped out!"

"Arrogant junior, you are looking for death!" The old man was furious, and with a big hand, he was about to grab the Living Lightning Beast into the storage ring.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen would give the old man this chance, Meng Qingchen flickered and stopped in front of the living lightning beast.She followed the backhand palm and blasted the old man's big handprint together.


The cave shook.

The palm prints of the two collided like a tsunami and a torrent, and the entire cave began to tremble violently.

At this moment, the living lightning beast howled in pain.The thunder and lightning on her body became more intense, and the whole body emitted dazzling electric lights. Finally, these electric lights blasted in all directions.


The cave exploded, and the entire mountain exploded...



"Damn, on purpose!" Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately confirmed his thoughts.At that moment, under the thunder and lightning, he instantly cut the cyanite into small pieces.Then, the small fragment exploded into countless electric lights in the air.

After that, all these lightning lights returned to the living lightning beast.

Chen Yang suddenly felt relieved.The blue magnetite was also tempered by the living lightning beast, and the living lightning beast absorbed the green magnetite, and she herself would not be able to notice the difference.But Chen Yang can use the cyanite on his body to find the same breath of cyanite.

Unless there are more celadonites on this Tyrannosaurus star, or in the universe.Otherwise, the Living Lightning Beast cannot escape!

The Living Lightning Beast was buried under the collapsed rocks!

It's definitely an appearance.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that the Breathing Lightning Beast did this to paralyze the old man, making the old man and himself think that she would not escape.

"Hmph!" Chen Yang secretly laughed.He was really quick-witted just now, and fortunately, he was tempered by the living lightning beast before.Otherwise, any external lightning would be tempered and assimilated by the living lightning beast.

Afterwards, Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and the old man fought without saying a word.

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