The strongest player in history

Chapter 2566 Confronting Lightning Beast

The Living Lightning Beast stared at Chen Yang, and the great coercion also oppressed Chen Yang.Chen Yang is not afraid of the majesty of this living lightning beast. Anyway, now Chen Yang is also a master of creation.

Chen Yang also looked at the Living Lightning Beast!

The Living Lightning Beast then spoke, and the language it spoke was the common language of Tyrannosaurus Planet. "Who are you?" The Breathing Lightning Beast's voice was steady and thick... But what surprised Chen Yang was... the Breathing Lightning Beast was actually a female!

It's a goddess beast!

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless, nor did he dare to neglect.He said: "I was invited by Jin Shengyuan, the king here. Jin Shengyuan found that the spiritual energy in the well was restrained, and it was accompanied by heavy breathing. He was worried that there would be great changes in it. Therefore, I asked me to come down and have a look."

Suspicion flashed in the eyes of the Living Lightning Beast, and then she said coldly: "Jin Shengyuan? I don't know this well! This well was built by me. The aura is sent by me. I want to take it back with me. What does outsiders have to do with it!"

Chen Yang said: "What you said is indeed reasonable! It's just that we don't know what's going on here. That's why we came to investigate. At the beginning, this well gave off spiritual energy, which benefited the Jin family. They enshrined this well It is a sacred object. Now that something has changed inside, of course I will feel uneasy. Today, when I come down, I still want to find out, what are your plans here?"

The Living Lightning Beast looked at Chen Yang coldly, and said, "I don't need to tell you what I want to do, right?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, he said: "I dare to guess that you must have been seriously injured when you hid here for such a long time. I'm afraid you don't want outsiders to know your secret. If you want to harm the world after you wake up, I can't say it. Take care of it!"

"Haha..." After hearing the words, the Living Lightning Beast laughed loudly and said, "What a hypocrite, you made it clear that you are here for me. You worldly monks, especially those with supernatural powers like you, don't seem to want to Let's use lightning beasts as mounts? You want to talk about these big things."

However, Chen Yang was overjoyed, and secretly said: "It really is a living lightning beast!"

He is also a bachelor, so he said directly: "Okay, you are quick to talk, and I don't hide it anymore. To be honest, I did come here because of Jin Shengyuan's commission. I thought it was an ordinary beast, so I accepted it." That's fine. After checking, I found out that you are a living lightning beast. Right now, I really need a helper like you to help me. However, we can also benefit from each other. After you are with me, I can also help you You some, don't you?"

The Living Lightning Beast sneered, and said: "You finally admitted it, but if you want me to be your mount, don't even think about it. We of the Lightning Clan will never be slaves or rides. If you are willing to be a human mount, It won't be where it is today. You want me to be your mount, it's wishful thinking!"

"Okay, since you said so, I have nothing to say. I just leave!" Chen Yang said deliberately.

"How can I go?" Meng Qingchen was anxious when he heard the words deep in the black hole spar.

Chen Yang conveyed his thoughts to Meng Qingchen: "Silly girl, it won't let me go."

After that, Chen Yang really acted as if he was going to leave.The Living Lightning Beast grinned, and with a flash, it stopped in front of Chen Yang.

"You want to leave?" The eyes of the Living Lightning Beast revealed a fierce look.

Chen Yang said: "I came to negotiate with you with sincerity. Since you are not willing now, I am not willing to force others to make things difficult for me!"

The Living Lightning Beast said: "You want to go out to rescue soldiers, and I don't care what you think today. Since you already know the secret of this seat, then this seat will not allow you to live any longer."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Why bother?"

The Living Lightning Beast made a gesture to attack and kill.

Chen Yang first said: "Wait, how about we make a bet? Today, if I win, you will be my friend... We are not talking about mounts, but we are just cooperating with each other in battle. If we lose It's..."

"If you lose, you will die!" said the Living Lightning Beast.

Chen Yang said: "Well, let's do it like this. If I lose, I will die, and if you lose, just be friends with me, okay?"

"As you please!" The Living Lightning Beast didn't say much, it roared suddenly.

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless at this time.

Seeing the living lightning beast growl, all the hairs of her body stood up and down immediately, like a hedgehog.

At the same time, the lightning flowed!

She is as terrifying as a super nuclear power plant!

The breathing lightning beast casts its mana and spits out essence from its mouth.The energy of essence instantly stirred up all the thunder clouds around him.


Chen Yang's black hole space had already completely surrounded the Surviving Lightning Beast, but the Surviving Thundercloud changed instantly, just like the heaven, earth, thunder and lightning ocean suddenly pouring down.Like the Nine Heavens Milky Way venting down...

Chen Yang instantly felt that his black hole space seemed to be in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

The pure, powerful, and absolutely masculine power of the violent and violent thunder and lightning directly tempered his entire black hole space.

Such a powerful force of lightning should have directly smashed Chen Yang's space into pieces.

But the amazing thing is that Chen Yang's black hole space itself gave birth to cyanite and various lightning powers.Later, it was tempered in the Sun Moon God Furnace, so at this moment, it was fine.Not only is it all right, but the power of lightning comprehends countless laws, making the entire black hole space stronger.

Chen Yang felt that his whole body, and even the entire space, were filled with terrifying thunder and lightning power.

At this moment, the Living Lightning Beast was also stunned.

Obviously, the Living Lightning Beast didn't expect this change.

But at the same time, the Living Lightning Beast also had an insight into Chen Yang's mysterious space.This mysterious space can no longer trap the living Lightning Beast!

As soon as the Living Lightning Beast moved, at that moment, her moving trajectory was almost at the top!

Even Chen Yang didn't catch it.

"Sure enough, it's so fast, it's unbelievably fast." Chen Yang secretly said.

At this moment, the Living Lightning Beast showed signs behind Chen Yang.She grabbed the air with her claws, and five lightning claw marks slashed towards Chen Yang's back.

The thunder and lightning are thick and majestic, extremely terrifying!

Hide, there is no way to hide!

Chen Yang could only defend. At the moment when the paw print slashed over, his black hole spar quickly devoured it, and absorbed it with the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley, turning it into pure energy.

The Living Lightning Beast saw that he succeeded in sneak attacking with one claw, but the opponent remained motionless without any damage.

Chen Yang was also taken aback!

The whole body of this breathing lightning beast is pure electric power, not magic power in a broad sense.

Her electricity is extremely terrifying!

If it weren't for my special skills, it would be really difficult to deal with today!

The body of the Living Lightning Beast changed faster, and at the same time she roared again and again, and suddenly, she appeared one centimeter behind Chen Yang.She opened her mouth wide and bit Chen Yang's neck directly.

Although Chen Yang's speed was not as fast as the Living Lightning Beast, he was close at hand. How could he not be able to react.Just turned his head to avoid the bite of the Living Lightning Beast.Then, Chen Yang changed even faster, and with a backhand grab, he was about to grab the living lightning beast's legs.

The Living Lightning Beast flashed again, but it had already avoided it far away.Her eyes suddenly burst into lightning, and her whole body was filled with blue lightning!

The lightning was extremely powerful, and the eyes emitted breathtaking thunder and lightning.Those two thunderbolts came to kill Chen Yang!

Chen Yang avoided it a little, but he was not as fast as Lei Dian after all.In the end, the thunder and lightning slashed towards his body.Chen Yang immediately devoured it with the black hole spar and the Great Devouring Technique!


Chen Yang converted this kind of thunder and lightning rage with the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley.

But soon, Chen Yang discovered that the energy transformed by lightning could not become mana, but still lightning!

In other words, lightning is originally a kind of energy.

This energy could not be transformed into Chen Yang's mana, but filled Chen Yang's body as a kind of energy.

This is a very bad phenomenon!

Chen Yang needs to use the magic power in his body to control this kind of lightning, which is a lot of trouble.

Then, Yijian Donglai will be very difficult to use.

The thunder and lightning of the living lightning beast seemed endless, and she also began to gain insight into Chen Yang's body.

Any thunder and lightning in this world seems to be understood and controlled by her.

The Thunder God Eye continued to bombard Chen Yang, Chen Yang let out a roar, grabbed all the lightning in his body with a violent grab, and released it towards the Living Lightning Beast.

The Living Lightning Beast didn't dodge either, and all the thunder and lightning hit her, but quickly merged with her!

At this moment, Chen Yang's figure flickered, and the mind spar was displayed.He created a fake body, and the fake body suddenly slashed towards the front of the living lightning beast.Powerful!

The Living Lightning Beast was taken aback, and it immediately roared, sending out a thick thunderbolt.Ten thick thunderbolts instantly smashed Chen Yang's fake body into pieces.

Chen Yang's real body lightning came in front of the Living Lightning Beast, and then, the Black Hole Divine Seal enveloped the Living Lightning Beast.

However, the figure of the Living Lightning Beast flashed, and Chen Yang caught nothing!

"Damn it!" Chen Yang felt that the other party was like a slippery loach, unable to grasp at all.But the Living Lightning Beast roared again, and immediately, the Thunder and Lightning Pillars of the Ten Dao Gods bombarded Chen Yang in all directions.

The electricity is ferocious!

At this moment, Chen Yang felt as if he was being bombarded by Wan Lei.

But this guy was tempered in the thunder and lightning at the beginning, and now he is an eternal body.This thunder and lightning is fierce, but there is no law in it.Therefore, it really can't do much harm to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's body is truly indestructible after countless calamities.It is obviously impossible to kill him with pure lightning power.

Chen Yang quickly rotated out the black hole spar and began to absorb this pure power of lightning.

The Breathing Lightning Beast immediately noticed that Chen Yang was absorbing lightning.

Before, Chen Yang didn't understand the situation and used his body to absorb it, which was not so wonderful.It is a burden!

But right now, it is just right to use the black hole spar to absorb.

The black hole spar already has lightning properties!

The Living Lightning Beast immediately sensed that something was wrong, she immediately put away the lightning, and began to examine Chen Yang again.

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