Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "No, no, no, you won't know your mistakes. There are two kinds of people in this world. The first kind of people, who receive a little kindness, will always remember it in their hearts and try to repay it. But when they receive hatred, they are willing to be tolerant and kind." Forgive. Because they are broad-minded. The second type of people, after receiving a great favor, forget it, or even repay the favor. But after receiving a little insult, they will always remember it. And you are the second type of person. Today, If I let you go, you won't be grateful to Dade, let alone reform. You will always remember this insult in your heart, and try your best to get revenge on me!"

"Disciple, don't dare to plan, don't dare to plan!" Chi Feng begged.

Chen Yang said: "Whether you dare or not, we will never see each other again."

After he finished speaking, he pressed his palm hard.

As a result, cracks appeared on Chifeng's face, and then his whole body exploded.

At that moment, the blood mist exploded!

Chifeng... is dead!

Cheers erupted from the audience.

In Huaqing Palace, Chen Yang fell into deep thought.

After the decisive battle, he returned to Huaqing Palace and didn't say much to Di Feiyan and the others.

Chen Yang first sorted out his own strength, and his cultivation base has become thicker by many times.Now, even if he fights recklessly with the fourth-level masters of the Good Fortune God King Realm, he is not afraid at all.

It can be said that Chen Yang's current cultivation base can walk sideways even if he goes anywhere.

Moreover, he still has an immortal body and the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley.

Chen Yang fell into thinking because he started to think now, is immortality really a good thing?

"With an immortal body, one loses the awe of life and death! A person without awe of death is a terrible thing." Chen Yang secretly said.

He stayed in the room for a day and a night.

However, during this day and night, the disciples up and down in the Temple of the God Advent were all ebullient.

They began to believe that Master Chen Yang's killing of Chifeng was purely for revenge for martial arts.It was only because Master Chen Yang later questioned Chi Feng's words on the altar.

In this battle, Chen Yang finally established his supreme majesty in the ups and downs of the God's Advent Hall.

If it is said that all the disciples are in awe of other masters, some are just afraid!But to Chen Yang, there was a trace of admiration and closeness in awe.

However, Chen Yang didn't know all of this.

On the second morning of his hard thinking, Meng Qingchen came uninvited and appeared in his room.

Traveling through the void is Meng Qingchen's forte.

The sun shines brightly in.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the bed, Meng Qingchen was wearing a long purple dress, with purple hair and blue eyes, so bright and beautiful.Beautiful and delicate, with an indescribable charm of a queen.

As soon as she came in, there was a fragrant breeze.It smells refreshing!

Chen Yang opened his eyes, and he looked at Meng Qingchen calmly.

Meng Qingchen smiled lightly, and said: "The battle was also won. The cultivation base was also promoted. Chifeng was also killed. Why do you act as if you have lost the battle? During this day and night, I held back Did you come to see you? Tell me now, what are you thinking?"

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, and said, "I thought of a problem during the fight with Mo Da."

"Oh, what's the problem?" Meng Qingchen asked.

Chen Yang said, "Is my immortality a good thing or a bad thing for me?"

"Huh? Why do you have such doubts? If it weren't for your immortality, maybe you would have ceased to exist. And I might be dead too!" Meng Qingchen said: "We can still live, we all I should be grateful for your immortality!"

Chen Yang said: "That's not the case. The choice I made at this point is based on the fact that I have an immortal body. Otherwise, I would be more cautious. This immortal body is like a layer of protection , This protection is in my heart, so I have gradually begun to lose the horror brought by the real pressure of life and death."

Meng Qingchen was stunned, she pondered and said: "What you said makes sense!"

Chen Yang said: "A protected flower in a greenhouse can never become a true master. Therefore, Linghui did not break through the ninth level of creation. Therefore, he did not become a saint in the end, and finally fell."

"Emperor Linghui?" Meng Qingchen didn't know the Emperor.

Chen Yang then explained the origin of the Zonghuang.

Meng Qingchen said: "I understand what you mean. So, you want to give up your immortal body?"

Chen Yang said, "I have this idea."

Meng Qingchen smiled wryly, and said: "How many people yearn for this immortal body but cannot obtain it!"

Chen Yang said, "But I don't want it anymore."

Meng Qingchen said: "But you, this is not something you can just give up if you want to."

Chen Yang said: "It is true, I will slowly find a way."

Meng Qingchen said: "Well, I respect your thoughts. But right now, you have broken through this barrier. It proves that the body of immortality has not fettered you, so you don't have to be too distressed for the time being."

Chen Yang said: "Well, I know. I understand very well that I can still break through the second level of the Creation Realm. If I have an immortal body, I want to break through to the third level, which will be even more ethereal and difficult. As for the future , it’s even more idiot’s dream.”

"But the spiritual wisdom you mentioned, didn't it reach the ninth level of the realm of creation?" Meng Qingchen was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "I am different from Linghui. Linghui is the kind of existence that wants to destroy everything and has a ruthless heart. Therefore, he can be brave and diligent without distracting thoughts. Now I probably understand that the reason why he is so paranoid is Probably also to put more pressure on myself to achieve the goal of improvement. But I am different, I can’t be as paranoid as he is. He uses and hates the world, but I love it.”

Meng Qingchen said: "So that's how it is!"

Everyone's heart is different.

Although Luo Feng also has a near-immortal body, but the immortal body cannot restrain Luo Feng.Because Luo Feng has boundless hatred and boundless hope in his heart.

And monk Linghui was going to die back then.

As for Chen Yang, Chen Yang is kind and loving.Once you have immortality, you will slack off...

Therefore, Chen Yang began to realize that the immortal body was a dangerous existence for him.

After Chen Yang chatted with Meng Qingchen for a while, a person came to the door.

This person is Mr. Mo Da from Sumeru Palace.

Mr. Mo Da wanted to have a chat with Chen Yang alone.So Meng Qingchen left very tactfully.

In Chen Yang's room, after Mr. Mo Da took his seat, Chen Yang looked at Mr. Mo Da and said, "Mr. Da, did you come to see me for something?"

Mr. Mo Da smiled wryly, and said: "After the old man fought with you yesterday, I felt like I was resurrected from the dead. After thinking about it, I should also come to say thank you today. Thank you for not killing me!"

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said, "I have been on the verge of life and death many times, I have been in despair, and I have been reborn. So, this is probably why, I respect a life more than you."

Mr. Mo Da said: "I have experienced many battles of life and death in the past. But there are always no dangers, which makes the old man start to ignore life. Only yesterday, the old man felt that it was a real death! "

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