The strongest player in history

Chapter 2548 Dao Heart

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Why did I kill Fu Zhichen, Tan Lao and the others? Because I came from a distant earth. They chased me all the way here. They and I are mortal enemies! I will not let them go, they Will not let me go."

Di Feiyan stood up immediately. "Father, you are also aware of the struggle between me and my elder brother. If you think that Chen Yang is single, then you are absolutely wrong. I will advance and retreat with Chen Yang..."

Meng Qingchen also immediately said: "No matter what Chen Yang decides, whether it's life or death, I understand and don't understand. Support or not. I will follow him!"

These two are chips!

It's Chen Yang's bargaining chip!Di Feiyan's statement at this time was to let Di Shengtian know in his heart that it was absolutely impossible to abandon Chen Yang for the sake of Elder Tan and Daoist Mausoleum.

"My seat... what I hate the most in my life is being threatened by others!" Di Shengtian said coldly, "Feiyan, don't be arrogant because of favors!"

Di Feiyan said: "Father, my daughter dare not! However, my daughter has already cultivated to the fifth level of God of Creation King Realm today. She is only one step away from you. My daughter's ability to come here proves that I am not mentally ill. A mature person. I have my own decisions and judgments! I will do what I think is right, and I will not change because of your words."

Everyone has everyone's persistence!

Meng Qingchen said in a deep voice: "My life was given by Chen Yang. The palace master thinks we are threatening, no, absolutely not. We don't want to go to the irreversible step, but if we really want to go to that step , we also have the determination to die."

"And all of this is not necessary at all!" Mr. Mo Da also opened his mouth and said, "Everything is because of Chen Yang's persistence. Moreover, it is just for a low-level disciple who is not necessary at all. Is he doing it on purpose? Is it still hypocritical to split our Temple of Advent? Now, I doubt Chen Yang's intentions."

"Chen Yang, do you really want to keep making trouble?" Di Shengtian also asked Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang said: "I have something to say today, and I can't vomit it quickly. After I finish speaking, you can make a decision, Hall Master. From the very beginning, I guessed with my toes, and I knew what was going on. This Yin Zheng, he must belong to the young master Emperor Huaixiu. He provoked everything and Chi Feng to kill Xiu Wu. The reason is for me to form an enmity with Mo Da. The deeper the enmity, the better."

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Chi Feng couldn't help but looked at Yin Zheng, who flinched.

"You really..." Chi Feng was furious.

When Mr. Mo Da's eyes changed, he felt even more puzzled, and said, "Since you know it's a conspiracy, why did you still fall into it and refuse to let go?"

Meng Qingchen thought about it.She didn't expect that Chen Yang had already seen through everything, and she was just skeptical.

Di Feiyan also began to wonder what Chen Yang wanted to do.

Chen Yang said directly: "But this can't change the fact that Chifeng killed Xiuwu. Also, Chifeng has committed a heinous crime. But you have indulged him again and again. Even if the sky doesn't accept him, I will accept him."

Speaking of this, Chen Yang paused, and then continued: "I understand very well, what should be done is best for me, for Feiyan, and for Qingchen. I, Chen Yang, am only sixty years old. Can I have Today's achievements and accomplishments depend on wisdom, tenacity, and firm belief."

"No more than sixty?" As soon as he said this, Di Shengtian and the others were even more shocked.

Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen knew about it.

That Chifeng was even more dumbfounded, including Shan Lingyue and the three Rudie girls.Because, Chi Feng is already conceited that he is extremely talented.But he is also more than 150 years old now.

And Shan Lingyue has already lived to be in her eighties.The three daughters of Rudie are more than 200 years old.

Their age, in terms of monastic circles, is extremely young.

In fact, Di Feiyan is around [-] years old, and her cultivation is an anomaly and a miracle in the entire Tyrannosaurus Star.It is unprecedented and unprecedented.

As for Meng Qingchen, Meng Qingchen is also about the same age as Di Feiyan.

Among these people, Meng Qingchen, Di Feiyan, and Chi Feng are all considered to be at the absolute genius level.

But right now, compared with Chen Yang, they seem to be insignificant.

"In your eyes, my insistence on avenging Xiuwu is indeed ridiculous and hypocritical!" Chen Yang glanced at Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan, and said, "I also know that you two are very supportive of me. You know , I have always been very capable. Maybe you still think that I have some new strategy to do this at this moment. Wrong, all of you think I have ulterior motives, but I do not hesitate to offend everyone in order to be the most Simple purpose. To avenge...Xiu Wu, I want to get this justice for Xiu Wu, I want blood to pay!"

"You and Xiu Wu just met once, right?" Mr. Mo Da said in a deep voice.

"That's right, we only met once. If I hadn't seen his body again, I would hardly remember who he is." Chen Yang said.

"It's weird!" Chen Yang said, "Even, you think it's crazy?"

"Chen Yang, I really don't understand, what are you doing for?" Meng Qingchen couldn't help but said.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I have been raised by my master since I was born. My master is an ordinary boxer. When I was young, I first started to practice martial arts. He taught me two things. First, fighters should not be humiliated." .Secondly, warriors must be in awe of life! However, in these years, I have not been able to be humiliated. When I was as weak as Xiuwu, I knelt down to my enemies and begged for mercy in order to survive. I walked all the way Come on, it is only after a narrow escape that I have achieved today's cultivation. What I do is to stop being humiliated and to swallow my anger. If, today, I can't even get such a justice from the dead Xiu Wu, then, I cultivate this way, It is better not to cultivate. I walk on the road, and I have warned myself that although I can kill hundreds of millions of creatures with a snap of my fingers, I will respect every life. The blood debt of martial arts must be paid with blood! I will never Allow me to ignore such a fresh life like you. If I am like you, then I will no longer be me."

Finally, Chen Yang looked at Di Shengtian and said, "Master, you have your way. And I have my way! I will defend my way at all costs!"

After Chen Yang finished all these words, everyone present fell silent.

Pursuing on the endless and cruel road, everyone seems to have forgotten the initial throbbing of life.Forgot to respect every humble creature.

As for Chen Yang, he has come to the point where he is today, with the cultivation base he has now, but he has always adhered to his way.

He is indeed admirable!

After Di Shengtian pondered for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, I will not take care of this matter. You can handle the rest by yourself. However, between you masters, you must not do it privately. Let's do it, let's go up to the altar."

Chen Yang said, "Thank you, Palace Master!"

Afterwards, he looked at Mr. Mo Da and said, "Mr. Mo Da, how are you doing?"

Chi Feng couldn't help turning pale, he begged softly, "Master, you must save me!"

Mr. Mo Da also looked at Chen Yang, his expression became complicated. "Chen Yang, your words awakened the old man. Just now, the old man thought of many conspiracies and tricks about you. But I didn't expect that you still have the heart of a child. Good, very good, admire, admire!"

He paused, and said: "But, you have your way! This old man also has his way. If this old man can't even protect his disciples, he will be a teacher. Let's go to the altar All right. If you win, Chifeng will be yours to deal with. If the old man wins, let’s just let this matter go, how about it?"

Chen Yang nodded solemnly and said, "Okay!"

"Tomorrow, at this time, see you at the God Advent Stage!" Mr. Mo Da said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Chen Yang said.

In the courtyard of Huaqing Palace, Chen Yang was sitting in a pavilion.

Shan Lingyue, Meng Qingchen, and Di Feiyan are all there.Shan Lingyue stood aside, she remained silent.Today, Master Chen Yang's words really shocked her a lot.

At the same time, she felt excited. It turned out that what she thought and insisted on was not different.

People like Master Chen Yang also have the same persistence as me.

"You guys, if you want to ask anything, just ask." Facing the eyes of Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen, Chen Yang said lightly.

Ever since he saw Xiu Wu die, he never smiled again.

"I didn't expect that Xiuwu's death would make you so angry!" Meng Qingchen said frankly.

Di Feiyan sighed and said, "I didn't think of that either."

Chen Yang said: "Not only did you not think of it, even I didn't think of it myself. Mo Da and Chi Feng have already given me my face. For a moment, I thought about forgetting it. How to do it is the most important thing." I am very clear about the good way to deal with it. I don't need to think about Di Huaixiu's clumsy tricks. But for a moment, when I wanted to forget it, I was startled by this thought. Since when did I gradually become so indifferent to a living life? If I let myself go on like this, then in the future, will there be any difference between me and those ascetics I look down on? I don’t So noble, rather than saying that I am doing it for martial arts, it is better to say that I am doing it for myself."

"No!" Shan Lingyue on the side said: "You still want to practice martial arts, because what you stick to, uncle, is the kindness deep in your heart!"

Chen Yang glanced at Shan Lingyue, but ignored Shan Lingyue.

Meng Qingchen smiled wryly at the side, and said: "In this respect, I am very incompetent. I even feel ashamed. Because I have always regarded human life as nothing. From a certain point of view, I am no better than Chifeng, Mo So noble!"

"Besides, Chen Yang, I'm a little scared. You used to protect the elves, but I killed many creatures of the elves..."

"It's not the same." Chen Yang glanced at Meng Qingchen and said, "Back then, we were two armies at war. When we were at war, I wouldn't be merciful. It's like two armies galloping. If I still want to Wouldn't it be ridiculous to take care of the ants and creatures on the road? But, Chifeng kills Xiuwu, for me, if I give up seeking justice, it will be like riding a horse on the road in my spare time. There is a child on the road, but I am too lazy Pull the reins and let the horse trample the child to death!"

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