Chen Yang immediately asked, "What's wrong with Chifeng?"

A look of disgust flashed in Di Feiyan's eyes, and she said: "Chifeng is a cruel and licentious person. He once tortured a female disciple to death alive on the bed. When I heard about this, I was very angry and wanted to kill this beast However, he is Mr. Mo Da's disciple. And my father is quite caring and tolerant towards Mr. Mo Da, so even I can't kill him."

"How did you torture him to death?" Chen Yang asked.

Di Feiyan blushed suddenly, and said: "How can I explain this kind of thing to you clearly. I met that female disciple that day, and that female disciple's lower body... was smashed in by the utensils."

When Meng Qingchen heard this, a chill flashed in his eyes.

Shan Lingyue clenched her fists, she thought of Sister Fanxing.

"Lingyue, what's wrong with you? Has he ever bullied you?" Chen Yang asked Shan Lingyue when he saw a change in his expression.

Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen were taken aback, and looked at Shan Lingyue at the same time.

Shan Lingyue's eyes turned red, and she said, "He didn't bully me, but Sister Fanxing was forced to accompany him. After that, Sister Fanxing lay on the bed for three days."

"Okay!" Chen Yang was so angry!

He then looked at Yin Zheng and the other three outside the courtyard. "What did Chi Feng ask you to bring over?"

Yin Zheng knelt down and said, "I'm waiting, I'm just following Brother Feng's order, and I beg Master not to punish me!"

Chen Yang said impatiently: "What exactly are you sending? If you keep talking, I'll kill you."

He hated this Chifeng, so he didn't like people like Yin Zheng.

Yin Zheng then said: "Master, please allow the disciple to come in and show off."

"Come in!" Chen Yang said.

Di Feiyan and the others also looked at Yin Zheng.

That Yin Zheng came in and respectfully handed something to Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang saw that thing, his face changed suddenly.

Because that thing is a bloody jade pendant.Chen Yang was very familiar with this jade pendant, it was the jade pendant he gave to Xiu Wu.

"This is the self-defense jade pendant I gave to Xiuwu." Chen Yang's face turned cold, and he said, "Now it's in your hands, with blood on it. Where's the martial artist?"

His voice was cold and filled with infinite coercion.

Then how could Yin Zheng withstand Chen Yang's coercion? His face turned pale and trembling, he knelt down and said, "Report to Master, Xiuwu has been killed by Senior Brother Chifeng. At that time, because Senior Brother Chifeng heard that Brother Xiuwu praised you in front of others and belittled other masters. Brother Chifeng was upset, so he called Brother Xiuwu. At that time, the disciple advised Brother Chifeng not to hurt Junior Brother Xiuwu. Moreover, the disciple also said, Brother Xiuwu It is the person under your protection, Master. Then you know... Senior Brother Chifeng is arrogant, and it’s okay if the disciple doesn’t say anything. If he talks about it, he will add fuel to the fire, and he will directly kill Junior Brother Xiuwu. This is the body of Junior Brother Xiuwu... ..."

After Yin Zheng finished speaking, he took out Xiu Wu's body from the storage ring.

The body was already cold.

Xiu Wu's cheek was swollen with hematoma, obviously he was tortured during his lifetime.

Yin Zheng knelt on the ground, trembling, but continued: "Master, I don't want to anger Senior Brother Chifeng. If I don't say it, I'm afraid that Junior Brother Xiuwu will die, but if I say it, Senior Brother Chifeng...Senior Chifeng will ask you to do it later." The disciple brought you the jade pendant. He said that he is about to become a master, and he is backed by his master, Mr. Mo Da, so he is not afraid of you!"

Chen Yang's eyes were full of anger and chill.

He looked at Xiu Wu's corpse lying on the ground... This young man, how bright and fearless his eyes were at that time... Just because he said a few more words, he was killed.

Chen Yang clenched his fists.

Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan were also angry.

Shan Lingyue's eyes were red, and the anger in her heart was no less than anyone else's.But she also knew that Mr. Mo Da was behind Chifeng.Moreover, Chifeng is still a celebrity in front of the Palace Master.Now it's just an ordinary disciple who died, and this disciple is only a two-star... There is no reason for the palace master to punish Chi Feng!

However, what Shan Lingyue didn't expect was that Chen Yang was silent for a moment, and then he grabbed Xiu Wu's body into Jiexumi.

"Go to Yunxiu Palace, you lead the way!" Chen Yang said to Xiu Wu.

"Chen Yang, don't be impulsive!" Di Feiyan hurriedly stopped Chen Yang.She has been with Chen Yang for a long time, and she also knows Chen Yang's temperament.

Chen Yang glanced at Di Feiyan, and said in a deep voice, "I know what I'm doing, don't worry!"

Meng Qingchen calmed down quickly from her anger, she took another look at Yin Zheng, and then thought about it.

But Meng Qingchen didn't say much.

A group of people rushed towards the Yunxiu Palace quickly.

Shan Lingyue also followed behind, and her heart began to surge up and down... She hated Chi Feng so much, she hoped that this time, several masters could take action to kill this beast Chi Feng.

In Yunxiu Palace, Chi Feng was sitting cross-legged.

Rudie, Tingyue, and Jianyu are also practicing together.

At this time, it was afternoon time.

The sun was shining brightly, and the outside of Yunxiu Palace was covered with a layer of purple air.

This means that the master inside has a deep cultivation base and already has his own aura.But unlike the masters, basically they will not release this kind of breath.

Life is a process of seeing mountains as mountains, seeing mountains as mountains, and seeing mountains as mountains!

On the first floor, Rushan Lingyue and the others do not have purple qi and their own aura.

The second floor has a purple aura like Chifeng, also known as the Dojo!

The third floor, like Chen Yang and the others, no longer has this kind of aura.

Just like a person, he first went fishing in the countryside.

At that time, he was a simple farmer.

Later, he went out and achieved a great career.He doesn't fish anymore!

Finally, he retired and returned to the countryside to fish.

He's still him, and he's still fishing.

But at this time, he was no longer the farmer who had never seen the world.

When Chen Yang came to the courtyard, he kicked the gate of the courtyard and flew out.The violent noise immediately alarmed everyone in Yunxiu Palace.

That Chifeng suddenly opened his eyes, and a burst of anger rose out.

"Who is it? How dare you trespass into Yunxiu Palace!" Chi Feng was furious.

He immediately brought Rudie and the three daughters out.

In this courtyard, Chen Yang and his party, including Yin Zheng, all entered the courtyard.

As soon as Chi Feng raised his head, he saw Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen, and Di Feiyan.

He thumped in his heart, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to come to Xingshi to inquire about his crime so soon.

"Disciple pays respects to Eldest Miss, respects to Master Chen Yang, respects to Master Qing Chen!" Chi Feng saluted with cupped fists.

The three daughters of Rudie also saluted together.

Chen Yang didn't say much, he took out Xiuwu's body and put it on the ground with mana.

"Are you Chifeng?" Chen Yang asked coldly.

"The disciple is right!" Chi Feng said in a deep voice.He already knew that things couldn't be better.The moment he saw Chen Yang, he had already communicated the spiritual imprint of Mr. Mo Da in his brain.

He knew that Master would come over soon.

"He, you killed him?" Chen Yang pointed to Xiuwu's body and asked word by word.

Chi Feng glanced at Xiuwu's body, he was a little puzzled, didn't he let Yin Zheng handle it?

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