Chen Yang handed Shan Lingyue over to Meng Qingchen to teach with confidence.He himself will not ask any more questions.

However, the matter did not end there.

In this world, there is no impenetrable wall.Many disciples in the school know that Master Chen Yang is a good talker.As long as you listen to his teachings, it will be beneficial, and it is possible to become his disciple.

What a great fortune and honor!

Once you become a disciple of the master, you can simply walk sideways in the door.

Everyone felt that Master Chen Yang was good at being a teacher and liked to teach others.Therefore, wherever Chen Yang went recently, there were disciples who wanted to listen to Chen Yang's teachings.In Chen Yang's heart, 1 mud horses galloped past.Afterwards, he also kept silent, and never offered rewards again.Even if there are mountains of gold and silver, he can't help but reward them like this!Meng Qingchen also heard him talk about the cause and effect, so she told him that human nature is greedy and can't stand the test.

What Chen Yang can't bear the most is that it is rumored in the door that he likes to teach a few words whenever he meets...

What is this all about!

Even Di Feiyan came to tease Chen Yang, and Chen Yang felt that there was no room for his old face.

In the morning of this day, in the Temple of Advent, one of the Yunxiu Palaces.

This Yunxiu Palace lives in a nine-star disciple, and this nine-star disciple is called Chifeng!Chifeng looks to be in his thirties, clean and restrained, giving people a very majestic feeling.

Chifeng's cultivation has reached the peak of the Celestial Realm, and one step further, he will be able to reach the Good Fortune King Realm and become a Bronze Master.

He is Mr. Mo Da's disciple!

Mr. Mo Da has a great status in the God Advent Hall, he is an equal existence with Di Huaixiu and Di Feiyan.Mr. Mo Da does not depend on anyone, he recruits many disciples, and has a high prestige in the sect.Moreover, the lord of the palace, Di Shengtian, also valued Mr. Mo Da very much.There are rumors that Mr. Mo Da is only loyal to the Palace Master.

At this time, Chifeng was in the palace room, and three beautiful seven-star female disciples were naked on the bed with him.This is really upside down, one dragon and three phoenixes, so happy.

Seeing these three female disciples, all of them are beautiful and very enchanting.There are many tricks in their bed methods, and they serve Chifeng together, making Chifeng almost as happy as going to heaven.

After a long, long time, the fierce battle in this room finally ended.

The three girls also collapsed on the bed.

Chi Feng was satisfied, wishing he could raise his head to the sky and howl.

The days in the God Advent Temple are really comfortable, he is like an emperor.

Those female disciples, as long as they are beautiful, as long as he likes them, they will not dare to refuse.Even many of them are delivered to the door on their own initiative.Of course, there are some noble ones, but Chifeng finds it very enjoyable and likes to be strong.Looking at the beautiful pear blossoms and rain under him, let alone the sense of conquest.

The Advent Temple is a paradise for those with high cultivation, but it is a hell for disciples with weak cultivation.But even hell.The disciples didn't want to leave either.Just because this is the fastest way to heaven!

However, in fact, although the high-level cultivators of the God Advent Temple have many privileges, they are generally not too much.

People like Chifeng don't have a good reputation in the Temple of Adoration.Even his notoriety spread far and wide, just because he was Mr. Mo Da's disciple.So even though the eldest lady Di Feiyan was very upset with Chifeng, she couldn't do anything about Chifeng in the end.

Chifeng caused many female disciples who were unwilling to submit to panic all day long.It is unknown how many female disciples in the sect have been ruined by Chi Feng.

At this time, Chi Feng sat up, and several female disciples immediately sat up and helped Chi Feng get dressed!

The three female disciples are called Rudie, Tingyue, and Jianyu!

The three sisters entered the God's Advent Hall on the way, and after they entered, they were cultivators of the Cave and Immortal Realm.Coming to serve Chifeng this time is not forced.It's similar to Chifeng's smell. They have cultivated to this point, and their physical bodies are just skins to them.

Chi Feng hugged left and right, very happy.

He has left and right hands, taking advantage of everything.

The faces of the three Rudie girls were all pink, and they wanted to refuse and welcome.

"Senior Brother Feng, can our three sisters serve you well?" Ru Die said delicately.

Chi Feng laughed and said: "Don't worry, I promised you benefits, and I will definitely help you. Later, I will go to see my master when I have time. I just said that I need a shard law to break through the final wall Obstacles, my master has always loved me, so I will never refuse."

"Great!" The three girls were overjoyed.

Chi Feng said: "But we also agreed, in the future, when I need you, you have to come here immediately."

"Of course, Senior Brother Feng, your Jingyuan is a good thing, it's too late for us to rejoice!" Ting Yu also immediately said with a charming smile.

After Chifeng got dressed, the three girls followed suit.

When they didn't wear clothes, they looked like a few flesh worms, extremely fragrant.After putting on the clothes, they are so glamorous, they are delicate flowers in the world.

At this moment, an eight-star disciple reported outside the door: "Senior Brother Feng, the person has already been brought."

Chi Feng immediately sneered and said, "Okay, just right!"

He immediately led the three girls out together.

In the main hall of the palace, at this moment, eight-star disciple Yin Zheng and his two juniors stood at the bottom together.

Chifeng hugged the three beauties like butterflies and sat on the throne at the top of the palace. At this time, Chifeng looked like a foolish king.

In the very center of the hall, there was a person kneeling at this moment.

The man was wearing a gray gown and looked to be around twenty years old.His cheeks were swollen with blood, and he looked extremely weak.

He knelt there, trembling!

"He's that brazen martial artist?" Chi Feng said with a frown as he glanced at the poor fellow kneeling below.

Yin Zheng said respectfully: "Yes, Senior Brother Feng, he is Xiuwu."

"Look up and look at me!" Chi Feng shouted at Xiuwu.

Xiu Wu didn't dare to disobey, and immediately raised his head to look at Chi Feng.

"I heard that you flattered in front of that master, Chen Yang. What did you say when you flattered? Now repeat it to me word by word. If there is one word missing, I will kill you! " Chifeng said coldly.

Xiu Wu was in extreme pain. He looked at Yin Zheng, who had a cold light in his eyes.

Xiu Wu's heart trembled.

There is nothing he can do...

He originally had the jade pendant of Master Chen Yang, but Yin Zheng didn't give him the chance to crush the jade pendant.Now, the jade pendant has fallen into Yin Zheng's hands.

He had to do what Yin Zheng said, otherwise, Yin Zheng would kill his sister and parents in the secular world.

Xiu Wu never imagined that the power strife in the God Advent Temple would one day crush him like this.

It's so cruel and inhumane!

He could only tremblingly say: "Brother Chen Yang, Master Chen Yang taught me that day. It gave me a lot of benefits... I... I praise Master Chen Yang for not being proud of our humble status. But he dared not fear the power , don’t take other masters seriously in the canonization ceremony. Even... a person like Mr. Mo Da didn’t dare to compete with the master on the stage that day... he’s just a coward!"

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