The strongest player in history

Chapter 2540 Teachings

When Chen Yang saw those disciples practicing hard, he also thought of when he started.He was relatively lucky, he didn't stay too long in the Divine Ability Realm and the Longevity Realm.It can be said that it has reached the seventh heaven of Taixu at lightning speed!But all of this was given by... Chen Feirong.That elf-like woman.

That is eternal regret and pain.If he had the choice, Chen Yang would rather never have this sky-high cultivation, as long as Fei Rong can live well.How many times he dreamed back in the middle of the night, he seemed to hear someone calling Brother Yang softly and softly in the depths of his dreams.

The voice was like weeping and complaining, and it was full of heart-wrenching sorrow.

Chen Yang fell into the memory, although the sun was shining brightly, there was a lingering sadness deep in his eyes.

Chen Yang thought of Luo Ning again...

I also thought of Linghui...

In life, those important people get separated one by one.

He once bid farewell to Su Qing and Song Ning, except that he couldn't give them a future.Because their lives are limited, but their own struggles are infinite.

Another meaning is that I don't want to implicate them because of myself.

When Chen Yang was lost in thought and couldn't extricate himself, at this moment, those disciples over there noticed Chen Yang.

In the crowd, someone exclaimed: "Isn't that Master Chen Yang? At the canonization ceremony that day, even the palace master dared to contradict him. Even the young master left with a livid face, and Master Xuanjin couldn't defeat his existence! "

"It is said that Master Chen Yang has only cultivated at the first level of the Divine King Realm, and his strength can be so leapfrog and terrifying. Master, there must be a great secret of cultivation!"

There is a lot of discussion!

In fact, Chen Yang has long been the focus of discussion!He has had enough of the limelight in the Temple of Advent.Everyone knows that although this master is only at the first level of the Divine King Realm, he is courageous and powerful. He is a real man who dares to hate everything!That three-star disciple, that is, the instructor of the disciples, is called Xue Tianhu.

Xue Tianhu led his disciples up. Although Xue Tianhu was usually serious, he clasped his fists and bowed to Chen Yang respectfully at this time, saluted, and shouted: "Disciple, wait, I have seen Master!"

The rest of the disciples followed suit and shouted together: "See Master!"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, his thoughts jumped out of his memory, he glanced at everyone, smiled slightly, and said: "Everyone don't need to be polite, I just walked around randomly, and I came here, you guys continue to practice, I'm leaving now! "

He turned to leave.

The bloody tiger immediately said: "Master, today is really a good day. I can have the honor to have a close look at your holy face. The disciples are so panic-stricken, and I want to ask the master to teach the disciples a few words. Presumably that must be It can be used for a lifetime.”

This Blood Tianhu is extremely smart and is very good at currying favor with Chen Yang.The words are also impeccable!

Those disciples are all from rich families, and they have also seen the world and know the ways of the world.So he immediately begged together: "Disciple waits to listen to Master's teaching!"

These disciples are all in one piece.

Chen Yang was a kind person by nature, so if others were rude to him, he would naturally be rude.But if others respect him extremely, he definitely can't refuse coldly.So, it was hard to turn down the hospitality, so he said: "Everyone, let's get rid of the courtesy."

Only then did the disciples straighten up, and all of them looked at Chen Yang eagerly.

Facing a strong enemy, Chen Yang is able to speak with pride and speak like a lotus flower.But at this time, he was a little short of words. He laughed first, which can be regarded as covering up the embarrassment in his heart.Afterwards, he quickly regained his composure.He looked at the group of one-star disciples.In fact, he was deeply moved. He had looked up to the strong like them!

So, Chen Yang cleared his throat and said: "When it comes to teaching, I am first afraid. Because I am afraid that I am not qualified to teach others. Life is a process of cultivation. I am still practicing. What qualifications do I have to teach others? Of course, I was lucky enough to walk ahead of everyone present, so I also gained some experience. I am here today, and I will share it with you.”

Chen Yang paused, and said: "I have always liked a saying, that is, those who are blessed by nature must do good deeds for the sky! What does it mean? That is, we get more than ordinary people, so we have to be more kind. Maybe , you will find it very strange. Because, in the monastic world, it is cruel. Kindness is often the fatal weakness, so I am not teaching you to be kind to the enemy. Instead, to be cruel and cruel to the enemy. To relatives, to those around you Friends, be kind to the unimportant people. Live in the world with a kind heart, but although you want to be kind, you must also have thunderous means and cunning in your heart. Because that is the foundation of life. People need Only by living can there be many possibilities!"

"Then, Master, do we want to be kind or cunning?" A disciple was puzzled, and he said, "Kindness and cunning seem to be opposites?"

All the disciples felt puzzled.They even said they were a little disappointed, although they said they were asking for the teacher's instruction.But in fact, I don't really want to listen to Chen Yang's teachings, but I hope Chen Yang can give me advice on how to practice!

Of course Chen Yang knew what they were thinking, but he would talk about his own way of life.He knew that most people would scoff.But he told them the most precious life experience. If they didn't listen, then Chen Yang would have nothing to regret.

We always think we know everything, but in fact we know nothing!

"Be kind to your friends, but cunning to your enemies!" Chen Yang said, "People are changeable, so keep the kindness from your heart. Can you understand me when I say this?"

The disciple was thoughtful, but he was afraid he didn't quite understand.But he still said to Chen Yang: "My disciple, thank you for your guidance, Master."

Chen Yang then smiled and said, "I know that you may sneer at what I said just now. But if you can listen to it, believe me, it will definitely benefit you for the rest of your life." He paused, and said, "Okay, tell me Paying homage, I, as a master, can't be stingy. I will give you a chance!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang said again: "Everyone sit cross-legged and concentrate!"

When everyone heard the words, they were overjoyed.

All sat cross-legged, including Xue Tianhu.

Afterwards, Chen Yang took out the Pure Yuan Pill.After he joined the Temple of Adoration, Di Feiyan gave Chen Yang a lot of pure Yuan Dan.With a flick of his finger, Chen Yang ejected the black hole spar.The black hole spar turned into a black light curtain, enveloping everyone.

Then, Chen Yang sacrificed the Pure Yuan Pill, a total of 1000 million Pure Yuan Pills.The Pure Yuan Pill was condensed by Chen Yang, and finally formed the Pure Yuan Rain!The rain is thin and falling slowly.

The disciples breathed greedily.

Chen Yang then grabbed a flash of lightning from the black hole spar. The thin flash of lightning was tempered by his mana, and then shot into Xue Tianhu's body.In an instant, Xue Tianhu felt as if his body was struck by lightning, and the electric light in his body instantly quenched all kinds of distracting thoughts, including the inner demons in practice, and also quenched them.

Xue Tianhu felt the huge energy, he greedily absorbed it, and his body began to swell.That is mana surging...

call out!

Just when Xue Tianhu felt that it was difficult to break through the last barrier of the Divine Ability Realm, the lightning directly helped Xue Tianhu break through the barrier.

In an instant, the Blood Sky Tiger reached the first level of Immortal Realm!

Xue Tianhu couldn't help being ecstatic.

His body was sore, but the rain of pure essence fell into his body, and he absorbed it greedily, like a man who was extremely hungry, and he could finally have a full meal at this moment.

The rest of the disciples also received these benefits.

After the rain of pure essence disappeared, all the disciples reached the second level of the supernatural powers.

In this way, Chen Yang received the supernatural power.

"Ah... that's great!" Everyone cheered when they felt the changes in their bodies.Some even wept with joy.

They stepped into this path of practice, deeply aware of how difficult each step is.Today, I got this opportunity for no reason, how can I not be happy.This can save them years of hard work!

At the same time, they also admired Master's supernatural powers even more.

Master can raise all the disciples together by raising his hands. This kind of supernatural power is really unimaginable!

"Disciples, please thank Master!" Xue Tianhu led all the disciples to kneel down.

Kneeling this time!

Among them, Xue Tianhu got the greatest benefit.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "You don't need to be too polite, get up. We are destined to meet each other... What I have done is nothing more than a little effort. However, I still have some words to give you. I hope you will be kind. Listen."

"I respectfully invite Master to teach you!" All the disciples said.

Chen Yang said: "I promoted you for you, and you saved years of work. This seems to be a good thing anyway. However, you know how to practice, and you should not rush it. Although you were forcibly promoted by me, if you do not lay the foundation Good. In the future, there will be more and more inner demons in practice. Remember, remember!"

"I understand, disciple!" said the disciples.

Chen Yang then planned to leave.

Who knows, another disciple said: "Master, how can I become a person like you, Master?" It was a female disciple who spoke, and her eyes were full of little stars of admiration.

This female disciple is wearing an apricot-yellow blouse, she is so bright and her skin can be easily broken, she is really a young and beautiful little girl.I can't bear to be angry with her...

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, then smiled.

He then fell into deep thought.

All the disciples looked at Chen Yang, but they didn't dare to disturb Chen Yang.

After a long while, Chen Yang looked at the female disciple. He sighed slightly, and said, "It's really difficult for me to come to this day. It can be said that I have almost died in a lifetime, and I have experienced hardships and tortures. It is unimaginable. The way of cultivation is really too bitter. I often hope that I will Do not touch our road. But then I thought, who is alive, is not a practice? Ordinary people also have ordinary people’s difficulties and troubles... Forget it, forget it... Life is a boat on the sea of ​​suffering, and the other side is us The goal that you want to pursue in your life is an impossible goal.”

Chen Yang's words made all the disciples fall into deep thought.

Before, the disciples were not in the mood to listen to Chen Yang's lectures.But after receiving the benefits at this time, he was willing to think deeply.

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