Afterwards, Cang Nu, dressed in black, slowly walked out from the void gate.He looks really old.However, his cultivation is the best in the entire God Advent Temple. It can be said that his cultivation is second only to Di Feiyan.

Cangnu is at the fourth level of God of Creation King Realm!

And, according to legend, he also owned a chariot.It's just that no one has ever seen him use it.Cang Nu has always been like the shadow of the main hall of descending gods, everywhere, but it seems to have never existed.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to see Cang Nu.

At this time, Cang Nu came out to greet him.

He came in front of Di Feiyan and the other three. First, he glanced at Di Feiyan, and then at Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang.Soon, he looked away without any overstepping.

"This old slave has seen Missy! Missy, you are finally back." Cang Nu said after saluting.

Cang Nu's speech was very slow, but there was calm in his respect.

It seems that he doesn't care about what Di Feiyan has been through these days.

Di Feiyan was also very indifferent when facing Cang Nu.Her elder brother Di Huaixiu respected Cang Nu very much, but Di Feiyan disdained her.A domestic slave can be proud and self-sustaining. She is the only young lady in the Temple of Adoration, so why don't she take the initiative to show her affection?

Di Feiyan's pride would never allow her to do this.

"Cang Nu, you came here very quickly. I'm tired, so let's talk about it tomorrow." Di Feiyan said.

Cang Nu said: "Miss is tired, so you can go to rest naturally. It's just that these two outsiders are not allowed to enter the main hall with Miss."

Di Feiyan was slightly taken aback. "They are my friends, and in the future, they will also become the masters of the Temple of Advent."

"Even if you become a master, you will have a large palace where you live. In the main hall, no one else is allowed to enter at will," Cang Nu said.

Di Feiyan also knew the rules of Jiangshen Temple.She was too lazy to talk to Cang Nu, so she said, "Okay, Miss Ben knows."

Then she turned around and said, "Chen Yang, Qingchen, let's go."

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen naturally didn't talk too much.

The three left the main hall.

That Cang Nu stood where he was, watching them leave.

After leaving the main hall, Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Feiyan, don't you know that after entering, you'll feel ashamed?"

Di Feiyan said: "In the past, I often asked my subordinates to enter the main hall to discuss matters with me. It's nothing... probably because Cangnu took you seriously when you came here for the first time."

Chen Yang said: "That is to say, after we officially become masters, we can still enter and leave the main hall?"

Di Feiyan said: "It's just that you can't stay overnight, and it's okay to go in and out. Master has privileges!"

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Meng Qingchen asked: "Will you be in danger in the main hall?"

Di Feiyan said: "No. In the main hall, only Cang Nu and the ten nine-star disciples can cast mana. The rest are forbidden to cast mana. Moreover, my father is practicing in the depths of the main hall, and he will escape from anything. But his eyesight."

Meng Qingchen said lightly: "In this world, there is no absolute safety and reliability, everything will change. In short, you have to be careful. If there is any situation, please inform us immediately."

Di Feiyan was silent for a moment, then she said, "I understand."

She continued: "In the past, when I argued with my eldest brother, I always thought it was a dispute between siblings. No matter what, it would not hurt the other party's life. Only now do I know that it turns out that between us is a life-and-death struggle."

Chen Yang said: "What are you fighting for? Isn't your father still very good? Fighting for the big position?"

When they spoke, there was an aura surrounding them.Outsiders can never hear what they are talking about.Even a master like Di Shengtian couldn't hear it.Unless Di Shengtian casts a spell!

But once the opponent casts a spell, Chen Yang and the others will know about it.

Di Feiyan said: "Fight for resources, fight for survival. The law of cultivation, the weak eat the strong. The stronger and more my disciples, the more resources I will have. The more resources, the faster I can progress! In the Temple of Advent , without strength, we will be dragged down. Although my elder brother and I are the children of the lord of the palace, but if someone's strength is higher than ours, then we will also be kicked out. My father also let go of the words, in the temple of descending , the strong are respected."

"It's intense!" Chen Yang could imagine the cruelty.

Meng Qingchen said: "I'm afraid, it is precisely this kind of mechanism that makes you achieve so fast and so powerful. Others can lose, but you cannot lose. Because you are the children of Emperor Shengtian. If you are compared It would be embarrassing to go down."

Di Feiyan said: "That's right!" She paused, and said, "Who in the Temple of the Goddess does not want to be a master? You haven't realized how much attention is paid to being a master. On the eastern hemisphere of Dragon Planet, that is an incomparable glory."

Chen Yang said: "I can imagine it." He smiled slightly and said: "To be honest, with our current cultivation base, we will have supreme glory when we go to that planet. You see, Meng Qingchen is in the ghost king Zong, isn’t he also high above you?”

Meng Qingchen said: "Everything remains the same, strength is a hard currency that will not change anywhere in the universe."

"Haha, you actually know the word hard currency?" Chen Yang was quite surprised.

Meng Qingchen said: "Of course I know, I have studied the culture of the earth thoroughly. At first, I planned to take revenge on the earth when I reached a certain level in the future."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "It's okay to take revenge on me and protect the earth. Don't let this stupid idea come your way."

Meng Qingchen said: "Huh?"

Chen Yang said: "Although you know some of our culture from our language, but you know too little about the earth! Let me ask you, is Bai Suzhen powerful?"

"Awesome!" Although Meng Qingchen didn't want to admit it, she couldn't deny it.

Chen Yang said: "Bai Suzhen is on the earth, and her level is still far from the top!"

Meng Qingchen said: "Impossible?"

Chen Yang said: "There were two guys before, and I guess they were both above the Heavenly Demon Patriarch. Don't believe it. One of them is the Dark Lord and the other is the Zulong. They joined forces to attack the earth, but they even I didn’t even see the shadow of the earth, and then I was killed. It was our Dharma God, Yuanjue who killed it. Do you think it’s awesome or not?”

When talking about these, Chen Yang felt proud for no reason.

That is my own planet!

Meng Qingchen also knew that Chen Yang would not tell such a lie, so she coughed dryly to cover up her embarrassment.

Di Feiyan couldn't help but said: "Speaking of which, your level is not very good on Earth?"

Chen Yang laughed dryly and said, "My level is not bad on Earth. Of course, there is still a long way to go to the real top."

Di Feiyan smiled.Then she couldn't help being fascinated, and said: "I have always been pursuing the highest realm of the Dao. Now it seems that there are still great limitations on the Tyrannosaurus planet. My struggle should not always be placed here. I should go see the wider planet!"

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