Shi Yuan knew very well in his heart that if he left the Heavenly Demon World, he might not be the opponent of Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen if he fought alone.What's more, now that these three evil stars are united together, he has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.Therefore, he had no choice but to move out the Heavenly Demon Patriarch.

The three of Chen Yang were also very aware of the terror of that Heavenly Demon Patriarch.

So for a moment, the three of them fell silent.

"Chen Yang, what do you think?" Di Feiyan asked Chen Yang for his opinion.

Chen Yang smiled faintly, and said, "Maybe we spent so much effort to lure him out, and finally let him go obediently? If we want to let him go, why bother?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Liangzi has already formed, let's kill it!"

"No, no, no..." Shi Yuan was frightened when he heard the words, and he immediately said: "This conflict is entirely due to my backlash. As long as I don't die, the Patriarch will definitely not trouble you. On the contrary, if I If you are dead, even if I am wrong, the Patriarch will definitely kill you for the sake of the honor of Heavenly Demon Planet and his face."

"What he said makes sense." Chen Yang suddenly smiled.

Shi Yuan was overjoyed immediately, and said: "As long as you let me go, from now on, we will return from bridge to bridge, and from road to road. There will never be any entanglements again!"

Chen Yang said: "It's not that simple. You slapped my mouth before, and I knelt down for you. How about this, you give me a hundred slaps, and you slap the mouth a hundred. Then, we will How about exposing this matter?"

"Really?" Although Shi Yuan was unwilling, he didn't want to.But if he could not die, he would still be willing.There was a flash of excitement in his eyes, and he asked.

"Of course!" Chen Yang said.

At this time, Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen stopped interrupting.They now maintain absolute respect for Chen Yang.

Shi Yuan immediately knelt down, kowtowed and clapped his mouth.

His forehead was dripping with blood, and his cheeks were swollen like pig's heads.

Shi Yuan really apologized sincerely, at this time, how dare he play tricks!

"Then, can I go now?" Shi Yuan stood up and asked cautiously.

"No!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

"You..." Shi Yuan was startled, and then became furious.

Chen Yang laughed, and said: "You don't need to say any more, you have already guessed it right. I just said what I said, and I was playing with you just now. But now, we will work together to kill you. Do you want to kill yourself, or do you want us to do it? ?”

Shi Yuan was overwhelmed with grief and indignation, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared, "I'll fight you..."

While the corpse roared, it launched an attack.

Chen Yang's strength did not recover, and as soon as he retreated, he retreated to the depths of the blue field.

Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan attacked Shi Yuan at the same time.

Meng Qingchen's long hair turned into a purple dragon, and the dragon was raging, "The dragon suppresses the heavenly art!"

"Eternal Light Storm!" Di Feiyan also shouted.

Thousands of fierce dragon tentacles blasted and killed, majestic and terrifying!

Thousands of laws suppress!

The constant light turns into infinite light, killing infinitely...

That was an indescribable scene, that was the brilliance between heaven and earth... that was a massacre!

No matter how the celestial demon of the corpse yuan resists, in the end, the corpse yuan is chopped into ashes in such an attack, and there is no place for burial.

In the end, there was not even a trace of dust left in the corpse.

The corpse of the demon king of the sky disappeared in this way!

Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan also received their magical powers.

After the catastrophe, the three of them looked at each other and smiled knowingly.After that, they quickly moved away from the demon planet.

The three of them flew for three days and three nights without stopping for a moment!

During these three days, Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan took turns flying.Chen Yang recuperated, and soon returned to his peak condition.

After that, Chen Yang found a black hole and sneaked into it to rest.

It is also true that he is afraid of being chased and killed by some troublesome Heavenly Demon Patriarch.

The three of Chen Yang knew very well that if they were really unlucky, they would meet the Heavenly Demon Patriarch.Then, they don't have to resist, they can just suffer death.

"This corpse is dead!" Inside the black hole, among the black hole crystals, the three of them sat cross-legged facing each other.

Di Feiyan first said: "This corpse is dead, and the ashes and fragments of the corpse have been disposed of by us. Can the ancestor demon discover that we killed the person?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Of course, although the corpse is dead, and the corpse has been disposed of by us. However, there are countless demons on the planet of demons, and those demons will leave information on them. The patriarch of the demons can find out our identity from the demons. Show up. And follow the lead to find us."

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said: "Actually, letting go of the corpse may be the best way to deal with it. But I just don't want to be reconciled. Only by killing him can I feel relieved!"

Meng Qingchen said: "Not only you think so, but I also think so."

Di Feiyan also smiled and said, "Me too."

Chen Yang said: "Patriarch Tianmo has the power of the world of the planet Tianmo. Once we do it, we are definitely not opponents. However, in this vast universe, it is not so easy for Patriarch Tianmo to find us. Let's practice as soon as possible. One day, we don't have to be afraid of the Heavenly Demon Patriarch any more."

"That's right!" Meng Qingchen said.

Chen Yang then said: "Now, Meng Qingchen, your ghost king's aura is gone, and the injuries of the three of us are all healed. It's time to discuss what to do next."

Meng Qingchen said: "I'm already at home in the world now, Feiyan, what do you say? I'll listen to you!"

Chen Yang said: "I originally wanted to return to Earth as soon as possible, but Feiyan still has difficulties on your side. I will help you first, and I will return to Earth when you have no problems on your side."

When Di Feiyan heard Chen Yang say that she would go back to Earth for no reason, she felt a little lost in her heart.But instead of showing it, she said first, "Thank you!"

She paused, and said, "Let's go back to the Temple of God. With you by my side, I have nothing to fear from my elder brother."

"Okay!" Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen nodded at the same time.

Next, is a new round of hurrying.

The target is, Tyrannosaurus Planet.

The universe is boundless, without breath being tracked.Chen Yang and the others don't have to be afraid of the Ghost King Zong's pursuit.

The only thing to worry about is that Di Feiyan has the aura left by the Temple of Adventuring on him.And Di Feiyan's eldest brother, Di Huaixiu, was able to track down Di Feiyan based on this aura.

Before, what Di Huaixiu revealed to the young master of Ghost King Sect was Di Feiyan's aura.

However, Yinghong is dead.Thinking about it now, Di Huaixiu didn't dare to run to ghost Wang Zong to play tricks.Yingzhen can't spare Di Huaixiu.

Di Huaixiu couldn't overdo things either.After all, Emperor Huaixiu is not the owner of the Temple of Adventist God.

Of course, all of this was also speculation by Chen Yang and the others.

Chen Yang felt that it was better to completely remove the aura of the Temple of Advent from Di Feiyan's body.

Di Feiyan thought over and over again, and finally agreed with Chen Yang's opinion.So, Chen Yang used the Great Devouring Technique and the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley to suck away the breath of Di Feiyan's God Advent Hall.

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