The strongest player in history

Chapter 2525 Who Died?

Shi Yuan felt relieved at this moment.He looked at Chen Yang in front of him coldly, then smiled, and said, "There is a saying in your culture called Feng Shui turns. Chen Yang, have you ever thought that in just a short time, you have become What about the playthings in this king’s hands, and the prisoners under his rank?”

Chen Yang laughed dryly, and said, "Is there any possibility for us to turn hostility into friendship?"

"What do you think?" Shi Yuan asked with a smile.

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "It's unlikely."

Shi Yuan said: "Take out the spar."

Chen Yang said: "This, really not. The spar has been taken away by Meng Qingchen, didn't you find it?"

The corpse face darkened.

Chen Yang said: "How about this, why don't we cooperate? You wait for me to recover from my injuries, and then I won't care about that girl Meng Qingchen anymore. I'll help you catch her back for you, how about you?"

Shi Yuan said: "Is this king the one who backtracks on what he says and never believes what he says?"

Chen Yang said: "In fact, you are such a person!"

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and said: "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. Now, I want to plant the mark of the demon in your brain. You'd better not move around, lest you lose your life!" "

Chen Yang sighed.

Shi Yuan suddenly said again: "Maybe, if you kneel down and beg me, I will think about it."

"Forget it." Chen Yang said: "I beg you? The result of begging is to be humiliated by you, and then continue to be controlled by you. Shiyuan, although you control the world of demons, I can't do anything about you. But, with your pity IQ, you want to trick me? You are really not qualified!"

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, you are fucking looking for death!" Shi Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand, and in the void, his handprints strangled Chen Yang's neck.

In an instant, Chen Yang was picked up by the corpse like a chicken.

Chen Yang's face immediately turned purple, his breathing was short of breath, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"How sharp are you? No matter what you say now, you are a dead dog in the hands of this king. If this king wants you to live, you will live. If I want you to die, you will die!" Shi Yuan was extremely angry. .

Chen Yang allowed himself to be pinched and killed by corpses. He had suffered too much in his short life.So, this pain is nothing.What he said was not because he was mean and wanted to pick things up on purpose.Rather, acting must be performed to the end.This corpse is a suspicious person...

Chen Yang had to go down according to his own character.

Of course, Shi Yuan would not really crush Chen Yang to death, and then, he threw Chen Yang to the ground.Blood overflowed from the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, he curled up...

"What do you look like now? Isn't it just like a dead dog?" Shi Yuan laughed sternly.

Chen Yang didn't speak.

After a long time, the corpse planted the imprint of the demon in Chen Yang's brain.

Outside the demon planet, in the void, Meng Qingchen has been waiting patiently.

At this time, in the thick fog outside the demon planet, the figure of the corpse flashed, and he would never leave the demon planet.

Shi Yuan grabbed Chen Yang, he looked at Meng Qingchen, and said, "Where is Di Feiyan?"

Meng Qingchen immediately pulled Di Feiyan out of the Jie Sumeru with one hand.

The corpse said, "How about we throw it at the same time?"

Meng Qingchen said: "You first remove the imprint in my brain!"

Shi Yuan nodded, and then he began to chant the spell.

Meng Qingchen immediately felt the loosening of the demon imprint in her brain, and she immediately used her great magic power to grab the loose imprint of the demon, and then, lightning refined it.

After refining the mark of the demon, Meng Qingchen heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she was determined.

"Now, can we exchange?" Shi Yuan said.

Meng Qingchen nodded and said, "Together!"

"Okay!" Said the corpse.

The two really threw it together at the same time, so Di Feiyan flew towards the corpse.Chen Yang flew towards Meng Qingchen.

A gleam of joy finally flashed in Shi Yuan's eyes.

Meng Qingchen grabbed Chen Yang with her big hand.Shi Yuan also stretched out his big hand to grab Di Feiyan...

But just as Shi Yuan's big handprint was caught, Di Feiyan suddenly opened his eyes.A chill flashed across her beautiful eyes, and then, Di Feiyan pointed out a finger.

One finger to the soul!

That finger of lightning directly hit the palm of Shi Yuan's palm!

The powerful electric current that surpasses the universe rushes into the palm of the corpse, which is the realm and profound meaning of the fifth level of the good fortune god king!

That is the general outline of the Dianmu Heart Sutra!

In an instant, the Heavenly Demon wailed in the entire Heavenly Demon Planet, and in the dense fog, thunder flashed, which was extremely terrifying!

The corpse was plotted against by Di Feiyan, and his handprints instantly turned into fly ash.

If it wasn't for Shi Yuan owning the entire Heavenly Demon planet, and the Heavenly Demon planet to help him defuse the attack, at this moment, Shi Yuan would have been seriously injured.

"Bad maid!" Shi Yuan was furious.

At the same time, Di Feiyan's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

With a flash of her figure, she immediately fled out.In the blink of an eye, there is no trace.

"Meng Qingchen, are you cheating?" Shi Yuan said angrily to Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen was also stunned for a while, and she said: "What's going on? I have obviously sealed her eight meridians. She definitely can't use magic power?"

"Haha..." Chen Yang was extremely depressed, but he still couldn't help laughing at this moment: "Di Feiyan already had a backhand, and this is her backhand. Her Dianmu Heart Sutra, one finger of the soul can suddenly block anything. She It has already been calculated that this is her last chance!"

"She can't escape for sure." Meng Qingchen said.

"Hurry up and chase!" Shi Yuan said immediately.

Meng Qingchen said as if nothing had happened: "What are you chasing? Am I obliged to help you chase? We have already delivered the goods and handed them over to others. If you want me to chase, it's okay. Help Chen Yang remove the mark of the demon."

"You bitch, you guys, you lied to me together." Shi Yuan was furious.

Meng Qingchen shrugged and said: "Anyway, I don't care now, Chen Yang, you can kill if you want. If you don't kill, I will take it away."

"Meng Qingchen!" Chen Yang said in great pain, "Are you really so cruel?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Before, I said to let Di Feiyan trade for my freedom. You won't! Are you willing to trade Di Feiyan for your freedom now? If you want, then I'll catch it!"

Speaking of this, Meng Qingchen couldn't help but smile.It seems that she herself thinks this is a very funny thing.

"I..." Chen Yang hesitated to speak.

Meng Qingchen said to Shi Yuan again: "Either you chase after yourself, or I will chase. The conditions for my pursuit are very simple, and now Di Feiyan has used up the last bit of strength. It is easy for me to catch her. I will catch her Well, I will give her to you first. However, I will also plant a mark in her brain, and when the time comes, you will remove Chen Yang's mark, and I will remove her mark, how about it?"

"Okay!" Shi Yuan was also helpless.He didn't dare to go out and catch it himself... that's all he could do.

Meng Qingchen smiled and said to Chen Yang: "By the way, I still have to ask for your opinion. What do you think? Do you want you to die, or her to die? Don't say too much, I just need an answer. I hope you die yourself , then we will go our separate ways. I hope she dies, and I will chase after her!"

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