The strongest player in history

Chapter 2522 Conditions

Shi Yuan sneered and said: "Isn't it? Isn't this king determined to eat you? Who else has the ability to get rid of the demon mark in the woman's mind except this king? Unless, you don't care about the woman's life. Otherwise If so, how do you deal with this king? In this world of demons, if this king doesn't get entangled with you, what can you do?"

Chen Yang said: "Haha, I don't believe that the Omen is endless forever. When the universe ends, the world of Omen is just a small planet, and I will keep devouring it. There will always be a day when it will be swallowed up. Even, I will You can also change yourself through the demon. Maybe one day, I will become the king of the demon. Don’t you think this is impossible?” The face of the corpse suddenly changed.

Chen Yang's statement really made Shi Yuan feel apprehensive for a moment.But he wasn't a three-year-old kid either, letting Chen Yang fool him.Just sneered again, and said: "Then you can try it slowly. The Heavenly Demon planet will indeed have an end, but even if you absorb it every day, it will take a hundred years or a thousand years. Our Heavenly Demon Patriarch is still there, how dare you absorb him?" In this world, you are looking for death. In the demon planet, who can cover you?"

When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help feeling a headache.

Feeling helpless, he said: "Okay, then what do you want? You said you want conditions, what conditions? You don't want to push too hard. On my planet, there are many friends and capable people come forth in large numbers. If not, I will give up Meng Qingchen, and then go back to Earth to fetch rescue soldiers."

Shi Yuan said: "You don't have to say these useless things. The more you talk, the more uncertain you are. This king is also an existence that has lived for thousands of years, and you can't be deceived by a few words."

Chen Yang said: "Sometimes, what I say is the truth. But others think it is a lie! There are many talented people and even planets that have been destroyed by my hands. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. I just hope you can bear it." live with the consequences."

Shi Yuan said: "You don't have to spend any more useless words. The king's condition is very simple, hand over your spar. Also, prepare 1000 billion star pills."

"Spar? Impossible!" Chen Yang refused.

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Shi Yuan said.

"That's okay, you first remove the mark of the demon in her brain." Chen Yang said again: "You broke your word once before, but I am very honest. Why should you do things first now?"

"That's impossible!" Shi Yuan said: "You don't have so many pills in your hands. If I remove her demon mark, if you go away, I will go after you and kill you in the vast universe?"

"That's true!" Chen Yang sneered, and said, "You dare to be a coward on this demon planet. Going out? It's just looking for death."

He paused, and then said: "But I really don't have that many pills, what are you going to do?"

Shi Yuan said: "You go to find it. After finding the elixir, we will remove the mark with one hand and deliver it with one hand."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you are not allowed to backtrack on your promises again."

Shi Yuan said, "Don't worry."

Chen Yang said, "I don't trust you."

Afterwards, Chen Yang left the Heavenly Demon Planet.

After leaving the Omen Planet, Chen Yang found a nearby Death Star to settle down first.

Chen Yang first gave Meng Qingchen all the remaining tens of billions of star pills, and asked her to recover her strength first.At the same time, use the black hole spar to shield Meng Qingchen, lest all the words here be known by the corpse.The mark of the demon that day was imprinted in Meng Qingchen's head.The corpse can observe everything around Meng Qingchen through the imprint.

Afterwards, Chen Yang began to face Di Feiyan.

Di Feiyan was seriously injured and was being treated cross-legged in Jiexu Mili.

Chen Yang put Di Feiyan in the other corner of the black hole spar, and he came in front of Di Feiyan.

Then, Chen Yang used magic power to investigate Di Feiyan's physical condition.

Di Feiyan's five viscera were in disorder, and there were demons scurrying around in his body.Her mana is also in a state of berserk!

This is quite similar to Meng Qingchen's situation before.However, Di Feiyan's realm is higher than Meng Qingchen's.So right now, Di Feiyan forcibly suppressed the injury in his body, preventing it from spreading to his brain.

But right now, Di Feiyan couldn't suppress the Heavenly Demon more and more.

The Heavenly Demon planted by Shi Yuan himself is extremely difficult to deal with.Di Feiyan suppressed it very hard... Once these heavenly demons broke through Di Feiyan's suppression and entered her brain.Then Di Feiyan's injury will be more serious than before Meng Qingchen.

Chen Yang realized this right away, he didn't say much, but immediately sat cross-legged.

Then he yelled at Di Feiyan: "Feiyan!"

Chen Yang's voice was soft, with a hint of intimacy.

Di Feiyan was slightly taken aback, she was trying to endure the severe pain... But at this moment, she still felt a slight sway in her heart when she heard Chen Yang's gentle call.

"Huh?" Di Feiyan also looked at Chen Yang, and she replied suspiciously.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Do you trust me?"

Di Feiyan was puzzled, she didn't know why Chen Yang asked this question at this time.This question seems a bit strange.But she still replied without hesitation: "Of course!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, later, my mana will penetrate into your body. No matter what happens to you, no matter what I do... no matter how much you don't understand. Don't resist? Okay?"

Di Feiyan took a deep look at Chen Yang, and she became more suspicious.But she still didn't say anything, just nodded, and then said a word.

So, Chen Yang immediately stretched out his palms, and they met Di Feiyan's four palms!

Afterwards, Chen Yang's mana began to flow out, and penetrated into Di Feiyan's body.

This feeling is extremely strange.

At least, it was strange to Di Feiyan.When Chen Yang's magic power penetrated, Di Feiyan felt as if Chen Yang's hand was stroking her body, even touching her private place.She couldn't help trembling!

At this moment, Di Feiyan was too shy.

But she recognized Chen Yang's character in her heart, and knew that Chen Yang was saving her.She firmly remembered Chen Yang's words, no matter what happened, don't resist.

Afterwards, Chen Yang's mana began to probe into Di Feiyan's brain.

The brain is the core of the human body.

If it is not forced by life and death, this mysterious place in the brain will never let others get involved.And now Chen Yang is going to enter Di Feiyan's mind.

Di Feiyan did not resist.

She trusts Chen Yang in her heart, and also understands that if Chen Yang really has evil intentions, she herself is nothing more than fish and meat.

Chen Yang's mana penetrated into Di Feiyan's brain smoothly.

Afterwards, he began to try to merge with Di Feiyan's mana.

Di Feiyan is like a shy beauty, she doesn't resist anything now, just let Chen Yang pick her shyly.

The two streams of mana, Yin and Yang, began to merge. If there is a trace of resistance and distrust in the middle, it will lead to the failure of spiritual practice.

What's amazing is that the spiritual cultivation between Chen Yang and Di Feiyan succeeded directly.

When Chen Yang formed a bond between the two strands of mana and successfully connected, Di Feiyan immediately felt the wonder.She felt that she and Chen Yang seemed to be one...

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt strange.

He himself didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

How did he know that during these few months of getting along, Di Feiyan already had an inexplicable affection for him in his heart.That's why the current situation is logical... More importantly, Di Feiyan's trust in Chen Yang is absolutely 100%.

Di Feiyan could feel many memories of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang could also feel Di Feiyan's memory!

Chen Yang saw Di Feiyan's growth environment, and even saw some interesting stories about her youthful development.At the same time, I also saw a lot about the Temple of Advent, as well as her father, her elder brother...

It was a rather cold environment!

On the Tyrannosaurus planet, it is even more direct that the strong respect the world.

The relationship between her and her father and her eldest brother is extremely weak.

Chen Yang also saw Di Feiyan's emotional world. She once fell in love with a magnificent man, but unfortunately, that man finally walked out of the Tyrannosaurus planet and never came back.

Etc., etc!

However, Chen Yang didn't have the memory of being entangled with Di Feiyan, he wanted to treat Di Feiyan quickly.

Looking at the memory of the other party is also a process of fusion.

Only by getting to know each other better can the fusion of yin and yang be more perfect.

So, of course, Di Feiyan also saw Chen Yang's world.

She saw Chen Yang's growth with his master, his experience abroad...and his love and hatred with his father.

She saw Ling'er, Shen Murong, Qiao Ning, Chen Yang's son Chen Nianci and so on!

It's like a fleeting image, but there are so many love-hate entanglements!But all in all, she could especially feel Chen Yang's sincerity.

Moreover, in Tyrannosaurus Planet, men have many women.

Take her father and elder brother as an example, there are countless concubines.Therefore, in Di Feiyan's eyes, Chen Yang can be said to be a different kind... His wives are surprisingly few, and they are all lovers who have gone through hardships.

Of course, Di Feiyan never thought that he would be a concubine.What a proud woman she is!

She felt somewhat lost in her heart.

Chen Yang could also feel this trace of loss and sadness.At this moment, the yin and yang of the two are blending together, and each other's emotions can be sensed by each other.

Chen Yang pretended not to know.He is now devoted to his family and will no longer have feelings for other women.

"Feiyan, start healing! I still have some spiritual liquid, you absorb it now!" Chen Yang began to send the spiritual liquid produced by the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley towards Emperor Feiyan.

Di Feiyan's mind froze, and he began to absorb it.

In the mutual fusion of yin and yang, the effect of breeding all things can be achieved.As a result, many injuries to Di Feiyan's body began to be repaired miraculously.

Those flying demons were absorbed by Chen Yang directly with the power of the Xuanhuang God Valley seeds!

After a while, with the supplement of spiritual liquid, Di Feiyan fully recovered from his injuries.

At the same time, Chen Yang could also feel Di Feiyan's profound creation skills.

The profound meaning and law of the five layers of creation are as deep as the ocean.Chen Yang began to absorb and understand Di Feiyan's cultivation.

Di Feiyan immediately showed Chen Yang her understanding of various realms, so that Chen Yang could absorb it.

Chen Yang is only a thin line away from the second level of the Creation Realm, and he greedily absorbs Di Feiyan's secrets and laws.

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