The Sangshen Stick and the Heavenly Demon Sword attacked and killed Chen Yang together. Amidst the roar, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and all the demons were furious!

Standing in the middle, Chen Yang was surrounded by celestial demons, and the mana magnetic field was squeezed, which was not good for Chen Yang.Chen Yang didn't move. When the terrifying sound wave of the demon came over, his eyes turned cold, and he suddenly reached out to grab it.A black hole vortex appeared in his hand, and the black hole vortex swallowed like a monster, swallowing all the magic sound waves of that day.

But that day, the magic sword has all kinds of changes and thousands of supernatural powers.Chen Yang suppressed all the changes of the Heavenly Demon Sword with just a pinch of his hands, and pinched it between his fingers.Then, Chen Yang opened his mouth wide, and threw the Tiantian Demon Sword into his mouth.Without waiting for the change of the Heavenly Demon Sword to resume, he clenched his teeth violently, and actually bit the Heavenly Demon Sword into pieces, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

That Gufa spit out a mouthful of blood immediately.Because the Heavenly Demon Sword and him were two in one, when the Heavenly Demon Sword was destroyed, he was also injured.

In the Heavenly Demon Sword, a lot of Heavenly Demon Qi, infinite Heavenly Demon blasted and killed Chen Yang's body.But Chen Yang's Xuanhuang God Valley seed power directly swallowed and purified them all.Chen Yang dismissed the attacks of Hei Ling and Gu Fa lightly.Then, Chen Yang grabbed it with his backhand, and the black hole big handprint suppressed Hei Ling.

The black hole vortex appeared, disintegrating the heavens and the earth!

Infinite and profound laws of the universe, incomparably thick and majestic mana descended.Hei Ling was horrified, and immediately drove the Mourning God Stick and his whole body's mana to kill him.

The Heavenly Demon Mahamudra was formed, and the Sangshen Stick turned into a giant skeleton, as if the entire Heavenly Demon bombarded Chen Yang's black hole Mahamudra.Chen Yang didn't waver, the big black hole handprint grabbed the terrifying demon in his hand.

No matter how powerful the mourning stick and Hei Ling were, Chen Yang forcibly grabbed them in his hands.Then, the huge demon began to shrink, and was finally swallowed by Chen Yang.This day, the mana of the Demon Sangshen Stick and Hei Ling instantly turned into nutrition, turning into pure energy to supplement Chen Yang's mana.Chen Yang also has stronger power to suppress the entire confusion space.

The ancient method faded away!

He roared again and again, with the remaining mana, he frantically bombarded and killed Chen Yang.

Then I saw the black sky demon rolling violently, like a sandstorm in the sky, covering the sky and the earth!

The black sandstorm finally formed a fist mark, surpassing the speed of light, and bombarded Chen Yang's head with the power of extinction and terror.Without batting an eye, Chen Yang also punched him away.

In the power of his fist, black holes condense, and thunder light rumbles!

That is a fist power that represents the universe!


The two fists strangled together, and Lei Guang quickly killed the heavenly demons into pieces.

Chen Yang's Black Hole Divine Fist blasted Gu Fa's Heavenly Demon Fist into ashes. Then, Chen Yang flipped his palm, and choked Gu Fa's throat tightly.No matter how many changes in the ancient law, at this moment, none of them can be changed.Chen Yang's eyes were indifferent and cruel, and he pinched directly.

The ancient method was crushed to pieces in an instant, vanished into ashes, and no longer existed.

With a raised hand, Chen Yang killed Gu Fa.

In front of Chen Yang, a master at the first level of the Creation Realm was like a chicken and a dog. Killing him was not much more troublesome than killing a chicken.Seeing that the ancient method was dead, the black spirit showed fear and horror in his eyes.Chen Yang ignored it, and grabbed it again with a big hand. Hei Ling tried his best to stop it, but it still couldn't stop Chen Yang like the hand of a giant wheel of history.

Chen Yang mentioned Hei Ling at once, and swallowed it again.He grabbed the black spirit, and at the same time his mouth became huge. After biting it, he swallowed it a few times, and swallowed all its energy, mana, and fragments.The Xuanhuang God Valley Seed also turns it into pure energy.

Eat people, swallow their mana, and more.This is a sorcery that Chen Yang is not ashamed of, and there must be a cause and effect!

But Chen Yang couldn't care less now.

Because, the mana he needs to maintain the maze space is too terrifying.He can only maintain the expenditure of that powerful mana in this way.

At the same time, Chen Yang was still frantically devouring the Star Pill.

In the blink of an eye, 100 billion star pills have been swallowed.Mana is still being consumed violently...

Chen Yang replenished and consumed a lot.

The intensity that the body bears is even more unimaginable.

Even Shi Yuan and Di Feiyan couldn't bear this kind of intensity.Fortunately, Chen Yang has practiced the Great Origin Technique, and also has the Eternal Body.Only in this way can we sustain it.

Chen Yang's figure flickered, after beheading Hei Ling and Gu Fa.Immediately, he went to kill the other demon protectors of Shiyuan.

In the east, there is a demon protector named Naihe, who is working hard to break through the obstacles in front of him.

Suddenly, a large black handprint appeared in front of him.

The big handprint grabbed it, but Naihe couldn't help but lose face, and immediately resisted it with all his might.But no matter how powerful his magic weapon is, his skills are terrifying.The big handprint suppressed all the changes in it, lifting him up like pinching a chicken.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand, grabbed Naihe, and finally threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few more times, and devoured it completely.

In this way, he shot again and again, and killed fifteen of the eighteen demon guardians of that day in an instant.

All are devoured in turn and turned into energy!

In this way, the space of confusion becomes more and more stable.

The last remaining Heavenly Demon Three Protectors are in the same confusion space.Chen Yang flashed in front of them, without saying a word, he shot again.

There was almost no suspense. When he started, Chen Yang flickered and separated them completely again with the confusing space.

After that, Chen Yang's big black handprints suppressed them continuously, caught them all, and finally devoured them.

Chen Yang felt a little disgusted.

Although he can turn it into pure energy, but for some reason, he still has a feeling of nausea deep in his heart.Chen Yang didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or some other reason.

But Chen Yang didn't care about all of this.

Because, he still has a stronger opponent.

"Bang!" At this moment, Di Feiyan was hit on the chest by Shi Yuan's palm.

Di Feiyan spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Di Feiyan lost his fighting power.The corpse yuan has been fighting with Di Feiyan, and with the death of those guardians, the corpse yuan's power has become stronger and stronger.

Because, the Heavenly Demon Eighteen Protectors dilute the power of the corpse.After they all died, the corpse element became stronger.

Although Di Feiyan has the Strange Sutra in hand, her puppet of the Strange Sutra has been crushed by the corpse.

The corpse element possesses the power of the entire heavenly demon world. Although Di Feiyan has a higher realm, he is still no match for the corpse element.

Shi Yuan hit Di Feiyan with a palm, and Di Feiyan's extraordinary scriptures also flew out.

In the battle against Di Feiyan, Shi Yuan should be able to defeat Di Feiyan very quickly with his control over the world of the demon.However, the strange scriptures appeared elusive, and the tricks emerged one after another, which is why Di Feiyan lasted for so long.

The reason why Di Feiyan lost was because of Chen Yang.

The more demon protectors Chen Yang kills, the stronger the corpse element will be.And Di Feiyan's control over mana is weaker, because the magnetic field in the space is being squeezed by the corpse...

In the Heavenly Demon World, how many people can defeat the Heavenly Demon King?

Unless it is a person who is stronger than too many corpses, he can ignore the oppression of the demon world.

As long as it is not too much stronger than the corpse element, then the corpse element can crush the enemy to death.

Di Feiyan was seriously injured.

At the same time, Shi Yuan grasped the strange scripture with his big hand.At this time, Chen Yang also arrived.The corpse stood on the spot, like a peerless demon king. He was dressed in black armor, and his body exuded a terrifying coercion.

With a grab of his big hand, the big handprint of the Heavenly Demon grabbed towards the Lightning of the Strange Sutra.

Chen Yang came to Di Feiyan's side, and directly grabbed Di Feiyan into Jiexumi.Afterwards, he also stretched out the big handprint of the black hole to grab the strange scripture.

Chen Yang's speed was very fast, and he grabbed the Qijing almost at the same time as the big handprint of the demon!

"Looking for death!" Shi Yuan didn't know that the Eighteen Heavenly Demon Guardians were dead.The eighteen guardians are the eighteen elites who have been cultivated for thousands of years in the demon world.After such a encounter, they all died, and the corpse was annoyed.

"It's just a grasshopper at the first level of the God of Creation King Realm. With some special abilities, he dares to be rampant in front of this king!" Shi Yuan was furious in his heart, and slapped Chen Yang's black hole big handprint with a backhand.

How could Chen Yang let the Qijing fall into the hands of the corpse.

The celestial demon handprint of Shiyuan seems to be just a palm, but in fact it contains the power of the celestial demon of landslides and tsunamis.His understanding of Heavenly Demon is far beyond that of the Eighteen Guardians.

Chen Yang immediately felt the power of a soul-stirring demon.

He felt all kinds of helplessness, all kinds of extinction, all kinds of hallucinations!

Chen Yang couldn't resist this simple backhand slap with all his strength.Chen Yang didn't say much, what could he say?

His palm also flipped quickly, and then the black hole vortex was formed in the handprint, the great devouring technique, and the power of the Xuanhuang God Valley seed unfolded.

As a result, many demonic and terrifying forces killed the past.He was quickly absorbed by Chen Yang...

Chen Yang's mana was draining rapidly, but at this time, endless pure energy surged in.With a sway of Chen Yang's body, his right hand condensed mana, and a sword spread out from the east!

When the sword light was slashed, there was an aura of rushing towards Xiaohan, and the aura of killing with one sword cut through the ages.

The corpse couldn't help but lose color!

He felt the horror of this sword!

The profound meaning of the universe is difficult for him to decipher.

At the moment, the corpse could only retreat, and at the same time drive the Infinite Heavenly Demon to resist the sword.

With Chen Yang's sword, he killed tens of thousands of miles, and hundreds of millions of Lordless Heavenly Demons were smashed to pieces.In the end, the power of this sword was gradually dispelled.

Chen Yang opened his mouth wide, and sucked in the strange scripture into his stomach, and then used mana to wrap it up and store it safely.

Chen Yang and Shi Yuan fought briefly.

It looked like Shi Yuan's palm and Chen Yang's sword.

But in the end, Chen Yang forced the corpse back with a sword, and successfully snatched back the Qijing.

In the short confrontation, Chen Yang won the victory.

Moreover, Chen Yang's mana was extremely full at this time, majestic and inexhaustible.

Chen Yang just stood there, facing the corpse far away.

The corpse yuan has not yet reacted from the horror...

He actually failed!

It was easy for him to suppress Di Feiyan, who was at the fifth level of the God of Creation King Realm, but he was forced to retreat by Chen Yang, who was at the first level of the God of Fortune King Realm.

It's just... unbelievable.

"What strange spell are you casting? Why can you absorb the power of this king?" Shi Yuan couldn't help asking.

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