Chen Yang let go of the gamble.Although it was a gamble, he still had a lot of confidence.Because if all this is the trick of Shiyuan, then Meng Qingchen is not dead.Then, Shi Yuan must be trying to subdue Meng Qingchen at this time.

At the same time, Chen Yang felt that the entire Heavenly Demon planet was extremely huge for the corpse.Just like a person has to check a thousand cameras.As long as there is no alarm, it is difficult for him to notice the change.

If Chen Yang hadn't disguised himself in the belly of the demon mob, once he broke into the planet of the demon, he would have sounded an alarm.But now, Omen mobs absorb other Omens and become faster.This is something that happened in the sky demon, and no alarm will be issued.

Chen Yang soon arrived under the peak of the Black Palace.At this time, Chen Yang slowed down and let the little devil climb up from the bottom of the mountain.The demon mobs are covered in tentacles, and they are also good at climbing mountains.

Other celestial demons did not dare to provoke this celestial demon mob.

Chen Yang soon reached the top of the mountain and came to the front of the Black Palace.Then, Chen Yang used the body of the demon mob to run his mana, and possessed some spiritual thoughts on other lordless demons.These masterless demons drifted with the wind, and some of them drifted into the black palace.

The Lordless Heavenly Demon is like a magnetic field, everywhere.Even if it floats into the black palace, it will not be stopped by that corpse yuan and others.

Therefore, Chen Yang seemed to have eyes.He entered the palace with only a sliver of divine sense, while the rest drifted around the periphery.If you go in too much, you are also afraid of being discovered.

Chen Yang quickly saw the situation inside the Black Palace.

In the black palace, it was gloomy and forbidding, and there were lordless demons floating everywhere.These Lordless Heavenly Demons will also devour each other, but Chen Yang doesn't care, even if the Lordless Heavenly Demons are swallowed, his divine sense will not disappear.

Later, Chen Yang saw the corpse above the palace.

The corpse is dressed in black armor, has a ferocious appearance, and looks like a demon king.At this moment, he looked very dignified, and he was tempering a group of heavenly demons in front of him.Those heavenly demons were packed together in blackness, and they didn't know what was inside.Chen Yang watched silently, he had a hunch that it was Meng Qingchen who was wrapped by these heavenly demons.

Soon, Chen Yang saw what was going on inside.

Because, that day's demon dissipated soon.

In the middle there is a black lotus throne.Sitting cross-legged on the black lotus throne was a woman with long purple hair and blue eyes, beautiful and peerless.She closed her eyes tightly, calm as if asleep.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved when he saw Meng Qingchen's moment.

"It's all right, I just don't know what's going on with her now?" Chen Yang secretly said.

At the same time, an uncontrollable anger rose in Chen Yang's heart.This corpse is really deceiving people too much.The elixir is also needed, and the spar is also given.

He even wanted to take it away!

Chen Yang sank his mind and didn't explode.He decided to wait and see what happened!

It was also at this moment that Meng Qingchen opened his eyes.

There was a hint of doubt in her eyes at first, and then she quickly looked around, and then sensed her physical condition.

She suddenly looked at the corpse in front of her again.

"Heavenly Demon King?" Meng Qingchen said slightly startled.

Shi Yuan smiled lightly and said, "That's right!" When he smiled, he was even uglier than when he didn't smile, it was terrifying.

Meng Qingchen said: "You cured me?"

Shi Yuan said: "Yes, you should feel it."

Meng Qingchen said: "I can feel my mana, but at the same time, I feel that there is something more in my brain." Shi Yuan said: "Your feeling is very accurate, it is the king who is in your brain. There is a mark of the demon in it! This mark of the demon can make you mad and die instantly. But if you obey me obediently, this king will not activate the mark. You should not even try to destroy the mark of the demon.”

Meng Qingchen couldn't help being shocked, and said, "What do you mean? The agreement between you and Chen Yang?"

"The agreement is long gone." Shi Yuan said: "I told that stupid man of yours, and told him that I failed to save you. You have been swallowed by the demon, and there is no bones left."

"He won't believe you!" Meng Qingchen trembled, her face pale.She is now physically weak, her mana has not recovered, and there is a mark of the demon deep in her brain.This situation was really terrible, and she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

As for the consequences, as long as she thought about it carefully, she felt shuddering all over her body.

Shi Yuan said: "Of course he doesn't believe it, but before the treatment, the king has already said that there is no guarantee of success. If he doesn't believe it, so what? Come and fight with the king, looking for death?"

"What about others?" Meng Qingchen immediately asked.

"Of course I left, why don't I stay and wait to die?" Shi Yuan said.

"Leaving?" Meng Qingchen's voice trembled.

Shi Yuan said: "Don't say he's gone, even if he didn't. So what can he do? He came here just to seek death. Besides, you have been marked by the demon of the king, who else in this world can save you? From now on, you have only one way to go. That is to obediently obey this king and be his wife. In this demon world, you will become the queen of the demon. "

"No, no!" Meng Qingchen's eyes turned cold, she looked closely at the corpse, and said, "I'd rather die!"

"I'd rather die?" Shi Yuan smiled and said, "With this king, is life and death up to you? If you don't obey, then it's okay. This king will suck your essence and refine you A puppet of demons all day long. How could this king care about a disobedient woman!"

Meng Qingchen gasped.

She is afraid of death, but when she must die, she dares to die!But she is even more afraid of becoming a thoughtless puppet!

There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth!

This is what Meng Qingchen feels at the moment.

She wants to cry but has no tears!

She is devastated and terrified!

There is nothing she can do!

However, at this moment, a voice, like the warm voice of heaven descending, suddenly appeared.

"Meng Qingchen, did you miss me?"

It was Chen Yang's voice.

Warm but thick.

Meng Qingchen was already in extreme despair, but when she heard this, she couldn't help being ecstatic.

"Chen Yang?"

There is no voice warmer than Chen Yang's.

Meng Qingchen wept with joy.

The corpse face suddenly changed greatly.

He immediately made a move to capture Meng Qingchen back.The black demon handprint instantly enveloped Meng Qingchen...

At the same time, a door suddenly opened in the void.A big golden handprint protruded out, and it came to kill that day's handprint.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The corpse didn't pay attention to it, and just grabbed it with a backhand, completely smashing the big golden handprint.Then, he stretched out his other hand and directly grabbed Meng Qingchen to his side.

Afterwards, Chen Yang appeared in the hall.

Shi Yuan sneered and said, "Little thief, I didn't expect you to be lurking here."

Chen Yang's face was cold, and he said: "Your Excellency is the king of demons. I thought that you are the overlord, so I must have some confidence. Therefore, I will give you gems, pills, and people. But you But to do such shameless and vicious things is really disgusting!"

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and said: "In your culture, isn't there a saying that every man is innocent and he is guilty? This is the world of Taoism, everything is respected by strength."

Chen Yang said: "Yes, you are right!"

Shi Yuan smiled and said: "Since you know that strength is the most important thing, you shouldn't come. Can you save people? Especially in the hands of this king?"

"Why not?" Chen Yang said lightly.

Shi Yuan was about to speak, when suddenly, his face changed drastically.

Because he found that Meng Qingchen beside him began to appear ethereal, and then disappeared directly.

It turned out that at that moment, Chen Yang's mahamudra did not use his full strength.Instead, he used the mind spar to create Meng Qingchen's fake body.What the corpse was grabbing was a fake body... At that time, the corpse was all focused on Chen Yang, so he didn't notice it immediately.

And Meng Qingchen's real body has been directly caught by Chen Yang into Jiexumi.

"Damn it!" Shi Yuan couldn't help being furious.

This is so embarrassing.

Afterwards, he looked at Chen Yang sternly, then sneered, and said, "She has been marked by this king's demon mark, do you think you can save her? Also, do you think you can get out of here? As long as this king wants her to die , she will immediately feel worse than death."

Shi Yuan paused, and continued: "Okay, this king's patience is exhausted with you. Now, you kneel down obediently, and beg this king well. Otherwise, this king will immediately make your woman miserable and extinct. "

Chen Yang looked at the corpse indifferently.

Shi Yuan also looked at Chen Yang, his eyes were full of majesty and aggression.

Chen Yang did not take any action.

Shi Yuan was slightly taken aback, he found that the young man in front of him seemed to have changed.Before, this young man was full of tenderness and humility.But now, the young man showed his edge.

But these, Shi Yuan didn't care.

A killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Okay!"

After a good word, Meng Qingchen will be killed.

But Chen Yang spoke at this time.Chen Yang said: "I advise you, don't do this."

"Then kneel down!" Shi Yuan laughed and said, "You are still afraid after all."

"I'm not scared, I'm just persuading you!" Chen Yang said, "Before you kill her, you'd better kill me. Otherwise, you'll lose your only escape route. Because I'll make you more powerful than her." Die a hundred times more miserable!"

"Haha... What a brazen little thief!" Shi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

Chen Yang said: "If you don't believe it, then you can kill her."

Shi Yuan said: "Do you think this king dare not?"

Chen Yang said: "You said, your patience is exhausted. Let me tell you, mine is also exhausted. I don't care about the rest. Now, I just want your life!"

"Feiyan, come out!" Chen Yang suddenly shouted.

Di Feiyan had been waiting outside, but at this moment he received the order and came immediately.With a wave of Chen Yang's hand, he opened the door to the void for Di Feiyan.

In the next moment, the dashing and heroic Di Feiyan in white clothes appeared in front of Chen Yang.

The corpse was slightly startled, but before he could speak, Chen Yang grabbed it again...

"Return my things, too!"

At that moment, Shi Yuan felt that the black hole spar he suppressed had changed.The black hole spar was suppressed inside by the corpse element with the celestial magic purple beads.

It was a place of isolation!

It is also a place that is absolutely difficult to break through!

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