The strongest player in history

Chapter 2514 Heavenly Demon Planet

Luo Tong said: "There is a way to rescue! But it's not on Pindao, it's very difficult for you to do it. It depends on chance... However, Pindao won't tell you. Right now, Meng Qingchen, Di Feiyan , including you, Xiaoyou, are all opponents of Pindao. Pindao will not fail to think about teaching you how to restore Meng Qingchen's mana."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Okay, if the Taoist priest doesn't say anything, I naturally can't force others to do anything difficult. Thank you Taoist priest for your frankness, and the younger generation will leave."

Luo Tong couldn't help but said: "Little friend, why do you have to get involved in this muddy water? Go back to your earth, can't you?"

Chen Yang said: "There is a saying in Taoism, which is called the place of Tao. Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there! Daoist, you stick to your principles, and juniors also have the bottom line of juniors. It is difficult for juniors to leave friends alone. Just like one day, if you are in trouble, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, the juniors will come here without hesitation!"

He paused and said, "Okay, this junior is taking his leave."

"Wait!" Luo Tong smiled wryly, and said: "You boy, Pindao really can't do anything about you. Anyway, it's a matter of winning anyway. It's true that Pindao returned his favor. It's also friendship. Let me tell you how to save it!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "Thank you so much, Daoist!"

Luo Tong said: "According to this, it will take about a month to go all the way to the southwest, travel through wormholes and space. If you are lucky, you can find a planet called Omen Star. The origin of Omen on Earth comes from This planet of Heavenly Demon. In the Heavenly Demon Planet, one day the Demon King, the Heavenly Demon King’s Great Law of Heavenly Demon can cure Meng Qingchen.”

"Great!" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

"What's the matter, silly boy." Luo Tong said: "Pindao has never wanted to tell you, one is that he doesn't want Meng Qingchen to recover. More importantly, he doesn't want you, silly boy, to die in vain! Heavenly Demon is the source of demons , How terrifying. Poor people dare not go, if you go, you are afraid that you will die. Heavenly demons are endless and terrifying."

Chen Yang said: "I have seen a senior perform Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, it is really extraordinary. But, I still have to try my best."

Luo Tong said: "Where the Tao is, there are tens of thousands of people, but I will go there! Although you are not a member of our Taoist school, you have the spirit of a Taoist school! I really don't know what to say."

"Farewell, junior!" Chen Yang said.

Luo Tong smiled lightly and said, "Silly boy, we can't even trace you now. Are you afraid that it's a poor way to deceive you, to lure you into a trap, and then catch you all?"

Chen Yang laughed, and said: "The younger generation makes friends on a whim, and there are not many people who can make the younger generation trust and confide in them so much. It just so happens that you are one of the Taoists. If you really set a trap, the younger generation will also admit it." , no regrets!"

"Let's go, let's go, be more careful!" Luo Tong waved his hand and said.

Chen Yang said goodbye again, and when he was about to leave, Luo Tong suddenly took out a gourd and threw it to Chen Yang.It was the gourd that Chen Yang returned to Luo Tong before.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, but still took the gourd.

Luo Tong smiled and said: "Actually, there is a reason to take back the things that Pindao gave away! Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, you must be careful when you go."

Chen Yang bowed deeply to express his gratitude.Afterwards, he left the Ghost King Sect with the help of the alopecia areata.

After leaving Ghost King Sect, Chen Yang went to join Di Feiyan and the others.For this matter, Chen Yang had to bring Meng Qingchen with him. He somewhat understood why the Heavenly Demon King was needed to treat Meng Qingchen.

Because the Heavenly Demon is where the heart demon resides, it is equivalent to an existence that is good at manipulating the brain domain.

Meng Qingchen's injury was in the brain area, for such a delicate matter, he could only hope that the Demon King would come to help him.But will the Demon King save Meng Qingchen?This is really an unknown!

However, it depends on human effort... Chen Yang will not give up easily!

Chen Yang quickly returned to the death star, and came to the mysterious space created by Di Feiyan in the sea water.

Meng Qingchen was very weak and had been lying on the couch.

Di Feiyan guards Meng Qingchen.

Seeing Chen Yang's return, the two women were both refreshed.

Especially Meng Qingchen, her eyes were full of anticipation, and that kind of anticipation was filled with fiery and infinite hope.It is conceivable how disappointed she would be if Chen Yang did not bring back a rescue method.

Chen Yang understood too well what that power and mana meant to Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen is a daughter, but she has never bowed her head in her life. She has always been strong and proud, relying on her own powerful magic power.

Chen Yang had to admit that even he himself couldn't accept the blow of losing mana.

Let me ask, a person, immersed in life all his life, has gone through untold hardships to lay down the country.Who can accept suddenly having nothing?

Di Feiyan also looked at Chen Yang eagerly.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "I met Taoist Master Luo and found a way to cure Meng Qingchen."

"Really?" Di Feiyan was overjoyed.

Meng Qingchen was also overjoyed, but she immediately became suspicious: "Really?"

Chen Yang said seriously: "Of course it's true. Master Luo told me that to save you, you need to go to the Omen Star. The Omen King on the Omen Star can save you!"

"Omen Star?" Di Feiyan said, "I've never heard of it."

Meng Qingchen obviously hadn't heard of it either.

She said: "I know about Heavenly Demon, but I don't know that there is still Heavenly Demon Star in this world."

Chen Yang said: "Heavenly demons are where the demons are, and they are best at attacking the brain area. Since Sui is good at attacking, he should also be the best at healing the brain area. Since the Taoist priest pointed out this way, we have reason to believe this way able to walk through."

"Chen Yang, you'd better not lie to me." Meng Qingchen said, "I know that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This kind of disappointment and despair..."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I can swear to God, I never lied to you this time. However, whether the Demon King will save you? Or whether he is absolutely sure, that is all uncertain. Son."

"Why, Feiyan has never heard of the Omen Star?" Meng Qingchen asked.

Chen Yang said: "The Omen Star is no closer to here than it is to the Earth. We fly there at full speed, and it will take a month to travel through the wormhole. She didn't hear that it's normal!"

He paused and said, "Time is precious, let's set off immediately."

Although, for Chen Yang, his time is indeed precious, and things on the earth are intricate.But right now, Chen Yang has no other choice.

Although in the past, he wished he could kill Meng Qingchen and hurry up!

But now, since they have become teammates.Chen Yang would never abandon his teammates!

Even after Meng Qingchen recovered his mana, he might come to kill Chen Yang.But right now, Chen Yang must save Meng Qingchen.

Chen Yang set off soon.

He drives the black hole spar to shuttle quickly.

He and Di Feiyan can take turns driving the black hole spar, and it won't be too tiring.

This road has passed, and it is moving away from Tyrannosaurus step by step.

Time passed quickly. After traveling non-stop, 28 days later, Chen Yang and Di Feiyan found the Omen Planet.

They don't need a specific location, because the divine sense can scan the void for thousands of miles, searching all the way there, and can also know information based on the fragments in the universe.

Ahead, the demon planet is in sight.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to enter the demon planet.

This is a place where no stars shine, and the surroundings are icy cold and absolutely dark, without a single ray of light.

Chen Yang saw the Heavenly Demon Planet.

The periphery of the demon planet is black, densely black, absolutely black.

It's like a planet surrounded by demons.

Chen Yang said to Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen: "Meng Qingchen, you have also seen that the Omen Star really exists. Now, I want to go in and find out the truth. Feiyan, you guard Meng Qingchen. If I I'll come back and let you know when it's safe."

Di Feiyan said: "It's hard to tell what's true here, we should go in together, so we can take care of each other, isn't it?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said: "If you go in, Meng Qingchen can't stay here alone. Even if she can stay outside, she has no ability to protect herself, and it is even more dangerous. Don't forget, I have an immortal body. I die I can’t do it, even if I can’t do it, I still have a chance if you’re outside, don’t you? If I’m really caught by the same pot, it’s called "every day should not be done, and the earth is not working."

After thinking about it carefully, Di Feiyan also felt that what Chen Yang said made sense.She said, "How about I go in? After all, my cultivation is higher than yours."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "But you are not immortal!"

He said again: "Besides, I am a man, so there is a reason why there are men hiding behind. Let women go up and charge!"

He continued: "That's it."

Chen Yang was about to leave, Meng Qingchen spoke.

Meng Qingchen's complexion has always been bad, his face is pale, like a sick beauty, which makes people feel distressed.

This is a big contrast with her before.

The previous dream is light and dusty, proudly deciding the world.Who can compare to her heroic appearance and queenly air?How many men in the world dare to meet her gaze?

But now, she has been reduced to such a field.

Meng Qingchen was about to speak, but couldn't help coughing violently.When she coughed, her face turned red again.She looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, isn't it better for you if I die? Why do you have to take such a big risk? Have you forgotten that once on Danube, you How much do you want me to die?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, he said: "When I was on the Danube, I never gave up the plants and trees of the elves. I went to rescue the soldiers. I did so much to protect them. Unfortunately, I still failed in the end. "

"Then you have no reason to save me. Because I raised the butcher knife, and I also cut it down." Meng Qingchen said.

"I did my best that day! I will do my best today. I don't care about your hatred, but today, we are teammates and we are one." Chen Yang said.

After that, Chen Yang didn't say any more.With the black hole spar, he flew towards the heavenly demon planet with a flash of his figure.

Di Feiyan loaded Meng Qingchen with her magic weapon, and she stayed on the periphery, waiting patiently for Chen Yang.

Perhaps, at this moment, Meng Qingchen realized that being an enemy with Chen Yang was a headache.But being friends with Chen Yang is extremely safe and warm.

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