The strongest player in history

Chapter 2493 Convince Meng Qingchen

After Meng Qingchen heard about it, she pondered for a moment, and said: "Late will change, why not start now?"

Yinghong smiled lightly and said, "You don't know Qingchen, although our Ghost King Sect is not afraid of the God's Falling Palace. But once the war starts, it's not a trivial matter... Di Feiyan is a major force of the God's Falling Temple, I think it's okay I did it. But this matter is of great importance, I still need to get my father's approval!"

Meng Qingchen said: "So that's how it is!"

Yinghong said: "There should be no problem. This time we will act as secretly as possible. Di Feiyan will be our trump card in dealing with the Temple of Advent. You prepare first today, and tomorrow I will call you to go together."

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay!"

Yinghong got up immediately and said: "Then it's settled, I won't disturb your rest."

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay!"

Yinghong did not doubt that he was there, and then left.

After Yinghong left, Meng Qingchen brought the black hole spar to the room and put it on the bed.Afterwards, Meng Qingchen also entered the black hole spar to meet Chen Yang.

"What's the matter with Di Feiyan? A good young miss, ran out of the star field? Being hunted down by her family?" Meng Qingchen asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "Di Feiyan doesn't have a good relationship with her brother. The reason why Yinghong knew the news this time is because her brother Di Huaixiu did it. Di Huaixiu wants to get rid of this sister with the help of the ghost Wang Zong."

Meng Qingchen sneered, and said: "Di Huaixiu is really a character, he has been suppressed by Di Feiyan all the time, and now he is going to kill him directly. However, I think he is destined to not be a big deal with his measurement."

Chen Yang said: "Then tomorrow, will you help us?"

"Help you? What benefits do I have?" Meng Qingchen didn't agree to Chen Yang, but asked.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, then he sighed, and said, "Now Di Feiyan is alone and weak, you must be relied on by him when you follow Di Feiyan back to the God's Advent Hall. And you are in the ghost king's sect, if tomorrow Di Feiyan Yanzhen was captured by Yinghong and became Yinghong's concubine. How do you think you will deal with yourself in the future? Yinghong's power will strengthen, will he let him take risks and turn you into his concubine?"

"It's a big deal for me, just leave!" Meng Qingchen said.

Chen Yang said: "Coincidentally, we saw you go away in the future. But Yinghong's father personally took you back. If you don't believe me, come and take a look with me."

The time spar can't see Meng Qingchen's future at all!

But Chen Yang is not afraid of Meng Qingchen confirming it.Anyway, as long as Meng Qingchen takes action to deal with Yinghong, it will be impossible for Meng Qingchen to return to the Ghost King Zong to serve him again.

Meng Qingchen still had doubts about Chen Yang's words.

Chen Yang saw it and said, "My life is in your hands now, do you still believe it?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Why do you take such a risk? You can escape?"

Chen Yang said, "Flee back to the Temple of the Gods?"

"Not necessarily impossible." Meng Qingchen said.

Chen Yang said: "Now she is alone and weak. When she returns to the Temple of Advent, I don't know how she will be tricked by her brother." He paused and said: "If we can cooperate with you and capture Yinghong, it is It's a great achievement. After returning, Feiyan's reputation will be the same for a while."

Meng Qingchen said: "Chen Yang, you have too many tricks. I still have questions to ask you. Why did you appear here?"

Chen Yang said: "It's a long story. I was hunted down all the way. Fortunately, Feiyan rescued me and survived. But her subordinates were all dead. She is now It is my responsibility to become like this! So I must help her!"

Meng Qingchen snorted coldly and said, "It's thanks to you that I'm here now!"

Chen Yang said: "I am right about the Danube. It is you who are too cruel and unpopular!"

"Bullshit people's hearts!" Meng Qingchen said: "The strong are respected, but I lost."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, okay, you can say whatever you want. You can give me a good word, can you help us? Our hatred can be calculated later. Or if you are not relieved, after tomorrow, you Just kill me. I'm paying back Feiyan's favor!"

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Meng Qingchen stared closely at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's gaze was extremely firm, without revealing any flaws.He said: "Of course I am afraid of death, but there are certain things that must be done. Just like when I had nothing on Danube, I still chose to be your enemy."

Meng Qingchen also had to admire this.She knew that Chen Yang was still very courageous.

It's just that the occurrence of all this made her feel a little unreal, even absurd.

Chen Yang, the sworn enemy, she knew how difficult it was to deal with.How many times have you dreamed in the dark night, dreaming of fighting with Chen Yang.She knew Chen Yang was not easy to kill!But now that he controlled Chen Yang's life so inexplicably, Meng Qingchen felt that all this was too much like a dream.But all this actually happened.

"I should kill you, and then help Yinghong capture Di Feiyan tomorrow. After that, I will leave, so the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect will be embarrassed to take action against me again?" Meng Qingchen said suddenly.

Chen Yang was taken aback.This woman is so unreasonable.He was also thinking quickly, and immediately said: "Of course you can do this, the future will change anyway. If Yinghong is willing to let you go, of course you can go. Maybe, the Sect Master of the Ghost King also thinks you are good. Are you forcing yourself to stay in the Ghost King Sect? Of course, I am also scaring you. After all, your... damn plan is too careless. Although we are enemies, I have always respected you and think you are a worthy Respected opponent. That's why I ran to you at risk. If you really did what you said, then I can't help it, because my life is in your hands. I accept my fate and just When I misjudged you!"

Meng Qingchen stared at Chen Yang again.

She wanted to find some answers from Chen Yang's eyes.However, Chen Yang is better than a ghost, Meng Qingchen didn't see anything.

"Chen Yang, I feel that being an enemy with you and fighting with real knives and guns will make me feel more at ease. And cooperating with you, I feel like I'm seeking skin from a tiger!" Meng Qingchen said every word.She really had a deep psychological shadow on Chen Yang.

Chen Yang sighed, and said: "Hey, Meng Qingchen, you don't know! I also feel that I am unlucky enough. Being chased here, I am in a mess. I finally met an ancient man, and... damn it It's you. What crime do you say I did!"

Meng Qingchen couldn't help feeling amused.

But she hid the smile deeply.

"You should know that the hatred between us cannot be eliminated! I will never forget the humiliation that Bai Suzhen brought to me!" Meng Qingchen said.

Chen Yang sighed again, and said, "Really, Meng Qingchen, I have a very sincere suggestion for you..."

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