The strongest player in history

Chapter 2490 Ghost King Sect

Chen Yang couldn't recover.Di Feiyan said: "I'm not a pedantic person. In that case, if it were me, I would wish to cut that woman into pieces. You just want to humiliate her as much as possible and make her submit!"

Chen Yang smiled wryly.He said: "I don't want to mention this matter anymore, let's not talk about it."

Di Feiyan said: "Okay!" She paused and said, "But I don't think you need to feel guilty for this for a long time."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I will try my best!"

Di Feiyan said: "Tsing Yi is right, you are indeed not free and easy. This is not good for your progress in cultivation!"

Chen Yang said: "When a person is alive, he will have responsibilities. Complete freedom means irresponsibility."

Di Feiyan was slightly taken aback, and said, "What you said makes sense!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. You lost many powerful men this time, including Qiankun Leizhu and Thunder Shenzhou. It will be even more difficult for you to return to the Temple of Falling, so you have to be more careful."

Di Feiyan frowned.

That's a really big, tough question.She came out this time, and the loss was too great.

"I will!" Di Feiyan quickly stretched his brows and smiled at Chen Yang.

She didn't want Chen Yang to be worried about leaving.She knew that Chen Yang was an uneasy person!

"By the way!" Chen Yang suddenly said again: "Since I'm leaving, I'll show you the three-day future at this time. Anyway, it's a waste if you don't use it!"

Di Feiyan was taken aback for a moment, and then readily agreed!

Perhaps, many things should be destined!

Di Feiyan did not expect that this future would change the trajectory of her life.

It was many years later that Di Feiyan realized this.

On the next day...

That is the day after tomorrow...

Di Feiyan saw in the time spar that she was besieged by the enemy, and finally was captured tragically, with a miserable end.

Di Feiyan trembled all over.

When Di Feiyan withdrew his hand, she couldn't calm down for a long time.Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised when he saw Di Feiyan's face turned pale. "what happened to you?"

Di Feiyan said: "My elder brother found out my whereabouts and exposed my whereabouts to our old rival, the Ghost King Sect. The young master of the Ghost King Sect took action and captured me alive. I saw the young master Ying Hongjiang I was banned by mana and made me his concubine. His original intention was to use me to humiliate my father. No, this is impossible!"

Di Feiyan couldn't accept it, and what made her even more sad was that her elder brother was so cruel.

"I always thought that the fight between me and my elder brother was a dispute between the same clan. No matter what, it didn't involve life or death. I had several chances to put him to death, but I gave up. Unexpectedly, he caught This time, I want to make me irreparable. There is no emotion between monks, I should have known it earlier, but I still have delusions, it's ridiculous, ridiculous!" Di Feiyan was sad and sad.

Chen Yang silently guarded Di Feiyan.

After a long while, Di Feiyan finally came to his senses.

"You said the future can really be changed?" Di Feiyan first asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "You see, haven't I always been alive? Didn't you explain it last time? This predicting the future is also a part of the future. You know the future, it is something that will happen in the future. So, Changing the future is something that is bound to happen. This is a fake future, and after you gain insight into the future and change the future, it will be the real future."

"I need your help!" Di Feiyan said to Chen Yang seriously.

Chen Yang said without hesitation, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Di Feiyan said: "In the past, I was naive. But from now on, I won't. I will go and take off the head of Di Huaixiu with my own hands! Right now, Yinghong, the young master of the Ghost King Sect, is about to set out to deal with me. His cultivation level is lower than mine, but his magic weapon is fierce, and there are many masters under him, so I am outnumbered. Among his subordinates, there is a very important woman whose cultivation level is very terrifying. This is what I will see in the future. Yes, this woman is not weaker than me at all by relying on magic weapons. However, the future me learned one thing from Yinghong. That is, that woman is not a direct descendant of the ghost king clan, but Yinghong searched for it from space. Yes. I want you to go to the King of Ghosts now, find this woman, and persuade her to my side. No matter what method you use. As long as you can get rid of her secretly, Yinghong will die without even knowing it. How did you die?"

"It's a bit difficult!" Chen Yang said.

Di Feiyan said, "It's really difficult."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "However, I helped with this. Can you give me more detailed information?"

Di Feiyan said: "I can tell you the location of the Ghost King Sect and some characteristics of that woman."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

"Purple hair, blue eyes? His cultivation level is terrifying!" After hearing Di Feiyan's description, Chen Yang's expression became strange.

"Why, you know him? This is impossible!" Di Feiyan said.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "It's really possible, because I once had a very powerful opponent. It was purple hair and blue eyes."

"You have quite a few opponents!" Di Feiyan said.

Chen Yang said: "I have so many enemies that I can't imagine myself. By the way, haven't you heard the name of this woman?"

"It seems to be called dust..."

"Meng Qingchen!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"Yes!" Di Feiyan immediately said excitedly, "It's just Qingchen."

Chen Yang said: "I didn't run away now."

Di Feiyan said, "What's your holiday with her?"

Chen Yang said: "Let me tell you this, originally, she was the boss of a certain planet and dominated one side."

"No wonder it's so powerful!" Di Feiyan suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said: "Later I went to her planet, and then I caused her to lose everything and run away. Do you think she hates me?"

"Why are you?" Di Feiyan was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "It's like this..." He then told about his search for the spirit of the universe, and then by chance, he came to the Danube planet.

The cause and effect are all clear.

Di Feiyan said: "Speaking of which, I can't blame you!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "You know what? I'm not very capable. But I have a very strange attribute."

"What attribute?" Di Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang rubbed his nose and said: "Where I have been, as long as they become my enemies, they will basically end up miserable. The fate of Meng Qingchen fleeing the universe is because I went to Danube."

Di Feiyan laughed coquettishly, and said, "It seems that I was lucky to meet you."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I think so!"

Di Feiyan then returned to the subject and said: "Since you and Meng Qingchen are mortal enemies, then I want you to win over Meng Qingchen, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult. And if you and I join forces, maybe we can fight Yinghong again." Fight hard. But it is difficult to catch Yinghong.”

Chen Yang said: "Now that we have the advantage of anticipating the enemy's opportunity, we should make good use of it. Your whereabouts are exposed, but mine is still hidden. So, you stay here first, and I will help you You create surprises. It doesn’t matter if you can reach Chengdu, they can’t kill me anyway.”

"However, if your body is blown to pieces, it will be very dangerous!" Di Feiyan was still a little worried.

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, I have my own measure!"

Di Feiyan said: "Then I'm counting on you, be careful!"

Chen Yang nodded.

It is only five hours away from Tyrannosaurus Planet.Chen Yang went on the road first... His goal was to go to the Ghost King Sect.

Chen Yang also thought about the situation on Planet Tyrannosaurus.

He knew from Di Feiyan that Elder Tan, Fu Zhichen, and Daoist Mausoleum were not dead.Instead, he was taken to the Temple of Advent!

"Old Tan and the others don't know about my situation now, and that Emperor Huaixiu has never seen me. Therefore, I am a stranger to the entire Tyrannosaurus planet. No one knows!" Chen Yang thought secretly.

"However, there are six fingers on Tyrannosaurus!" Chen Yang felt that this was not a problem, and soon his hands naturally grew six fingers.

Five hours later, Chen Yang finally saw Planet Tyrannosaurus.

At this point, it was already dark.

There is a round moon-like sphere, and the stars are refracted onto the sphere, shining on Tyrannosaurus just like the moon.

This Tyrannosaurus planet is shrouded in an atmosphere, covered with clouds and mist, and looks like the earth from a distance.

But the sphere area of ​​Tyrannosaurus is far larger than that of the earth, more than ten times that of the earth!

Chen Yang remembered what Di Feiyan said, and chose the southeast side of the Balong planet to enter.On the planet Tyrannosaurus, there are the Ghost King Sect and the Jiangshen Temple, which are the two sects of immortality in the current world.

The rest are various monk sects everywhere!

There is also a country on the Tyrannosaurus planet to manage the people, but in the final analysis, this planet is the planet of monks.

There are enchantments in many places.

The Jiangshen Temple and the Ghost King Zong live together across the sea.

On the southeast side, it happened to be close to the Ghost King Sect, but it was not within the range of the Ghost King Sect's barrier.Chen Yang broke through the clouds, and then entered the Tyrant Dragon planet.

The silver brilliance shines on the surface of the sea, which is vast and boundless.

At this time, the sea is calm, with countless ripples on the slight waves.Chen Yang stood on the sea!

At this moment, he breathed the sweet and fresh air.He almost thought that this was the earth.

Chen Yang really wanted to gallop around, take a look around, take a look.But I have no choice but to have anyone in my body, so I can't be willful.His divine sense shot and caught some information in the air.Afterwards, the location of Ghost King Zong was locked.

Following that, Chen Yang came to the periphery of the Ghost King Sect.

Ghost King Zong Nai is on a huge island.Above the island is the palace of Ghost King Sect, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a heavenly palace.The Ghost King Zong used his huge magic power to gather countless islands in the sky.

There is a presence in the sky.

The island below is a branch of the Ghost King Sect.

The Ghost King Sect is divided into the Heaven Sect and the Earth Sect.

As the name suggests, the one in the sky is the Tianzong.

Around this ghost king sect, there are all enchantments!

Any outsider intruding would alarm the Ghost King Zong.Chen Yang didn't go in rashly, he didn't want to leave any clues.

At the same time, Chen Yang stayed on the periphery.

He didn't wait long before he saw that someone was about to enter the Ghost King Sect...

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