The strongest player in history

Chapter 2486 Foreseeing the Future

Chen Yang's calculations are very clear, Di Feiyan can't count on him right now.What about the Temple of Advent?He immediately asked Di Feiyan if he could return to the Temple of Survival?Di Feiyan said: "If I am deceived by outsiders, my elder brother Di Huaixiu will of course come forward. But if I am injured in this way and go back voluntarily, my elder brother will imprison me, and maybe my whereabouts will be unknown."

"Are you brothers and sisters?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Di Feiyan sneered, and said: "Father and son can often kill each other among cultivators. What's more, between brothers and sisters, there is no real affection at all. If I was killed by outsiders, they would definitely take revenge. So the revenge is not for me, but for the face of the Temple of Advent."

Chen Yang smiled lightly, and said, "You don't have to say that outsiders kill you every time, what will happen to the Temple of Advent. Since I have cooperated with you, I won't kill you again."

Di Feiyan's small thoughts were exposed by Chen Yang, and her pretty face immediately turned slightly red.

Chen Yang said: "So now, you can't help Tsing Yi at all?"

Di Feiyan said: "Give me a month, and I can recover!"

"One month?" Chen Yang said, "I'm afraid Tsing Yi won't give me this time."

Di Feiyan became anxious.

Chen Yang took a look at Di Feiyan, and then said, "It's okay, you can rest easy and recuperate. For so many years, I have been through wind and rain, so I haven't seen any storms."

"Can you deal with him alone? His Xuanming Pearl is very weird!" Di Feiyan said.

"Xuanmingzhu?" Chen Yang said.

Di Feiyan simply told Chen Yang the function of the Xuanming Pearl.Afterwards, she said: "I don't know the details, I just heard Tsing Yi say so. Maybe he's hiding it, or he's telling lies."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Well, I see."

"Cultivate with peace of mind, rest and recuperate." Chen Yang then said to Di Feiyan.

Di Feiyan said: "Okay!" She paused, her face flushed again, and she said, "Thank you very much."

Chen Yang smiled sassyly and said, "It's okay."

After settling down with Di Feiyan, Chen Yang began to study the time spar.

This was Chen Yang's only hole card against Tsing Yi.

When the time spar was sacrificed, it floated in front of Chen Yang's eyes.This spar looks shiny, but upon closer inspection, it is full of edges and corners.There are countless tiny edges and corners!

Inside the spar, there are countless tiny ripples.

It's nothing at first glance, but just stare at the inside of the time spar.The tiny ripples began to change.The ripples fluctuated first, then turned into fine waves, then turned into huge waves, and finally turned into monstrous waves!

Chen Yang felt his mind was pulled in instantly, as if he was in the center of a huge river.All around that day, there are transparent rivers!

The river rolled up and down, and the waves were monstrous!

Left, right, front, back, all without end.

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback, and shook his head suddenly.Immediately, clarity was restored in front of his eyes.

Chen Yang looked at the time spar, and the time spar was still floating in the air without any change.

"It actually made me hallucinate!" Chen Yang was stunned, and said, "It's incredible. No, it's not an illusion, but I saw the essence of the time spar. At this time, the huge wave of the spar is the terrifying time spar." force!

The time spar is consistent with the entire universe.

The human body and internal organs also correspond to the universe!

The same is true for the time spar.

In this time spar, you can see the present, the past, and the future!

However, it is difficult to see the end.

Because the end of the universe, no one can see.

With a thought in his mind, Chen Yang said secretly: "Although I still don't know how to use the time spar to deal with Tsing Yi. But I can see how Tsing Yi used the time spar to deal with me."

He couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, thinking that this is really wonderful.

So, he simply used his mana to probe into the time spar.

His mana penetrated into the time spar smoothly.

At that moment, a wonderful pulling force instantly pulled Chen Yang's mana into it.Moreover, there was a huge suction force that began to absorb Chen Yang's mana.Chen Yang's mana immediately surged into the time spar like the Yellow River breaking its embankment.

Endless, furious and galloping, it makes people panic!

Chen Yang was shocked and immediately cut off his mana.

He sucked in a breath of cold air, and looked at the time spar with horror.At this time, he felt as if there was a monster in the time spar.It was difficult even for him.

"Why is there such a problem as absorbing mana?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Looking at the time spar, Chen Yang had lingering fears and dared not try again easily.But just give up like this, but he is unwilling.

"No, I can't be impatient! Let's just go in and have a look."

Chen Yang stared at the time spar again!

Soon, he felt that he was in the long river of time again.

This long river is not so much a long river as it is a flowing universe of time.

Chen Yang felt the flow of time carefully!

Soon, Chen Yang understood.

The power of time in the time spar is the highest in the world, and the power of time is the supreme existence in the universe of heaven and earth.

No matter how powerful the masters are at using the law of time, the power of time cannot compare with the power of time with this time spar.

There is no trace of comparability!

Afterwards, Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts.

He then condensed a void primordial spirit, and then ejected the void primordial spirit into the time spar.

This void primordial spirit can only last for 1 minute.

Chen Yang can check the present, past, and future in the time spar in this 1 minute.

He can keep throwing the Void Primordial Spirit to check it. Although it consumes mana, this is the only way.

It must not be directly penetrated with mana.

A void primordial spirit entered the long river of time, and within 1 minute, the void primordial spirit completely disappeared.

Most of what Chen Yang saw was still.

It cannot be said that it is really still, but that most of the time nothing happens everywhere in the void of the universe.Just like in the vast world, if no one passes by a bridge, it seems to be still.

Chen Yang didn't see anything.

He threw a hundred spirits of void into them in a row, but what he saw were all static time and space!

"The universe is so big that no spells or technologies can see the limit. If I want to crack Tsing Yi, I can't just rely on patience!" Chen Yang said in his heart.

Then, he grabbed the time spar in his hand.

At this time, the spar was in the palm of his hand, icy cold, just like an ordinary spar.Chen Yang sighed secretly, and said in his heart: "Whether it is the eternal spar or the time spar, it is really too difficult to decipher its mystery. It really deserves to be one of the five great spars in the universe... If it was not a coincidence before me, In addition, I am carrying the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley, otherwise, I would have no chance to crack the eternal spar. Now, I want to crack the time spar, hey, what a fool's dream, fool's dream!"

He rubbed the time spar carefully.

Although it is as difficult as reaching the sky to decipher its mystery, he cannot give up easily.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Chen Yang discovered a strange place.He faintly felt... himself in the time spar.

The time spar is covering the universe!

Then, I am also corresponding in the time spar.

Moreover, the self in the time spar is very similar to the real self.Because... now I hold this time spar.

That's why this happens!

Chen Yang immediately cast the Void Spirit again, and then enveloped the singularity in the time spar.That is, the corresponding Chen Yang!

Afterwards, Chen Yang released the time spar again.

At this moment, something even more wonderful happened.Chen Yang's void soul wrapped around the singularity and shuttled back and forth.Chen Yang was like watching a movie in the world.You can go backward, you can go forward, you can pause!

He stepped back one after another, and then saw the situation when he was facing Tsing Yi.

He also saw the scene where he was killed by Di Feiyan and Tsing Yi together.

Chen Yang didn't care to look carefully, he felt that the more important thing right now was to see the future.

So, he drove the Void Primordial Spirit forward!

The Void Primordial Spirit is controlled by Chen Yang with his thoughts, and his mana has no connection, so his mana will not be sucked away by the time spar.

The Void Primordial Spirit can only walk three days away!

After more than three days, it was washed away by time.

Chen Yang tried several times, but the distance did not exceed three days.In other words, Chen Yang could only see what happened within three days.

He saw nothing for three days.

It can also be said that within three days, it is safe.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry, if he watched it tomorrow, he would know what happened the next day.

In this way, sooner or later, Tsing Yi's traces and plans will be captured.

"Although I can't get a glimpse of the mystery of the time spar, I can get a glimpse of about three days now. It can be regarded as a preliminary prediction of the future." Chen Yang secretly said.

At that moment, Chen Yang began to practice with peace of mind.

I will continue to explore the time spar in my spare time, but there is no progress.

In this way, Chen Yang stayed in the black hole for another ten days or so.

Ten days later, Chen Yang finally found Tsing Yi in the time spar.

Three days later, Tsing Yi finally made a move on Chen Yang.

Time flies by.

Three days later, Chen Yang came out of the black hole.

Di Feiyan was still practicing in Chen Yang's black hole spar.During these thirteen days, Di Feiyan recovered quickly.But it will take some time to recover.Therefore, Di Feiyan still couldn't help much.

Tsing Yi was exactly as expected in the time spar. At the same time, it turned into a blue shadow, and then stood in front of Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, we meet again." Tsing Yi's eyes were deep.

Chen Yang secretly said: "Even the opening remarks are the same."

At this moment, Chen Yang's thoughts were complicated.Because, in the future, what he saw was that he was successfully smashed into pieces by Tsing Yi.And he melted and absorbed his fragments step by step, and finally became a brand new Tsing Yi.

It was Tsing Yi, not the original Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt that all of this was coming as scheduled, so, could he really change the ending of this death?

Chen Yang was disturbed in his heart.

And since Tsing Yi came here, he has full confidence.Although he is not Chen Yang, he has Chen Yang's calculations and wisdom!

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