The strongest player in history

Chapter 2474 Tsing Yi Chen Yang

Thunder Shenzhou is advancing at full speed!

Di Feiyan kept caressing the fragment that belonged to Chen Yang in his hand.The whole body of this fragment is light yellow, and it has already crystallized, like a fragment of some kind of gemstone.

At the same time, Di Feiyan also looked at Chen Yang's body who was practicing cross-legged beside him.She felt that the fragment was always thinking of approaching Chen Yang's body.And after this fragment was controlled by Di Feiyan, this single fragment also began to change.

Out of curiosity, Di Feiyan held the fragment in the seal in his hand.But let it change in your hands.

After a while, this fragment absorbed the spiritual energy, and actually began to regrow blood and flesh.

Tan Hongxiu, Shui Gui, and Shui Luo couldn't help looking at the fragments in Di Feiyan's hands.

After that, the fragment gradually grew into Chen Yang's appearance in Di Feiyan's hands.

Di Feiyan threw it on the ground, and Chen Yang fell to the ground. He then got up and looked at Di Feiyan and the others suspiciously. "Who are you...?" His gaze also fell on the Tsing Yi Chen Yang who was practicing cross-legged on the ground.

" could he look like me? Where is this place?" Chen Yang became terrified.

But at the same time he continues to draw energy!

"Monster, freak! Every fragment of this person can evolve into an independent human body." Tan Hongxiu said.

Di Feiyan frowned slightly, and she pondered.

After a while, she crushed Chen Yang in front of her!

This Chen Yang quickly turned into another fragment.Di Feiyan rubbed the fragment in his hand!

Tan Hongxiu suddenly said excitedly: "Miss, some fragments of this person have such abilities. If we find his other fragments and put them together, then this person will definitely become our right-hand man!"

Di Feiyan snorted coldly, and said: "It was this person who caused the disaster and killed Mr. Ying and the others. How could I let him go! To make him loyal, it is better to use his fragments. If all of us With this ability of immortality, then, is my elder brother still a problem?"

"This is a huge treasure!" The two water ghost brothers immediately became excited when they heard this.

Di Feiyan said: "But it still needs to be studied slowly. This fragment is still a living thing. If you swallow it rashly, I'm afraid it will explode your body."

Three days later, Di Feiyan had basically locked on the trace of Old Tan and his party.And, this distance is getting closer!

The speed of the Thunder Shenzhou is something Tanlao and the others can't match anyway.Old Tan and the others can take turns to escape, but there is a limit to their speed.The speed of Thunder Shenzhou was much faster than Old Tan and his party.

"Miss, in three more hours (hours), we will be able to catch up with the enemy! But it will take four more hours for the Tiangang chariot to catch up. Do we have to wait for the Tiangang chariot?" In the Thunder Shenzhou , Tan Hongxiu asked the emperor Feiyan.

Di Feiyan said in a deep voice: "Wait! After we intercept the opponent, the Tiangang chariot will be able to speed up and catch up. The time difference will not exceed half an hour!"

"However, in half an hour, many things can already happen." Tan Hongxiu murmured.Although she has different opinions, she absolutely obeys Di Feiyan!

During the three days of tracking, Di Feiyan has also been studying the fragments in his hand.

The power of Chen Yang in Tsing Yi is also gradually growing.

Gradually, Di Feiyan felt that Shui Gui and Shui Luo were no longer Qingyi Chen Yang's opponents.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi remained silent.

Di Feiyan looked at Chen Yang in Tsing Yi.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi raised his head suddenly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Di Feiyan was slightly startled.

She realized the problem.Apparently, this guy is not only growing in strength, but also in wisdom and memory.

"Do you know your name now?" Di Feiyan asked Qingyi Chen Yang.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi stared at Di Feiyan, and after a long silence he said, "My name is Chen Yang!"

Di Feiyan said, "Chen Yang? Are you from Earth?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "That's right!"

Di Feiyan said, "Tell me, why did you appear here?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "I was hunted down by a group of people who came from the planet Kepler."

"Why did you chase after you?" Di Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "There are things in me that they are afraid of."

"What?" Di Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji is specially used to restrain their race."

"Bring it to me to see!" Di Feiyan stretched out his slender hand.Her hands were white and soft, with slender fingers, a hand that could drive a hand fetishist crazy.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "It has been integrated with my body. My current body is broken and incomplete."

"Since there is a magic weapon to restrain them, why are you still in such a mess?" Di Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "My mana is not enough, they have already researched some ways to restrain this magic weapon. Also, they have too many masters."

"So that's how it is!" Di Feiyan became thoughtful.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi was also lost in thought.

He already knew that these people were going to trouble Mr. Tan and the others.

But Tsing Yi Chen Yang still had many doubts and questions in his heart.

"Who am I?" he asked himself.

"Am I Chen Yang? No, I am a part of his body. If I merge with him, I will no longer be me. I will disappear and become the real Chen Yang. So, what am I? My existence , meaningless?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi kept asking himself.

After his independent consciousness is produced, he is like a newborn baby.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi vaguely remembered something, he remembered what happened recently.Distant, but vague.I just remember Linger...

But he has no love for Ling'er!

Ling'er in his memory belonged to Chen Yang, not him.

He is indifferent to many things around him.

His emotional system is imperfect.

"Everyone has the right to live! In this world, I am also the ruler! My destiny is definitely not to turn into pieces and become that person." Tsing Yi Chen Yang secretly said.

"But the rest of the fragments have a completeness of 90.00%. Once they are all fused together, then Chen Yang will never let me go!" Chen Yang in Tsing Yi had a poisonous light in his eyes. "I have the upper hand now, and I want to create more independent consciousness. After everyone is independent, then the power will be evened out. In the future, I can slowly absorb these powers and use them for my own use!"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi was extremely smart, and he soon became concerned.

"What are you thinking?" Di Feiyan had been paying attention to Chen Yang in Tsing Yi, and she saw Chen Yang's thoughtfulness.I also saw his sudden realization.

Chen Yang in Qingyi looked at Di Feiyan and said, "I want to make a deal with you!"

Di Feiyan said lightly: "Your life and death are in my hands, are you qualified to make a deal with me?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "Are you qualified? What if I can give you immortality?"

Di Feiyan's delicate body shook!

She had always been calm, but at this moment she still couldn't help her heartbeat speeding up.

"Are you sure?" Di Feiyan asked.If someone else said it, she certainly didn't care.But she did see the weirdness of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "This fragment is formed by the eternal spar in the universe. Now the eternal spar is integrated with my body. So right now, you can't swallow it. But if you completely strip away the self-consciousness on it, you can swallow it again. With this fragment, you can have an immortal body. The more you devour, the more powerful your immortal body will be!"

Excitement flashed in Di Feiyan's eyes, and he said, "Really?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "Of course!"

Di Feiyan said: "Now you peel off the self-awareness on this piece of debris. It can be regarded as letting me see first!"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "Not now, I'm not strong enough!"

A chill flashed in Di Feiyan's eyes, and he said, "I seem to feel that you are using Miss Ben!"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "I dare not!"

Di Feiyan said, "Really?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "Yes!"

Di Feiyan stared at Chen Yang.

Tan Hongxiu, Shui Gui, and Shui Luo stayed aside and didn't speak.

Di Feiyan nodded and said, "Okay, I will trust you for now. But if you dare to deceive this lady, you will be responsible for the consequences! Don't think that since you have an immortal body, this lady will have nothing to do with you!"

A sly gleam flashed in the depths of Chen Yang's eyes in Tsing Yi, but he said submissively: "Miss, don't worry, I never have the guts."

"Tell me, what is the deal you want to do?" Di Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "Help me find all the other fragments, and then give them to me. In addition, you must not give those fragments a chance to fuse!"

Di Feiyan nodded and said, "It's not a big problem, but I need a reasonable explanation. Why? Shouldn't you be trying to fuse those fragments?"

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "Look, am I alone now?"

Di Feiyan said, "Of course you are alone."

Chen Yang in Tsing Yi said: "If those fragments are all fused, that person will be Chen Yang. And I am the missing fragment. In your eyes, miss, I am a person. In Chen Yang's eyes, I am a fragment .The lost pieces, once I am broken into pieces by him. I, this independent me, will no longer exist. I am very aware of my existence, my thoughts are here..." He pointed to his brain.

"I know I exist, I'm standing here, I'm talking. My hands, mouth, nose are real. And once he's alive, I won't find my place. He won't tolerate me Alive, I am not his soul, I am me!"

Di Feiyan looked at Chen Yang in Tsing Yi, and she suddenly felt a little shudder. "Honestly speaking, if I were your body, I would kill you as soon as possible. You are too dangerous... A duplicate body with its own thoughts is too scary!"

"Horror? Haha!" Tsing Yi Chen Yang laughed loudly: "Is it me who is terrified, or you can't tolerate it? You need to be obedient and we need to have no thoughts. Because you are the rulers! Once we have thoughts, you must kill them quickly !"

Di Feiyan said: "Is this wrong? If it were you, the fragments in your body would be independent after they escaped? Can you tolerate it?"

After Chen Yang in Tsing Yi heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned!

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