Ouyang Yu used the water of the divine moon, and the silver-gray moonlight enveloped Ouyang Yu and the surrounding black hole molecules.Afterwards, Ouyang Yu's body became ethereal, and then disappeared.

Even more miraculous than invisibility!

Chen Yang is very familiar with this level of skills, and he can also become invisible by using the Tiandao brush to write hidden characters.However, Chen Yang hadn't used that trick for a long time. The main reason was that the Tiandao brush wanted to hide an energy body. The greater the energy of the energy body, the greater the consumption.Chen Yang can't afford this Tiandao brush now more than before.What's more, the Tiandao brush still has disadvantages. Before, Chen Yang had nowhere to hide under Lingzun's Zhou Guang.Now, it is estimated that it is even more difficult to hide from this master of creation.

Therefore, the current Tiandao pen is very tasteless.

Chen Yang didn't even bother to pick up the Tiandao brush.

The Tiandao pen used to be brilliant, but the glorious era of the Tiandao pen has passed.

Ouyang Yu used the water of Shenyue to hide himself, and Chen Yang's divine sense shot at it, because he knew the black hole space so well.But right now, Ouyang Yu's existence could not be sensed.

"Ouyang Yu, I will never let you go today!" Chen Yang released the black hole spar in an instant. The black hole spar covered a radius of hundreds of miles, and the mysterious and confusing space was also revealed.

Chen Yang knew very well in his heart that although the water of Shenyue could be invisible, it did not mean that the water of Shenyue could penetrate the space of confusion.If it could penetrate, Ouyang Yu would have already run away.

"This level of invisibility must be extremely mana-consuming!" Chen Yang secretly said: "I'll spend it with him, anyway, those people outside are still guarding my young master. Now I will live longer than anyone else!"

He has nothing to worry about, anyway, the powerful enemies have been taken out of the earth by him.There are Fu Qingzhu, Lan Tingyu and Xuan Zhenghao on the earth, which can be regarded as impenetrable.

Chen Yang concentrated on resting his mind, so he sat cross-legged and didn't speak.

Waited for about three hours!

Then Ouyang Yu could see Chen Yang's intentions, he knew that Chen Yang would never let it go.Shenyuezhishui's long-term invisibility is indeed very labor-intensive.

If this continues, Ouyang Yu feels that he will really be in trouble.

So, he simply showed his real body in Chen Yang's space.

"Why, can't hold it anymore?" Chen Yang didn't meet Ouyang Yu at all, he sneered in another space.

Ouyang Yu said: "I'll take a rest, and soon I will break through your space barrier. At that time, I will leave with the invisibility technique. I will guard you outside!"

Chen Yang said, "Then why did you tell me?"

Ouyang Yu said: "I..." Of course he had his own reasons.

Chen Yang said: "Let me tell you, your maintenance of the invisibility technique of Shenyue Water consumes a lot. Therefore, you have no time to break the maze at all. You have to remove the invisibility before you can break the maze."

"Yes, so what?" Ouyang Yu became angry from embarrassment.

Chen Yang said: "I think, I have to tell you something that makes you desperate. My spatial confusion is a series of various equations. If I change it at will, you will have to solve it nine thousand nine hundred and ninety times. Before, I asked you to find the law because I didn't have time to really change the fundamental law. But now it's different, I don't have to worry about Tanlao's group of people. So, if you crack the thousand years, ten thousand years, you can't crack mine Space confusion."

Ouyang Yu said: "Fuck, after thousands of years, ten thousand years later, your woman will no longer know what it's like to be ravaged by the Lingzun. They can't find you, and they won't let your family, woman. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. The young master can afford it anyway!"

Chen Yang smiled coldly and said, "Don't worry, you won't survive three days. Within three days, I will let you die here!"

"Big words!" Ouyang Yu said: "Do you think that's what the Sun Moon God Furnace is capable of? The Sun Moon God Furnace reverses yin and yang, and confuses the existence of the future master. Chen Yang, don't force me to force me Be ruthless, there are good fruits for you to eat!"

Chen Yang said: "I just want to force you, but I want to see what other skills you have."

"You will definitely regret it!" Ouyang Yu's eyes flickered coldly.

Perhaps at this moment, Ouyang Yu finally realized the horror of the King of Destiny in the Great Thousand World.He's come this way, so smooth.For Ouyang Yu, killing people by leapfrogging is just a matter of leisure.But today, he finally met someone whose cultivation level was lower than his, but he was helpless.

Chen Yang was not idle either, and began to absorb the aura of the universe, and used the mind spar, the sword art of good fortune, and the light and thunder god to kill Ouyang Yu.Chen Yang occasionally confuses Ouyang Yu, and occasionally actually attacks and kills Ouyang Yu.Ouyang Yu had been consumed by Chen Yang all the time, and his mana had already been consumed a lot.At this time, the headache became even more severe.

Ouyang Yu and Chen Yang are not on the same level now.Chen Yang can absorb spiritual energy continuously, and rest if he wants to.But Ouyang Yu couldn't do it. Ouyang Yu didn't have any pills to supplement.Chen Yang knew this early on.Because Ouyang Yu practiced the Sun Moon Sacred Furnace, no pills could be preserved in his hands.Once he activates the power, the elixir will be destroyed into ashes!

If Ouyang Yu is consumed like this, the only thing waiting for Ouyang Yu is a dead end.

No matter what kind of immortal body you are, without the support of the source of strength, it is useless.

Except for Chen Yang's eternal spar, all others have serious flaws.

Chen Yang's eternal body was chopped into ashes, and even if his mana was exhausted, he could recover slowly.To kill Chen Yang, unless Chen Yang is involved in the chaos of time and space, it is like the way of heaven to deal with the worm emperor, let Chen Yang's physical body be destroyed, countless molecules are scattered in various time and space, and after passing With the passage of time, it is very likely that Chen Yang can still be killed.

Although it was difficult to kill Chen Yang, Old Tan and Ouyang Yu had ways to deal with Chen Yang.After crushing Chen Yang, one person kept a part and sealed it.It is definitely more uncomfortable than death if you can't be killed.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Chen Yang resisted desperately and could not fall into the hands of people like Tan Lao.

Ouyang Yu is struggling to hold on!

Chen Yang is playing steadily!

Time passed minute by minute.

If there were no accidents, Ouyang Yu's fate would be death.Chen Yang knew this in his heart.Ouyang Yu was also very clear in his heart!

Of course, Chen Yang also knew that Ouyang Yu still had a hole card.

Obviously, this hole card has a price.Therefore, unless forced to do so, Ouyang Yu didn't want to use it.

"Chen Yang, don't force me anymore. Once I use the method of reversing yin and yang of the Sun Moon God Furnace, all the molecules in your black hole space will be chaotic. You and I will get lost in this black hole space, and there will be a dead end. Now, you Let me go, I can promise you. Let them give you an hour to escape, how about?"

"You are dreaming!" Chen Yang said: "I am immortal, the Sun Moon God Furnace cannot refine me, and this black hole can't do anything to me. You reverse the yin and yang, and when the time comes, you will die, not me. "

"Stubborn!" Ouyang Yu stopped talking nonsense.

"Since you are going to die, I will help you!" Ouyang Yu began to cast the spell. He pinched the magic formula in his hand, followed by the opening between his brows, and the sun god fire and moon god water appeared at the same time and became entangled.

Water and fire are gentle and lingering, but they do not consume each other.

This is a very weird scene.

Slowly, the fire became more and more powerful, and the water of the Moon God also began to surge.

Fire and water help each other!

The Taiji seal surrounded Ouyang Yu, and Chen Yang had a premonition that something was wrong, so he immediately used a sword to kill him.This sword used one-third of its strength, but Jian Guang slashed in fiercely, like a mud cow entering the sea, it didn't have the slightest effect.

Chen Yang didn't say much, and with a flash of his figure, he jumped to the center of the Tai Chi symbol.

"I'm sucking!" Chen Yang used the Great Devouring Technique, and at the same time, the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley were also released.

The endless divine fire and the water of the moon god merged and were absorbed into Chen Yang's mouth.

A black hole vortex also formed around Chen Yang's body!

Chen Yang's absorption went smoothly!

"Looking for death!" Ouyang Yu's eyes showed a cold look!

"Reverse yin and yang!" Then, he shouted loudly.

Immediately, the Divine Fire and Moon God's Water began to reverse.It was originally running clockwise, but suddenly, the entire space became silent.Including the black hole world outside, as well as Chen Yang.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that his body was out of control.

He could clearly feel that time was going backwards, and the divine fire and moon god's water he had absorbed were already pure.But at this time, the pure energy turned into Luna Water and Divine Fire.


At this moment, the formed Tai Chi symbol suddenly exploded.

The water of the moon god and the fire of the gods also exploded.

This explosion spread, and the black hole world began to shake violently.

The meridians of Chen Yang's body turned upside down, reversed, and his mana was violently torn... His body exploded directly.

Ouyang Yu also spat out a mouthful of blood.The flames on his body were burning, and when he was killed by countless explosive forces, his body also exploded completely...

Chen Yang lost consciousness.

At the last moment, what he saw was endless chaos and explosions...

At the same time, the last thought in Chen Yang's mind was... Ouyang Yu, you can't survive, you bastard, right?

Elder Tan and others in the periphery saw a violent explosion in the black hole, and the entire black hole was shaking.However, this shock did not last too long, and it returned to calm after 5 minutes.

Everything, as if nothing happened.

"Elder Tan, what's going on?" Dong Wuxian couldn't help asking Elder Tan.

Elder Tan frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on."

"Could it be that Chen Yang is dead?" said the fairy envoy Cheng Junyun.

Elder Tan said angrily: "Deadly? Is he so easy to die? Will he take the initiative to run in to die? No one dares to conclude that Chen Yang is dead until he sees Chen Yang's death with his own eyes."

"Damn it!" Huo Song, another fairy envoy of the third level of creation, scolded: "I have never met someone like this little thief. No matter how hard I beat him, I couldn't beat him to death."

The real person in the cemetery said: "The way of heaven favors it, but it is unusual. Usually, killing a master of the first level of creation is as easy as killing a dog! But Chen Yang, we dispatched together, and we didn't even touch him."

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