Fu Qingzhu said: "It's very dangerous. One of the Destiny Ones is the Destiny King of the Tomb Realm, Fang Nan. His cultivation has reached the second level of the Creation Realm. Even if I have mana, I am definitely not his opponent. "

Shen Mo Nong said: "The intentions of those who came were very vicious. They captured sister Yadan and Bao'er. They also wanted to capture me, Nian Ci, Mo Yu and the magic book."

"This is going to catch me all in one go!" Chen Yang couldn't help feeling extremely terrified.

I am really careless, too careless.

If the other party succeeds, what is the situation now?

I dare not imagine, absolutely dare not imagine!

"Then... what happened later?" Chen Yang asked immediately.He knew that Mo Nong and the others must have saved the day. "Could it be that the God Emperor made a move?"

"No!" Fu Qingzhu said: "The God Emperor has now taken over the position of the Fa God, how could he take action for such things. Tang Yin asked Fang Nan for help because he took a fancy to Fang Nan's identity."

"Then what happened?" Chen Yang asked.

Fu Qingzhu pondered for a moment, then said: "It was Lan Tingyu who saved us."

"It's him?" Chen Yang was surprised.Then he fell silent.

Shen Murong knew Chen Yang's mood, she said: "I know, you will never be able to completely let go of Luo Ning's death. It's just that this time, Lan Tingyu really has great kindness for us!"

Chen Yang nodded, and said: "I see. Don't worry, Mo Nong, I can clearly distinguish between gratitude and resentment. I owe Lan Tingyu too much for this kind of love. In the future, I will find a way to repay it." Come on. Before the kindness is over, there is no need to mention everything else. "

Shen Mo Nong knew that Chen Yang had always had a clear sense of grievances and grievances, so he was slightly relieved when he heard the words.

Chen Yang said: "I have always ignored the loophole of the Man of Destiny. Now it seems that I have to think about it. However, the children have to go to school, and they are not used to the environment in other places. Leaving Yanjing, there is no guarantee. It seems that for the time being, I still have to rely more on Lan Tingyu."

Shen Murong did not speak, she stared at Chen Yang, and felt that there was no other better way.It would be unrealistic to ask everyone to leave Yanjing.The children must be considered, and Shen Mo Nong holds an important position, so he can't just leave.

Chen Yang then said to Fu Qingzhu: "Brother Fu, I have good news and bad news to tell you."

Fu Qingzhu was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Oh?"

Chen Yang immediately told about his decisive battle with Tang Yin, and he told Fu Qingzhu about Tang Yin's situation and Xuan Zhenghao's judgment again.

"The good news is that you may recover and get better. The bad news is that you may die. You need to make your own choice!" Chen Yang finally said to Fu Qingzhu.

"Of course I choose to devour Tang Yin's fragments!" Fu Qingzhu said without any hesitation.

If there was no stimulation from Fang Nan before, Fu Qingzhu might still have considered and hesitated.But now, he would rather die than live like this.

Although people like Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu often feel that life is too busy, too hard, and too dangerous.They also want to live a peaceful life, but if they really get rid of the world of mortals and live a life of innocence, I'm afraid they won't be able to get used to it.

It is because of being busy and difficult that I feel that a short period of peace is good.

If the quiet time is too long, it will make them feel that life lacks passion.

Fu Qingzhu feels too calm now, and he is eager to regain his strength.

"Do you want to discuss it with Xiaoai?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Fu Qingzhu glanced at Chen Yang, and then said: "Xiao Ai doesn't understand our world. She can't make our decision either. This is my own business, and I am responsible for it!"

Hearing this, Chen Yang had nothing to say. If he came to discuss with Shen Mo Nong or Nian Ci about the many things he did and many decisions, he might not be able to get support.

Because they are licking blood on the knife edge after all.

"That's good!" Chen Yang said: "Brother Fu, take me here for a while, and I will go out to meet Lan Tingyu. After that, we will go to the Central Yuantai together."

Fu Qingzhu looked very excited, he nodded.

Chen Yang then gently hugged Shen Murong again, kissed her on the lips, and said, "I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time to come back to accompany you and my son and Xiaoyu. Wait until I finish this part of my work." !"

Shen Mo Nong expressed her understanding, and she said, "There is me at home, so don't worry. For the rest, you have to be careful and be safe."

Chen Yang said, "Well, don't worry!"

After that, with a flash of Chen Yang's figure, he had escaped into the void.He began to wonder in his heart, where should Ling'er and the magic book be placed?

Is it inside Xuan Zhenghao's One Yuan Boat?

But is it absolutely safe there?

"Ling'er needs nourishment to cultivate, so it's not okay to keep it here with Mo Nong. The magic tome... the magic tome originally belonged to Xuan Zhenghao, if I let it go rashly, I'm afraid the elder brother won't be at ease. Then it's better to put it in Yanjing Bar."

Chen Yang now has a lot of uneasy feelings in his heart.

Fang Nan's troubles made him feel that there is no absolutely safe place in this world.

Chen Yang has a seal connection with Lan Tingyu, he soon came to the depths of the vast North Sea, and met Lan Tingyu.

The setting sun is like blood.

In the depths of the sea, where the waves were calm, a golden dragon flew from a distance, and finally came in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stood on the sea, and he looked at Lan Tingyu.

Lan Tingyu also looked at Chen Yang, and he said first, "It seems that you have already defeated Tang Yin!"

Chen Yang said, "That's right." Then, he gave Lan Tingyu a deep bow, and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

Lan Tingyu was slightly taken aback, he was silent for a moment, and said: "No need, you don't have to take it to heart. Our account, we should settle it in the future, let's settle it."

Chen Yang said: "Such kindness, such as the kindness of regeneration, how can we not take it to heart. I should be glad that you didn't die back then."

Lan Tingyu said: "But Luo Ning will never come back to life."

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling sad.

He didn't want to face Lan Tingyu, just like Lan Tingyu didn't want to face Chen Yang.As long as the two meet, they will think of Luo Ning.

That was the source of their pain!

Chen Yang followed up and said, "I still have some things to do now, will you stay in the Great Thousand World forever?"

Lan Tingyu said: "Yes, Yanjing, I will always take care of it."

"Thank you!" Chen Yang said.

Lan Tingyu said: "No need!"

Chen Yang still wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Afterwards, the two parted ways.

Chen Yang returned to Yanjing first, and took the black spar that stored Ling'er.After that, he took Fu Qingzhu away.

Chen Yang first went to Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang.He and Fu Qingzhu met Xuan Zhenghao together.Chen Yang asked Xuan Zhenghao to help take care of Ling'er and provide nutrition and elixir.Xuan Zhenghao agreed without saying a word.

Chen Yang felt that he owed Xuan Zhenghao too much, but he didn't say much.Kindness, pay it back slowly.

Afterwards, Chen Yang also told Xuan Zhenghao that it was Fang Nan and those people who went to the Great Thousand World to commit murder.

Xuan Zhenghao was also taken aback when he heard this, and said, "It's not that I haven't thought about this problem, but I just haven't thought of a proper solution. There are loopholes in the great world. However, my place is not absolutely safe!"

Chen Yang sighed, and said, "Earth is still in danger, there can be an absolutely safe place there."

"Actually, there is a way!" Xuan Zhenghao said suddenly.

"What way?" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Control and kill the Destiny. If you control them absolutely, you will be safe."

Chen Yang was shocked.

"This... can't be done." Chen Yang murmured.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "At least, don't keep any of the few Destiny who participated this time. Be deterred!"

A cold light flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and he said, "I won't let them go."

Everyone has Ni Lin, and these people came to invade his family, which definitely touched Chen Yang's Ni Lin.

After the explanation here, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu rushed to the Central World without stopping.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't have any extra explanations, he just told Fu Qingzhu the importance of willpower.The meaning is like a star, indestructible!

When we arrived at Central World, it was already dark.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu went to look for the Central Yuan tire, but Chen Yang didn't know the location of the Central Yuan tire.But Fu Qingzhu knew that Fu Qingzhu took Chen Yang to the central Yuantu position in the Nether Void very quickly.

Chen Yang had once been tempered in the cosmic embryo, so the central embryo in front of him was nothing more than a small witch.

The central embryo is surrounded by clouds, and these clouds are not the kind of clouds in the sky.These clouds are for the protection of the central body.

Chen Yang grabbed Fu Qingzhu, his spiritual thoughts flashed through the clouds, and then he saw the Yuan fetus, and even felt the amniotic fluid and fog in the Yuan fetus.

The internal structure of this primordial fetus looks similar to the cosmic primordial fetus that Chen Yang encountered in the universe.

But the real difference, you have to go in and experience it to know.

Chen Yang searched with his spiritual sense, and soon found the teleportation array that entered the interior of the central Yuantai.Inside the Yuan Tai, there is a formation left by Tang Yin.At the beginning Tang Yin hit by mistake and entered when the central yuan tire opened and closed.Later, in order to facilitate entry and exit, a formation was made inside.

Chen Yang took Fu Qingzhu through the teleportation array, and soon entered the Yuantai.

The inside of the embryo is like a vast ocean, filled with amniotic fluid!

In this amniotic fluid, there are countless rich substances, memories, experiences, and so on!

At this time, Chen Yang was also quite disturbed.He was afraid that this would kill Fu Qingzhu and revive Tang Yin.Tang Yin himself wanted to come to this place for recovery.

"Tang Yin was here at the beginning, possessing an immortal body. Now, brother Fu, I will smash you into pieces first. Then let this embryo slowly conceive you and reshape your physical body. When you get up, I will Then I will absorb the pieces of Tang Yin for you!"

Fu Qingzhu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang didn't say any more.

Fu Qingzhu said suddenly: "Wait..."

"Huh?" Chen Yang thought that Fu Qingzhu had repented.

He hoped that Fu Qingzhu would repent, so that he would not have to be so worried.

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