The strongest player in history

Chapter 2450 Destruction Vulcan

"It's about time, what words are you talking about!" Dong Wuxian said to Fu Zhichen annoyed.

Fu Zhichen said: "I hope that Endless Immortal will not let you get carried away by anger. For now, Xuan Zhenghao is our ally."

"So, do you think the girl's disappearance has nothing to do with Xuan Zhenghao?" Dong Wuxian asked Fu Zhichen back.

Fu Zhichen said: "I didn't say that. None of us saw what happened at that time."

Dong Wuxian didn't bother to continue arguing with Fu Zhichen, he said: "Anyway, according to my intuition, the girl's disappearance should have a lot to do with Xuan Zhenghao. At this time, the most important thing for us is to send someone to Lingzun to find out. .”

Elder Tan was very calm up there, and he must be calm too.Because he can't panic, once he panics, the world will be in chaos.Faced with Dong Wuxi's opinion, Elder Tan said: "Why don't you go and investigate Wu Wuxi?"

Dong Wuxian was taken aback, and he immediately said, "How can I do that?"

Elder Tan said lightly: "Among this group of people, your cultivation is only inferior to this old man. Even you are not good enough. Do you want this old man to investigate in person?"

"That doesn't work either!" Dong Wuxiu said.

Elder Tan said: "Then according to your opinion, who should you send to investigate?"

Dong Wuxian was speechless for a moment.

There are many people who give opinions purely for the sake of raising them, but they don't care about how to implement them.

Dong Wuxian followed up and said, "Old Tan, what do you mean?"

Everyone also turned to Tan Lao, the backbone.

Elder Tan said: "Until I get the truth, I don't want to make any guesses. Right now, I need to report this matter to the Immortal Realm."

The real person in the cemetery in the Taishang Zunlou also spoke at this time, and said: "Right now, Chen Yang is not dead, and the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji still exists. Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang are one, and he must protect Chen Yang. This It makes us more and more difficult to act, so, Mr. Tan, see if you want to send some more masters down."

Elder Tan said: "That's so easy. There are ten talismans in total, and the power these talismans can bear is limited. The distance between the fairy world and the earth is really too far. Except for magic weapons and elixirs, other people can't carry them with us. .Once brought, it will affect the balance in it. If the fairy world talisman explodes in the middle, we will be lost in the chaos of the universe forever, and will never be reborn. Now, the talisman has a crack. Let's go back There is a crisis, let alone send someone. Fu Zhao can only bear the strength of going back, and cannot bear the power of coming. Coming from the fairy world, Fu Zhao has to bear a heavier load. Going back from here, the main pressure is Immortal Realm, so it can still support us to go back. Therefore, before the Immortal Realm passage is repaired, everyone don’t think that Immortal Realm will send people.”

Elder Tan continued: "You don't have to be too pessimistic. Right now, at least for Lingzun, it is even more difficult to get the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji. Because Xuan Zhenghao is very strong, and there is still a threat like us. Plus they The strongest elder among them is dead. The most important thing for us right now is to find out the whereabouts of the girl and Pangu Banner."

"Will Lingzun continue to send experts down?" Fu Zhichen said suddenly.

Elder Tan immediately said: "There is no such possibility. Before we came down, the ancestors had already judged the method of the Lingzun's lower realm, and they couldn't send masters down. However, they couldn't come down, but in the imperial sky boat, they could There are masters who continue to come. Of course, this will take time. It will take a year at the earliest."

Fu Zhichen sighed and said, "It seems that the troubles of the earth will never be less from now on."

Elder Tan said: "In the final analysis, this time, the earth is in trouble. Immortal world can't help, the earth has the fate of the earth, I hope you can hold on when the time comes."

Located in the Southern Wilderness of the Three Thousand Worlds!

In the three thousand worlds, there are wild, southern, northern, eastern, and western wilds!

The Southern Wilderness is extremely desolate, with millions of mountains, rare and exotic animals, and endless seas... This place is like an alien planet that has not been developed much.

At this time, several figures flickered and flew in the air, coming and going like lightning.

Afterwards, these people came to a volcano.

The volcano was on top of a high mountain, and its surroundings showed a crimson red color.

The volcano once erupted thousands of years ago, and at this time, there was silence here.

It was sunset time, and the setting sun in the sky was like blood.

These figures stood in front of the volcano, there were five of them in total.

These five people are all... Destiny.One of them is the King of Destiny who belongs to the God Tomb Realm among the Seven Great Realms.

The King of Destiny's cultivation is at the second level of the Creation Realm, and his name is Fang Nan!

Fang Nan looked to be in his thirties, he had a gentle appearance, wearing a square scarf, and his appearance was imposing.

The rest are Destiny's, and they have formed an alliance with Fang Nan.

"Brother Nan!" The Man of Destiny named Gu Ying is a middle-aged man in his forties, and he respects Fang Nan very much.Gu Ying's cultivation is at the middle stage of the Celestial Realm, he said: "Is this the place we are looking for?"

Fang Nan nodded, and said: "The record of the treasure map is indeed here. It is said that there is a Destroyer Vulcan here. The Destroyer Vulcan has existed for more than [-] years and has a high level of cultivation. It has been refusing to leave this place. It is to guard the sword of destruction. This time, I invite everyone to come here to form an formation together to restrain the destroying Vulcan. As long as I get the sword of destruction, in the future, we will be able to have detached position."

Gu Ying and the others nodded and said, "Brother Nan, you have led us to find ten star stones, and you have treated us with great kindness. We will obey your orders!"

Fang Nan laughed, and then he said, "Let's go!"

The group immediately fled into the volcano.

Inside the volcano, it was thousands of meters deep, and soon, they drilled into the bottom of the volcano.When approaching the bottom, Endless Fire Fiend ignited, quickly enveloping everyone.

Fang Nan sneered, and smashed the Endless Huo Sha into pieces with just one palm.

Then, everyone came to the bottom.

At the bottom is a magma ocean, which is hundreds of square kilometers, and it seems endless at a glance.

Among the earth, the fire evil and the earth evil are very serious.If they were all accumulated in one world, the earth would soon become a sea of ​​flames.There are countless volcanoes in the Southern Wasteland, and this world mainly stores Huo Sha.

On the outside of the magma, it seems extremely calm.

But this place is actually controlled by the God of Destruction, so there is no volcanic eruption.

Soon, the voice of Destroyer Vulcan came from the depths of the magma: "Who is so bold, dare to trespass on my territory!"

Destroyer Vulcan speaks with thoughts, and everyone quickly understood the language of Destroyer Vulcan.

Fang Nan was wearing a black long gown, which was incomparably outstanding.He stood on top of the magma, and said in a deep voice, "Is your Excellency the Destroyer Vulcan?"

"That's right!" The voice of Destroying Vulcan sounded full of air and majesty.

With an indescribable pressure!

Fang Nan said: "I heard that there is a legendary sword of destruction here. Therefore, I came here and want to use this sword!"

"Borrow?" Destruction Vulcan sneered, and said, "Why don't you just say that you want to grab it?"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Then it seems that Your Excellency will never exchange swords?"

Destroying Vulcan said: "You little villain, with a meager cultivation base, dare to come here to make an idea between destroying. You are simply tired of work, and leave quickly before this seat gets angry. Otherwise, this seat will let you You're gone."

"Haha!" Fang Nan laughed loudly, and said, "It is rumored that you are cruel and violent, and if you were sure of killing me, you would have already done it. You are clearly guilty!"

"Looking for death!" Destruction Volcano was furious.

In an instant, the calm magma ocean was no longer calm, and suddenly surged, as if the sky was falling apart.

Countless oceans of magma swarmed upwards, instantly filling the entire space.

Fang Nan and the others were quickly enveloped by the magma.

In that scene, the red hot magma was bubbling, like a wild demon dancing wildly.

The magma is the Dojo of the Destroying Vulcan, which contains the spirit of the Destroying Vulcan, the profound meaning, and the infinite particles of Huo Sha.At this time, the fire spirit became violent and exploded crazily.

That is a floating world map of the last days!

The force of its explosion was enough to blow up the entire wild world to pieces.

However, Destroying Vulcan used the dojo to stabilize the entire space, so no accidents would happen.

The infinite particles of fire evil, the endless destructive secrets, beheaded Fang Nan and the five people frantically.Fang Nan shouted lightly: "Set up the formation!"

The five people directly sacrificed five blood-colored beads, and these beads are Fire Eye Beads!

Five beads form a pentagram bead.

And Fang Nan's Zhuzhu, as the home court, immediately showed a bloody light.

Immediately, all the fire evil spirits were absorbed into the pentagram bead.

In an instant, those magma oceans lost their strength, and all fell downwards, and finally returned to a calm magma ocean.

"Destroying Vulcan, since I dare to come, I am prepared. If you are smart, immediately hand over the Sword of Destruction. Otherwise, you will die!" Fang Nan snorted coldly.

"Really?" said the God of Destruction Vulcan grimly.

Then, in the magma, part of the magma began to condense, and finally formed an old man burning with flames all over his body.The old man's hair was also a burning flame, and his clothes, etc., were all flames.

This old man is obviously the God of Destruction Vulcan.The flames jumping from the Destroying Vulcan's body give people a destructive pressure.

He just looked at Fang Nan and the other five indifferently.

"Little beast, do you really think that you can be arrogant in front of me?" The eyes of Destroying Vulcan burst into a terrifying glare.

Fang Nan faced the eyes of the God of Destruction Vulcan, and said in a cold voice: "Today is here, either you will die or I will die. I have gone through countless crises, and I am the king of destiny. The destiny is mine, not you, so today, you Must die!"

"The King of Destiny?" Destruction Vulcan said: "I don't care what kind of shit you are. No one who came here has ever come out alive. Today, you are going to be buried here!"

Afterwards, Destroyer Vulcan didn't say any more.His eyes shot out suddenly, and then exploded in the air, forming an endless world of flames!

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