It should not be forgotten that others have already left.

Tang Yin was afraid of Chen Tianya, but he still glanced at the crowd and said, "I know you are bluffing, as long as you make a move right now, they will all kill you." He paused, then looked at Chen Yang, and said, "You are so kind Luck, someone will come to rescue you every time. However, I believe that you will not be so lucky forever, and one day, I will make it impossible for you to survive or die!"

Chen Tianya was about to speak, but Chen Yang spoke first.Chen Yang sneered, and said: "Tang Yin, I'm really surprised, how dare you be so brazen in front of me. It seems that you forgot that you have already died at the hands of me and Ling'er twice. If you have the courage, tomorrow In Tianzhou, I will have a final showdown with you. No one is allowed to intervene, how dare you?"

Tang Yin said: "Joke, why don't I dare. I want to crush you to death now, it is easier than crushing an ant. However, if you choose Tianzhou, how can I agree. If you have the ability, you come to the world of chalk."

Chen Yang said: "It's impossible for me to go to the chalk world. You can't make the decision there, but in Tianzhou, I can make the decision. Besides, you are just an insignificant person. To kill you or not to kill you, to let you go or not Let you go, it doesn't matter."

"Really? I'm afraid that if I kill you, the people behind you will not let it go." Tang Yin said.

"If you dare to come, I dare to assure you that if I die alone with you, no one will embarrass you." Chen Yang said: "The premise is, do you dare to come?"

Tang Yin nodded and said: "Okay, if you lose. I want to take you away, they are not allowed to stop me!"

Chen Yang said: "Of course!"

Tang Yin said: "Okay, at noon tomorrow, there will be a battle in Tianzhou."

Afterwards, Tang Yin also left.

After Tang Yin left, Lan Tingyu and Chen Tianya left respectively.Chen Yang didn't know where they were going, but Chen Yang knew that when Tianzhou and himself needed them, they would rush over immediately.

Tianzhou regained its calm.

But this calm is only the calm on the surface, and the undercurrent is still raging.

And first of all, on the side of the fairy envoys, the fairy envoys headed by Elder Tan asked Xuan Zhenghao who had woken up: "Where are we girls?" Elder Tan asked Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao was distraught.

He faced Old Tan and the others in the Bridge of One Yuan.

Yun Huaying and the others were also there.

Chen Yang, Emperor Xuan, and the Dragon King stood behind Xuan Zhenghao.

When everyone saw that Chen Yang was still alive, they were all surprised.

Xuan Zhenghao's explanation was that the reason why Chen Yang didn't die was his and Qian Zichen's plan.They wanted to use Chen Yang to lure the gods to innocence them to fight for life and death.

"But why did you hide it from the old man?" Elder Tan was puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are so many people with mixed eyes!"

"Then where is our girl now?" Elder Tan asked.

Xuan Zhenghao was even more heartbroken, and he said: "Originally, this time, I was sure. Who knows, the elder Lingzun has the Absolute Soul Banner here. The Absolute Soul Banner is dedicated to the soul of a living person. Elders, offering their souls to worship the Juehun Banner has greatly increased its power. But so what? We still blocked it, but what we didn’t expect was that they continued to change their life sacrifices. This cycle goes on and on, and we are bound to die. In times of crisis, Miss Qian Zichen...she..."

Elder Tan and the others were shocked: "What's the matter, girl, tell me quickly?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Miss Qian Zichen took the Pangu banner and rushed into the Juehun banner. Later, I didn't know what happened, but I felt that almost all the strength in my body was taken away by Miss Qian Zichen. After that, I I couldn't hold it anymore and passed out. I don't know what happened exactly."

"Then why are you shielding us?" A third-level fairy envoy of the Creation Realm asked angrily.This fairy envoy is called Dong Wu Wu Wu!

Before Xuan Zhenghao could answer, Emperor Xuan became annoyed, and said, "What do you mean by asking such questions? If our emperor hadn't tried his best to turn the tide, everyone would be offering sacrifices to the Absolute Soul Banner. Something happened to your girl, could it be our emperor?" Are you willing? If something happens to our emperor, the great emperor can question you? Or, do you think that something happens to our emperor, so you are satisfied?"

"That's not what we mean." Dong Wuwu immediately blushed.

"Then what do you mean?" Dixuan asked.

"Brother Dixuan, don't do this." Xuan Zhenghao immediately advised Dixuan, he sighed, and said: "It's because I have no ability to protect Miss Qian Zichen. They should question it."

Elder Tan and the others felt embarrassed immediately, and Elder Tan said: "Mr. Xuan, we are just impatient girls. If there is any offense in our words, please don't take offense."

Xuan Zhenghao waved his hand and said: "I can understand." He then said: "In the end it wasn't that I shielded you, but that the poisonous aura of the Juehun Banner was too fierce. The holy power of the Pangu Banner could not be completely resisted. The one-yuan boat started to be burned, and there were loopholes. That's why I lost contact with you!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhenghao said: "Miss Qian Zichen is not necessarily dead, maybe, she is still in the hands of the Spirit Venerables. We must find a way to save, and now the strongest among the Spirit Venerable Elders has died. If we die, we will work together and we will surely succeed.”

Elder Tan and the others immediately said: "It's not too late, let's set off immediately."

Dixuan said: "How can it be done, the emperor's injuries have not recovered yet. They still have the Absolute Soul Banner, we must be fully prepared, and we cannot blindly send them to death."

Yun Huaying and the others immediately agreed, saying, "Yes, yes!"

Obviously, everyone is unwilling to die like this.

Moreover, some experts immediately said: "I still have something to do at home, I have to go back first."

"I've been out for too long, and there are still matters to be resolved at the door. After that, if there is a need, you can inform us. We will definitely be there!"

One by one, the masters quickly made birds and beasts.They will not follow the same hatred together.

When Qian Zichen was around, they were still apprehensive and fearful.Now Qian Zichen doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, and Xuan Zhenghao is here, they are afraid of a bird!

Therefore, Yun Tianzong including Yun Huaying also left.When Yun Huaying left, he said mournfully, "Patriarch Yun Tianyuan died tragically. We need to go back to pay homage and explain."

Elder Tan and the others felt resentful in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

"It's really a mess of loose sand, a mess of loose sand!" A fairy emissary was annoyed.

"You go back to Yuqing World first and rebuild the barrier. If something happens, I will rush to help immediately." Xuan Zhenghao also said afterwards.

"For the time being, it is estimated that they will not take the initiative to attack. Moreover, Chen Yang is here, and they will come to trouble me first for the time being." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Elder Tan and the others had no choice but to leave first.

When Elder Tan left, he said solemnly: "Mr. Xuan, my girl...has offended me so much before, I hope you will forgive me. After you have two days of recuperation, the old man will come to discuss how to save the girl."

"Okay!" Xuan Zhenghao agreed to Elder Tan.

Then, Tan Lao and his party left.

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