God nodded innocently, and he stopped talking.

The battle between the two sides was triggered instantly.

Shen Wuzui attacked first, he just stretched out a palm, the power of this palm contains the power of prajna wisdom, it doesn't look fast, but it is definitely not something that Xuan Zhenghao's cultivation can dodge.However, when he reached out with this palm, it missed nothing.

Xuan Zhenghao looked ethereal in front of Shen Wuzui.

"This is the inside of the boat of one yuan. Here, I am the God of Creation!" Xuan Zhenghao said lightly.

Shen Wuzui sneered, and said: "Really? Even if you are the God of Creation today, this old man will make you eternal!" With a big wave of his hand, he raised the Juehun Banner!

The Absolute Soul Banner is red and black, full of evil spirit.

The Absolute Soul Banner instantly enveloped the bright sky, with a radius of thousands of miles, all filled with black evil energy.

And the masters of the spirit masters and the human masters they brought, including Tang Yin, were all integrated into the Juehun Banner.This Absolute Soul Banner wraps up and down, forming a small world!

"A formation within an formation!" Xuan Zhenghao was still standing on the bridge of one yuan, his surroundings had been replaced by black evil spirits.He was just slightly taken aback.

Shen Wuzui and others all disappeared, and in the dark void, the voice of Shen Wuzui appeared above Xuan Zhenghao.

"Xuan Zhenghao, I know that you have a lot of abilities. I also know that your one-yuan boat is powerful. However, this Juehun Banner is no less than the existence of Pangu Banner. But the difference is that the Juehun Banner is the old man's method. The old man knows everything well, but you may not be able to fully display the power of the Pangu banner. Now, the old man has gathered all the powers of the spirit gods in one furnace, and within the time of half a stick of incense, everything here will be destroyed. Banner assimilation! At that time, no one can reverse your defeat!" Shen Wuzui said word by word.

"Your words are too much!" Xuan Zhenghao said lightly.

On the bridge of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao was still calm and breezy.

He is like a lonely warrior in the dark, regardless of the abyss ahead or doom, he will never turn back.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao gave a soft drink: "Then, break it!"


As his words fell, the surrounding darkness began to shatter, and in the depths of the darkness, golden light shone.

The darkness was like the ocean, the golden light was like the waves, and the waves rolled. Suddenly, all the darkness and evil spirit were shattered.

Xuan Zhenghao mobilized everyone's mana, but he didn't let Qian Zichen use the Pangu Banner.With just one move, the shroud of the Absolute Soul Banner was broken.

Just because, here is the boat of one yuan.The Absolute Soul Banner enveloped the small world, but there was still a boat of one yuan outside.The powerful formation of the boat of one yuan was launched, strangled together with the inside, and broke through this layer of dark evil spirit.

Shen Wuzui remained calm, the Juehun banner changed several times in the air, and finally turned into a black robe, which was actually worn on Shen Wuzui's body.

All the masters have already possessed the body of Juehun Banner.

Standing in the sky, God is innocent, dressed in a black robe.

His face is extremely dignified, and his appearance is solemn, and he drums without wind!

Xuan Zhenghao also stared at God innocence in the void, he didn't speak, but felt.

At this time, God's innocence gesture is sealing the Dharma seal, and the mana is flowing.

The flow of mana and the Absolute Soul Banner began to merge, and at first the sound of gurgling water could be heard, but later, it turned out to be the sound of shocking waves and overwhelming rivers and seas.

"Sacrifice my own soul and magic power!" Xuan Zhenghao immediately understood, and he didn't say much, and immediately issued an order to Qian Zichen.

"Pangu Banner, attack immediately, don't let him succeed in the life sacrifice. Once successful, it will be very troublesome!" Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice.

Qian Zichen had already prepared it a long time ago, and after hearing the words, the many pills burned quickly.Including Xuan Zhenghao, everyone's mana was drawn.

The pure Yang pill burned up, forming a fierce flame, which soared to the sky, and all of it turned into energy and merged into Qian Zichen's body.Qian Zichen's own magic power is as endless as the sea and prison.At this moment, with the support of the boat of one yuan and everyone, she is even more powerful.

The Pangu banner unfolded with a bang, making a hunting sound.

Opening the sky blade, holy power...

The holy power rolled and smashed the heavens!

"Just kill!" Xuan Zhenghao roared, and said: "There is already the power of my one-yuan boat in the Pangu banner, and the demon star Tang Yin will die if he comes up!"

In fact, Xuan Zhenghao was not sure at all whether the power he blessed could kill Tang Yin.After all, Tang Yin has holy power in his body.

However, Xuan Zhenghao was not afraid at all.Because he believed that Tang Yin would not even dare to come to pick up Pangu Banner.

Shen Wuzuo naturally believed Xuan Zhenghao's words, there would be Tang Yin to die.

The power of the Pangu banner was released quickly, the holy power formed purple, the purple aura rolled and became strong, and finally formed a giant axe!

The huge purple ax shot out into the sky, and slashed towards the innocent head of God.

This purple giant ax is the power to open the god axe.

Naturally, it was impossible to open the heavens with the ax that opened the sky. After all, the earth does not need to be divided into two as in the myth.

But when the five elements reopened, the earth was filled with endless poisonous gas and chaotic gas.At that time, it was the Great God Pan Gu who split the chaotic energy with an axe, and restored the clarity of the world.In this way, all things can be revived.

The holy power in the God of Opening Ax shatters the power of the heavens and time and space.At this time, he came to kill Shen Wuzui's head, Shen Wuzui didn't dodge or dodge, and the ax immediately split him in half.Then, Kaitianshen Ax sank into Shen Wusin's body.

But God's innocence has not disappeared.

He recovered quickly...

Another unkillable one.

No, it cannot be said that God is innocent and unkillable.But Shen Wuzui is already the Juehun Banner at this time.

God is innocent and there will be a stick of incense time!

During this incense burning time, Shen Wuzui was able to completely control Juehun Banner.And after a stick of incense, the self-awareness of God's innocence will disappear, and he will merge into the Absolute Soul Banner, becoming the soul in the Absolute Soul Banner. From then on, he is only a part of a magic weapon.

This is why Juehun Banner is so terrifying.

Because, there are many peerless heroic spirits in the Juehun Banner!

Shen Wuzui and Juehun Banner completely devoured the power of the Heaven Opening God Axe, and a terrifying light burst out from Shen Wuzui's eyes.

"The power of your divine ax is still far from the power displayed by the great god Pangu back then." Shen Wuzui said solemnly.Then, with a flash of Shen Wuzui's figure, he rushed towards Xuan Zhenghao.Xuan Zhenghao is integrated with the boat of one yuan, his figure can be found everywhere, and his fake body can be found everywhere.

He is everywhere, and he can be everywhere.

However, Shen Wuzuo's arrest directly locked Xuan Zhenghao's real body.Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help being shocked, he felt that the time and space around him were frozen, and he even lost his thoughts.

He shouldn't be able to feel the passage of time, but because he was in the one yuan boat, he still felt that he was frozen.

Shen Wuzui unleashed the overbearing universe's soul power in the Juehun Banner, instantly freezing Xuan Zhenghao.This was a hundred times more powerful than the trick of freezing Chen Yang back then.

Xuan Zhenghao's cultivation is only at the second level of the Creation Realm. He relies on the boat of one yuan, and he is also powerless at this time.

Shen Wuzui knew very well in his heart that the source of everything was Xuan Zhenghao, so he killed Xuan Zhenghao.This group of people are all chickens and dogs!

Qian Zichen also knew that Xuan Zhenghao was the key, so she followed suit.

The Pangu flag was activated again, just with a wave of the flag!

A wave of holy power came over, smashing the time and space around Xuan Zhenghao into pieces.Xuan Zhenghao regained his freedom in an instant, so his figure shuttled directly.

The god innocent caught it and caught it empty.

Shen Wuzui snorted coldly, and said: "Qian Zichen, the old man will break your Pangu banner first!" He once again shuttled freely in the great array of one yuan rebirth.

Qian Zichen's location in the formation was extremely secretive, but Shen Wuzui found Qian Zichen accurately.

Shen Wuzui sneered, but instead of attacking Qian Zichen first, he went to find the other person who was hiding in the formation and sending mana to Qian Zichen.The first master he found was the number one master of Yuntian Sect, Yun Tianyuan.

Although Yun Tianyuan was at the third level of the Creation Realm, he was enveloped by the Absolute Soul Banner without even humming, turned into a puddle of blood and was absorbed into the Absolute Soul Banner.

The rest of the people were shocked and wished they could run away immediately.

"Don't panic!" Xuan Zhenghao roared, "Let's go now, none of them will survive. Qian Zichen, can Pangu Banner even surpass the Soul Banner? Are you still on?"

"But, leaving the position of the formation, your strength?" Qian Zichen said.

"I'm here to protect your position for you, and I'll deliver all the mana to you!" Xuan Zhenghao came to Qian Zichen's original position in a blink of an eye.Qian Zichen immediately dodged out and stood in front of Shen Wuzui.Qian Zichen stretched out the Pangu banner, and it turned into a yellow robe, and put it on her body.

The one-yuan boat was mighty, and a lot of magic power was transported to the Pangu banner like thunder.

On Qian Zichen's Pangu banner, thunder light zizi.

Shen Wuzui let out a stern roar, and the Absolute Soul Banner turned into a dark demon god, as huge as a mountain peak!

In this dark demon god, hundreds of millions of resentful ghosts wailed together, and the wind pierced the bones.The Demon God opened his mouth, and he wanted to devour Qian Zichen.

Qian Zichen was taken aback, she knew that once it was swallowed, the Absolute Soul Banner would be able to exert even greater power.Moreover, it would be difficult for Xuan Zhenghao's power to be transported in again.

Qian Zichen changed even faster, the demon god devoured it, and Qian Zichen's figure changed, and together with Pangu Banner, he turned into a golden God of War.

The Golden War God is thousands of feet tall, bigger than the Dark Demon God.

The Pangu banner was draped on the body of the female Golden God of War, and the holy power tumbling in the banner was like a tsunami.Facing the devouring of the Dark Demon God, the Golden God of War just punched him.

The power of that fist was wrapped by the holy power of Pangu Banner, shattering time and space again, and killing the demon god's head.

The Dark Demon God directly devoured the fist power, and then turned into a dark python.The giant dark python entwined towards the female Golden God of War, but still wanted to sever the connection between Qian Zichen and Xuan Zhenghao.

How could Qian Zichen give God the chance to be innocent.

She let out a sharp roar, and suddenly the holy power and mana in her body merged, exploding endless holy thunder!

The thunder and lightning rolled and the holy power exploded, which made the dark python unable to get close.

"Roar!" The dark giant python roared again and again...

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