When Shen Wugou said the Juehun Banner, all the Spirit Venerables were pale.In an instant, the eyes of All Spirit Venerables looking at God's innocence also changed.Their eyes are full of sadness and reverence.

Because they all know that once the Absolute Soul Banner is cast, it will be immortal.And God is innocent as a spellcaster, his power will be violently enhanced.But the end result is that he will sacrifice his body into the Absolute Soul Banner, and lose his freedom from now on, becoming a soul in the Absolute Soul Banner.

The Absolute Soul Banner is a magic weapon in the fairy world.

It was refined by the immortals.Every time this Absolute Soul Banner is actually sacrificed, the caster, that is, the banner holder, will die.This is the contract between the banner bearer and the Juehun Banner.

No one is willing to cast the Absolute Soul Banner unless forced to do so!

Shen Wuzui said in a deep voice: "If the old man is dead and the enemy has not taken it yet, then I hope Wugou that you can continue to hold the flag and continue to sacrifice the Juehun flag. This time, we can only succeed and not fail. Be sure to bring the Juehun Banner and the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree back to the Immortal Realm intact!"

Shen Wugou grieved and said, "Brother, why do you have to do this. We still have more chances!"

"No, Wugou, you don't understand! We don't have many opportunities at all. Human beings can lose, but we cannot. If we lose, the fate of the entire race will come to an end." Shen Wuzui said.

Shen Wugou wanted to say something more, but Shen Wuzu shouted: "Wugou, promise big brother!"

Shen Wugou said with tears in his eyes: "Okay, big brother, I promise you!"

At this moment, Na Ying did not forget to say: "If Elder Wugou fails, I will follow the life sacrifice!"

"And I!"

"And I!"

All the Spiritual Venerables stood up to express their opinions. At this moment, they are united as one...

Regardless of death or doom ahead, they will go forward bravely without turning back!

This is the spirit of their race, the immortal spirit!

Wandering for tens of millions of years without breaking up, wandering for tens of millions of years without dying, it is this kind of spirit!

They are no longer afraid of any conspiracy.

Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang.

The imperial palace, the queen's bedroom, is also the Yongle Palace.

It was late at night.

Xuan Zhenghao's son Xuan Zhiyu is also 11 years old. The little guy looks good-looking and full of masculinity.He was supposed to live in his bedroom, but today, he suddenly missed his father Xuan Zhenghao very much.So I have been waiting in my mother's palace.

Xuan Zhenghao had tempered Xuan Zhiyu with panacea and various Taoist techniques early in the morning, and now, Xuan Zhiyu has cultivated to the first level of Taixu.

This is the question of the starting line.

For example, Chen Yang and the others didn't come into contact with magic until they were in their 20s.Along the way, it has been extremely difficult, and I don't know how many difficulties and obstacles I have to go through.But Xuan Zhiyu was taught by his father Xuan Zhenghao, a peerless genius, since he was a child, and he also has inexhaustible pills.

But in the end, it is not certain whether Xuan Zhiyu can surpass his father in the end.

Although the parents started late and lacked resources, since they can rise, they must have many opportunities and experience.

The younger generations enjoyed the benefits, but also lost some life and death trials.

So, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Xuan Zhiyu has to do a lot of homework every day, and Xuan Zhenghao has hired many famous teachers from Daqianshijie.Teach the 36 classics of Taoism, also learn celestial arithmetic, and learn quantum equations and so on.At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao himself will take Xuan Zhiyu to experience the magic of the One-Yuan Boat in the One-Yuan Boat.

Xuan Zhenghao will also personally teach Xuan Zhiyu spells.

At the same time, he also worshiped Emperor Xuan as his teacher.

For Xuan Zhiyu, Xuan Zhenghao exhausted all his efforts.

Empress Yongle is wearing a white brocade palace dress, she looks graceful and luxurious.

Xuan Zhenghao was a unparalleled emperor in the world, but now, Xuan Zhenghao has only one woman, Empress Yongle.In the past, there were some concubines to cover up.But he never touched it.Now, Xuan Zhenghao is in charge of the world, and he keeps his promises, so he no longer hides many things.He treated the former Dakang royal family kindly and sent many concubines away.

Yongle helped arrange these concubines together, allowing them to freely choose their husbands.If you are wronged, you can come to Empress Yongle to uphold justice.

This is Xuan Zhenghao's benevolence.

"Mother, when will father come back?" Xuan Zhiyu had already finished his homework, he threw his pen aside, looking a little impatient.

Yongle glanced at the child dotingly, and she said: "You are like this, don't let your father see you. Your father dislikes you when you are not calm, don't be so impetuous. You are also practicing Taoism now. people."

Xuan Zhiyu stuck out his tongue, smiled mischievously, and said, "So what if Father doesn't like it, he loves me the most."

Yongle was helpless.

Although Xuan Zhiyu has a lot of homework and is very tired every day, Xuan Zhiyu's personality is not gloomy.Because, he grew up surrounded by fatherly love and motherly love.Moreover, Xuan Zhiyu loves his mother and admires his father very much.He thought his father was the greatest man in the world.

"How about, let's go to the one-yuan boat to find Emperor Father!" Afterwards, Xuan Zhiyu suggested to Yongle.

Yongle was startled, and shouted: "Absolutely not!"

Xuan Zhiyu was also taken aback, he felt aggrieved and said, "Why not?"

Yongle said: "Your father has many important things to do now, and the boat of one yuan is even more mixed. If you go and ruin your father's affairs, it will be bad."

"I won't." Xuan Zhiyu said.

While talking, footsteps sounded.The court lady outside shouted respectfully: "See Your Majesty!"

"Well, step back." Xuan Zhenghao said kindly.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhiyu saw Xuan Zhenghao walking into Yongle Palace head-on.

Xuan Zhiyu was overjoyed immediately, walked over quickly, and said, "Father!" He rushed directly to hug Xuan Zhenghao, but there was no courtesy of a son-in-law.

Xuan Zhenghao also picked up Xuan Zhiyu, and brought him to Yongle.

Yong Le got up and said: "Xiao Yu, go and tell them to serve the imperial meal."

"Okay!" Xuan Zhiyu slipped off Xuan Zhenghao's body and went happily.

Xuan Zhenghao also stepped forward to hug Yongle gently, and kissed her on the lips. "How are you today?" Xuan Zhenghao asked.

Yongle blushed slightly, they had been married for many years.But the love between each other has never diminished. She smiled and said: "Everything is fine in the court. It's just that your son has been arguing to see you, but I think he just wants to eat the lion's head."

Xuan Zhenghao laughed, and said: "We are very strict with him on weekdays, you can satisfy him with whatever he wants to eat!"

Yongle said: "You don't understand this, everything should be done in moderation. If he eats too much, he won't find it delicious. Then he won't be able to experience the happiness he is having right now."

"You are always the most reasonable!" Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile.

After he sat down, Yongle found clothes and came over to change for Xuan Zhenghao.

"Xiaoyu is also a cultivator, yet he is still obsessed with appetite, I am really puzzled." Yongle said suddenly.

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